Alexandre Roulet


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quantum synchronization on the IBM Q system 2020 Martin Koppenhöfer
Christoph Bruder
Alexandre Roulet
+ PDF Chat Optimal synchronization deep in the quantum regime: Resource and fundamental limit 2019 Martin Koppenhöfer
Alexandre Roulet
+ PDF Chat Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions 2019 Gleb Maslennikov
Shiqian Ding
Roland HablĂŒtzel
Jaren Gan
Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Jibo Dai
Valerio Scarani
Dzmitry Matsukevich
+ PDF Chat Revealing the Work Cost of Generalized Thermal Baths 2018 Alexandre Roulet
+ PDF Chat Quantum Synchronization and Entanglement Generation 2018 Alexandre Roulet
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat Synchronizing the Smallest Possible System 2018 Alexandre Roulet
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat An autonomous single-piston engine with a quantum rotor 2018 Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Jacob M. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Quantum Rotor Engines 2018 Stella Seah
Stefan Nimmrichter
Alexandre Roulet
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator 2017 Stefan Nimmrichter
Jibo Dai
Alexandre Roulet
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Autonomous rotor heat engine 2017 Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Juan Miguel Arrazola
Stella Seah
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions 2017 Gleb Maslennikov
Shiqian Ding
Jaren Gan
Roland HablĂŒtzel
Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Jibo Dai
Valerio Scarani
Dzmitry Matsukevich
+ Solving the scattering of<i>N</i>photons on a two-level atom without computation 2016 Alexandre Roulet
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Two photons on an atomic beam splitter: Nonlinear scattering and induced correlations 2016 Alexandre Roulet
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Rabi oscillation in a quantum cavity: Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics 2016 Pierre-Olivier Guimond
Alexandre Roulet
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Rectification of light in the quantum regime 2015 Jibo Dai
Alexandre Roulet
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ Rabi oscillation in a quantum cavity 2015 Pierre-Olivier Guimond
Alexandre Roulet
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ Linear and Nonlinear Two-Photon Bunching on an Atomic Beam Splitter 2014 Alexandre Roulet
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Proposal for monitoring and heralding position states of atoms in a one-dimensional waveguide 2014 Alexandre Roulet
Colin Teo
Huy NguyĂȘn LĂȘ
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Quantum-Limited Amplification and Parametric Instability in the Reversed Dissipation Regime of Cavity Optomechanics 2014 Andreas Nunnenkamp
Vivishek Sudhir
A. K. Feofanov
Alexandre Roulet
Tobias J. Kippenberg
+ Proposal for Monitoring and Engineering the Position States of Atomic Arrays in a One-Dimensional Waveguide 2014 Alexandre Roulet
Colin Teo
Valerio Scarani
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Nanoscale Heat Engine Beyond the Carnot Limit 2014 J. Roßnagel
Obinna Abah
F. Schmidt–Kaler
Kilian Singer
Eric Lutz
+ PDF Chat Quantum description of light-pulse scattering on a single atom in waveguides 2002 P. Domokos
PĂ©ter HorĂĄk
Helmut Ritsch
+ PDF Chat Quantum Synchronization of Quantum van der Pol Oscillators with Trapped Ions 2013 Tony E. Lee
H. R. Sadeghpour
+ PDF Chat Strongly correlated multiparticle transport in one dimension through a quantum impurity 2007 Jung‐Tsung Shen
Shanhui Fan
+ PDF Chat Spin correlations as a probe of quantum synchronization in trapped-ion phonon lasers 2015 Michael Hush
Weibin Li
Sam Genway
Igor Lesanovsky
A. D. Armour
+ PDF Chat Quantum Absorption Refrigerator 2012 Amikam Levy
Ronnie Kosloff
+ PDF Chat Minimal Self-Contained Quantum Refrigeration Machine Based on Four Quantum Dots 2013 Davide Venturelli
Rosario Fazio
Vittorio Giovannetti
+ PDF Chat Quantum heat engine with coupled superconducting resonators 2017 Ali Ü. C. Hardal
Nur Aslan
C. M. Wilson
ÖzgĂŒr E. MĂŒstecaplıoğlu
+ PDF Chat Multiphoton-scattering theory and generalized master equations 2015 Tao Shi
Darrick E. Chang
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Maximal work extraction from finite quantum systems 2004 A. E. Allahverdyan
R. Balian
Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
+ PDF Chat Virtual qubits, virtual temperatures, and the foundations of thermodynamics 2012 Nicolas Brunner
Noah Linden
Sandu Popescu
Paul Skrzypczyk
+ PDF Chat How Small Can Thermal Machines Be? The Smallest Possible Refrigerator 2010 Noah Linden
Sandu Popescu
Paul Skrzypczyk
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of a Single-Photon Router in the Microwave Regime 2011 I.-C. Hoi
C. M. Wilson
Göran Johansson
Tauno Palomaki
Borja Peropadre
Per Delsing
+ PDF Chat The local approach to quantum transport may violate the second law of thermodynamics 2014 Amikam Levy
Ronnie Kosloff
+ PDF Chat Synchronizing the Smallest Possible System 2018 Alexandre Roulet
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat Squeezed Thermal Reservoirs as a Resource for a Nanomechanical Engine beyond the Carnot Limit 2017 Jan Klaers
Stefan Faelt
Ataç İmamoğlu
Emre Togan
+ PDF Chat Strongly Correlated Two-Photon Transport in a One-Dimensional Waveguide Coupled to a Two-Level System 2007 Jung‐Tsung Shen
Shanhui Fan
+ PDF Chat Quantum optomechanical piston engines powered by heat 2015 Andrea Mari
Alessandro Farace
Vittorio Giovannetti
+ PDF Chat Quantum-enhanced absorption refrigerators 2014 Luis Alfonso Correa
José P. Palao
Daniel Alonso
Gerardo Adesso
+ PDF Chat Near-Unity Coupling Efficiency of a Quantum Emitter to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2014 M. Arcari
Immo Söllner
Alisa Javadi
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Sahand Mahmoodian
J. Liu
Henri Thyrrestrup
Eun Hye Lee
J. D. Song
SĂžren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat On the operation of machines powered by quantum non-thermal baths 2016 Wolfgang Niedenzu
David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky
Abraham G. Kofman
Gershon Kurizki
+ PDF Chat Quantum Many-Body Dynamics in Optomechanical Arrays 2013 Max Ludwig
Florian Marquardt
+ PDF Chat Autonomous rotor heat engine 2017 Alexandre Roulet
Stefan Nimmrichter
Juan Miguel Arrazola
Stella Seah
Valerio Scarani
+ PDF Chat Quantum Synchronization Blockade: Energy Quantization Hinders Synchronization of Identical Oscillators 2017 Niels Lörch
Simon E. Nigg
Andreas Nunnenkamp
Rakesh P. Tiwari
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat Superradiance for Atoms Trapped along a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2015 Akihisa Goban
Chen-Lung Hung
Jonathan D. Hood
Su‐Peng Yu
Juan A. Muniz
Oskar Painter
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat A single-atom heat engine 2016 J. Roßnagel
S. T. Dawkins
Karl Nicolas Tolazzi
Obinna Abah
Eric Lutz
F. Schmidt–Kaler
Kilian Singer
+ PDF Chat Quantum Synchronization of a Driven Self-Sustained Oscillator 2014 Stefan Walter
Andreas Nunnenkamp
Christoph Bruder
+ PDF Chat Atom–light interactions in photonic crystals 2014 Akihisa Goban
Chen-Lung Hung
Su‐Peng Yu
Jonathan D. Hood
Juan A. Muniz
Jae Hoon Lee
Michael J. Martin
Andrew McClung
K. S. Choi
Darrick E. Chang
+ PDF Chat Fundamental limitations for quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics 2013 MichaƂ Horodecki
Jonathan Oppenheim
+ PDF Chat Proposal for Verification of the Haldane Phase Using Trapped Ions 2014 I. Cohen
Alex Retzker
+ PDF Chat Strong nonlinearity-induced correlations for counterpropagating photons scattering on a two-level emitter 2015 Anders Nysteen
Dara P. S. McCutcheon
Jesper MĂžrk
+ PDF Chat Small quantum absorption refrigerator in the transient regime: Time scales, enhanced cooling, and entanglement 2015 Jonatan Bohr Brask
Nicolas Brunner
+ PDF Chat Synchronization and Phase Noise Reduction in Micromechanical Oscillator Arrays Coupled through Light 2015 Mian Zhang
Shreyas Y. Shah
Jaime CĂĄrdenas
Michal Lipson
+ PDF Chat Efficient All-Optical Switching Using Slow Light within a Hollow Fiber 2009 Michal Bajcsy
Sebastian Hofferberth
Vlatko Balić
Thibault Peyronel
Mohammad Hafezi
A. S. Zibrov
Vladan Vuletić
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons 2007 Darrick E. Chang
Anders S. SĂžrensen
Eugene Demler
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Heat Engines and Refrigerators: Continuous Devices 2014 Ronnie Kosloff
Amikam Levy
+ PDF Chat QuTiP 2: A Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems 2012 J. R. Johansson
Paul D. Nation
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat Quantum heat engine based on photon-assisted Cooper pair tunneling 2016 Patrick P. Hofer
J.-R. Souquet
Aashish A. Clerk
+ PDF Chat Trapping of ultracold atoms in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber 2008 Caleb A. Christensen
Sebastian Will
Michele Saba
Gyu-Boong Jo
Yong-il Shin
Wolfgang Ketterle
David Pritchard
+ PDF Chat Fabry-Perot Interferometer with Quantum Mirrors: Nonlinear Light Transport and Rectification 2014 F. Fratini
Eduardo Mascarenhas
L. Safari
J.-Ph. Poizat
D. Valente
Alexia AuffĂšves
Dario Gerace
Marcelo F. Santos
+ PDF Chat Work Measurement as a Generalized Quantum Measurement 2014 Augusto J. Roncaglia
Federico Cerisola
Juan Pablo Paz
+ PDF Chat Laser-cooled atoms inside a hollow-core photonic-crystal fiber 2011 Michal Bajcsy
Sebastian Hofferberth
Thibault Peyronel
Vlatko Balić
Q.-Y. Liang
A. S. Zibrov
Vladan Vuletić
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Persistent Quantum Beats and Long-Distance Entanglement from Waveguide-Mediated Interactions 2013 Huaixiu Zheng
Harold U. Baranger
+ PDF Chat Quantum Optomechanical Heat Engine 2014 Keye Zhang
Francesco Bariani
Pierre Meystre
+ PDF Chat Mutual information as an order parameter for quantum synchronization 2015 Vahid Ameri
Mohammad Eghbali‐Arani
Andrea Mari
Alessandro Farace
Fardin Kheirandish
Vittorio Giovannetti
Rosario Fazio
+ PDF Chat Photonic Cavity Synchronization of Nanomechanical Oscillators 2013 Mahmood Bagheri
Menno Poot
Linran Fan
Florian Marquardt
Hong X. Tang
+ PDF Chat Waveguide QED: Many-body bound-state effects in coherent and Fock-state scattering from a two-level system 2010 Huaixiu Zheng
Daniel J. Gauthier
Harold U. Baranger
+ PDF Chat Scattering of massless particles in one-dimensional chiral channel 2012 Mikhail Pletyukhov
Vladimir Gritsev
+ PDF Chat The quantum internet 2008 H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad