А. И. Подливаев


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Molecular Hyperdynamics Coupled with the Nonorthogonal Tight-Binding Approach: Implementation and Validation 2020 Konstantin P. Katin
К. С. Гришаков
А. И. Подливаев
Mikhail M. Maslov
+ Molecular hyperdynamics coupled with the nonorthogonal tight-binding approach: Implementation and validation 2019 Konstantin P. Katin
К. С. Гришаков
А. И. Подливаев
Mikhail M. Maslov
+ Molecular hyperdynamics coupled with the nonorthogonal tight-binding approach: Implementation and validation 2019 Konstantin P. Katin
К. С. Гришаков
А. И. Подливаев
Mikhail M. Maslov
+ PDF Chat Negative Poisson’s ratio in a nonplanar phagraphene 2017 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Thermal stability of diamond-like carbon nanothreads 2016 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Possible nonplanar structure of phagraphene and its thermal stability 2016 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Real-time evolution of the buckled Stone-Wales defect in graphene 2015 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Attraction between topological defects in graphene 2015 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat On the vineyard formula for the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius law 2014 Mikhail M. Maslov
L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Thermal stability of C4 + 4n H8 polycubanes 2011 Mikhail M. Maslov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat On the thermal stability of graphone 2011 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ Thermal Stability of C 4+4n H 8 Polycubanes 2011 Mikhail M. Maslov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ On the Dependence of the Lifetime of an Atomic Cluster on the Intensity of Its Heat Exchange with the Environment 2010 А. И. Подливаев
Konstantin P. Katin
+ PDF Chat On the dependence of the lifetime of an atomic cluster on the intensity of its heat exchange with the environment 2010 А. И. Подливаев
Konstantin P. Katin
+ PDF Chat Dynamic characteristics of the low-temperature decomposition of the C20 fullerene 2010 Konstantin P. Katin
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat On the temperature dependence of the lifetime of thermally isolated metastable clusters 2010 L. А. Openov
D. A. Lobanov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Thermal desorption of hydrogen from graphane 2010 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ Thermal Desorption of Hydrogen From Graphene 2010 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ Dynamic Characteristics of the Low-Temperature Decomposition of the C20 Fullerene 2010 Konstantin P. Katin
А. И. Подливаев
+ On the Dependence of the Lifetime of an Atomic Cluster on the Intensity of Its Heat Exchange with the Environment 2010 А. И. Подливаев
Konstantin P. Katin
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous regeneration of an atomically sharp graphene/graphane interface under thermal disordering 2009 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ Nonorthogonal tight-binding model for hydrocarbons 2009 Mikhail M. Maslov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Thermal stability of cubane C8H8 2009 Mikhail M. Maslov
D. A. Lobanov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Structure and stability of two-dimensional systems of C20 fullerenes 2008 I. V. Davydov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Violation of the equipartition theorem for thermally insulated clusters of atoms with different masses 2008 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Stability of C20 fullerene chains 2007 L. А. Openov
I. V. Davydov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Formation of a “cluster molecule” (C20)2 and its thermal stability 2006 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Competition between different mechanisms of stability loss for the (C20)2 cluster dimer 2006 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Simulation of the thermal fragmentation of fullerene C60 2006 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Stone-Wales transformation paths in fullerene C60 2005 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Thermal Stability of Metastable C[sub 20] Fullerene 2005 I. V. Davydov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ On the momentum-space approach to calculation of one-electron energy spectra and wave functions of atomic clusters 2004 V. F. Elesin
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Metastable quasi-one-dimensional ensembles of C8 clusters 2003 N. N. Degtyarenko
В. Ф. Елесин
N. E. L’vov
L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ Metastability of the Three-Dimensional Carbon Cluster Prismane C$_8$ 2001 V. F. Elesin
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ Supercurrent states in finite one-dimensional rings 1996 V. А. Kashurnikov
А. И. Подливаев
Nikolay Prokof’ev
Boris Svistunov
+ PDF Chat Supercurrent states in one-dimensional finite-size rings 1996 V. А. Kashurnikov
А. И. Подливаев
Nikolay Prokof’ev
Boris Svistunov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Comment to “Observation of the Neutron Radiative Decay” by R. U. Khafizov et al., Pis’ma Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz. 83, 7 (2006) [JETP Lett. 83, 5 (2006)] 2006 N. Severijns
O. Zimmer
H.-F. Wirth
D. Rich
+ Nonorthogonal tight-binding model for hydrocarbons 2009 Mikhail M. Maslov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films 2004 Kostya S. Novoselov
A. K. Geǐm
С. В. Морозов
Da Jiang
Y. Zhang
S. V. Dubonos
I. V. Grigorieva
А. А. Firsov
+ PDF Chat Electron-phonon interaction in the solid form of the smallest fullerene C <sub>20</sub> 2002 I. Spagnolatti
Marco Bernasconi
G. Benedek
+ PDF Chat Octagraphene as a versatile carbon atomic sheet for novel nanotubes, unconventional fullerenes, and hydrogen storage 2012 Xian‐Lei Sheng
Huijuan Cui
Fei Ye
Qing‐Bo Yan
Qing‐Rong Zheng
Gang Su
+ PDF Chat Graphane: A two-dimensional hydrocarbon 2007 Jorge O. Sofo
Ajay Chaudhari
Greg D. Barber
+ PDF Chat Control of Graphene's Properties by Reversible Hydrogenation: Evidence for Graphane 2009 D. C. Elias
Rahul R. Nair
Tariq Mohiuddin
С. В. Морозов
Peter Blake
Matthew P. Halsall
Andrea C. Ferrari
Danil W. Boukhvalov
M. I. Katsnelson
A. K. Geǐm
+ PDF Chat Thermal desorption of hydrogen from graphane 2010 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat On the dependence of the lifetime of an atomic cluster on the intensity of its heat exchange with the environment 2010 А. И. Подливаев
Konstantin P. Katin
+ PDF Chat Phagraphene: A Low-Energy Graphene Allotrope Composed of 5–6–7 Carbon Rings with Distorted Dirac Cones 2015 Zhenhai Wang
Xiang‐Feng Zhou
Xiaoming Zhang
Qiang Zhu
Huafeng Dong
Mingwen Zhao
Artem R. Oganov
+ PDF Chat Formation of a “cluster molecule” (C20)2 and its thermal stability 2006 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Diamond-like C2H nanolayer, diamane: Simulation of the structure and properties 2009 Л. А. Чернозатонский
Павел Б. Сорокин
Alexander G. Kvashnin
Dmitry G. Kvashnin
+ PDF Chat On the temperature dependence of the lifetime of thermally isolated metastable clusters 2010 L. А. Openov
D. A. Lobanov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous regeneration of an atomically sharp graphene/graphane interface under thermal disordering 2009 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Stone-Wales transformation paths in fullerene C60 2005 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat The structure of suspended graphene sheets 2007 Jannik C. Meyer
A. K. Geǐm
M. I. Katsnelson
Kostya S. Novoselov
Timothy J. Booth
S. Roth
+ Multiple-Time Scale Accelerated Molecular Dynamics: Addressing the Small-Barrier Problem 2004 Radu A. Miron
Kristen A. Fichthorn
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Sampling in Molecular Dynamics Using Metadynamics, Replica-Exchange, and Temperature-Acceleration 2013 Cameron F. Abrams
Giovanni Bussi
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional gas of massless Dirac fermions in graphene 2005 Kostya S. Novoselov
A. K. Geǐm
С. В. Морозов
Da Jiang
M. I. Katsnelson
I. V. Grigorieva
S. V. Dubonos
А. А. Firsov
+ PDF Chat Anomalous Thermal Stability of Metastable C[sub 20] Fullerene 2005 I. V. Davydov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Toward CL-20 crystalline covalent solids: On the dependence of energy and electronic properties on the effective size of CL-20 chains 2017 Konstantin P. Katin
Mikhail M. Maslov
+ PDF Chat Attraction between topological defects in graphene 2015 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Simulation of the thermal fragmentation of fullerene C60 2006 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Overcoming time scale and finite size limitations to compute nucleation rates from small scale well tempered metadynamics simulations 2016 Matteo Salvalaglio
Pratyush Tiwary
Giovanni Maria Maggioni
Marco Mazzotti
Michele Parrinello
+ PDF Chat Possible nonplanar structure of phagraphene and its thermal stability 2016 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat On the thermal stability of graphone 2011 А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat Thermal stability of cubane C8H8 2009 Mikhail M. Maslov
D. A. Lobanov
А. И. Подливаев
L. А. Openov
+ Graphene nano-ribbon electronics 2007 Zhihong Chen
Yu-Ming Lin
M. J. Rooks
Phaedon Avouris
+ PDF Chat Simple formula for the persistent current in disordered one-dimensional rings: Parity and interaction effects 1994 Alexander O. Gogolin
Nikolay Prokof’ev
+ PDF Chat Real-time evolution of the buckled Stone-Wales defect in graphene 2015 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Accurate electronic band gap of pure and functionalized graphane from GW calculations 2009 Sébastien Lebègue∥
M. Klintenberg
Olle Eriksson
M. I. Katsnelson
+ PDF Chat Negative Poisson’s Ratio in Single-Layer Graphene Ribbons 2016 Jin-Wu Jiang
Harold S. Park
+ PDF Chat Competition between different mechanisms of stability loss for the (C20)2 cluster dimer 2006 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics 1983 Viktor Nikolayevich Popov
+ PDF Chat Josephson Current through a Luttinger Liquid 1995 Rosario Fazio
F. W. J. Hekking
A. A. Odintsov
+ PDF Chat Correlated electrons in high-temperature superconductors 1994 Elbio Dagotto
+ PDF Chat Violation of the equipartition theorem for thermally insulated clusters of atoms with different masses 2008 L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Stability of C20 fullerene chains 2007 L. А. Openov
I. V. Davydov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Prismane C8: A new form of carbon? 1998 L. А. Openov
V. F. Elesin
+ PDF Chat Chemical Functionalization of Graphene with Defects 2008 Danil W. Boukhvalov
M. I. Katsnelson
+ PDF Chat Clusters of interstitial carbon atoms near the graphite surface as a possible origin of dome-like features observed by scanning tunneling microscopy 1999 В. Ф. Елесин
L. А. Openov
+ PDF Chat On the vineyard formula for the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius law 2014 Mikhail M. Maslov
L. А. Openov
А. И. Подливаев
+ PDF Chat Stable antiferromagnetic graphone 2010 Danil W. Boukhvalov
+ PDF Chat Tuning fulleride electronic structure and molecular ordering via variable layer index 2008 Yayu Wang
Ryan Yamachika
Andre Wachowiak
M. Grobis
Michael F. Crommie
+ Adaptive kinetic Monte Carlo for first-principles accelerated dynamics 2008 Lijun Xu
Graeme Henkelman
+ PDF Chat From brittle to ductile: a structure dependent ductility of diamond nanothread 2016 Haifei Zhan
Gang Zhang
V.B.C. Tan
Yuan Cheng
John Bell
Yong‐Wei Zhang
Yuantong Gu
+ The critical properties of the two-dimensional xy model 1974 J. M. Kosterlitz
+ PDF Chat Structure and energetics of hydrogen chemisorbed on a single graphene layer to produce graphane 2011 A.A. Dzhurakhalov
F. M. Peeters
+ Low-Lying Eigenstates of the One-Dimensional Heisenberg Ferromagnet for any Magnetization and Momentum 1995 Bill Sutherland
+ Erratum: "Damped Dust Lattice Shock Wave in a Strongly Coupled Complex (Dusty) Plasma," Pis'ma Zh. Éksp. Teor. Fiz . 87, 331 (2008) ( JETP Lett . 87, 281 (2008)) 2008 R. Tyapaev
Samiran Ghosh