Theodore W. Palmer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Centers of centralizer nearrings determined by inner automorphisms of symmetric groups 2020 M. Boudreaux
G. Alan Cannon
Kent M. Neuerburg
Theodore W. Palmer
T. Troxclair
+ Banach Algebras and the General Theory of *-Algebras 2001 Theodore W. Palmer
+ *-Algebras pages 795 to 919 2001 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Locally Compact Groups and their *-Algebras pages 1265 to 1422 2001 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Locally Compact Groups and their *-Algebras pages 1422 to 1490 2001 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Banach *-Algebras 2001 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Commutative Algebras and Functional Calculus 1994 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Approximate Identities and Factorization 1994 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Banach Algebras and the General Theory of *-Algebras 1994 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat The Bidual of the Compact Operators 1985 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat The bidual of the compact operators 1985 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Notes on real and complex $C^*$-algebras 1984 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Classes of nonabelian, noncompact, locally compact groups 1978 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Jordan<sup>∗</sup>-homomorphisms between reduced Banach<sup>∗</sup>-algebras 1975 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of 𝑤*-homomorphisms and expectations 1974 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Arens multiplication and a characterization of 𝑤*-algebras 1974 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Hermitian Banach $^* $-algebras 1972 Theodore W. Palmer
+ The Gelfand-Naimark Pseudo-Norm on Banach ∗-Algebras 1971 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Real C∗-algebras 1970 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Real<i>C</i><sup>∗</sup>-algebras 1970 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Characterizations of C ∗ -Algebras. II 1970 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of 𝐶*-algebras. II 1970 Theodore W. Palmer
+ On σ(T), ‖T‖, and ‖T−1‖ 1969 James W. Daniel
Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Totally bounded sets of precompact linear operators 1969 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Totally Bounded Sets of Precompact Linear Operators 1969 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Unbounded Normal Operators on Banach Spaces 1968 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Collectively compact sets of linear operators 1968 P. M. Anselone
Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of collectively compact, strongly convergent operator sequences 1968 P. M. Anselone
Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Unbounded normal operators on Banach spaces 1968 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of 𝐶*-algebras 1968 Theodore W. Palmer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ Geometrical Properties of the Unit Sphere of Banach Algebras 1955 H. F. Bohnenblust
Samuel Karlin
+ PDF Chat Semi-inner-product spaces 1961 G. Lumer
+ Eine metrische Kennzeichnung der selbstadjungierten Operatoren 1956 Ivan Vidav
+ PDF Chat Spectral analysis of collectively compact, strongly convergent operator sequences 1968 P. M. Anselone
Theodore W. Palmer
+ Isometries Between B ∗ -Algebras 1969 Alan L. T. Paterson
+ PDF Chat The second conjugate space of a Banach algebra as an algebra 1961 Paul Civin
Bertram Yood
+ Cohomology in Banach algebras 1972 Barry Johnson
+ Les C*-algèbres et leurs représentations .. 1964 Jacques Dixmier
+ A note on unitary operators in C∗-algebras 1966 Bernard Russo
Heather A. Dye
+ A representation theory for commutative topological algebra 1951 Richard V. Kadison
+ Ordered topological vector spaces 1967 Anthony L. Peressini
+ PDF Chat The adjoint of a bilinear operation 1951 Richard Arens
+ On the Gelfand-Neumark Theorem 1967 B. J. Vowden
+ PDF Chat On isomorphisms of rings of linear operators 1940 M. Eidelheit
+ On one-parametrical groups of operators in a normed space 1987 2
+ PDF Chat Unitary operators in<i>C</i><sup>∗</sup>-algebras 1960 James Glimm
Richard V. Kadison
+ Some Types of Banach Spaces, Hermitian Operators, and Bade Functionals 1965 Earl Berkson
+ Dissipative operators in a Banach space 1961 G. Lumer
Ralph S. Phillips
+ PDF Chat The Arens products and an imbedding theorem 1969 Julien Hennefeld
+ On One-Parameter Unitary Groups in Hilbert Space 1932 M. H. Stone
+ Topological Properties of Homomorphisms Between Banach Algebras 1954 Bertram Yood
+ Spectra of products and numerical ranges 1967 J. P. Williams
+ The Gelfand-Naimark Pseudo-Norm on Banach ∗-Algebras 1971 Theodore W. Palmer
+ PDF Chat On the Characterization of Spectral Operators 1964 Shmuel Kantorovitz
+ PDF Chat Approximate Identities and Factorization in Banach Modules 1979 Robert S. Doran
Josef Wichmann
+ PDF Chat Unbounded spectral operators 1954 William G. Bade
+ PDF Chat A characterization of scalar type operators on reflexive Banach spaces 1963 Earl Berkson
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of 𝐶*-algebras 1968 Theodore W. Palmer
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups 1949 Richard G. Cooke
+ PDF Chat Weak and strong limits of spectral operators 1954 William G. Bade
+ PDF Chat A metric characterization of $C(X)$ and its generalization to $C^{\ast}$-algebras 1966 Barnett W. Glickfeld
+ PDF Chat Collectively compact sets of linear operators 1968 P. M. Anselone
Theodore W. Palmer
+ Classical Banach Spaces I: Sequence Spaces 1977 Lior Tzafriri
Lior Tzafriri
Joram Lindenstrauss
Joram Lindenstrauss
+ Approximate solutions of integral and operator equations 1964 P. M. Anselone
Robert H. Moore
+ The Numerical Solution of the Eigenvalue Problem for Compact Integral Operators 1967 Kendall Atkinson
+ The type structure of the regular representation of a locally compact group 1976 Keith F. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Completely positive maps on 𝑈*-algebras 1972 William L. Paschke
+ PDF Chat Growth of finitely generated solvable groups 1968 John Milnor
+ The primitive dual space of [FC]− groups 1974 John R. Liukkonen
Richard D. Mosak
+ PDF Chat On symmetry of some Banach algebras 1974 Horst Leptin
+ PDF Chat <i>B</i><sup>∗</sup>algebra unit ball extremal points 1964 Philip Miles
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Symplectic bordism, Stiefel-Whitney numbers, and a Novikov resolution 1970 Don Porter
+ On the regular representation of a nonunimodular locally compact group 1976 Michel Duflo
Calvin C. Moore
+ PDF Chat Covering theorems for finite nonabelian simple groups. V 1975 J. L. Brenner
Robert Cranwell
James A. Riddell
+ Symmetry in Fourier-Stieltjes algebras 1975 John R. Liukkonen
Michael Mislove
+ PDF Chat On the semisimplicity of group rings of some locally finite groups 1975 D. S. Passman
+ PDF Chat Some characterizations of $C^{\ast}$-algebras 1966 Earl Berkson
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki