Barak Ariel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Correction: the heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world 2024 NicolĂĄs Trajtenberg
Sebastian Fossati
Cecilia DĂ­az
Amy Nivette
Rodrigo Aguilar
Andri Ahven
Leonardo R. Andrade
Shai Amram
Barak Ariel
M. J. Arosemena Burbano
+ The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world 2024 NicolĂĄs Trajtenberg
Sebastian Fossati
Cecilia DĂ­az
Amy Nivette
Rodrigo Aguilar
Andri Ahven
Leonardo R. Andrade
Shai Amram
Barak Ariel
M. J. Arosemena Burbano
+ A global analysis of the impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions on crime 2021 Amy Nivette
Renee Zahnow
RaĂșl Aguilar RuĂ­z
Andri Ahven
Shai Amram
Barak Ariel
M. J. Arosemena Burbano
Roberta Corradi Astolfi
Dirk Baier
H.-M. Bark
+ PDF Chat Random Assignment with a Smile: How to Love “TheRandomiser” 2020 Benedict Linton
Barak Ariel
+ PDF Chat The trick does not work if you have already seen the gorilla: how anticipatory effects contaminate pre-treatment measures in field experiments 2019 Barak Ariel
Alex Sutherland
Matthew Bland
+ PDF Chat Preventing treatment spillover contamination in criminological field experiments: the case of body-worn police cameras 2018 Barak Ariel
Alex Sutherland
Lawrence W. Sherman
+ Randomized Block Designs 2013 Barak Ariel
David P. Farrington
+ Random assignment without tears: how to stop worrying and love the Cambridge randomizer 2012 Barak Ariel
Jordi Ferrer Vila
Lawrence W. Sherman
+ Randomized Block Designs 2009 Barak Ariel
David P. Farrington
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Design Sensitivity in Criminal Justice Experiments 1993 David Weisburd
Anthony Petrosino
Gail Mason
+ PDF Chat Fisher, Bradford Hill, and randomization 2003 P. Armitage
+ PDF Chat Crime and coronavirus: social distancing, lockdown, and the mobility elasticity of crime 2020 Eric Halford
Anthony Dixon
Graham Farrell
Nick Malleson
Nick Tilley
+ Imbalance in treatment assignments in stratified blocked randomization 1988 Al Hallstrom
Kathryn Davis
+ Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Concepts and Methodologies 2013 Shein‐Chung Chow
Jen‐pei Liu
+ Design Sensitivity: Statistical Power for Experimental Research. 1991 Scott R. Eliason
Mark W. Lipsey
+ Statistics in Criminal Justice 2013 David Weisburd
Chester Britt
+ Impact of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic on crime in Los Angeles and Indianapolis 2020 George Mohler
Andrea L. Bertozzi
Jeremy G. Carter
Martin B. Short
Daniel Sledge
George Tita
Craig D. Uchida
P. Jeffrey Brantingham
+ Multiplicity in randomised trials II: subgroup and interim analyses 2005 Kenneth F. Schulz
David A. Grimes
+ Properties of simple randomization in clinical trials 1988 John M. Lachin
+ Post hoc subgroup analysis and the truth of a clinical trial 1998 Kirkwood F. Adams
+ Violence and the Pandemic: Urgent Questions for Research 2020 Manuel Eisner
Amy Nivette
+ Avoiding Bias in Randomised Controlled Trials in Educational Research 2003 David Torgerson
Carole Torgerson
+ Trials within Trials 2001 Lemuel A. Moyé
Anita Deswal
+ Subgroup analysis and other (mis)uses of baseline data in clinical trials 2000 Susan F. Assmann
Stuart J. Pocock
Laura E. Enos
Linda Kasten
+ Relative Efficiency of the Randomized Complete Block Design 1976 H. A. Abou‐El‐Fittouh
+ PDF Chat Disentangling community-level changes in crime trends during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chicago 2020 Gian Maria Campedelli
Serena Favarin
Alberto Aziani
Alex R. Piquero
+ Randomization in Clinical Trials 2002 William F. Rosenberger
John M. Lachin
+ Design and analysis of randomized clinical trials requiring prolonged observation of each patient. I. Introduction and design 1976 Richard Peto
Malcolm C. Pike
P. Armitage
N. E. Breslow
D. R. Cox
S V Howard
Nathan Mantel
Klim McPherson
Julian Peto
Peter G. Smith
+ Statistical Considerations in the Intent-to-Treat Principle 2000 John M. Lachin
+ Why do we need some large, simple randomized trials? 1984 Salim Yusuf
Rory Collins
Richard Peto
+ PDF Chat Stratified Randomization for Clinical Trials 1999 Walter N. Kernan
Catherine M. Viscoli
Robert Makuch
Lawrence Brass
Ralph I. Horwitz
+ PDF Chat Vaccination and herd immunity to infectious diseases 1985 Roy M. Anderson
Robert M. May
+ Introduction to the design and analysis of experiments 1998 Geoffrey M. Clarke
Robert E. Kempson
+ PDF Chat Toward Causal Inference With Interference 2008 Michael G. Hudgens
M. Elizabeth Halloran
+ PDF Chat Metan: Fixed- and Random-Effects Meta-Analysis 2008 Ross J. Harris
Jonathan J Deeks
Douglas G. Altman
Mike Bradburn
Roger Harbord
Jonathan A C Sterne
+ Multivariate portmanteau (Q) test for white noise 2001 Richard Sperling
Christopher F. Baum
+ Programme evaluation and spillover effects 2015 Michela Angelucci
Vincenzo Di Maro
+ Empirical evidence of bias. Dimensions of methodological quality associated with estimates of treatment effects in controlled trials 1995 Klaus‐Peter Schulz
+ Forcing a sequential experiment to be balanced 1971 Bradley Efron
+ Allocation concealment in randomised trials: defending against deciphering 2002 Kenneth F. Schulz
David A. Grimes
+ Properties of permuted-block randomization in clinical trials 1988 John P. Matts
John M. Lachin
+ PDF Chat Randomization in clinical trials: Conclusions and recommendations 1988 John M. Lachin
John P. Matts
L. J. Wei
+ Restricted Randomization Designs in Clinical Trials 1979 Richard Simon
+ Randomisation in clinical trials 2002 Elaine Beller
Val Gebski
Anthony Keech
+ Analysis of Data with Imbalance in the Baseline Outcome Variable for Randomized Clinical Trials 2001 Lynn Wei
Ji Zhang
+ PDF Chat Should we cross off the crossover? [editorial] 1991 P. Armitage
+ Sequential Treatment Assignment with Balancing for Prognostic Factors in the Controlled Clinical Trial 1975 Stuart J. Pocock
Richard Simon
+ Detecting Selection Bias in Randomized Clinical Trials 1999 Vance W. Berger
Derek V. Exner
+ Statistics in Research: Basic Concepts and Techniques for Research Workers 1990 Barbara S. Plake
Bernard Ostle
Linda C. Malone
+ Multivariate nonparametric tests in a randomized complete block design 2003 Jyrki Möttönen
J. HĂŒsler
Hannu Oja
+ Interference Between Units in Randomized Experiments 2007 Paul R. Rosenbaum
+ Randomization and allocation concealment: a practical guide for researchers 2005 Gordon S. Doig
F. O. Simpson
+ Intention-to-treat analysis and the goals of clinical trials* 1995 Lewis B. Sheiner
Donald B. Rubin
+ On Rank Transformation Techniques for Balanced Incomplete Repeated-Measures Designs 1996 James L. Kepner
Dennis D. Wackerly
+ Allocation of Patients to Treatment in Clinical Trials 1979 Stuart J. Pocock
+ Using group-based trajectory modeling in conjunction with propensity scores to improve balance 2007 Amelia M. Haviland
Daniel S. Nagin
+ Analysis and Interpretation of Treatment Effects in Subgroups of Patients in Randomized Clinical Trials 1991 Salim Yusuf
Janet Wittes
Jeffrey L. Probstfield
Herman A. Tyroler
+ PDF Chat Miracles and Statistics: The Casual Assumption of Independence 1988 William Kruskal
+ Covariate imbalance and random allocation in clinical trials 1989 Stephen Senn