Marco Carfagnini


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Spectral gap bounds on H-type groups 2025 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet metric measure spaces: spectrum, irreducibility, and small deviations 2024 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Small fluctuations for time-dependent spherical random fields 2024 Marco Carfagnini
Anna Paola Todino
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet Sub-Laplacians on Homogeneous Carnot Groups: Spectral Properties, Asymptotics, and Heat Content 2023 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ Spectral gap bounds on H-type groups 2023 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ On the support of a hypoelliptic diffusion on the Heisenberg group 2023 Marco Carfagnini
+ Onsager Machlup functional for $\text{SLE}_Îș$ loop measures 2023 Marco Carfagnini
Yilin Wang
+ PDF Chat Small deviations and Chung’s law of iterated logarithm for a hypoelliptic Brownian motion on the Heisenberg group 2022 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ PDF Chat A functional law of the iterated logarithm for weakly hypoelliptic diffusions at time zero 2022 Marco Carfagnini
Juraj Földes
David P. Herzog
+ PDF Chat An application of the Gaussian correlation inequality to the small deviations for a Kolmogorov diffusion 2022 Marco Carfagnini
+ Dirichlet sub-Laplacians on homogeneous Carnot groups: spectral properties, asymptotics, and heat content 2022 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ Small Deviations and Chung's laws of the iterated logarithm for a Kolmogorov diffusion 2021 Marco Carfagnini
+ PDF Chat An application of the Gaussian correlation inequality to the small deviations for a Kolmogorov diffusion 2021 Marco Carfagnini
+ On the Support of the Wiener Measure for a hypoelliptic diffusion 2021 Marco Carfagnini
+ A functional Law of the Iterated Logarithm for weakly hypoelliptic diffusions at time zero 2021 Marco Carfagnini
Juraj Földes
David P. Herzog
+ An application of the Gaussian correlation inequality to the small deviations for a Kolmogorov diffusion 2021 Marco Carfagnini
+ On the Support of a hypoelliptic diffusion on the Heisenberg group 2021 Marco Carfagnini
+ Small deviations and Chung's law of iterated logarithm for a hypoelliptic Brownian motion on the Heisenberg group 2020 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ On the Onsager-Machlup functional for the Brownian motion on the Heisenberg group 2019 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ On the Onsager-Machlup functional for the Brownian motion on the Heisenberg group 2019 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hypoelliptic second order differential equations 1967 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Chung’s law for integrated Brownian motion 1998 Davar Khoshnevisan
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat On Chung's Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Some Stochastic Integrals 1994 Bruno RĂ©millard
+ PDF Chat Small deviations and Chung’s law of iterated logarithm for a hypoelliptic Brownian motion on the Heisenberg group 2022 Marco Carfagnini
Maria Gordina
+ PDF Chat Small Deviations in the Functional Central Limit Theorem with Applications to Functional Laws of the Iterated Logarithm 1983 A. de Acosta
+ PDF Chat Quadratic functionals and small ball probabilities for the $m$-fold integrated Brownian motion 2003 Xia Chen
+ On the approximation of stochastic partial differential equations i 1988 Istvån Gyöngy
+ Metric Entropy and the Small Ball Problem for Gaussian Measures 1993 J. Kuelbs
W.V. Li
+ Gaussian processes: Inequalities, small ball probabilities and applications 2001 W.V. Li
Qi Shao
+ On the relation between ordinary and stochastic differential equations 1965 Eugene Wong
Zakai Moshe
+ PDF Chat The Other Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1975 Naresh C. Jain
William E. Pruitt
+ PDF Chat Large deviations and functional iterated logarithm law for diffusion processes 1986 Paolo Baldi
+ PDF Chat Support Theorem for Diffusion Processes on Hilbert Spaces 1990 Shigeki Aida
+ On the approximation of stochastic differential equations 1988 Istvån Gyöngy
+ Heat kernel analysis on infinite-dimensional Heisenberg groups 2008 Bruce K. Driver
Maria Gordina
+ Large deviations and support theorem for diffusion processes via rough paths 2002 Michel Ledoux
Zhongmin Qian
Ting-Lin Zhang
+ Multidimensional Stochastic Processes as Rough Paths 2010 Peter K. Friz
Nicolas Victoir
+ PDF Chat Approximation, Metric Entropy and Small Ball Estimates for Gaussian Measures 1999 Wenbo V. Li
Werner Linde
+ Stratified Lie Groups and Potential Theory for their Sub-Laplacians 2007 Andrea Bonfiglioli
Ermanno Lanconelli
Francesco Uguzzoni
+ PDF Chat The Small Ball Problem for the Brownian Sheet 1994 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat On the Support of Diffusion Processes with Applications to the Strong Maximum Principle 1972 Daniel W. Stroock
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic functions and subelliptic heat kernels over Lie groups 2009 Bruce K. Driver
Leonard Gross
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ North-Holland Mathematical Library 1988 2
+ Heat Kernels on Metric Measure Spaces 2014 Alexander Grigor’yan
Jiaxin Hu
Ka‐Sing Lau
+ On the Support of the Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations 1995 Istvån Gyöngy
+ Introduction to the Theory of (Non-Symmetric) Dirichlet Forms 1992 Zhi-Ming Ma
Michael Röckner
+ PDF Chat Some exact equivalents for the Brownian motion in Hölder norm 1992 Paolo Baldi
Bernard Roynette
+ PDF Chat Clustering and collisions of heavy particles in random smooth flows 2005 Jérémie Bec
Antonio Celani
Massimo Cencini
S. Musacchio
+ Analysis and Geometry on Groups 1993 N. Th. Varopoulos
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
Thierry Coulhon
+ PDF Chat Local asymptotic classes for the successive primitives of Brownian motion 1997 Aimé Lachal
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet problem for sublaplacians on nilpotent Lie groups ?Geometric criteria for regularity 1987 Wolfhard Hansen
Hermann Hueber
+ Strassen’s law of the iterated logarithm for diffusion processes for small time11Partially supported by research funds of the MURST “Processi Stocastici”. 1998 Lucia Caramellino
+ PDF Chat A unification of Strassen's law and Lïżœvy's modulus of continuity 1981 Carl Mueller
+ Fourier Integrals in Classical Analysis 2017 Christopher D. Sogge
+ PDF Chat Sub-Laplacians on Sub-Riemannian Manifolds 2016 Maria Gordina
Thomas Laetsch
+ PDF Chat On Chung’s Law of Large Numbers on Simply Connected Step 2-Nilpotent Lie Groups 2013 Daniel Neuenschwander
+ PDF Chat Principe de moindre action, propagation de la chaleur et estimees sous elliptiques sur certains groupes nilpotents 1977 Bernard Gaveau
+ PDF Chat Clustering of heavy particles in random self-similar flow 2007 Jérémie Bec
Massimo Cencini
Rafaela Hillerbrand
+ PDF Chat A Gaussian Correlation Inequality and its Applications to Small Ball Probabilities 1999 Wenbo Li
+ PDF Chat Propagating Lyapunov functions to prove noise-induced stabilization 2012 Avanti Athreya
Tiffany N. Kolba
Jonathan C. Mattingly
+ Brownian motion and stochastic calculus 1991 Jan Seidler
+ PDF Chat The integral of a symmetric unimodal function over a symmetric convex set and some probability inequalities 1955 T. W. Anderson
+ PDF Chat One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators 1986 Wolfgang Arendt
Annette Grabosch
GĂŒnther Greiner
Ulrich Moustakas
Rainer Nagel
Ulf Schlotterbeck
Ulrich Groh
Heinrich P. Lotz
Frank Neubrander
+ PDF Chat A Class of Approximations of Brownian Motion 1977 Nobuyuki Ikeda
Shintaro Nakao
Yuiti Yamato
+ On degenerate elliptic‐parabolic operators of second order and their associated diffusions 1972 D. W. Stroock
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ PDF Chat On the maximum partial sums of sequences of independent random variables 1948 Kai Lai Chung
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariance for heat kernel measures on sub-Riemannian infinite-dimensional Heisenberg groups 2012 Fabrice Baudoin
Maria Gordina
Tai Melcher
+ The transition from ergodic to explosive behavior in a family of stochastic differential equations 2012 Jeremiah Birrell
David P. Herzog
Jan Wehr
+ PDF Chat Conditional Exponential Moments for Iterated Wiener Integrals 1999 Terry Lyons
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat An Inversion of Strassen's Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Small Time 1993 Nina Gantert