Aurel Spătaru


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Convergence and Precise Asymptotics for Series Involving Self-normalized Sums 2014 Aurel Spătaru
+ Distribution Functions and Characteristic Functions 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Sums of Independent Random Variables 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Ergodicity, Mixing, and Stationarity 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Measure Spaces 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Central Limit Problem 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Elementary Notions in Probability Theory 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Measures on Product σ-Algebras 2013 Aurel Spătaru
+ Asymptotics related to a series of T.L. Lai 2012 Deli Li
Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat Only the first term of some series counts 2011 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat A CLT for renewal processes with a finite set of interarrival distributions 2010 Aurel Spătaru
+ Generalizing a theorem of Katz 2010 Aurel Spătaru
+ Series of tail distributions of finitely inhomogeneous random walks 2010 Aurel Spătaru
+ Upper bounds for series involving moderate and small deviations 2010 Aurel Spătaru
+ The Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Finitely Inhomogeneous Random Walks 2009 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat Strengthening classical results on convergence rates in strong limit theorems 2006 Aurel Spătaru
+ A converse to precise asymptotic results 2005 Deli Li
Aurel Spătaru
+ Exact Asymptotics in log log Laws for Random Fields 2004 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat Precise asymptotics for a series of T. L. Lai 2004 Aurel Spătaru
+ Precise asymptotics in some strong limit theorems for multidimensionally indexed random variables 2003 Allan Gut
Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat Precise asymptotics in the law of the iterated logarithm 2000 Allan Gut
Aurel Spătaru
+ Precise Asymptotics in the Baum–Katz and Davis Laws of Large Numbers 2000 Allan Gut
Aurel Spătaru
+ A Generalization of the Hsu-Robbins-Erdős Theorem 1994 Aurel Spătaru
+ A maximum sequence in a critical multitype branching process 1991 Aurel Spătaru
+ A maximum sequence in a critical multitype branching process 1991 Aurel Spătaru
+ A series concerning subcritical multitype branching processes 1990 Aurel Spătaru
+ Construction of a Markov field on an infinite tree 1990 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat Dichotomies for probability measures induced by (f 1, f 2,...)-expansions 1978 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat On denumerable chains of infinite order 1973 Marius Iosifescu
Aurel Spătaru
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Allan Gut 3
Deli Li 2
Marius Iosifescu 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Remark on my Paper "On a Theorem of Hsu and Robbins" 1950 P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Complete Convergence and the Law of Large Numbers 1947 P. L. Hsu
Herbert Robbins
+ PDF Chat On a Theorem of Hsu and Robbins 1949 Péter L. Erdős
+ Precise Asymptotics in the Baum–Katz and Davis Laws of Large Numbers 2000 Allan Gut
Aurel Spătaru
+ A supplement to the strong law of large numbers 1975 C. C. Heyde
+ A Combinatorial Lemma and its Application to Probability Theory 1991 Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Precise asymptotics in the law of the iterated logarithm 2000 Allan Gut
Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial lemma and its application to probability theory 1956 Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates for Probabilities of Moderate Deviations for Sums of Random Variables with Multidimensional Indices 1980 Allan Gut
+ Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems 1991 Rick Durrett
Harry Kesten
+ Sums of Independent Random Variables 1975 V. V. Petrov
+ PDF Chat Convergence rates in the law of large numbers 1965 Leonard E. Baum
Melvin Katz
+ A remark on the tail probability of a distribution 1978 Robert S. Chen
+ PDF Chat Limit Theorems for Delayed Sums 1974 Tze Leung Lai
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates for the Law of the Iterated Logarithm 1968 James Avery Davis
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates for Probabilities of Moderate Deviations 1968 James Avery Davis
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ Exact Asymptotics in log log Laws for Random Fields 2004 Aurel Spătaru
+ A two-sided estimate in the Hsu—Robbins—Erdös law of large numbers 1997 Alexander R. Pruss
+ On Spătaru's Extension of the Hsu-Robbins-Erdős Law of Large Numbers 1996 Alexander R. Pruss
+ PDF Chat A Necessary Condition for Making Money from Fair Games 1992 Harry Kesten
Gregory F. Lawler
+ Probability Inequalities for Sums of Independent Random Variables 1971 D. Kh. Fuk
S. V. Nagaev
+ Limit theorems of probability theory 2011 A. A. Dorogovtsev
Dmitrii Silvestrov
Anatolii V. Skorokhod
M. I. Yadrenko
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Lemma and Its Application to Probability Theory 1956 Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Convergence Rates in the Law of Large Numbers 1965 Leonard E. Baum
Melvin Katz
+ PDF Chat Remark on my paper: On Skolem's theorem. 1957 Gaisi Takeuti
+ Some Remarks on the Strong Law of Large Numbers 1959 Yu. V. Prokhorov
+ Probability Theory 1978 Y. S. Chow
Henry Teicher
+ Complete convergence and almost sure convergence of weighted sums of random variables 1995 Deli Li
Marepalli B. Rao
Tiefeng Jiang
Xiangchen Wang
+ Convergence rates in the law of large numbers for random variables on partially ordered sets 1978 J. H�sler
+ On the estimate of the rate of convergence in the law of iterated logarithm 1983 M. U. Gafurov
+ A Generalization of the Hsu-Robbins-Erdős Theorem 1994 Aurel Spătaru
+ Remarks on the maxima of a martingale sequence with application to the simple critical branching process 1987 Anthony G. Pakes
+ The maximum in critical Galton–Watson and birth and death processes 1986 K. Kämmerle
H.-J. Schuh
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Chat On the Maximum Sequence in a Critical Branching Process 1988 Krishna B. Athreya
+ PDF Chat Precise asymptotics for a series of T. L. Lai 2004 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat Paley-type inequalities and convergence rates related to the law of large numbers and extended renewal theory 1978 Y. S. Chow
Tze Leung Lai
+ PDF Chat Some results on convergence rates for probabilities of moderate deviations for sums of random variables 1992 Deli Li
Xiangchen Wang
Marepalli B. Rao
+ A Note on Spătaru's Complete Convergence Theorem 1997 Soo Hak Sung
+ Independent and stationary sequences of random variables 1971 И. А. Ибрагимов
Ю. В. Ліннік
J. F. C. Kingmán
+ The Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Finitely Inhomogeneous Random Walks 2009 Aurel Spătaru
+ PDF Chat A renewal theorem for random walks in multidimensional time 1987 János Galambos
K.‐H. Indlekofer
И. Катаи
+ PDF Chat Rate of convergence in the strong law of large numbers for martingales 1986 Zbigniew A. Łagodowski
Z. Rychlik
+ Moments of the maximum in a critical branching process 1984 Howard J. Weiner
+ A general law of precise asymptotics for the counting process of record times 2003 Yuebao Wang
Yang Yang
+ PDF Chat Markov Random Fields on an Infinite Tree 1975 Frank Spitzer
+ L�rothsche Reihen und singul�re Ma�e 1974 Karl Jakubec
+ PDF Chat Probability in Banach Spaces 1976 Michel Ledoux
Michel Talagrand