Joaquı́n Ortega


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Spectral synchronicity in brain signals 2018 Carolina Euán
Hernando Ombao
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat The Hierarchical Spectral Merger Algorithm: A New Time Series Clustering Procedure 2018 Carolina Euán
Hernando Ombao
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Robust clustering for functional data based on trimming and constraints 2018 Diego Rivera-García
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Robust Clustering for Time Series Using Spectral Densities and Functional Data Analysis 2017 Diego Rivera-García
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Agustín Mayo-Íscar
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Quadratic forms of the empirical processes for the two-sample problem for functional data 2017 Roberto Bárcenas
Joaquı́n Ortega
Adolfo J. Quiróz
+ Robust clustering for functional data based on trimming and constraints 2017 Diego Rivera-García
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Robust Clustering for Time Series Using Spectral Densities and Functional Data Analysis 2017 Diego Rivera-García
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Agustín Mayo-Íscar
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Robust clustering for functional data based on trimming and constraints 2017 Diego Rivera-García
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Robust Clustering for Time Series Using Spectral Densities and Functional Data Analysis 2017 Diego Rivera-García
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Agustín Mayo-Íscar
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Time series clustering using the total variation distance with applications in oceanography 2016 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Carolina Euán
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ The Hierarchical Spectral Merger algorithm: A New Time Series Clustering Procedure 2016 Carolina Euán
Hernando Ombao
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Spectral Synchronicity in Brain Signals 2015 Carolina Euán
Hernando Ombao
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Quadratic forms of the empirical processes for the two sample problem for functional data 2015 Roberto Bárcenas
Joaquı́n Ortega
Adolfo J. Quiróz
+ Time Series Clustering using the Total Variation Distance with Applications in Oceanography 2015 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Carolina Euán
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Spectral Synchronicity in Brain Signals 2015 Carolina Euán
Hernando Ombao
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Profile Likelihood Intervals for Quantiles in Extreme Value Distributions 2010 Adriana Bolí­var
Eloísa Díaz‐Francés
Joaquı́n Ortega
E. Vilchis
+ PDF Chat Convergence of non-linear functionals of smoothed empirical processes and kernel density estimates 2003 Corinne Berzin
José R. León
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Non-linear functionals of the Brownian bridge and some applications 2001 Corinne Berzin-Joseph
José R. León
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Study of the asymptotic behaviour of non-linear functionals for the empirical bridge via strong approximations 1998 Corinne Berzin-Joseph
José R. León
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Increments and crossings for the Brownian bridge: weak convergence 1998 Corinne Berzin-Joseph
José R. León
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat Upper classes for the increments of fractional Wiener processes 1989 Joaquı́n Ortega
+ On the size of the increments of nonstationary Gaussian processes 1984 Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat On the increments of the Wiener process 1984 Joaquı́n Ortega
Mario Wschebor
+ On the sequence of partial maxima of some random sequences 1984 Joaquı́n Ortega
Mario Wschebor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Weak and Strong Uniform Consistency of the Kernel Estimate of a Density and its Derivatives 1978 Bernard W. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Central limit theorems for L p-Norms of density estimators 1988 Miklós Csörgő
Lajos Horváth
+ Functional Data Analysis 2005 J. O. Ramsay
+ PDF Chat Time series clustering using the total variation distance with applications in oceanography 2016 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Carolina Euán
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Functional Data Analysis 2005 J. O. Ramsay
B. W. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Impartial trimmed k-means for functional data 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
+ A TWO PEAK WAVE SPECTRUM MODEL 1993 Knut Torsethaugen
+ PDF Chat The Hierarchical Spectral Merger Algorithm: A New Time Series Clustering Procedure 2018 Carolina Euán
Hernando Ombao
Joaquı́n Ortega
+ PDF Chat On the Increments of Wiener and Related Processes 1982 Pál Révész
+ PDF Chat Limit Theorems for the Maximum Term in Stationary Sequences 1964 Simeon M. Berman
+ PDF Chat On the average number of real roots of a random algebraic equation 1943 Mark Kac
+ A Proposal for Robust Curve Clustering 2005 Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Alfonso Gordaliza
+ PDF Chat Sur les lignes rectifiables et les surfaces dont l'aire est finie 1925 Stefan Banach
+ Universal Donsker Classes and Metric Entropy 2010 R. M. Dudley
+ Nonparametric functional data analysis : theory and practice 2006 Frédéric Ferraty
Philippe Vieu
+ Clustering Time Series Data Stream - A Literature Survey 2010 V. Kavitha
M. Punithavalli
+ Linear Processes in Function Spaces : Theory and Applications 2018 Denis Bosq
+ Inference for Functional Data with Applications 2012 Lajos Horváth
Piotr Kokoszka
+ Applied Functional Data Analysis 2003 Henry W. Altland
+ PDF Chat Weak Convergence of the Integrated Number of Level Crossings to the Local Time for Wiener Processes 1998 Corinne Berzin-Joseph
José R. León
+ PDF Chat Common functional principal components 2009 Michal Benko
Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Aloïs Kneip
+ A simple generalised crossvalidation method of span selection for periodogram smoothing 2001 Hernando Ombao
Jonathan Raz
Robert L. Strawderman
Rainer von Sachs
+ Using cluster analysis to classify time series 1992 Charles Shaw
Gregory P. King
+ PDF Chat The Multiple Change-Points Problem for the Spectral Distribution 2000 Marc Lavielle
Carenne Ludeña
Carenne Ludeña
+ PDF Chat A central limit theorem for empirical processes 1982 David Pollard
+ Optimal segmentation of random processes 1998 Marc Lavielle
+ Similarity of samples and trimming 2012 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Discriminant and cluster analysis for Gaussian stationary processes: local linear fitting approach 2004 José A. Vilar
Sonia Pértega‐Díaz
+ Detection of multiple changes in a sequence of dependent variables 1999 Marc Lavielle
+ Concentration Inequalities and Model Selection 2007 Pascal Massart
Jean Picard
+ PDF Chat New Donsker classes 1996 Aad van der Vaart
+ PDF Chat Defining probability density for a distribution of random functions 2010 Aurore Delaigle
Peter Hall
+ Two-sample tests in functional data analysis starting from discrete data 2007 Peter A. Hall
Ingrid Van Keilegom
+ PDF Chat On Mixing and Stability of Limit Theorems 1978 David Aldous
G. K. Eagleson
+ Two sample inference in functional linear models 2009 Lajos Horváth
Piotr Kokoszka
Matthew Reimherr
+ A Fast Algorithm for the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator 1999 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Katrien Van Driessen
+ PDF Chat Objective Criteria for the Evaluation of Clustering Methods 1971 Telmo Menezes
Camille Roth
+ Recent Advances in Functional Data Analysis and Related Topics 2011 Frédéric Ferraty
+ PDF Chat On $L_p$-Norms of Multivariate Density Estimators 1991 Lajos Horváth
+ Some Geometry of the Cone of Nonnegative Definite Matrices and Weights of Associated X<sup>2</sup>Distribution 2000 Satoshi Kuriki
Akimichi Takemura
+ A partial overview of the theory of statistics with functional data 2013 Antonio Cuevas
+ Model-Based Clustering, Discriminant Analysis, and Density Estimation 2002 Chris Fraley
Adrian E. Raftery
+ On the size of the increments of nonstationary Gaussian processes 1984 Joaquı́n Ortega
+ Functional outlier detection with robust functional principal component analysis 2011 Pallavi Sawant
Nedret Billor
Hyejin Shin
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Mean of Functional Time Series and a Two-Sample Problem 2012 Lajos Horváth
Piotr Kokoszka
Ron Reeder
+ Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes 1996 Aad van der Vaart
Jon A. Wellner
+ A note on using periodogram-based distances for comparing spectral densities 2011 Carsten Jentsch
Markus Pauly
+ PDF Chat Testing for the Mean of Random Curves: A Penalization Approach 2006 André Mas
+ Functional data analysis with increasing number of projections 2013 Stefan Fremdt
Lajos Horváth
Piotr Kokoszka
Josef Steinebach