W. F. Shadwick


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Preparedness for Viral Outbreaks: Making Accurate Predictions from the Outset 2024 Ana Cascon
W. F. Shadwick
+ PDF Chat Predicting the course of Covid-19 and other epidemic and endemic disease 2021 Ana Cascon
W. F. Shadwick
+ Some Applications of Geometric Methods in Mechanics 2020 Ge Zhong
W. F. Shadwick
+ The Omega Function -Not for Circulation- 2003 Ángel Cascón
W. F. Shadwick
+ Nonlinear normal forms for driftless control systems 2002 Willem M. Sluis
W. F. Shadwick
Robert L. Grossman
+ Geometry and nonlinear differential equations 1996 W. F. Shadwick
+ Integration Algorithms and Classical Mechanics 1996 Jerrold E. Marsden
George W. Patrick
W. F. Shadwick
+ Differential Systems and Nonlinear Control Theory 1995 W. F. Shadwick
+ Invariant functions of control-linear systems 1993 Richard Atkins
W. F. Shadwick
+ An algorithm for feedback linearization 1991 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ Differential geometry, global analysis, and topology : proceedings of a special session of the Canadian Mathematical Society Summer Meeting held June 1-3, 1990 1991 Andrew Nicas
W. F. Shadwick
+ Absolute equivalence and dynamic feedback linearization 1990 W. F. Shadwick
+ Symmetry and the implementation of feedback linearization 1990 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ Feedback equivalence for general control systems 1990 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ Dynamic feedback linearization 1990 W. F. Shadwick
Willem M. Sluis
+ PDF Chat A Geometric Isomorphism with Applications to Closed Loop Controls 1989 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
George R. Wilkens
+ Feedback equivalence and symmetries of Brunowski normal forms 1989 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
G. R. Wilkens
+ The solution of the cartan equivalence problem for $$\frac{{d^2 y}}{{dx^2 }} = F(x,y,\frac{{dy}}{{dx}})$$ under the pseudo-group $$\bar x = \varphi (x),\bar y = \psi (x,y)$$ 1988 Niky Kamran
W. F. Shadwick
+ The Cartan equivalence problem and the Painlevé transcedants 1987 Niky Kamran
W. F. Shadwick
+ Feedback equivalence of control systems 1987 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ PDF Chat A simple characterization of the contact system on $J^k(E)$ 1987 R.B. Gardener
W. F. Shadwick
+ Differential Geometry: The Interface between Pure and Applied Mathematics 1987 Mladen Luksic
Clyde Martin
W. F. Shadwick
+ PDF Chat The local equivalence problem for $d^2 y/dx^2=F(x,y,dy/dx)$ and the Painlevé transcendents 1985 Niky Kamran
K. G. Lamb
W. F. Shadwick
+ The Hamiltonian formulation of regular rth-order Lagrangian field theories 1982 W. F. Shadwick
+ Noether's theorem and Steudel's conserved currents for the sine-Gordon equation 1980 W. F. Shadwick
+ PDF Chat The KdV prolongation algebra 1980 W. F. Shadwick
+ Local Jet Bundle Formulation of Bäcklund Transformations 1979 F. A. E. Pirani
David Robinson
W. F. Shadwick
+ Bäcklund Maps : General Case 1979 F. A. E. Pirani
David Robinson
W. F. Shadwick
+ Solutions of the Bäcklund Problem 1979 F. A. E. Pirani
David Robinson
W. F. Shadwick
+ Local jet bundle formulation of Bäcklund transformations, with applications to non-linear evolution equations 1979 F. A. E. Pirani
David Robinson
W. F. Shadwick
+ Jet Bundles 1979 F. A. E. Pirani
D. C. Robinson
W. F. Shadwick
+ The Bäcklund problem for the equation ∂2<i>z</i>/∂<i>x</i>1∂<i>x</i>2= <i>f</i> (<i>z</i>) 1978 W. F. Shadwick
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The theory of equivalence of Pfaffian systems and input systems under feedback 1981 Róbert Hermann
+ Symmetry and the implementation of feedback linearization 1990 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ PDF Chat Les sous-groupes des groupes continus de transformations 1908 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat A Geometric Isomorphism with Applications to Closed Loop Controls 1989 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
George R. Wilkens
+ On dynamic feedback linearization 1989 B. Charlet
Jean Lévine
R. Marino
+ On the Equivalence of Control Systems and the Linearization of Nonlinear Systems 1973 Arthur J. Krener
+ Feedback equivalence for general control systems 1990 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ Absolute equivalence and dynamic feedback linearization 1990 W. F. Shadwick
+ Exterior Differential Systems and the Calculus of Variations 1983 Phillip Griffiths
+ Exterior Differential Systems 1991 Robert L. Bryant
Shiing-Shen Chern
Robert B. Gardner
Hubert Goldschmidt
P. A. Griffiths
+ Differential Geometry and the Calculus of Variations. 1970 J. R. Vanstone
Róbert Hermann
+ Nonlinear Control Systems 1989 Alberto Isidori
+ PDF Chat Sur la structure des groupes infinis de transformation (suite) 1905 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat Sur l'équivalence absolue de certains systèmes d'équations différentielles et sur certaines familles de courbes 1914 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat The Hamilton-Cartan formalism in the calculus of variations 1973 Hubert Goldschmidt
Shlomo Sternberg
+ Feedback equivalence of control systems 1987 Robert B. Gardner
W. F. Shadwick
+ Predicting the Trajectory of Any COVID19 Epidemic From the Best Straight Line 2020 Michael Levitt
Andrea Scaiewicz
Francesco Zonta
+ Differential Geometry: The Interface between Pure and Applied Mathematics 1987 Mladen Luksic
Clyde Martin
W. F. Shadwick
+ Models for free nilpotent Lie algebras 1990 M. Grayson
Robert L. Grossman
+ On the geometric structure of classical field theory in Lagrangian formulation 1970 Jędrzej Śniatycki
+ A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics 1927 W. O. Kermack
A. G. McKendrick
+ Structural Invariants of Linear Multivariable Systems 1973 A. Stephen Morse
+ Théorie invariantive du calcul des variations 1935 Th. de Donder
+ PDF Chat Inferring the causes of the three waves of the 1918 influenza pandemic in England and Wales 2013 Daihai He
Jonathan Dushoff
Troy Day
Junling Ma
David J. D. Earn
+ Local Jet Bundle Formulation of Bäcklund Transformations 1979 F. A. E. Pirani
David Robinson
W. F. Shadwick
+ Using phenomenological models for forecasting the 2015 Ebola challenge 2016 Bruce Pell
Yang Kuang
Cécile Viboud
Gerardo Chowell
+ Mémoire sur les équations différentielles dont l'intégrale générale est uniforme 1900 Paul Painlevé
+ Individual variation in susceptibility or exposure to SARS-CoV-2 lowers the herd immunity threshold 2020 M. Gabriela M. Gomes
Marcelo U. Ferreira
Rodrigo M. Corder
Jessica G. King
Caetano Souto-Maior
Carlos Penha‐Gonçalves
Guilherme Luis Scaramella Gonçalves
Maria Chikina
Wesley Pegden
Ricardo Águas
+ PDF Chat Power-law population heterogeneity governs epidemic waves 2020 Jonas Neipel
Jonathan Bauermann
Stefano Bo
Tyler S. Harmon
Frank Jülicher
+ Remarks on nilpotent Lie algebras of vector fields. 1990 Janusz Grabowski
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2021 Soumendra Nath Kuiry
Dhrubajyoti Sen
+ PDF Chat Predicting the course of Covid-19 and other epidemic and endemic disease 2021 Ana Cascon
W. F. Shadwick
+ Remarks on nilpotent Lie algebras of vector fields. 1990 Janusz Grabowski
+ PDF Chat Role of mathematical modelling in future pandemic response policy 2022 Christina Pagel
Christian A. Yates
+ Nilpotent Lie algebras of vectorfields. 1988 Matthias Kawski
+ Gauge fields and Cartan-Ehresmann connections 1975 Róbert Hermann
+ PDF Chat Some applications of the retraction theorem in exterior algebra 1968 Robert B. Gardner
+ PDF Chat The local equivalence problem for $d^2 y/dx^2=F(x,y,dy/dx)$ and the Painlevé transcendents 1985 Niky Kamran
K. G. Lamb
W. F. Shadwick
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ Les systèmes différentiels extérieurs et leurs applications géométriques 1945 Élie Cartan
M. Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat The age pattern of mortality in the 1918-19 influenza pandemic: an attempted explanation based on data for England and Wales 2002 Christopher Langford
+ PDF Chat On generating forms of <i>K</i>-generalized Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems 1977 Paulo R. Rodrigues
+ Pseudopotentials of Estabrook and Wahlquist, the Geometry of Solitons, and the Theory of Connections 1976 Róbert Hermann
+ Nonlinear evolution equations and ordinary differential equations of painlevè type 1978 Mark J. Ablowitz
A. Ramani
Harvey Segur
+ Rigidity of integral curves of rank 2 distributions 1993 Robert L. Bryant
Lucas Hsu
+ The soliton connection 1977 M. Crampin
F. A. E. Pirani
David Robinson
+ Solitons and simple pseudopotentials 1976 James Corones
+ A Lie group framework for soliton equations. I. Path independent case 1977 James Corones
Blagoja Markovski
V.A. Rizov
+ Noether's theorem and Steudel's conserved currents for the sine-Gordon equation 1980 W. F. Shadwick
+ Nilpotent bases for distributions and control systems 1984 Henry Hermes
Albert T. Lundell
Dennis Sullivan