Klaus Weihrauch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Intersection points of planar curves can be computed 2021 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Intersection points of planar curves can be computed 2020 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Intersection points of planar curves can be computed 2020 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computable planar paths intersect in a computable point 2017 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability on measurable functions 2016 Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Computable Jordan Decomposition of Linear Continuous Functionals on $C[0;1]$ 2014 Klaus Weihrauch
Tahereh Jafarikhah
+ PDF Chat Representations of measurable sets in computable measure theory 2014 Klaus Weihrauch
N. R. Tavana
+ PDF Chat Products of effective topological spaces and a uniformly computable Tychonoff Theorem 2013 Robert Rettinger
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Computably regular topological spaces 2013 Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat The Riesz Representation Operator on the Dual of C[0; 1] is Computable 2013 Tahereh Jafarikhah
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability of the Radon-Nikodym Derivative 2012 Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability of the Radon-Nikodym derivative 2011 Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Turing machines on represented sets, a model of computation for Analysis 2011 N. R. Tavana
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability of the Radon-Nikodym Derivative 2011 Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability of the Radon-Nikodym derivative 2011 Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Topological Complexity of Blowup Problems 2009 Robert Rettinger
Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Absolutely non-computable predicates and functions in analysis 2009 Klaus Weihrauch
Yongcheng Wu
Decheng Ding
+ Computable Separation in Topology, from T_0 to T_3. 2009 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Complexity of Blowup Problems 2008 Robert Rettinger
Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Connectivity properties of dimension level sets 2008 Jack H. Lutz
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Computable Riesz Representation for Locally Compact Hausdorff Spaces 2008 Hong Lu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Effectivity on Continuous Functions in Topological Spaces 2008 Tanja Grubba
Klaus Weihrauch
Yatao Xu
+ Computable Riesz Representation for Locally Compact Hausdorff Spaces 2008 Hong Lu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computable analysis of the abstract Cauchy problem in a Banach space and its applications I 2007 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Computable Riesz representation for the dual of <i>C</i> [0; 1] 2007 Hong Lu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computable metrization 2007 Tanja Grubba
Matthias Schröder
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Absolutely Non-effective Predicates and Functions in Computable Analysis 2007 Decheng Ding
Klaus Weihrauch
Yongcheng Wu
+ On Computable Metrization 2007 Tanja Grubba
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computable Analysis of the Abstract Cauchy Problem in a Banach Space and Its Applications (I) 2007 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Computable Riesz Representation for the Dual of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">[</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mo>;</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">]</mml:mo></mml:math> 2007 Hong Lu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ A computable version of the Daniell–Stone theorem on integration and linear functionals 2006 Yongcheng Wu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Complexity theory on real numbers and functions 2006 Christoph Kreitz
Klaus Weihrauch
+ An Algorithm for Computing Fundamental Solutions 2006 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ An Algorithm for Computing Fundamental Solutions 2005 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ A Computable Version of the Daniell-Stone Theorem on Integration and Linear Functionals 2005 Yongcheng Wu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ A Computable Version of Dini’s Theorem for Topological Spaces 2005 Tanja Grubba
Klaus Weihrauch
+ A Computable Version of Dini's Theorem for Topological Spaces. 2005 Tanja Grubba
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability theory of generalized functions 2003 Ning Zhong
Klaus Weihrauch
+ The computational complexity of some julia sets 2003 Robert Rettinger
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Random elements in effective topological spaces with measure 2003 Peter Hertling
Klaus Weihrauch
+ The computational complexity of some julia sets 2003 Robert Rettinger
Klaus Weihrauch
+ On the measure of two-dimensional regions with polynomial-time computable boundaries 2002 Ker‐I Ko
Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Computational Complexity of Some Julia Sets 2002 Robert Rettinger
Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Solution Operator of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation is Computable 2002 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ solution operator of the Korteweg-de Vries equation is computableThe 2002 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Is the Linear Schrödinger Propagator Turing Computable? 2001 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ On Computable Metric Spaces Tietze-Urysohn Extension Is Computable 2001 Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Arithmetical Hierarchy of Real Numbers 2001 Xizhong Zheng
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Turing Computability of a Nonlinear Schrödinger Propagator 2001 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Weakly Computable Real Numbers 2000 Klaus Ambos–Spies
Klaus Weihrauch
Xizhong Zheng
+ Effectiveness of the global modulus of continuity on metric spaces 1999 Klaus Weihrauch
Zheng Xizhong
+ Computability on the probability measures on the Borel sets of the unit interval 1999 Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Arithmetical Hierarchy of Real Numbers 1999 Xizhong Zheng
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Approaches to Effective Semi-continuity of Real Functions 1998 Vasco Brattka
Klaus Weihrauch
Xizhong Zheng
+ Randomness spaces 1998 Peter Hertling
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Effectiveness of the global modulus of continuity on metric spaces 1997 Klaus Weihrauch
Xizhong Zheng
+ A foundation for computable analysis 1997 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability on the probability measures on the Borel sets of the unit interval 1997 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability on the probability measures on the Borel sets of the unit interval. 1996 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability on computable metric spaces 1993 Klaus Weihrauch
+ A simple and powerful approach for studying constructivity, computability, and complexity 1992 Klaus Weihrauch
+ In the Cantor Space and the Baire Space, G[delta]\F[sigma] is a Single Wadge-Degree, an effective proof 1992 Ludwig Staiger
Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Degrees of Discontinuity of some Translators Between Representations of the Real Numbers 1992 Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Lowest Wadge-Degrees of Subsets of the Cantor Space 1991 Klaus Weihrauch
+ The Standard Numbering φ of P(1) 1987 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Comparison of Number and Word Functions, Church’s Thesis 1987 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Dependence, convergence, and computational complexity of continuous functionals and operators on Cantor's space 1987 Klaus Weihrauch
Christoph Kreitz
+ Stetige und berechenbare Funktionen auf berechenbaren metrischen Räumen 1986 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Towards a theory of representations 1983 Christoph Kreitz
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Komplexitätstheorie auf reellen Zahlen und Funktionen 1982 Christoph Kreitz
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Admissible representations of effective cpo's 1981 Klaus Weihrauch
Gisela Schäfer
+ Embedding metric spaces into CPO's 1981 Klaus Weihrauch
Ulrich Schreiber
+ Computability on metric spaces 1981 Klaus Weihrauch
+ A generalized computability thesis 1977 Klaus Weihrauch
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Computability on computable metric spaces 1993 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability theory of generalized functions 2003 Ning Zhong
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computability on the probability measures on the Borel sets of the unit interval 1999 Klaus Weihrauch
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ A computable version of the Daniell–Stone theorem on integration and linear functionals 2006 Yongcheng Wu
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Turing machines on represented sets, a model of computation for Analysis 2011 N. R. Tavana
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Computable Real‐Valued Functions on Recursive Open and Closed Subsets of Euclidean Space 1996 Qing Zhou
+ Computability on subsets of metric spaces 2003 Vasco Brattka
Gero Presser
+ Lectures on Constructive Mathematical Analysis 1984 Boris A. Kushner
+ Computational complexity of real functions 1982 Ker‐I Ko
Harvey M. Friedman
+ A Computable Version of Dini’s Theorem for Topological Spaces 2005 Tanja Grubba
Klaus Weihrauch
+ Bauer, H.: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Grundzüge der Maßtheorie, 2. Aufl. Walter de Gruyter &amp; Co., Berlin‐New York 1974. 407 S., DM 48,‐ 1975 Helge Toutenburg
+ The Wave Equation with Computable Initial Data Whose Unique Solution Is Nowhere Computable 1997 Marian Boylan Pour-el
Ning Zhong
+ Effective properties of sets and functions in metric spaces with computability structure 1999 Mariko Yasugi
Takakazu Mori
Yoshiki Tsujii
+ Computability of measurable sets via effective topologies 2005 Yongcheng Wu
Decheng Ding
+ Computability of measurable sets via effective metrics 2005 Yongcheng Wu
Decheng Ding
+ Admissible representations for probability measures 2007 Matthias Schröder
+ Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations 1997 Eric Schechter
+ PDF Chat How Incomputable Is the Separable Hahn-Banach Theorem? 2009 Guido Gherardi
Alberto Marcone
+ A foundation for computable analysis 1997 Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Weihrauch degrees, omniscience principles and weak computability 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
+ PDF Chat Domain theory and integration 1995 Abbas Edalat
+ An Algorithm for Computing Fundamental Solutions 2006 Klaus Weihrauch
Ning Zhong
+ Partial Differential Equations 1991 Jeffrey Rauch
+ A computable ordinary differential equation which possesses no computable solution 1979 Marian Boylan Pour-el
Ian Richards
+ PDF Chat Representing probability measures using probabilistic processes 2006 Matthias Schröder
Alex Simpson
+ Real and complex analysis, 3rd ed. 1987 Walter Rudin
+ The Degrees of Discontinuity of some Translators Between Representations of the Real Numbers 1992 Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Effective Choice and Boundedness Principles in Computable Analysis 2011 Vasco Brattka
Guido Gherardi
+ Effectivity on Continuous Functions in Topological Spaces 2008 Tanja Grubba
Klaus Weihrauch
Yatao Xu
+ PDF Chat Uniform test of algorithmic randomness over a general space 2005 Péter Gács
+ An introduction to the theory of distributions 1973 J. Barros-Neto
+ PDF Chat Real Analysis and Probability 2002 R. M. Dudley
+ Computable metrization 2007 Tanja Grubba
Matthias Schröder
Klaus Weihrauch
+ PDF Chat Closed choice and a Uniform Low Basis Theorem 2012 Vasco Brattka
Matthew de Brecht
Arno Pauly
+ A Real Number Structure that is Effectively Categorical 1999 Peter Hertling
+ Embedding metric spaces into CPO's 1981 Klaus Weihrauch
Ulrich Schreiber
+ Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic 1999 Stephen G. Simpson
+ A constructive Borel–Cantelli lemma. Constructing orbits with required statistical properties 2009 Stefano Galatolo
Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
+ PDF Chat Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications. 1990 K. J. Falconer
+ PDF Chat Nicht Konstruktiv Beweisbare Sätze der Analysis 1990 Bonny Specker
+ Towards computability of elliptic boundary value problems in variational formulation 2006 Vasco Brattka
Atsushi Yoshikawa
+ First Course in Functional Analysis. 1966 G. W. Hedstrom
Casper Goffman
George Pedrick
+ Continuity and computability of reachable sets 2005 Pieter Collins
+ Probability Theory and Elements of Measure Theory. 1983 Steven Orey
Heinz Bauer
+ PDF Chat Computability of probability measures and Martin-Löf randomness over metric spaces 2009 Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas
+ Real Analysis and Probability 1972 3
+ PDF Chat On a theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers: 𝑁𝑃- completeness, recursive functions and universal machines 1989 Lenore Blum
M. Shub
Steve Smale
+ The definition of random sequences 1966 Per Martin-Löf
+ PDF Chat Randomness on Computable Probability Spaces—A Dynamical Point of View 2010 Péter Gács
Mathieu Hoyrup
Cristóbal Rojas