Joyce Garden


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Effects of nonperturbatively improved dynamical fermions in QCD at fixed lattice spacing 2002 Chris Allton
Stephen Booth
K. C. Bowler
Joyce Garden
A. Hart
D. J. Hepburn
A.C. Irving
Bálint Joó
R.D. Kenway
C.M. Maynard
+ PDF Chat Quenched QCD with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mn /></mml:math>improvement: The spectrum of light hadrons 2000 K. C. Bowler
P. Boyle
Joyce Garden
R.D. Kenway
David Richards
P. Rowland
Sinéad M. Ryan
Hubert Simma
C. Michael
Hugh Shanahan
+ PDF Chat Low energy physics from the QCD Schrödinger functional 2000 Joyce Garden
Marco Guagnelli
Jochen Heitger
Rainer Sommer
Hartmut Wittig
+ PDF Chat Precision computation of the strange quark's mass in quenched QCD 2000 Joyce Garden
Jochen Heitger
Rainer Sommer
Hartmut Wittig
+ PDF Chat UKQCD's latest results for the static quark potential and light hadron spectrum with O(a) improved dynamical fermions 2000 Joyce Garden
+ Light hadron spectroscopy with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mn /></mml:math>improved dynamical fermions 1999 Chris Allton
Stephen Booth
K. C. Bowler
Matthew S. Foster
Joyce Garden
A.C. Irving
R. D. Kenway
C. Michael
J. Peisa
Stephen Pickles
+ PDF Chat Tuning actions and observables in lattice QCD 1998 A.C. Irving
James C. Sexton
Eamonn Cahill
Joyce Garden
Bálint Joó
Stephen Pickles
Z. Sroczynski
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Chiral symmetry and O(a) improvement in lattice QCD 1996 Martin Lüscher
+ PDF Chat A new way to set the energy scale in lattice gauge theories and its application to the static force and σs in SU (2) Yang-Mills theory 1994 Rainer Sommer
+ PDF Chat Precision computation of a low-energy reference scale in quenched lattice QCD 1998 Marco Guagnelli
Rainer Sommer
Hartmut Wittig
+ PDF Chat Light hadron spectrum and decay constants in quenched lattice QCD 1994 Chris Allton
Laurent Lellouch
C. T. Sachrajda
Hartmut Wittig
Rob Baxter
Stephen Booth
K. C. Bowler
D. S. Henty
R. D. Kenway
Craig McNeile
+ PDF Chat Scaling of nonperturbatively<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo><mml:mn /></mml:math>-improved Wilson fermions: Hadron spectrum, quark masses, and decay constants 1998 M. Göckeler
R. Horsley
H. Perlt
P. E. L. Rakow
G. Schierholz
A. Schiller
P.W. Stephenson
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative O(a) improvement of lattice QCD 1997 Martin Lüscher
Stefan Sint
Rainer Sommer
Peter Weisz
Ulli Wolff
+ PDF Chat Efficient hadronic operators in lattice gauge theory 1995 P. Lacock
A. McKerrell
C. Michael
I. M. Stopher
P.W. Stephenson
+ PDF Chat Dynamical quark effects in QCD 1998 S. Güsken
+ PDF Chat Hadron masses and matrix elements from the QCD Schrödinger functional 1999 Marco Guagnelli
Jochen Heitger
Rainer Sommer
Hartmut Wittig
+ PDF Chat Is the quenched spectrum in agreement with experiment? 1995 P. Lacock
C. Michael
+ PDF Chat Fitting correlated hadron mass spectrum data 1995 C. Michael
A. McKerrell
+ PDF Chat Light quark masses with dynamical Wilson fermions 1997 N. Eicker
U. Glässner
S. Güsken
H. Hoeber
P. Lacock
Thomas Lippert
G. Ritzenhöfer
Klaus Schilling
Gabriele Siegert
A. Spitz
+ PDF Chat Accurate scale determinations for the Wilson gauge action 1998 Robert G. Edwards
Urs M. Heller
Timothy R. Klassen
+ PDF Chat The ratios of the light quark masses 1996 H. Leutwyler
+ PDF Chat Effect of tree-level and mean-field improvement on the light-hadron spectrum in quenched QCD 1997 Hugh Shanahan
C. T. H. Davies
K. C. Bowler
R.D. Kenway
David Richards
P. Rowland
Sinéad M. Ryan
P. Lacock
C. Michael
D. R. Burford
+ PDF Chat Comparison of improved and unimproved quenched hadron spectroscopy 1998 Attilio Cucchieri
Tereza Mendes
R. Petronzio
+ PDF Chat Chiral perturbation theory for the quenched approximation of QCD 1992 Claude W. Bernard
Maarten Golterman
+ New results from UKQCD using the cray T3D: Measuring gluonic observables 1995 2
+ PDF Chat Light and strange hadron spectroscopy with dynamical Wilson fermions 1998 N. Eicker
P. Lacock
Klaus Schilling
A. Spitz
U. Glässner
S. Güsken
H. Hoeber
Thomas Lippert
T. Struckmann
P. Ueberholz
+ PDF Chat The running quark mass in the SF scheme and its two-loop anomalous dimension 1999 Stefan Sint
Peter Weisz
+ PDF Chat Tuning actions and observables in lattice QCD 1998 A.C. Irving
James C. Sexton
Eamonn Cahill
Joyce Garden
Bálint Joó
Stephen Pickles
Z. Sroczynski
+ PDF Chat A first taste of dynamical fermions with an O(a) improved action 1998 M. Talevi
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbatively improved quenched hadron spectroscopy 1998 Attilio Cucchieri
M. Masetti
Tereza Mendes
R. Petronzio
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative determination of the axial current normalization constant in 0(a) improved lattice QCD 1997 Martin Lüscher
Stefan Sint
Rainer Sommer
Hartmut Wittig
+ PDF Chat O(a) improvement of the axial current in lattice QCD to one-loop order of perturbation theory 1996 Martin Lüscher
Peter Weisz
+ PDF Chat Scaling investigation of renormalized correlation functions in O(a) improved quenched lattice QCD 1999 Jochen Heitger
+ PDF Chat Quenched chiral perturbation theory for vector mesons 1997 Michael J. Booth
George Chiladze
Adam F. Falk
+ PDF Chat Maximal variance reduction for stochastic propagators with applications to the static quark spectrum 1998 C. Michael
J. Peisa
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative renormalization constants on the lattice from flavour non-singlet Ward identities 1998 Giulia Maria de Divitiis
R. Petronzio
+ PDF Chat Quenched chiral perturbation theory for baryons 1996 J. Labrenz
Stephen R. Sharpe
+ Hamiltonian evolution for the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm 1992 James C. Sexton
D. Weingarten
+ PDF Chat Quenched chiral artifacts for Wilson-Dirac fermions 1998 William A. Bardeen
A. Duncan
E. Eichten
H. B. Thacker
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative Determination of Quark Masses in Quenched Lattice QCD with the Kogut-Susskind Fermion Action 1999 Sinya Aoki
M. Fukugita
S. Hashimoto
K-I. Ishikawa
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
T. Kaneda
S. Kaya
Y. Kuramashi
+ PDF Chat Tuning the generalized Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm 1996 A.D. Kennedy
Robert G. Edwards
H. Mino
B.J. Pendleton
+ PDF Chat Topological susceptibility in lattice QCD with two flavors of dynamical quarks 2001 A. Ali Khan
Sinya Aoki
R. Burkhalter
Shinji Ejiri
M. Fukugita
S. Hashimoto
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
T. Kaneko
+ PDF Chat Implementing the generalised hybrid Monte-Carlo algorithm 1998 Z. Sroczynski
Stephen Pickles
Stephen Booth
+ PDF Chat Topological susceptibility on dynamical staggered fermion configurations 2001 Anna Hasenfratz
+ PDF Chat Violations of Dashen's theorem 1993 Johan Bijnens
+ PDF Chat Viability of lattice perturbation theory 1993 G. Peter Lepage
PB Mackenzie
+ PDF Chat Effectiveness of Nonperturbative<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">O</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">a</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:math>Improvement in Lattice QCD 1998 Robert G. Edwards
Urs M. Heller
Timothy R. Klassen
+ PDF Chat Eta meson mass and topology in QCD with two light flavors 2000 A. Ali Khan
Sinya Aoki
R. Burkhalter
Shinji Ejiri
M. Fukugita
S. Hashimoto
N. Ishizuka
Y. Iwasaki
K. Kanaya
T. Kaneko
+ Statistical Data Analysis in the Computer Age 1991 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat On the Schrödinger functional in QCD 1994 Stefan Sint
+ PDF Chat QED2 as a testbed for interpolations between quenched and full QCD 1998 William A. Bardeen
A. Duncan
E. Eichten
H. B. Thacker
+ PDF Chat Flavour-singlet pseudoscalar and scalar mesons 2000 C. Michael
Matthew S. Foster
Craig McNeile
+ PDF Chat Light quark masses for dynamical, non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions 2001 D. Pleiter
+ PDF Chat QCD spectrum with three quark flavors 2001 C. Bérnard
Tom Burch
Kostas Orginos
D. Toussaint
Thomas DeGrand
Carleton DeTar
Saumen Datta
Steven Gottlieb
Urs M. Heller
R. Sugar
+ PDF Chat A generalized guided Monte Carlo algorithm 1991 Alan M. Horowitz
+ PDF Chat Approximate actions for dynamical fermions 1998 A.C. Irving
James C. Sexton
Eamonn Cahill
+ PDF Chat Approximate actions for lattice QCD simulation 1997 A.C. Irving
James C. Sexton