Roberto Camassa


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Hamiltonian set-up for 4-layer density stratified Euler fluids 2024 Roberto Camassa
G. Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
T. T. Vu Ho
+ PDF Chat Diffusion-limited settling of highly porous particles in density-stratified fluids 2024 Robert Hunt
Roberto Camassa
Richard M. McLaughlin
Daniel M. Harris
+ Hamiltonian shocks 2024 Russell Arnold
Roberto Camassa
Lingyun Ding
+ PDF Chat Simple two-layer dispersive models in the Hamiltonian reduction formalism 2023 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
T. T. Vu Ho
+ Tauberian identities and the connection to Wile E. Coyote physics 2023 Roberto Camassa
Richard M. McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat Numerical algorithms for water waves with background flow over obstacles and topography 2022 David M. Ambrose
Roberto Camassa
Jeremy L. Marzuola
Richard M. McLaughlin
Q. Robinson
Jon Wilkening
+ PDF Chat Evolution of interface singularities in shallow water equations with variable bottom topography 2022 Roberto Camassa
R. D'Onofrio
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
+ Critical density triplets for the arrestment of a sphere falling in a sharply stratified fluid 2022 Roberto Camassa
Lingyun Ding
Richard M. McLaughlin
Robert A. Overman
Richard A. Parker
Ashwin Vaidya
+ PDF Chat Critical Density Triplets for the Arrestment of a Sphere Falling in a Sharply Stratified Fluid 2022 Roberto Camassa
Lingyun Ding
Richard M. McLaughlin
Robert A. Overman
Richard Parker
Ashwin Vaidya
+ PDF Chat Persisting asymmetry in the probability distribution function for a random advection–diffusion equation in impermeable channels 2021 Roberto Camassa
Lingyun Ding
Zeliha Kilic
Richard M. McLaughlin
+ Numerical Algorithms for Water Waves with Background Flow over Obstacles and Topography 2021 David M. Ambrose
Roberto Camassa
Jeremy L. Marzuola
Richard M. McLaughlin
Q. Robinson
Jon Wilkening
+ PDF Chat On the “Vacuum” Dam-Break Problem: Exact Solutions and Their Long Time Asymptotics 2020 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
Giuseppe Pitton
+ PDF Chat On the Geometry of Extended Self-Similar Solutions of the Airy Shallow Water Equations 2019 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
+ PDF Chat Singularity formation as a wetting mechanism in a dispersionless water wave model 2019 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
Giuseppe Pitton
+ PDF Chat On the symmetry properties of a random passive scalar with and without boundaries, and their connection between hot and cold states 2019 Roberto Camassa
Zeliha Kilic
Richard M. McLaughlin
+ Cluster formation and self-assembly in stratified fluids: a novel mechanism for particulate aggregation 2019 Roberto Camassa
Daniel M. Harris
Robert Hunt
Zeliha Kilic
Richard M. McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Models and Confinement Effects by Horizontal Boundaries 2018 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
C. J. Thomson
+ A Particle Method and Numerical Study of a Quasilinear Partial Differential Equation 2018 Roberto Camassa
Po-Jung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Experimental investigation of nonlinear internal waves in deep water with miscible fluids 2018 Roberto Camassa
Matthew W. Hurley
Richard M. McLaughlin
Pierre-Yves Passaggia
Colin Thomson
+ Experimental investigation of nonlinear internal waves in deep water with miscible fluids 2018 Roberto Camassa
Matthew W. Hurley
Richard M. McLaughlin
Pierre-Yves Passaggia
Colin Thomson
+ Connecting Ellipses to Rectangles in Passive Scalar Transport 2017 Manuchehr Aminian
Francesca Bernardi
Roberto Camassa
D. B. Harris
Richard M. McLaughlin
+ A Geodesic Landmark Shooting Algorithm for Template Matching and Its Applications 2017 Roberto Camassa
Dongyang Kuang
Long Lee
+ Mass distribution and skewness for passive scalar transport in pipes with polygonal and smooth cross-sections 2017 Manuchehr Aminian
Roberto Camassa
Richard M. McLaughlin
+ PDF Chat Two-layer interfacial flows beyond the Boussinesq approximation: a Hamiltonian approach 2016 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
+ Solitary Waves and <i>N</i>‐Particle Algorithms for a Class of Euler–Poincaré Equations 2016 Roberto Camassa
Dongyang Kuang
Long Lee
+ Two-layer interfacial flows beyond the Boussinesq approximation: a Hamiltonian approach 2015 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
+ A class of fast geodesic shooting algorithms for template matching and its applications via the $N$-particle system of the Euler-Poincaré equations 2015 Roberto Camassa
Dongyang Kuang
Long Lee
+ On variational formulations and conservation laws for incompressible 2D Euler fluids 2014 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
+ A connection between the shallow-water equations and the Euler-Poincaré equations 2014 Roberto Camassa
Long Lee
+ Solitary waves and $N$-particle algorithms for a class of Euler-Poincaré equations 2014 Roberto Camassa
Dongyang Kuang
Long Lee
+ The trapping and escape of buoyant vortex rings in sharply stratified fluids 2011 Roberto Camassa
Shilpa Khatri
Richard M. McLaughlin
Keith Mertens
E.M. Monbureau
David Nenon
C. R. Smith
Claudio Viotti
Brian White
+ PDF Chat A particle method and numerical study of a quasilinear partial differential equation 2011 Roberto Camassa
Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Wen-Hann Sheu
+ PDF Chat Viscous and inviscid regularizations in a class of evolutionary partial differential equations 2010 Roberto Camassa
Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ Vortex Induced Oscillations of Cylinders 2008 Roberto Camassa
Bong Jae Chung
Greg Gipson
Richard M. McLaughlin
Ashwin Vaidya
+ PDF Chat On a Completely Integrable Numerical Scheme for a Nonlinear Shallow-Water Wave Equation 2005 Roberto Camassa
Jingfang Huang
Long Lee
+ Characteristics and the initial value problem of a completely integrable shallow water equation 2003 Roberto Camassa
+ PDF Chat The Complex Geometry of Weak Piecewise Smooth Solutions of Integrable Nonlinear PDE's¶of Shallow Water and Dym Type 2001 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Yuri N. Fedorov
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ On the initial value problem for a completely integrable shallow water wave equation 2001 Roberto Camassa
A. I. Zenchuk
+ PDF Chat The Complex Geometry of Weak Piecewise Smooth Solutions of Integrable Nonlinear PDE's¶of Shallow Water and Dym Type 2001 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Yu. V. Fedorov
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat Billiard weak solutions of nonlinear PDE’s and Toda flows 2000 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Michael Gekhtman
+ On billiard weak solutions of nonlinear PDE's and Toda flows 2000 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Michael Gekhtman
+ PDF Chat On billiard solutions of nonlinear PDEs 1999 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Yuri N. Fedorov
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat Self-Consistent Multiscale Theory of Internal Wave, Mean-Flow Interactions 1999 Darryl D. Holm
Alejandro Aceves
Jeffrey S. Allen
Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Hernán Cendra
S. Chen
Jinqiao Duan
Bruce R. Fabijonas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat On billiard solutions of nonlinear PDEs 1999 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Yu. V. Fedorov
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ Nonlinear waves and solitons in physical systems 1998 Roberto Camassa
James M. Hyman
Benjamin P. Luce
+ Numerical Algorithms for the Direct Spectral Transform with Applications to Nonlinear Schrödinger Type Systems 1998 Sergey Burtsev
Roberto Camassa
Ilya Timofeyev
+ The fundamental role of solitons in nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations 1998 James M. Hyman
Roberto Camassa
Fred Cooper
Philip Rosenau
Avinash Khare
+ PDF Chat A Melnikov Method for Homoclinic Orbits with Many Pulses 1998 Roberto Camassa
Gregor Kovačič
Siu-Kei Tin
+ for Homoclinic Orbits with Many Pulses 1998 Roberto Camassa
Gregor Kovačič
Siu-Kei Tin
+ PDF Chat Applied mathematics of chaotic systems 1996 Erica Jen
Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Wonjun Choi
James P. Crutchfield
Darryl D. Holm
Gregor Kovačič
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ Weakly nonlinear internal waves in a two-fluid system 1996 Wooyoung Choi
Roberto Camassa
+ On the link between umbilic geodesics and soliton solutions of nonlinear PDEs 1995 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ The geometry of weak solutions of certain integrable nonlinar PDE`s 1994 Alder
Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat The geometry of peaked solitons and billiard solutions of a class of integrable PDE's 1994 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons 1993 Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons 1993 Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
+ PDF Chat Two-layer interfacial flows beyond the Boussinesq approximation: a Hamiltonian approach 2016 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
+ PDF Chat The geometry of peaked solitons and billiard solutions of a class of integrable PDE's 1994 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat Hydrodynamic Models and Confinement Effects by Horizontal Boundaries 2018 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
C. J. Thomson
+ Characteristics and the initial value problem of a completely integrable shallow water equation 2003 Roberto Camassa
+ PDF Chat <b><i>N</i></b>-particle dynamics of the Euler equations for planar diffeomorphisms 2007 Robert I. McLachlan
Stephen Marsland
+ On a completely integrable nonlinear hyperbolic variational equation 1994 John K. Hunter
Yuxi Zheng
+ Geodesic Shooting for Computational Anatomy 2006 Michael I. Miller
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younès
+ Effects of inertia and stratification in incompressible ideal fluids: pressure imbalances by rigid confinement 2013 Roberto Camassa
S. Chen
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
+ PDF Chat Soliton dynamics in computational anatomy 2004 Darryl D. Holm
J. Tilak Ratnanather
Alain Trouvé
Laurent Younès
+ PDF Chat Dispersive dam-break and lock-exchange flows in a two-layer fluid 2011 J. G. Esler
James Douglas Pearce
+ On the link between umbilic geodesics and soliton solutions of nonlinear PDEs 1995 Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ On variational formulations and conservation laws for incompressible 2D Euler fluids 2014 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
+ Development of Singularities of Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations 1964 Peter D. Lax
+ On the vacuum state for the isentropic gas dynamics equations 1980 T.-P Liu
Joel Smoller
+ Nonlinear wave equations 2008 Martin D. Kruskal
+ A dispersion-relation-preserving algorithm for a nonlinear shallow-water wave equation 2009 Pao‐Hsiung Chiu
Long Lee
Tony W. H. Sheu
+ PDF Chat The Stability of Large‐Amplitude Shallow Interfacial Non‐Boussinesq Flows 2011 Anakewit Boonkasame
Paul A. Milewski
+ PDF Chat Mathematics of dispersive water waves 1985 Boris A. Kupershmidt
+ Stationary Harry-Dym's equation and its relation with geodesics on ellipsoid 1990 Cao Cewen
+ PDF Chat On a Completely Integrable Numerical Scheme for a Nonlinear Shallow-Water Wave Equation 2005 Roberto Camassa
Jingfang Huang
Long Lee
+ PDF Chat Singularity formation as a wetting mechanism in a dispersionless water wave model 2019 Roberto Camassa
Gregorio Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
Giuseppe Pitton
+ A simple model of the integrable Hamiltonian equation 1978 Franco Magri
+ PDF Chat An inertia ‘paradox’ for incompressible stratified Euler fluids 2012 R. Camassa
S. Chen
G. Falqui
G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
+ PDF Chat On Critical Behaviour in Systems of Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations 2015 Boris Dubrovin
Тамара Грава
Christian Klein
Antonio Moro
+ On a completely integrable nonlinear hyperbolic variational equation 1994 John K. Hunter
Yuxi Zheng
+ Hyperelliptic quasi-periodic and soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1985 Эмма Превиато
+ PDF Chat Peakons, r-matrix and Toda lattice 1996 O. Ragnisco
M. Bruschi
+ Model equations for long waves in nonlinear dispersive systems 1972 T. Brooke Benjamin
Jerry L. Bona
J. J. Mahony
+ Investigation of Equations of Korteweg-De Vries Type by the Method of Recurrence Relations 1979 Stefan Alber
+ PDF Chat Wave Structure and Nonlinear Balances in a Family of Evolutionary PDEs 2003 Darryl D. Holm
Martin Staley
+ Weakly nonlinear internal waves in a two-fluid system 1996 Wooyoung Choi
Roberto Camassa
+ PDF Chat Geometric Phases and Monodromy at Singularities 1994 Mark Alber
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ PDF Chat Multi-bump orbits homoclinic to resonance bands 1996 Tasso J. Kaper
Gregor Kovačič
+ The Existence of Homoclinic Orbits and the Method of Melnikov for Systems in $R^n$ 1985 Joseph Gruendler
+ PDF Chat Melnikov’s method and Arnold diffusion for perturbations of integrable Hamiltonian systems 1982 Philip Holmes
Jerrold E. Marsden
+ Peakon solutions of the shallow water equation 2001 Mark Alber
Charles A. Miller
+ A Convenient Method for Generating Normal Variables 1964 George Marsaglia
T. A. Bray
+ Interaction Dynamics of Singular Wave Fronts 2013 Darryl D. Holm
Martin Staley
+ Tracking Invariant Manifolds up to Exponentially Small Errors 1996 Christopher K. R. T. Jones
Tasso J. Kaper
Nancy Kopell
+ Geometric singular perturbation theory for ordinary differential equations 1979 Neil Fenichel
+ PDF Chat Splash singularity for water waves 2012 Ángel Castro
Diego Córdoba
Charles Fefferman
Francisco Gancedo
Javier Gómez-Serrano
+ Local and global behavior near homoclinic orbits 1984 Paul Glendinning
Colin Sparrow
+ Dissipative dynamics of orbits homoclinic to a resonance band 1992 Gregor Kovačič
+ Hamiltonian dynamics of orbits homoclinic to a resonance band 1992 Gregor Kovačič
+ Diffeomorphisms with Many Periodic Points 1965 Stephen T. Smale
+ A Hamiltonian Regularization of the Burgers Equation 2006 Harish S. Bhat
Razvan C. Fetecau
+ Landmark matching via large deformation diffeomorphisms 2000 Sarang Joshi
Michael I. Miller
+ PDF Chat On geometric phases for soliton equations 1992 Mark Alber
Jerrold E. Marsden