Tudor Giurgica-Tiron


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The state hidden subgroup problem and an efficient algorithm for locating unentanglement 2024 Adam Bouland
Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
John Wright
+ Pseudorandomness from Subset States 2023 Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Adam Bouland
+ PDF Chat Low-depth amplitude estimation on a trapped-ion quantum computer 2022 Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Sonika Johri
Iordanis Kerenidis
Jason Nguyen
Neal C. Pisenti
Anupam Prakash
Ksenia Sosnova
Ken Wright
William J. Zeng
+ PDF Chat Low depth algorithms for quantum amplitude estimation 2022 Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Iordanis Kerenidis
Farrokh Labib
Anupam Prakash
William J. Zeng
+ PDF Chat Resonant nonlinear pairs in the axiverse and their late-time direct and astrophysical signatures 2022 David Cyncynates
Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Olivier Simon
Jedidiah O. Thompson
+ Friendship in the Axiverse: Late-time direct and astrophysical signatures of early-time nonlinear axion dynamics 2021 David Cyncynates
Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Olivier Simon
Jedidiah O. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Structure of the oscillon: The dynamics of attractive self-interaction 2021 David Cyncynates
Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
+ Low depth amplitude estimation on a trapped ion quantum computer 2021 Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Sonika Johri
Iordanis Kerenidis
Jason Nguyen
Neal C. Pisenti
Anupam Prakash
Ksenia Sosnova
Ken Wright
William J. Zeng
+ Efficient Universal Quantum Compilation: An Inverse-free Solovay-Kitaev Algorithm 2021 Adam Bouland
Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
+ PDF Chat Digital zero noise extrapolation for quantum error mitigation 2020 Tudor Giurgica-Tiron
Yousef Hindy
Ryan LaRose
Andrea Mari
William J. Zeng
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Solitonlike solutions for a Higgs scalar field 1975 A. E. Kudryavtsev
+ PDF Chat Constraining the mass of light bosonic dark matter using SDSS Lyman-α forest 2017 E. Armengaud
N. Palanque‐Delabrouille
Christophe YĂšche
David J. E. Marsh
Julien Baur
+ Dynamics of classical solitons (in non-integrable systems) 1978 V.G. Makhankov
+ PDF Chat Large-misalignment mechanism for the formation of compact axion structures: Signatures from the QCD axion to fuzzy dark matter 2020 Asimina Arvanitaki
Savas Dimopoulos
M.D. Galanis
Luis Lehner
Jedidiah O. Thompson
Ken Van Tilburg
+ PDF Chat Subhalo mass function and ultralight bosonic dark matter 2020 Katelin Schutz
+ PDF Chat First Constraints on Fuzzy Dark Matter from Lyman- <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:math> Forest Data and Hydrodynamical Simulations 2017 Vid IrĆĄič
Matteo Viel
Martin G. Haehnelt
James S. Bolton
George D. Becker
+ PDF Chat Resonant conversion of dark matter oscillons in pulsar magnetospheres 2020 Anirudh Prabhu
N. M. Rapidis
+ PDF Chat Radiation and relaxation of oscillons 2012 Petja Salmi
Mark Hindmarsh
+ PDF Chat Fast radio bursts from axion stars moving through pulsar magnetospheres 2021 J. H. Buckley
P. S. Bhupal Dev
Francesc Ferrer
Fa Peng Huang
+ PDF Chat Oscillons after Inflation 2012 Mustafa A. Amin
Richard Easther
Hal Finkel
Raphael Flauger
Mark P. Hertzberg
+ PDF Chat Axion dark matter detection with CMB polarization 2019 Michael A. Fedderke
Peter W. Graham
Surjeet Rajendran
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear axion dynamics and the formation of cosmological pseudosolitons 1994 Edward W. Kolb
I. Tkachev
+ PDF Chat String axiverse 2010 Asimina Arvanitaki
Savas Dimopoulos
Sergei Dubovsky
Nemanja Kaloper
John March-Russell
+ PDF Chat Recipes for oscillon longevity 2021 Jan Ollé
Oriol PujolĂ s
Fabrizio Rompineve
+ PDF Chat Implications of Milky Way substructures for the nature of dark matter 2020 MarĂ­a Benito
Juan Carlos Criado
Gert HĂŒtsi
M. Raidal
Hardi VeermÀe
+ PDF Chat Strong Bound on Canonical Ultralight Axion Dark Matter from the Lyman-Alpha Forest 2021 Keir K. Rogers
Hiranya V. Peiris
+ Lower Bounds for Parallel Quantum Counting. 2019 Paul Burchard
+ Fast quantum algorithms for numerical integrals and stochastic processes 1999 Daniel S. Abrams
Colin P. Williams
+ PDF Chat New perspectives on axion misalignment mechanism 2020 Chia-Feng Chang
Yanou Cui
+ PDF Chat Domain wall formation from level crossing in the axiverse 2015 Ryuji Daido
Naoya Kitajima
Fuminobu Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Searching for axion dark matter with birefringent cavities 2019 Hongwan Liu
Brodi D. Elwood
M. Evans
J. J. Thaler
+ PDF Chat Axion Dark Matter Search with Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors 2019 Koji Nagano
Tomohiro Fujita
Yuta Michimura
Ippei Obata
+ PDF Chat Ultralight repulsive dark matter and BEC 2016 J. Fan
+ PDF Chat Enhanced photon coupling of ALP dark matter adiabatically converted from the QCD axion 2018 Shu-Yu Ho
Ken’ichi Saikawa
Fuminobu Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Amplitude estimation without phase estimation 2020 Yohichi Suzuki
Shumpei Uno
Rudy Raymond
Tomoki Tanaka
Tamiya Onodera
Naoki Yamamoto
+ Quantum Query Complexity of Entropy Estimation 2018 Tongyang Li
Xiaodi Wu
+ PDF Chat Dark matter axions revisited 2009 Luca Visinelli
Paolo Gondolo
+ PDF Chat Towards string theory expectations for photon couplings to axionlike particles 2019 James Halverson
Cody Long
Brent Nelson
Gustavo Salinas
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond 2018 John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Oscillon of ultra-light axion-like particle 2020 Masahiro Kawasaki
Wakutaka Nakano
Eisuke Sonomoto
+ PDF Chat Cosmological perturbations of extreme axion in the radiation era 2017 Ui-Han Zhang
Tzihong Chiueh
+ PDF Chat Multiple-axion framework 2018 Thomas C. Bachlechner
Kate Eckerle
Oliver Janssen
Matthew Kleban
+ PDF Chat New CAST limit on the axion–photon interaction 2017 V. Anastassopoulos
S. Aune
K. Barth
H. BrÀuninger
G. Cantatore
J. M. Carmona
J. Castel
S. A. Çetin
Finn E. Christensen
+ PDF Chat Axion and hidden photon dark matter detection with multilayer optical haloscopes 2018 Masha Baryakhtar
Junwu Huang
Robert Lasenby
+ PDF Chat Random matrices and the spectrum of N-flation 2006 Richard Easther
Liam McAllister
+ PDF Chat Anharmonic evolution of the cosmic axion density spectrum 1994 Karl Strobl
T. Weiler
+ PDF Chat New axion and hidden photon constraints from a solar data global fit 2015 NĂșria Vinyoles
Aldo Serenelli
F.L. Villante
Sarbani Basu
Javier Redondo
J. Isern
+ PDF Chat Couplings and scales in strongly coupled heterotic string theory 1996 Tom Banks
Michael Dine
+ PDF Chat Microarcsecond astrometry using the SKA 2004 E. B. Fomalont
M. J. Reid
+ PDF Chat Evolution of linear wave dark matter perturbations in the radiation-dominated era 2017 Ui-Han Zhang
Tzihong Chiueh
+ PDF Chat Discovering the QCD axion with black holes and gravitational waves 2015 Asimina Arvanitaki
Masha Baryakhtar
Xinlu Huang
+ PDF Chat Quantum speedup of Monte Carlo methods 2015 Ashley Montanaro
+ PDF Chat Revisiting the Bound on Axion-Photon Coupling from Globular Clusters 2014 A. Ayala
Inma DomĂ­nguez
Maurizio Giannotti
Alessandro Mirizzi
O. Straniero
+ PDF Chat Telescope search for decaying relic axions 2007 Daniel Grin
G. Covone
Jean‐Paul Kneib
Marc Kamionkowski
A. W. Blain
Eric Jullo
+ PDF Chat Exploring the string axiverse with precision black hole physics 2011 Asimina Arvanitaki
Sergei Dubovsky
+ PDF Chat Level crossing between the QCD axion and an axionlike particle 2016 Ryuji Daido
Naoya Kitajima
Fuminobu Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Axionic band structure of the cosmological constant 2016 Thomas C. Bachlechner
+ PDF Chat Pseudostable bubbles 1994 Marcelo Gleiser
+ PDF Chat Cosmological bounds on pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons 2012 Davide Cadamuro
Javier Redondo
+ PDF Chat Grover’s quantum searching algorithm is optimal 1999 Christof Zalka