Pierre Barrucand


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Formulae associated with 5, 7, 9 and 11 squares 2002 Pierre Barrucand
Michael D. Hirschhorn
+ PDF Chat Relations between squares and triangles 2002 Pierre Barrucand
S. Barry Cooper
Michael D. Hirschhorn
+ None 2002 Pierre Barrucand
S. Barry Cooper
Michael D. Hirschhorn
+ Majoration Et Minoration Du Nombre De Classes D'Idéaux Des Corps Réels Purs De Degré Premier 1993 Pierre Barrucand
Stéphane Louboutin
+ PDF Chat Minoration au point des fonctions L attachées à des caractères de Dirichlet 1993 Pierre Barrucand
Stéphane Louboutin
+ On Quartic Fields with the Symmetric Group 1990 Gérard Kientega
Pierre Barrucand
+ PDF Chat Some explicit upper bounds on the class number and regulator of a cubic field with negative discriminant 1987 Pierre Barrucand
John Loxton
Hugh C. Williams
+ Fractions continues—Sommes de dedekind et formes quadratiques 1984 Pierre Barrucand
M. Duboué
+ Ramification modérée dans les les corps de nombres de degré premier 1982 François Laubié
Pierre Barrucand
+ On the Zeros of a Polynomial 1976 Pierre Barrucand
+ Table of Pure Cubic Fields Q( � [3 ]D) for D < 10 4 1976 D. S.
Pierre Barrucand
Hywel C Williams
L. Baniuk
+ PDF Chat A Computational Technique for Determining the Class Number of a Pure Cubic Field 1976 Pierre Barrucand
Hywel C Williams
L. Baniuk
+ A Combinatorial Identity 1975 Pierre Barrucand
+ Quelques aspects de la théorie des corps cubiques 1975 Pierre Barrucand
+ Integral Representation for a Set of Polynomials 1973 Pierre Barrucand
+ Remarks on principal factors in a relative cubic field 1971 Pierre Barrucand
Harvey Cohn
+ A rational genus, class number divisibility, and unit theory for pure cubic fields 1970 Pierre Barrucand
Harvey Cohn
+ Note on primes of type x2 + 32y2, class number, and residuacity. 1969 Harvey Cohn
Pierre Barrucand
+ On Cubic Transformations of Orthogonal Polynomials 1966 Pierre Barrucand
David Dickinson
+ PDF Chat On cubic transformations of orthogonal polynomials 1966 Pierre Barrucand
David Dickinson
+ Le problème de Waring et la méthode de Hardy (dissection de Farey) 1962 Pierre Barrucand
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A numerical study of Dedekind's cubic class number formula 1957 Harvey Cohn
+ Pure cubic fields whose class numbers are multiples of three 1971 Taira Honda
+ None 1999 Michael D. Hirschhorn
+ PDF Chat Decomposition of regular representations for<i>U</i>(<i>H</i>)<sub>∞</sub> 1987 Douglas Pickrell
+ The Theory of Irrationalities of the Third Degree 2009 B. Delone
D. K. Faddeev
+ None 2002 S. Barry Cooper
+ PDF Chat Bott maps and the complex projective plane: a construction of R. Wood’s equivalences 1987 Minato Yasuo
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of strong solutions to stochastic differential equations in the plane with deterministic boundary process 1987 J. Yeh
+ PDF Chat One parameter subsemigroups in locally complete differentiable semigroups 1987 J. P. Holmes
+ PDF Chat Continued fractions and number-theoretic computations 1985 Hugh C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Some explicit upper bounds on the class number and regulator of a cubic field with negative discriminant 1987 Pierre Barrucand
John Loxton
Hugh C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for relative class numbers of CM-fields 1994 Stéphane Louboutin
+ PDF Chat Derivation algebras of finitely generated Witt rings 1987 Robert Fitzgerald
+ PDF Chat Extended Adams-Hilton’s construction 1987 Yves Félix
Jean‐Claude Thomas
+ PDF Chat Ranks of Sylow 3-subgroups of ideal class groups of certain cubic fields 1973 Frank Gerth
+ PDF Chat On McConnell’s inequality for functionals of subharmonic functions 1987 Akihito Uchiyama
+ A rational genus, class number divisibility, and unit theory for pure cubic fields 1970 Pierre Barrucand
Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat On the fundamental unit of a purely cubic field 1973 Ronald Rudman
+ PDF Chat The rational solutions of the diophantine equation 1950 J. W. S. Cassels
+ Arithmetische Theorie der kubischen Zahlk�rper auf klassenk�rpertheoretischer Grundlage 1930 Helmut Hasse
+ The Siegel-Brauer theorem concerning parameters of algebraic number fields 1970 A. F. Lavrik
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue estimates with applications to minimal surfaces 1987 Johan Tysk
+ Ramanujan’s Notebooks: Part V 1997 Bruce C. Berndt
+ PDF Chat The spacing of the minima in certain cubic lattices 1986 Hugh C. Williams
+ PDF Chat Oscillatory properties of systems of first order linear delay differential inequalities 1987 K. Gopalsamy
+ PDF Chat Characterizing reduced Witt rings of higher level 1987 Victoria Powers
+ On the 3-rank of the ideal class groups of certain pure cubic fields 1973 Shinju Kobayashi
Yukiyosi Kawada
+ PDF Chat Stable parallelizability of partially oriented flag manifolds 1987 Parameswaran Sankaran
Peter Zvengrowski
+ On the number of representations of certain integers as sums of eleven or thirteen squares 2002 S. Barry Cooper
+ PDF Chat Sufficient congruence conditions for the existence of rational points on certain cubic surfaces 1953 Ernst S. Selmer
+ The Relation of the Classical Orthogonal Polynomials to the Polynomials of Appell 1936 J. Shohat
+ Some Algebraic Number Theory Estimates Based on the Dedekind Eta-Function 1956 Harvey Cohn
+ PDF Chat Cubic Analogues of the Jacobian Theta Function <i>θ(z, q)</i> 1993 Michael D. Hirschhorn
Frank G. Garvan
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ Note on primes of type x2 + 32y2, class number, and residuacity. 1969 Harvey Cohn
Pierre Barrucand
+ Ramanujan's Notebooks 1985 Bruce C. Berndt
+ Über Dirichletsche Reihen mit komplexen Charakteren. 1927 Edmund Landau
+ Die Berechnung der Klassenzahl abelscher Körper über quadratischen Zahlkörpern 1957 Curt Meyer
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds for Relative Class Numbers of CM-Fields 1994 Stéphane Louboutin
+ Lower Bounds for Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields 1986 R. A. Mollin
+ A Course of Modern Analysis 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ Arithmetical Functions 1970 K. Chandrasekharan
+ Dedekind Sums 1972 Hans Rademacher
Emil Grosswald
+ PDF Chat On Orthogonal Polynomials 1931 J. Geronimus
+ On the 3-Rank of Quadratic Fields and the Euler Product 1974 Carol Neild
Daniel Shanks
+ PDF Chat Cycles of reduced ideals of quadratic fields 1937 Lukas Holzer
+ Artinsche Führer, Artinsche L-Funktionen und Gausssche Summen über endlich-algebraischen Zahlkörpern 1954 Helmut Hasse
+ Multiplicative Number Theory 1980 H. Davenport