Mirjam Pfister


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Elisabeth Moser Opitz 1
Christine Pauli 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Förderung von Kindern mit isolierter Rechenschwäche und kombinierter Rechen- und Leseschwäche: Evaluation eines numerischen Förderprogramms für Grundschüler 2013 Jacqueline Wißmann
Angela Heine
Pia Handl
Arthur M. Jacobs
+ Dilemmas of Discourse-Oriented Teaching in One Middle School Mathematics Classroom 1996 Steven R. Williams
Juliet A. Baxter
+ PDF Chat Remediating Computational Deficits at Third Grade: A Randomized Field Trial 2008 Lynn S. Fuchs
Sarah R. Powell
Carol L. Hamlett
Douglas Fuchs
Paul T. Cirino
Jack Μ. Fletcher
+ Skill development in different components of arithmetic and basic cognitive functions: Findings from a 3-year longitudinal study of children with different types of learning difficulties. 2010 Ulf Andersson
+ Cognitive Characteristics of Children With Mathematics Learning Disability (MLD) Vary as a Function of the Cutoff Criterion Used to Define MLD 2007 Melissa M. Murphy
Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
Lahoucine Hanich
Martha C. Early
+ Is it a Fact? Timed Arithmetic Performance of Children With Mathematical Learning Disabilities (MLD) Varies as a Function of How MLD is Defined 2008 Michèle M. M. Mazzocco
Kathleen T. Devlin
Sarah J. McKenney
+ Mathematics Intervention for First- and Second-Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulties 2008 Diane Pedrotty Bryant
Brian R. Bryant
Russell Gersten
Nancy Scammacca
Melissa M. Chavez
+ Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis of Instructional Components 2009 Russell Gersten
David J. Chard
Madhavi Jayanthi
Scott Baker
Paul Morphy
Jonathan R. Flojo
+ Meeting the Curricular Needs of Academically Low-Achieving Students in Middle Grade Mathematics 2006 John Woodward
Cyrus Brown
+ PDF Chat The Early Prevention of Mathematics Difficulty 2012 Lynn S. Fuchs
Douglas Fuchs
Donald L. Compton
+ Effective Instruction in Mathematics for Students with Learning Difficulties 2010 Marjorie Montague