Roman Bessonov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stability of Schur’s iterates and fast solution of the discrete integrable NLS 2024 Roman Bessonov
Pavel Gubkin
+ PDF Chat Sobolev norms of L2-solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2024 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat Reflectionless canonical systems, II. Almost periodicity and character-automorphic Fourier transforms 2024 Roman Bessonov
Milivoje Lukić
Peter Yuditskii
+ On Rate of Convergence for Universality Limits 2024 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Stability of Schur's iterates and fast solution of the discrete integrable NLS 2024 Roman Bessonov
Pavel Gubkin
+ PDF Chat Szegő condition, scattering, and vibration of Krein strings 2023 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ On rate of convergence for universality limits 2023 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Szego condition, scattering, and vibration of Krein strings 2022 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ Sobolev norms of $L^2$-solutions to NLS 2022 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat Reflectionless Canonical Systems, I: Arov Gauge and Right Limits 2021 Roman Bessonov
Milivoje Lukić
Peter Yuditskii
+ PDF Chat Entropy function and orthogonal polynomials 2021 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat De Branges canonical systems with finite logarithmic integral 2021 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ Entropy function and orthogonal polynomials 2021 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Zero sets, entropy, and pointwise asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials 2021 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat De Branges Canonical Systems with Finite Logarithmic Integral 2021 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ A New Life of the Classical Szegő Formula 2021 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ Results of radiation tests of a new generation high-precision star sensor and its components 2021 Roman Bessonov
A.A. Kobeleva
S.A. Prokhorova
P.S. Smetanin
A.A. Forsh
Ya.D. Elyashev
+ Research and compensation for the methodological error in measuring the coordinates of stars by orientation sensors during flight operation 2020 G.A. Avanesov
Roman Bessonov
E.V. Belinskaya
N.N. Brysin
S.V. Voronkov
A.N. Kurkina
P.S. Smetanin
+ Reflectionless canonical systems, II. Almost periodicity and character-automorphic Fourier transforms 2020 Roman Bessonov
Milivoje Lukić
Peter Yuditskii
+ Zero sets, entropy, and pointwise asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials 2019 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ A spectral Szegő theorem on the real line 2019 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat Wiener--Hopf operators admit triangular factorization 2019 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Szegő Condition and Scattering for One-Dimensional Dirac Operators 2018 Roman Bessonov
+ Wiener-Hopf operators admit triangular factorization 2018 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Accuracy in Determining Orientation Parameters by the BOKZ-M60 Star Tracker 2018 Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
В. В. Сазонов
+ Szego condition and scattering for one-dimensional Dirac operators 2018 Roman Bessonov
+ Estimate of accuracy of determining the orientation of the star sensor system according to the experimental data 2018 G. A. Avanesov
Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
A.V. Nikitin
В В Сазонов
+ Reconstruction of spacecraft attitude motion by measurements of star trackers and angular rate sensor using least squares method 2018 Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
В В Сазонов
+ Technology for ground processing of data on the stars’ coordinates in order to improve the accuracy of georeferencing Earth images from space 2018 G.A. Avanesov
Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
P.S. Smetanin
+ Ways to decrease thermoelastic deformations of star trackers 2018 G.A. Avanesov
Roman Bessonov
N.N. Brysin
A.S. Kvashnin
V.E. Shevelev
+ PDF Chat Schatten properties of Toeplitz operators on the Paley–Wiener space 2018 Roman Bessonov
+ A spectral Szego theorem on the real line 2017 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat On recurrence coefficients of Steklov measures 2017 Roman Bessonov
+ On recurrence coefficients of Steklov measures 2017 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Sampling measures, Muckenhoupt Hamiltonians, and triangular factorization 2017 Roman Bessonov
+ Classification and analysis of errors in estimating coordinates of objects in images of starry sky 2017 M.L. Belichenko
Roman Bessonov
D.S. Zavgorodniy
Ya.D. Elyashev
S.A. Prokhorova
+ Schatten properties of Toeplitz operators on the Paley-Wiener space 2016 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat An inverse problem for weighted Paley–Wiener spaces 2016 Roman Bessonov
Roman Romanov
+ Sampling measures, Muckenhoupt Hamiltonians, and triangular factorization 2016 Roman Bessonov
+ Muckenhoupt Hamiltonians, triangular factorization, and Krein orthogonal entire functions 2016 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Averaged Wave Operators and Complex-symmetric Operators 2015 Roman Bessonov
В. М. Капустин
+ Averaged wave operators and complex-symmetric operators 2015 Roman Bessonov
В. М. Капустин
+ Duality theorems for coinvariant subspaces of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>H</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2014 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Fredholmness and Compactness of Truncated Toeplitz and Hankel Operators 2014 Roman Bessonov
+ Fredholmness and compactness of truncated Toeplitz and Hankel operators 2014 Roman Bessonov
+ Truncated Toeplitz operators of finite rank 2014 Roman Bessonov
+ Duality theorems for coinvariant subspaces of $H^1$ 2014 Roman Bessonov
+ Accuracy estimation of determining a spacecraft attitude by measurements of a few star sensors BOKZ-М60 2014 G. A. Avanesov
Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
A. V. Nikitin
В В Сазонов
+ Analytic approximation in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>L</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>and coinvariant subspaces of the Hardy space 2013 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat The past and future wave operators on the singular spectrum 2012 Roman Bessonov
+ Accuracy estimation of determining attitude of coordinate systems of BOKZ-M60 star sensor 2012 Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
В В Сазонов
+ Truncated Toeplitz operators of finite rank 2012 Roman Bessonov
+ Symbols of truncated Toeplitz operators 2011 Anton Baranov
Roman Bessonov
В. М. Капустин
+ Determining a spacecraft attitude motion by measurements of a star sensor and an angular rate sensor 2011 Roman Bessonov
A.N. Kurkina
В В Сазонов
+ PDF Chat Non-hyperreflexive reflexive spaces of operators 2011 Roman Bessonov
Janko Bračič
Michał Zając
+ The past and future wave operators on the singular spectrum 2011 Roman Bessonov
+ Symbols of truncated Toeplitz operators 2010 Anton Baranov
Roman Bessonov
В. М. Капустин
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A spectral Szegő theorem on the real line 2019 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ Canonical systems and de Branges spaces 2014 Roman Romanov
+ PDF Chat Algebraic properties of truncated Toeplitz operators 2007 Donald Sarason
+ Treatise on the Shift Operator 1986 Н. К. Никольский
+ One dimensional perturbations of restricted shifts 1972 Douglas N. Clark
+ Continuous analogs of polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle and Krein systems 2007 Sergey A. Denisov
+ Schur's Algorithm, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Convergence of Wall's Continued Fractions in L2(T) 2001 Sergey Khrushchev
+ The inverse spectral problem for canonical systems 1995 Henrik Winkler
+ Boundary-value problems for two-dimensional canonical systems 2000 Seppo Hassi
Henk de Snoo
Henrik Winkler
+ PDF Chat On wave operators on the singular spectrum 2010 В. В. Капустин
+ PDF Chat Bounded Analytic Functions. 1982 Peter W. Jones
John B. Garnett
+ Toeplitz and Hankel operators on the Paley-Wiener space 1987 Richard Rochberg
+ On the existence of wave operators for some Dirac operators with square summable potential 2004 Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat De Branges canonical systems with finite logarithmic integral 2021 Roman Bessonov
Sergey A. Denisov
+ PDF Chat Szegő Condition and Scattering for One-Dimensional Dirac Operators 2018 Roman Bessonov
+ PDF Chat Sum rules and spectral measures of Schrödinger operators with<i>L</i><sup>2</sup>potentials 2009 Rowan Killip
Barry Simon
+ Bounded symbols and Reproducing Kernel Thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators 2010 Anton Baranov
Isabelle Chalendar
Emmanuel Fricain
Javad Mashreghi
Dan Timotin
+ PDF Chat Sum rules for Jacobi matrices and their applications to spectral theory 2003 Rowan Killip
Barry Simon
+ The Cauchy Transform 2006 Joseph A. Cima
Alec Matheson
William T. Ross
+ Sturm—Liouville and Dirac Operators 1991 B. M. Levitan
I. S. Sargsjan
+ Lectures on entire functions 1996 B. Yu. Levin
+ PDF Chat A note on the theorems of M.G. Krein and L.A. Sakhnovich on continuous analogs of orthogonal polynomials on the circle 2005 Alexander Teplyaev
+ Symbols of truncated Toeplitz operators 2011 Anton Baranov
Roman Bessonov
В. М. Капустин
+ Hilbert spaces of entire functions 1968 Louis de Branges
+ Theory and Applications of Volterra Operators in Hilbert Space 2004 Israel Gohberg
M. Г. Крейн
+ PDF Chat Sampling measures, Muckenhoupt Hamiltonians, and triangular factorization 2017 Roman Bessonov
+ Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle 2005 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Carleson measures for functions orthogonal to invariant subspaces 1982 William S. Cohn
+ None 2005 Fëdor Nazarov
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle 2005 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Wiener-Hopf operators on a finite interval and Schatten-von Neumann classes 1988 Vladimir Peller
+ On Embedding Theorems for Coinvariant Subspaces of the Shift Operator. I 2000 А. Б. Александров
+ PDF Chat Reparametrizations of Non Trace-normed Hamiltonians 2012 Henrik Winkler
Harald Woracek
+ PDF Chat Some Hilbert spaces of entire functions. II 1961 Louis de Branges
+ PDF Chat Generalized interpolation in 𝐻^{∞} 1967 Donald Sarason
+ WKB Asymptotic Behavior of Almost All Generalized Eigenfunctions for One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators with Slowly Decaying Potentials 2001 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Wiener--Hopf operators admit triangular factorization 2019 Roman Bessonov
+ Hankel Operators and Their Applications 2003 Vladimir Peller
+ PDF Chat The Feichtinger Conjecture for Reproducing Kernels in Model Subspaces 2010 Anton Baranov
Konstantin M. Dyakonov
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs on radially symmetric antitrees 2021 Aleksey Kostenko
Noema Nicolussi
+ On a problem by Steklov 2015 Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev
Sergey A. Denisov
D. N. Tulyakov
+ Complex symmetric operators and applications 2005 Stephan Ramon Garcia
Mihai Putinar
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Random Processes. 1979 W. D. Ray
И. А. Ибрагимов
Yu. A. Rozanov
+ Introduction to Hp Spaces 1999 Paul Koosis
+ PDF Chat Krein's entire functions and the Bernstein approximation problem 2001 Alexander Borichev
Mikhail Sodin
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ J-Contractive Matrix Valued Functions and Related Topics 2008 Damir Z. Arov
Harry Dym
+ Universality for locally Szegő measures 2008 Elliot Findley