Aukosh Jagannath


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Existence of the Free Energy for Heavy-Tailed Spin Glasses 2024 Aukosh Jagannath
Patrick Lopatto
+ PDF Chat Circuit Lower Bounds for the p-Spin Optimization Problem 2024 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Alexander S. Wein
+ PDF Chat Hardness of Random Optimization Problems for Boolean Circuits, Low-Degree Polynomials, and Langevin Dynamics 2024 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Alexander S. Wein
+ PDF Chat High‐dimensional limit theorems for SGD: Effective dynamics and critical scaling 2023 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Shattering versus metastability in spin glasses 2023 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Optimality of Message-Passing Architectures for Sparse Graphs 2023 Aseem Baranwal
Aukosh Jagannath
Kimon Fountoulakis
+ Shattering in the Ising Pure $p$-Spin Model 2023 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Eren C. Kızıldağ
+ High-dimensional SGD aligns with emerging outlier eigenspaces 2023 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Jiaoyang Huang
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Finding planted cliques using Markov chain Monte Carlo 2023 Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
Yiming Xu
+ A simple construction of the dynamical Ω₃ model 2022 Aukosh Jagannath
Nicolas Perkowski
+ Graph Attention Retrospective 2022 Kimon Fountoulakis
Amit Levi
Shenghao Yang
Aseem Baranwal
Aukosh Jagannath
+ High-dimensional limit theorems for SGD: Effective dynamics and critical scaling 2022 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Effects of Graph Convolutions in Multi-layer Networks 2022 Aseem Baranwal
Kimon Fountoulakis
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Concentration of the exponential mechanism and differentially private multivariate medians 2022 Kelly Ramsay
Aukosh Jagannath
Shojaeddin Chenouri
+ Existence of the free energy for heavy-tailed spin glasses 2022 Aukosh Jagannath
Patrick Lopatto
+ PDF Chat The overlap gap property in principal submatrix recovery 2021 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Subhabrata Sen
+ A simple construction of the dynamical $\Phi^4_3$ model 2021 Aukosh Jagannath
Nicolas Perkowski
+ Graph Convolution for Semi-Supervised Classification: Improved Linear Separability and Out-of-Distribution Generalization 2021 Aseem Baranwal
Kimon Fountoulakis
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat The overlap gap property and approximate message passing algorithms for $p$-spin models 2021 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Online stochastic gradient descent on non-convex losses from high-dimensional inference 2021 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Circuit Lower Bounds for the p-Spin Optimization Problem 2021 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Alexander S. Wein
+ Graph Convolution for Semi-Supervised Classification: Improved Linear Separability and Out-of-Distribution Generalization 2021 Aseem Baranwal
Kimon Fountoulakis
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Shattering Versus Metastability in Spin Glasses 2021 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat On the unbalanced cut problem and the generalized Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model 2020 Aukosh Jagannath
Subhabrata Sen
+ Low-Degree Hardness of Random Optimization Problems 2020 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Alexander S. Wein
+ PDF Chat Statistical thresholds for tensor PCA 2020 Aukosh Jagannath
Patrick Lopatto
LĂ©o Miolane
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic thresholds for tensor PCA 2020 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Low-Degree Hardness of Random Optimization Problems 2020 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Alexander S. Wein
+ A classification for the performance of online SGD for high-dimensional inference. 2020 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Online stochastic gradient descent on non-convex losses from high-dimensional inference 2020 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Hardness of Random Optimization Problems for Boolean Circuits, Low-Degree Polynomials, and Langevin Dynamics 2020 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Alexander S. Wein
+ Online stochastic gradient descent on non-convex losses from high-dimensional inference 2020 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Bounding Flows for Spherical Spin Glass Dynamics 2019 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ The Overlap Gap Property and Approximate Message Passing Algorithms for $p$-spin models. 2019 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of mean field spin glasses on short and long timescales 2019 Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Thouless–Anderson–Palmer equations for generic $p$-spin glasses 2019 Antonio Auffinger
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat On the spectral gap of spherical spin glass dynamics 2019 Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ The Overlap Gap Property in Principal Submatrix Recovery 2019 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
Subhabrata Sen
+ The Overlap Gap Property and Approximate Message Passing Algorithms for $p$-spin models 2019 David Gamarnik
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Statistical thresholds for Tensor PCA 2018 Aukosh Jagannath
Patrick Lopatto
LĂ©o Miolane
+ PDF Chat On Spin Distributions for Generic p-Spin Models 2018 Antonio Auffinger
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Algorithmic thresholds for tensor PCA 2018 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Max $\kappa$-cut and the inhomogeneous Potts spin glass 2018 Aukosh Jagannath
Justin Ko
Subhabrata Sen
+ PDF Chat Spectral Gap Estimates in Mean Field Spin Glasses 2018 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Bounds on the complexity of Replica Symmetry Breaking for spherical spin glasses 2018 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ Statistical thresholds for Tensor PCA 2018 Aukosh Jagannath
Patrick Lopatto
LĂ©o Miolane
+ Algorithmic thresholds for tensor PCA 2018 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Random matrices and the New York City subway system 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
Thomas Trogdon
+ PDF Chat Low Temperature Asymptotics of Spherical Mean Field Spin Glasses 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ PDF Chat A connection between MAX $Îș$-CUT and the inhomogeneous Potts spin glass in the large degree limit 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
Justin Ko
Subhabrata Sen
+ PDF Chat Approximate Ultrametricity for Random Measures and Applications to Spin Glasses 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
+ On the unbalanced cut problem and the generalized Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
Subhabrata Sen
+ Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations for conditional Gibbs measures in the generic p-spin glass model 2016 Antonio Auffinger
Aukosh Jagannath
+ On the Spectral Gap of Spherical Spin Glass Dynamics 2016 Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Some properties of the phase diagram for mixed p-spin glasses 2016 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ On the overlap distribution of Branching Random Walks 2016 Aukosh Jagannath
+ On the Spectral Gap of Spherical Spin Glass Dynamics 2016 Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ A dynamic programming approach to the Parisi functional 2015 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ The Ghirlanda Guerra Identities and the Replica Trick for the Branching Random Walk 2015 Aukosh Jagannath
+ A Dynamic Programming Approach to the Parisi Variational Problem 2015 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ Strict Convexity of the Parisi Formula: A Dynamic Programming Approach 2015 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ Solution of the propeller conjecture in R <sup>3</sup> 2012 Steven Heilman
Aukosh Jagannath
Assaf Naor
+ Solution of the propeller conjecture in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2011 Steven Heilman
Aukosh Jagannath
Assaf Naor
Aukosh Jagannath
Assaf Naor
+ Solution of the propeller conjecture in $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2011 Steven Heilman
Aukosh Jagannath
Assaf Naor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Spectral Gap Estimates in Mean Field Spin Glasses 2018 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model 2013 Dmitry Panchenko
+ PDF Chat Low Temperature Asymptotics of Spherical Mean Field Spin Glasses 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices and Complexity of Spin Glasses 2012 Antonio Auffinger
GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Jǐƕı ČernĂœ
+ PDF Chat Fast spectral algorithms from sum-of-squares proofs: tensor decomposition and planted sparse vectors 2016 Samuel B. Hopkins
Tselil Schramm
Jonathan Shi
David Steurer
+ PDF Chat On properties of Parisi measures 2014 Antonio Auffinger
Wei-Kuo Chen
+ PDF Chat Parisi Formula, Disorder Chaos and Fluctuation for the Ground State Energy in the Spherical Mixed p-Spin Models 2016 Wei-Kuo Chen
Arnab Sen
+ PDF Chat Free energy of the spherical mean field model 2005 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Analytical solution of the off-equilibrium dynamics of a long-range spin-glass model 1993 Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Jorge Kurchan
+ PDF Chat Algorithmic thresholds for tensor PCA 2020 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ Complexity of random smooth functions on the high-dimensional sphere 2013 Antonio Auffinger
GĂ©rard Ben Arous
+ PDF Chat Bounding Flows for Spherical Spin Glass Dynamics 2019 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat The Aizenman-Sims-Starr scheme and Parisi formula for mixed $p$-spin spherical models 2013 Wei-Kuo Chen
+ The Parisi formula for mixed $p$-spin models 2014 Dmitry Panchenko
+ PDF Chat The Parisi ultrametricity conjecture 2012 Dmitry Panchenko
+ PDF Chat The geometry of the Gibbs measure of pure spherical spin glasses 2017 Eliran Subag
+ The complexity of spherical $p$-spin models—A second moment approach 2017 Eliran Subag
+ PDF Chat Phase transition of the largest eigenvalue for nonnull complex sample covariance matrices 2005 Jinho Baik
GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Sandrine Péché
+ PDF Chat On the spectral gap of spherical spin glass dynamics 2019 Reza Gheissari
Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat Some properties of the phase diagram for mixed p-spin glasses 2016 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ Aging of spherical spin glasses 2001 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Amir Dembo
Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Suboptimality of local algorithms for a class of max-cut problems 2019 Wei‐Kuo Chen
David Gamarnik
Dmitry Panchenko
Mustazee Rahman
+ PDF Chat Clustering of Solutions in the Random Satisfiability Problem 2005 Marc MĂ©zard
Thierry Mora
Riccardo Zecchina
+ A dynamic programming approach to the Parisi functional 2015 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ PDF Chat The Parisi Formula has a Unique Minimizer 2014 Antonio Auffinger
Wei‐Kuo Chen
+ PDF Chat Cugliandolo-Kurchan equations for dynamics of Spin-Glasses 2006 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Amir Dembo
Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Extended variational principle for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model 2003 Michael Aizenman
Robert Sims
Shannon Starr
+ On the limitation of spectral methods: from the Gaussian hidden clique problem to rank-one perturbations of Gaussian tensors 2015 Andrea Montanari
Daniel Reichman
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Aging of the Metropolis dynamics on the random energy model 2015 Jǐƕı ČernĂœ
Tobias Wassmer
+ The Parisi Formula 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Universality of the REM for Dynamics of Mean-Field Spin Glasses 2008 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Anton Bovier
Jǐƕı ČernĂœ
+ Tensor principal component analysis via sum-of-square proofs. 2015 Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan Shi
David Steurer
+ A statistical model for tensor PCA 2014 Émile Richard
Andrea Montanari
+ PDF Chat Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Walksat Stalls Well Below Satisfiability 2017 Amin Coja‐Oghlan
A. Haqshenas
Samuel Hetterich
+ Parisi formula for the ground state energy in the mixed $p$-spin model 2017 Antonio Auffinger
Wei-Kuo Chen
+ PDF Chat Convergence to Equilibrium for Spin Glasses 2000 Pierre Mathieu
+ PDF Chat Approximate Ultrametricity for Random Measures and Applications to Spin Glasses 2017 Aukosh Jagannath
+ PDF Chat A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem 2019 Boaz Barak
Samuel B. Hopkins
Jonathan A. Kelner
Pravesh K. Kothari
Ankur Moitra
Aaron Potechin
+ Limits of local algorithms over sparse random graphs 2017 David Gamarnik
Madhu Sudan
+ Bounds on the complexity of Replica Symmetry Breaking for spherical spin glasses 2018 Aukosh Jagannath
Ian Tobasco
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal components analysis 2001 Iain M. Johnstone
+ Glauber Dynamics of the Random Energy Model 2003 Anton Bovier
Vïżœronique Gayrard
Gïżœrard Ben Arous
+ PDF Chat Statistical thresholds for tensor PCA 2020 Aukosh Jagannath
Patrick Lopatto
LĂ©o Miolane
+ Dynamics for Spherical Models of Spin-Glass and Aging 2007 Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Limiting Dynamics for Spherical Models of Spin Glasses at High Temperature 2007 Amir Dembo
Alice Guionnet
Christian Mazza
+ PDF Chat The largest eigenvalue of small rank perturbations of Hermitian random matrices 2005 Sandrine Péché
+ Theoretical perspective on the glass transition and amorphous materials 2011 Ludovic Berthier
Giulio Biroli
+ The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of finite, low rank perturbations of large random matrices 2011 Florent Benaych-Georges
Raj Rao Nadakuditi
+ PDF Chat The Landscape of the Spiked Tensor Model 2019 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Mei Song
Andrea Montanari
Mihai Nica