Luke G. Rogers


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Gaps labeling theorem for the bubble-diamond self-similar graphs 2023 Elizabeth Melville
Gamal Mograby
Nikhil Nagabandi
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ From Strichartz Estimates to Differential Equations on Fractals 2023 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Michael Hinz
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat BV functions and fractional Laplacians on Dirichlet spaces 2023 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Resistance scaling on 4<i>N</i>-carpets 2021 Claire Canner
Christopher Hayes
Robin Huang
Michael Orwin
Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces III: BV functions and sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2021 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Geodesic interpolation on Sierpiński gaskets 2021 Caitlin Davis
Laura A. LeGare
Cory W. McCartan
Luke G. Rogers
+ Spectra of three-peg Hanoi towers graphs 2021 Brett Hungar
Gamal Mograby
Madison Phelps
Luke G. Rogers
Jonathan Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Discretization of the Koch Snowflake Domain with Boundary and Interior Energies 2020 Malcolm Gabbard
Carlos José Mota de Lima
Gamal Mograby
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Resistance Scaling on $4N$-Carpets 2020 Claire Canner
Christopher Hayes
Shinyu Huang
Michael Orwin
Luke G. Rogers
Giovanni Ferrer
Gamal Mograby
Luke G. Rogers
Karuna S Sangam
+ PDF Chat Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Fractal AC Circuits and Propagating Waves on Fractals 2020 Éric Akkermans
Joe P. Chen
Gerald V. Dunne
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces I: Sobolev type inequalities 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Resistance Scaling on $4N$-Carpets 2020 Claire Canner
C. Hayes
Shinyu Huang
Michael Orwin
Luke G. Rogers
+ Discretization of the Koch Snowflake Domain with Boundary and Interior Energies 2020 Malcolm Gabbard
Carlos Lima
Gamal Mograby
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Physics on Fractals 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Joe P. Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ The Strong Maximum Principle for Schr\"{o}dinger operators on fractals 2019 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ The Strong Maximum Principle for Schrödinger operators on fractals 2019 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ Spectral properties of graphs associated to the Basilica group 2019 Antoni Brzoska
Courtney George
Samantha Jarvis
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat The strong maximum principle for Schrödinger operators on fractals 2019 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ BV functions and fractional Laplacians on Dirichlet spaces 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ The Strong Maximum Principle for Schrödinger operators on fractals 2019 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces I: Sobolev type inequalities 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Sobolev algebra counterexamples 2018 Thierry Coulhon
Luke G. Rogers
+ BV functions and Besov spaces associated with Dirichlet spaces 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Power dissipation in fractal AC circuits 2017 Joe P. Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Loren Anderson
Ulysses Andrews
Antoni Brzoska
Aubrey Coffey
Hannah Davis
Lee E. Fisher
Madeline Hansalik
Stephen Loew
+ Spectra of Magnetic Operators on the Diamond Lattice Fractal 2017 Antoni Brzoska
Aubrey Coffey
Madeline Rooney
Stephen Loew
Luke G. Rogers
+ Measurable Riemannian structure on higher dimensional harmonic Sierpinski gaskets 2017 Sara Chari
Joshua Frisch
Daniel J. Kelleher
Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Laplacians of locally exact forms on the Sierpinski Gasket 2017 Jessica Hyde
Daniel J. Kelleher
Jesse Moeller
Luke G. Rogers
Luis Seda
+ Embedding convex geometries and a bound on convex dimension 2016 Michael Richter
Luke G. Rogers
+ Some spectral properties of pseudo-differential operators on the Sierpiński gasket 2016 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ Sobolev Algebra Counterexamples 2016 Thierry Coulhon
Luke G. Rogers
+ On a theorem of Grigor'yan, Hu and Lau 2016 Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Magnetic fields on resistance spaces 2016 Michael Hinz
Luke G. Rogers
+ Magnetic Laplacians of locally exact forms on the Sierpinski Gasket 2016 Jessica Hyde
Daniel J. Kelleher
Jesse Moeller
Luke G. Rogers
Luis Seda
+ On a theorem of Grigor'yan, Hu and Lau 2016 Luke G. Rogers
+ Magnetic Laplacians of locally exact forms on the Sierpinski Gasket 2016 Jessica Hyde
Daniel J. Kelleher
Jesse Moeller
Luke G. Rogers
Luis Seda
+ Sobolev Algebra Counterexamples 2016 Thierry Coulhon
Luke G. Rogers
+ Embedding convex geometries and a bound on convex dimension 2015 Michael Richter
Luke G. Rogers
+ Magnetic fields on resistance spaces 2015 Michael Hinz
Luke G. Rogers
+ Embedding convex geometries and a bound on convex dimension 2015 Michael Richter
Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Complex Powers of the Laplacian on Affine Nested Fractals as Calderón-Zygmund operators 2014 Luke G. Rogers
Marius Ionescu
+ Some spectral properties of pseudo-differential operators on the Sierpinski Gasket 2014 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ Some spectral properties of pseudo-differential operators on the Sierpinski Gasket 2014 Marius Ionescu
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-differential operators on fractals and other metric measure spaces 2013 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Derivations and Dirichlet forms on fractals 2012 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the resolvent kernel of the Laplacian on p.c.f. self-similar fractals and blowups 2011 Luke G. Rogers
+ Pseudo-differential Operators on Fractals 2011 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Pseudo-differential Operators on Fractals 2011 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Distribution theory on P.C.F. fractals 2010 Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Estimates for the resolvent kernel of the Laplacian on p.c.f. self similar fractals and blowups 2010 Luke G. Rogers
+ The resolvent kernel for PCF self-similar fractals 2010 Marius Ionescu
Erin P. J. Pearse
Luke G. Rogers
Huo-Jun Ruan
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Complex Powers of the Laplacian on Affine Nested Fractals as Calder\'on-Zygmund operators 2010 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Laplacians on the basilica Julia set 2010 Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Estimates for the resolvent kernel of the Laplacian on p.c.f. self similar fractals and blowups 2010 Luke G. Rogers
+ Complex Powers of the Laplacian on Affine Nested Fractals as Calderón-Zygmund operators 2010 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
+ PDF Chat Szegö Limit Theorems on the Sierpiński Gasket 2009 Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Generalized Eigenfunctions and a Borel Theorem on the Sierpinski Gasket 2009 Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Distribution theory on p.c.f. fractals 2009 Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ The resolvent kernel for PCF self-similar fractals 2008 Marius Ionescu
Erin P. J. Pearse
Luke G. Rogers
Huo-Jun Ruan
Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Smooth bumps, a Borel theorem and partitions of smooth functions on p.c.f. fractals 2008 Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Gradients of Laplacian eigenfunctions on the Sierpinski gasket 2008 Jessica L. DeGrado
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Szego limit theorems on the Sierpinski gasket 2008 Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ The resolvent kernel for PCF self-similar fractals 2008 Marius Ionescu
Erin P. J. Pearse
Luke G. Rogers
Huo-Jun Ruan
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Unimodular Fourier multipliers for modulation spaces 2007 Árpád Bényi
Karlheinz Gröchenig
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ Gradients of Laplacian Eigenfunctions on the Sierpinski Gasket 2007 Jessica L. DeGrado
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Unimodular Fourier multipliers for modulation spaces 2006 Árpád Bényi
Karlheinz Gröchenig
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
+ Degree-independent Sobolev extension on locally uniform domains 2006 Luke G. Rogers
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Differential Equations on Fractals: A Tutorial 2006 Robert S. Strichartz
+ What Is Not in the Domain of the Laplacian on Sierpinski Gasket Type Fractals 1999 Oren Ben-Bassat
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ ANALYSIS ON FRACTALS (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 143) <i>By</i> J<scp>UN</scp> K<scp>IGAMI</scp>: 226 pp., £35.00, <scp>ISBN</scp> 0-521-79321-1 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). LECTURES ON ANALYSIS ON METRIC SPACES (Universitext) <i>By</i> J<scp>UHA</scp> H<scp>EINONEN</scp>: 140 pp., £27.00, <scp>ISBN</scp> 0-387-95104-0 (Springer, New York, 2001). 2002 K. J. Falconer
+ PDF Chat Fractafolds based on the Sierpinski gasket and their spectra 2003 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Analysis on Fractals 2009 Jun Kigami
+ Spectral Analysis on Infinite Sierpiński Gaskets 1998 Alexander Teplyaev
+ On a spectral analysis for the Sierpinski gasket 1992 Masatoshi Fukushima
T. Shima
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on the Sierpinski gasket 1988 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on nested fractals 1990 Tom Lindstrøm
+ PDF Chat Fractals in the Large 1998 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Transition density estimates for Brownian motion on affine nested fractals 1994 Pat Fitzsimmons
Ben Hambly
Takashi Kumagai
+ Analysis on products of fractals 2004 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Calculus on the Sierpinski gasket I: polynomials, exponentials and power series 2004 Jonathan Needleman
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
Po‐Lam Yung
+ Function spaces on fractals 2003 Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Harmonic calculus on p.c.f.\ self-similar sets 1993 Jun Kigami
+ PDF Chat Random walks on fractal structures and percolation clusters 1983 R. Rammal
G. Toulouse
+ PDF Chat Brownian Motion and Harmonic Analysis on Sierpinski Carpets 1999 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the resolvent kernel of the Laplacian on p.c.f. self-similar fractals and blowups 2011 Luke G. Rogers
+ Diffusions on fractals 1998 Martin T. Barlow
+ Pure Point Spectrum for the Laplacian on Unbounded Nested Fractals 2000 Christophe Sabot
+ Fractal differential equations on the Sierpinski gasket 1999 Kyallee Dalrymple
Robert S. Strichartz
Jade P. Vinson
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis on infinite Sierpiński fractafolds 2012 Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Taylor Approximations on Sierpinski Gasket Type Fractals 2000 Robert S. Strichartz
+ None 2003 L. A. Malozemov
Alexander Teplyaev
+ A fractal quantum mechanical model with Coulomb potential 2008 Robert S. Strichartz
+ The resolvent kernel for PCF self-similar fractals 2010 Marius Ionescu
Erin P. J. Pearse
Luke G. Rogers
Huo-Jun Ruan
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Spectral asymptotics for Laplacians on self-similar sets 2009 Naotaka Kajino
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet Forms on Fractals and Products of Random Matrices 1989 Shigeo Kusuoka
+ Localized Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on p.c.f. Self-Similar Sets 1997 Martin T. Barlow
Jun Kigami
+ Analysis on Fractals 2001 Jun Kigami
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 2010 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yōichi Ōshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Brownian motion on Sierpi&amp;#324ski carpets 2010 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
Takashi Kumagai
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Vibration modes of 3<i>n</i>-gaskets and other fractals 2007 N. BAJORIN
Taoato Chen
Mahmoud I. Hussein
Michael A. Khalil
Benjamin Steinhurst
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Potential spaces on fractals 2005 Jiaxin Hu
Martina Zähle
+ Partial differential equations on products of Sierpinski gaskets 2007 Brian Bockelman
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Transition Density Estimates for Diffusion Processes on Post Critically Finite Self-Similar Fractals 1999 Ben Hambly
Takashi Kumagai
+ PDF Chat Physical consequences of complex dimensions of fractals 2009 Éric Akkermans
Gerald V. Dunne
Alexander Teplyaev
+ The construction of brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1989 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Differential one-forms on Dirichlet spaces and Bakry-Émery estimates on metric graphs 2017 Fabrice Baudoin
Daniel J. Kelleher
+ Some Properties of Laplacians on Fractals 1999 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Heat Kernels and Spectral Theory 1989 E. B. Davies
+ Heat kernel characterisation of Besov-Lipschitz spaces on metric measure spaces 2009 Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba
+ PDF Chat Weyl's problem for the spectral distribution of Laplacians on P.C.F. self-similar fractals 1993 Jun Kigami
Michel L. Lapidus
+ PDF Chat A harmonic calculus on the Sierpinski spaces 1989 Jun Kigami
+ Dirac and magnetic Schrödinger operators on fractals 2013 Michael Hinz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Transition densities for Brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1992 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Volume doubling measures and heat kernel estimates on self-similar sets 2009 Jun Kigami
+ Derivations and Dirichlet forms on fractals 2012 Marius Ionescu
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
Benjamin Steinhurst
C.‐M. Michael Wong