Mikhail Ermakov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Nonparametric Signal Detection with Small Values of Type I and Type II Error Probabilities 2024 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Chi-Squared Test for Hypothesis Testing of Homogeneity 2023 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Uniform Consistency of Neyman’s Type Nonparametric Tests 2023 M. S. Ermakov
D. Yu. Kapatsa
+ On uniformly consistent tests 2023 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On uniform consistency of Neyman’s type nonparametric tests 2023 M. S. Ermakov
David Yu. Kapatsa
+ PDF Chat On Uniform Consistency of Nonparametric Tests. II 2022 M. S. Ermakov
+ Nonparametric signal detection with small values of type I and type II error probabilities 2022 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Uniform Consistency of Nonparametric Tests. I 2021 M. S. Ermakov
+ Chi-squared test for hypothesis testing of homogeneity 2021 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Asymptotically Minimax Nonparametric Detection of Signal in Gaussian White Noise 2020 M. S. Ermakov
+ Minimax Nonparametric Estimation on Maxisets 2020 M. S. Ermakov
+ On uniform consistency of nonparametric tests II 2020 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On uniform consistency of nonparametric tests I 2020 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On consistency and inconsistency of nonparametric tests 2018 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On Probabilities of Moderate Deviations of Empirical Measures for Contiguous Distributions 2018 M. S. Ermakov
+ On consistency and inconsistency of nonparametric tests 2018 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On minimax nonparametric estimation of signal in Gaussian noise 2017 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Consistent Hypothesis Testing 2017 M. S. Ermakov
+ On asymptotically minimax nonparametric detection of signal in Gaussian white noise 2017 M. S. Ermakov
+ On One Property of Tikhonov Regularization Algorithm 2017 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On maxispaces of nonparametric tests 2017 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On asymptotically minimax nonparametric detection of signal in Gaussian white noise 2017 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On minimax nonparametric estimation of signal in Gaussian noise 2017 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On One Property of Tikhonov Regularization Algorithm 2017 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Asymptotically Efficient Importance Sampling for Bootstrap 2016 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Asymptotically Efficient Statistical Inference on a Signal Parameter 2015 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Large Deviation Principle for Moderate Deviation Probabilities of Bootstrap Empirical Measures 2014 M. S. Ermakov
+ On Consistent Hypothesis Testing 2014 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On Consistent Hypothesis Testing 2014 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On asymptotically efficient statistical inference on a signal parameter 2013 M. S. Ermakov
+ On distinguishability of hypotheses 2013 M. S. Ermakov
+ On distinguishability of hypotheses 2013 M. S. Ermakov
+ On asymptotically efficient statistical inference on a signal parameter 2013 Mikhail Ermakov
+ A moderate deviation principle for empirical bootstrap measure 2012 Mikhail Ermakov
+ The Sharp Lower Bound of Asymptotic Efficiency of Estimators in the Zone of Moderate Deviation Probabilities 2012 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat The sharp lower bound of asymptotic efficiency of estimators in the zone of moderate deviation probabilities 2012 M. S. Ermakov
+ A moderate deviation principle for empirical bootstrap measure 2012 Mikhail Ermakov
+ The Sharp Lower Bound of Asymptotic Efficiency of Estimators in the Zone of Moderate Deviation Probabilities 2012 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Nonparametric signal detection with small type I and type II error probabilities 2011 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On semiparametric statistical inferences in the moderate deviation zone 2008 M. S. Ermakov
+ Nonparametric hypothesis testing with small type I or type II error probabilities 2008 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On moderate deviation probabilities of empirical bootstrap measure 2008 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Minimax and bayes estimation in deconvolution problem 2008 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Importance Sampling for Simulation of Large and Moderate Deviation Probabilities of Tests and Estimators 2007 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Importance sampling for simulations of moderate deviation probabilities of statistics 2007 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Minimax detection of a signal in the heteroscedastic Gaussian white noise 2006 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Метод существенной выборки для моделирования вероятностей умеренных и больших уклонений оценок и критериев 2006 Mikhail Ermakov
M. S. Ermakov
+ Probabilities of Large Deviations of Type II Errors for Tests of Kolmogorov and Omega-Square Types 2005 M. S. Ermakov
+ On Asymptotically Efficient Statistical Inference for Moderate Deviation Probabilities 2004 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Asymptotically minimax and Bayes estimation in a deconvolution problem 2003 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Asymptotic Minimaxity of Kernel-based Tests 2003 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Асимптотически эффективные статистические выводы для вероятностей умеренных уклонений 2003 Mikhail Ermakov
M. S. Ermakov
+ None 2002 M. S. Ermakov
+ On distinguishability of two nonparametric sets of hypothesis 2000 M. S. Ermakov
+ On lower bounds of moderate large deviations of tests and estimators 1998 M. S. Ermakov
+ Asymptotic Minimaxity of Chi-Square Tests 1998 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Large deviations for empirical probability measures and statistical tests 1996 M. S. Ermakov
+ Asymptotic Minimaxity of Tests of the Kolmogorov and Omega-Square Types 1996 M. S. Ermakov
+ Minimax Nonparametric Testing of Hypotheses on the Distribution Density 1995 Mikhail Ermakov
+ A minimax test for hypotheses on a spectral density 1994 M. S. Ermakov
+ On asymptotic minimaxity of rank tests 1992 M. S. Ermakov
+ Minimax estimation in a deconvolution problem 1992 M. S. Ermakov
+ Asymptotically minimax tests for nonparametric hypotheses concerning the distribution density 1990 M. S. Ermakov
+ On optimal solutions of the deconvolution problem 1990 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On Asymptotic Efficiency of Sequential Estimation of the Location Parameter of a Nonsmooth Density 1990 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On Asymptotically Optimum Equivariant Sequential Estimation of a Location Parameter of a Non-Smooth Density 1989 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of parameter estimators of a multivariate discontinuous density 1986 M. S. Ermakov
+ Sufficient statistics for families of distributions with densities of variable support. II 1986 M. S. Ermakov
+ Rank of a necessary and sufficient statistic for a sample of independent random vectors 1984 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Properties of some stochastic processes arising in estimation theory 1983 M. S. Ermakov
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
David Yu. Kapatsa 1
D. Yu. Kapatsa 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Maxisets for linear procedures 2004 Vincent Rivoirard
+ Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation 2008 Alexandre B. Tsybakov
+ Density estimation by kernel and wavelets methods: Optimality of Besov spaces 1993 Gérard Kerkyacharian
Dominique Picard
+ Minimax or maxisets 2002 Gérard Kerkyacharian
Dominique Picard
+ PDF Chat Statistical Estimation: Asymptotic Theory 2014 I. A. Ibragimov
R. Z. Khasʹminskiĭ
+ PDF Chat A tail inequality for quadratic forms of subgaussian random vectors 2012 Daniel Hsu
Sham M. Kakade
Tong Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the Choice of the Number of Class Intervals in the Application of the Chi Square Test 1942 H. B. Mann
Abraham Wald
+ PDF Chat Minimax testing of a composite null hypothesis defined via a quadratic functional in the model of regression 2013 Laëtitia Comminges
Arnak S. Dalalyan
+ PDF Chat Intermediate Efficiency, Theory and Examples 1983 W.C.M. Kallenberg
+ Minimax detection of a signal in the heteroscedastic Gaussian white noise 2006 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic equivalence of density estimation and Gaussian white noise 1996 Michael Nussbaum
+ PDF Chat Strong Moderate Deviation Theorems 1992 Tadeusz Inglot
W.C.M. Kallenberg
Teresa Ledwina
+ Moderate and Cramér-type large deviation theorems for M-estimators 1988 Jana Jurečková
W.C.M. Kallenberg
Noël Veraverbeke
+ Statistical Estimation 1981 И. А. Ибрагимов
R. Z. Has’minskiĭ
+ Central limit theorem for integrated square error of multivariate nonparametric density estimators 1984 Peter Hall
+ Minimax signal detection in ill-posed inverse problems 2012 Yuri I. Ingster
Theofanis Sapatinas
Irina A. Suslina
+ PDF Chat On Asymptotic Minimaxity of Kernel-based Tests 2003 M. S. Ermakov
+ Asymptotic Minimaxity of Tests of the Kolmogorov and Omega-Square Types 1996 M. S. Ermakov
+ On asymptotic minimaxity of rank tests 1992 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat The Efficiency of Some Nonparametric Competitors of the $t$-Test 1956 J. L. Hodges
E. L. Lehmann
+ Importance sampling for simulations of moderate deviation probabilities of statistics 2007 Mikhail Ermakov
+ Asymptotic Efficiency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator 1965 J. Wolfowitz
+ Asymptotic Minimaxity of Chi-Square Tests 1998 Mikhail Ermakov
+ A Measure of Asymptotic Efficiency for Tests of a Hypothesis Based on the sum of Observations 1952 Herman Chernoff
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic equivalence of nonparametric regression and white noise 1996 Lawrence D. Brown
Mark G. Low
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically exact nonparametric hypothesis testing in sup-norm and at a fixed point 2000 Oleg Lepski
A. B. Tsybakov
+ Minimax Nonparametric Testing of Hypotheses on the Distribution Density 1995 Mikhail Ermakov
+ On the relation between Hodges‐Lehmann efficiency and Pitman efficiency 1989 Stavros Kourouklis
+ PDF Chat Delta method in large deviations and moderate deviations for estimators 2011 Fuqing Gao
Xingqiu Zhao
+ On Monte Carlo estimation of large deviations probabilities 1996 J.S. Sadowsky
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Estimates Under Dimensionality Restrictions 1973 Lucien LeCam
+ Asymptotic Statistics 1998 Aad van der Vaart
+ Maximal Spaces with Given Rate of Convergence for Thresholding Algorithms 2001 Albert Cohen
Ronald DeVore
Gérard Kerkyacharian
Dominique Picard
+ On distinguishability of two nonparametric sets of hypothesis 2000 M. S. Ermakov
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations for I.I.D. Random Variables 2003 Peter Eichelsbacher
Matthias Löwe
+ PDF Chat Robust techniques for signal processing: A survey 1985 S.A. Kassam
H. Vincent Poor
+ Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics 2009 Galen R. Shorack
Jon A. Wellner
+ Regularization of Inverse Problems 1996 Heinz W. Engl
Martin Hanke
Andreas B. Neubauer
+ PDF Chat Testing inverse problems: A direct or an indirect problem? 2010 Béatrice Laurent
Jean-Michel Loubès
Clément Marteau
+ PDF Chat On Bayes procedures 1965 Lorraine Schwartz
+ On Asymptotically Efficient Statistical Inference for Moderate Deviation Probabilities 2004 Mikhail Ermakov
+ PDF Chat On Some Global Measures of the Deviations of Density Function Estimates 1973 Peter J. Bickel
M. Rosenblatt
+ Probabilities of large deviations in topological spaces. I 1979 А. А. Боровков
A. A. Mogulskiĭ
+ A relation between the Chernoff index and the Pitman efficacy 1990 Stavros Kourouklis
+ PDF Chat A Condition Under Which the Pitman and Bahadur Approaches to Efficiency Coincide 1976 H. Samuel Wieand
+ PDF Chat On the Assumptions Used to Prove Asymptotic Normality of Maximum Likelihood Estimates 1970 Lucien LeCam
+ Optimal importance sampling for some quadratic forms of ARMA processes 1995 Piero Barone
Anna Gigli
Mauro Piccioni
+ Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes 1996 Aad van der Vaart
Jon A. Wellner
+ On the Comparison of the Minimax Properties of Kolmogorov’s $\omega^2$ Test and $\chi^2$ Test 1988 Yu. I. Ingster