Hélène Barcelo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Punishing defectors and rewarding cooperators: Do people discriminate between genders? 2021 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ PDF Chat Homology Groups of Cubical Sets with Connections 2021 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat On the Vanishing of Discrete Singular Cubical Homology for Graphs 2021 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat Algebraic voting theory & representations of S≀S 2020 Hélène Barcelo
Megan Bernstein
Sarah Bockting-Conrad
Erin McNicholas
Kathryn Nyman
Shira Viel
+ Priming reasoning increases intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission 2020 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ The effect of messaging and gender on intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission 2020 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ The effect of messaging and gender on intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission 2020 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ Punishing defectors and rewarding cooperators: Do people discriminate between genders? 2020 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ Priming reasoning increases intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission 2020 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ The effect of messaging and gender on intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission 2020 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ Punishing defectors and rewarding cooperators: Do people discriminate between genders? 2020 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ On the vanishing of discrete singular cubical homology for graphs. 2019 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ On the heterogeneity of people's (dis)honest behavior along two dimensions: Cost of lying and cost of acquiring information 2019 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ PDF Chat Discrete cubical and path homologies of graphs 2019 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ Recent Trends in Algebraic Combinatorics 2019 Hélène Barcelo
Gizem Karaali
Rosa Orellana
+ On the vanishing of discrete singular cubical homology for graphs 2019 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ Homology groups of cubical sets with connections 2018 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ Algebraic Voting Theory & Representations of $S_m \wr S_n$ 2018 Hélène Barcelo
Megan Bernstein
Sarah Bockting-Conrad
Erin McNicholas
Kathryn Nyman
Shira Viel
+ Discrete Cubical and Path Homologies of Graphs 2018 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ Homology groups of cubical sets with connections 2018 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ Discrete Cubical and Path Homologies of Graphs 2018 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ Algebraic Voting Theory & Representations of $S_m \wr S_n$ 2018 Hélène Barcelo
Megan Bernstein
Sarah Bockting-Conrad
Erin McNicholas
Kathryn Nyman
Shira Viel
+ The Good, the Bad, and the Angry: An experimental study on the heterogeneity of people's (dis)honest behavior 2017 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ On the heterogeneity of people's (dis)honest behavior along two dimensions: Cost of lying and cost of acquiring information 2017 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ Fifty years of The Journal of Combinatorial Theory 2016 Hélène Barcelo
Bruce Rothschild
S. Ole Warnaar
+ PDF Chat Group Size Effect on Cooperation in One-Shot Social Dilemmas II: Curvilinear Effect 2015 Valerio Capraro
Hélène Barcelo
+ PDF Chat Discrete homology theory for metric spaces 2014 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
Jacob White
+ Group size effect on cooperation in social dilemmas. 2014 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ PDF Chat Group Size Effect on Cooperation on Social Dilemmas 2014 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
+ Group size effect on cooperation in social dilemmas 2014 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
Christopher Severs
Jacob A. White
+ PDF Chat $k$-Parabolic subspace arrangements 2011 Hélène Barcelo
Christopher Severs
Jacob A. White
+ Pentagonal Relations and the Exchange Module of the Type $A_n$ Cluster Algebra 2010 Hélène Barcelo
Christopher Severs
Jacob A. White
+ $k$-Parabolic Subspace Arrangements 2009 Hélène Barcelo
Christopher Severs
Jacob A. White
+ PDF Chat Bimahonian distributions 2008 Hélène Barcelo
Victor Reiner
Dennis Stanton
+ PDF Chat The discrete fundamental group of the order complex of B n 2007 Hélène Barcelo
Shelly Smith
+ The Discrete Fundamental Group of the Order Complex of $B_n$ 2007 Hélène Barcelo
Shelly Smith
+ PDF Chat Homotopy theory of graphs 2006 Eric Babson
Hélène Barcelo
Mark de Longueville
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ Counting permutations by congruence class of major index 2006 Hélène Barcelo
Bruce E. Sagan
Sheila Sundaram
+ Perspectives on A-homotopy theory and its applications 2005 Hélène Barcelo
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ Counting permutations by congruence class of major index 2005 Hélène Barcelo
Bruce E. Sagan
Sheila Sundaram
+ A Homotopy Theory for Graphs 2004 Eric Babson
Hélène Barcelo
Mark de Longueville
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ A discrete homotopy theory for graphs, with applications to order complexes of lattices 2004 Hélène Barcelo
Shelly Smith
+ PDF Chat On Counting Permutations by Pairs of Congruence Classes of Major Index 2002 Hélène Barcelo
Robert Maule
Sheila Sundaram
+ Foundations of a Connectivity Theory for Simplicial Complexes 2001 Hélène Barcelo
Xenia Kramer
Reinhard Laubenbacher
Christopher S. Weaver
+ On counting permutations by pairs of congruence classes of major index 2001 Hélène Barcelo
Robert Maule
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Hélène Barcelo
Edwin Ihrig
+ Combinatorial Representation Theory 1999 Hélène Barcelo
Arun Ram
+ Modular elements in the lattice L(A) when A is a real reflection arrangement 1998 Hélène Barcelo
Edwin Ihrig
+ Combinatorial Representation Theory 1997 Hélène Barcelo
Arun Ram
+ Combinatorial Representation Theory 1997 Hélène Barcelo
Arun Ram
+ Non-broken circuits of reflection groups and factorization inD n 1995 Hélène Barcelo
Alain Goupil
+ PDF Chat Jerusalem Combinatorics ’93 1994 Hélà ̈ne Barcelo
Gil Kalai
+ Combinatorial aspects of the Poincaré polynomial associated with a reflection group 1994 Hélène Barcelo
A Goupil
+ Jerusalem Combinatorics '93 : an International Conference in Combinatorics, May 9-17, 1993, Jerusalem, Israel 1994 Jerusalem Combinatorics
Hélène Barcelo
Gil Kalai
+ On Some Submodules of the Action of the Symmetrical Group on the Free Lie Algebra 1993 Hélène Barcelo
Sheila Sundaram
+ PDF Chat None 1993 Hélène Barcelo
+ On the action of the symmetric group on the Free Lie Algebra and the partition lattice 1990 Hélène Barcelo
+ The Orlik-Solomon algebra on the partition lattice and the free Lie algebra 1990 Hélène Barcelo
Nantel Bergeron
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Homotopy theory of graphs 2006 Eric Babson
Hélène Barcelo
Mark de Longueville
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ Foundations of a Connectivity Theory for Simplicial Complexes 2001 Hélène Barcelo
Xenia Kramer
Reinhard Laubenbacher
Christopher S. Weaver
+ An Algebra for Patterns on a Complex, I 1974 R.H. Atkin
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat The online laboratory: conducting experiments in a real labor market 2011 John J. Horton
David G. Rand
Richard Zeckhauser
+ The Homology of "k-Equal" Manifolds and Related Partition Lattices 1995 Anders Björner
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat Discrete homology theory for metric spaces 2014 Hélène Barcelo
Valerio Capraro
Jacob White
+ A Homotopy Theory for Graphs 2004 Eric Babson
Hélène Barcelo
Mark de Longueville
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ An algebra for patterns on a complex, II 1976 R.H. Atkin
+ Perspectives on A-homotopy theory and its applications 2005 Hélène Barcelo
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ Lie elements in the tensor algebra 1975 Anton A. Klyachko
+ PDF Chat Linear decision trees, subspace arrangements and Möbius functions 1994 Anders Björner
László Lovász
+ Two Theorems on Multipartite Partitions 1963 Basil Gordon
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 Günter M. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat $k$-Parabolic subspace arrangements 2011 Hélène Barcelo
Christopher Severs
Jacob A. White
+ PDF Chat Benevolent Characteristics Promote Cooperative Behaviour among Humans 2014 Valerio Capraro
Conor Smyth
Kalliopi Mylona
Graham A. Niblo
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Hélène Barcelo
Edwin Ihrig
+ A homology theory for spanning tress of a graph 1977 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Group-size effects on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game 2011 Attila Szolnoki
Matjaž Perc
+ The effect of norm-based messages on reading and understanding COVID-19 pandemic response governmental rules 2020 Ennio Bilancini
Leonardo Boncinelli
Valerio Capraro
Tatiana Celadin
Roberto Di Paolo
+ Arrangements of Hyperplanes 1992 Peter Orlik
Hiroaki Terao
+ The effectiveness of moral messages on public health behavioral intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 Jim A. C. Everett
Clara Colombatto
Vladimir Chituc
William J. Brady
Molly J. Crockett
+ PDF Chat Impact of critical mass on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games 2010 Attila Szolnoki
Matjaž Perc
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology 1991 William S. Massey
+ PDF Chat Priming intuition disfavors instrumental harm but not impartial beneficence 2019 Valerio Capraro
Jim A. C. Everett
Brian D. Earp
+ PDF Chat The discrete fundamental group of the order complex of B n 2007 Hélène Barcelo
Shelly Smith
+ Combinatorics and topology of complements of hyperplanes 1980 Peter Orlik
Louis Solomon
+ PDF Chat On Counting Permutations by Pairs of Congruence Classes of Major Index 2002 Hélène Barcelo
Robert Maule
Sheila Sundaram
+ Major Index and Inversion Number of Permutations 1978 Dominique Foata
M.P. Schützenberger
+ PDF Chat Discrete cubical and path homologies of graphs 2019 Hélène Barcelo
Curtis Greene
Abdul Salam Jarrah
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat A Model of Human Cooperation in Social Dilemmas 2013 Valerio Capraro
+ The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group 1984 James
+ The fundamental group of the complement of an arrangement of complex hyperplanes 1992 William A. Arvola
+ Linear Representations of Finite Groups 1977 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Shellable Nonpure Complexes and Posets. I 1996 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs
+ On the algebra of cubes 1981 Ronald Brown
Philip J. Higgins
+ Foncteurs analytiques et espèces de structures 1986 André Joyal
+ The equivalence of $\omega $-groupoids and cubical $T$-complexes 1981 Ronald Brown
Philip J. Higgins
+ The Associahedron and Triangulations of the n-gon 1989 Carl W. Lee
+ PDF Chat Coefficients associated with the expansion of certain products 1974 David P. Roselle
+ PDF Chat Cubical abelian groups with connections are equivalent to chain complexes 2003 Ronald Brown
Philip J. Higgins
+ Combinatorics of the Free Lie Algebra and the Symmetric Group 1990 Adriano M. Garsia
+ Die Fundamentalgruppe des Raumes der regul�ren Orbits einer endlichen komplexen Spiegelungsgruppe 1971 Egbert Brieskorn
+ Homotopy types of subspace arrangements via diagrams of spaces 1993 Günter M. Ziegler
Rade T. Živaljević
+ Multiple Categories: The Equivalence of a Globular and a Cubical Approach 2002 Fahd Ali Al-Agl
Ronald Brown
Richard Steiner
+ Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra 1996 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat La catégorie cubique avec connexions est une catégorie test stricte 2009 Georges Maltsiniotis
+ Elements of Algebraic Topology 2018 James R. Munkres
+ Homologies of path complexes and digraphs 2012 Alexander Grigor’yan
Yong Lin
Yu. V. Muranov
Shing‐Tung Yau