Homer F. Walker


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Anderson acceleration and application to the three-temperature energy equations 2017 Hengbin An
Xiaowei Jia
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Accelerating the Uzawa Algorithm 2017 Nguyenho Ho
Sarah D. Olson
Homer F. Walker
+ Accelerating the Uzawa Algorithm 2015 Nguyenho Ho
Sarah D. Olson
Homer F. Walker
+ An accelerated Picard method for nonlinear systems related to variably saturated flow 2012 P. Aaron Lott
Homer F. Walker
Carol S. Woodward
Ulrike Meier Yang
+ Anderson Acceleration for Fixed-Point Iterations 2011 Homer F. Walker
Peng Ni
Carol S. Woodward
Ulrike Meier Yang
+ A Linearly Constrained Least-Squares Problem in \\ Electronic Structure Computations 2008 Peng Ni
Homer F. Walker
+ Inexact Newton Dogleg Methods 2008 Roger P. Pawlowski
Joseph P. Simonis
Homer F. Walker
John N. Shadid
+ PDF Chat On Using Approximate Finite Differences in Matrix-Free Newton–Krylov Methods 2008 Peter N. Brown
Homer F. Walker
Rebecca Wasyk
Carol S. Woodward
+ Globalization Techniques for Newton–Krylov Methods and Applications to the Fully Coupled Solution of the Navier–Stokes Equations 2006 Roger P. Pawlowski
John N. Shadid
Joseph P. Simonis
Homer F. Walker
+ Inexact Newton dogleg methods. 2005 John N. Shadid
Joseph P. Simonis
Roger P. Pawlowski
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat On Backtracking Failure in Newton–GMRES Methods with a Demonstration for the Navier–Stokes Equations 2002 Raymond S. Tuminaro
Homer F. Walker
John N. Shadid
+ An Adaptation of Krylov Subspace Methods to Path Following Problems 1999 Homer F. Walker
+ NITSOL: A Newton Iterative Solver for Nonlinear Systems 1998 Michael Pernice
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 777: HOMPACK90 1997 Layne T. Watson
Maria Sosonkina
Robert Melville
Alexander P. Morgan
Homer F. Walker
+ Iterative methods for large scale nonlinear and linear systems. Final report, 1994--1996 1997 Homer F. Walker
+ An adaptation of Krylov subspace methods to path following 1996 Homer F. Walker
+ Choosing the Forcing Terms in an Inexact Newton Method 1996 Stanley C. Eisenstat
Homer F. Walker
+ Newton iterative methods for large scale nonlinear systems. Final report, August 1992--July 1994 1995 Homer F. Walker
Kathryn L. Turner
+ A simpler GMRES 1994 Homer F. Walker
Lu Zhou
+ PDF Chat Globally Convergent Inexact Newton Methods 1994 Stanley C. Eisenstat
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Residual Smoothing Techniques for Iterative Methods 1994 Lu Zhou
Homer F. Walker
+ Newton iterative methods for large scale nonlinear systems. Progress report, 1992--1993 1993 Homer F. Walker
Kathryn L. Turner
+ Newton iterative methods for large scale nonlinear systems 1993 Homer F. Walker
Kathryn L. Turner
+ Efficient High Accuracy Solutions with ${\text{GMRES}}(m)$ 1992 Kathryn L. Turner
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Homotopy Curve Tracking 1992 Colin Desa
Kashmira M. Irani
Calvin J. Ribbens
Layne T. Watson
Homer F. Walker
+ Efficient High Accuracy Solutions with GMRES(m). 1992 Kathryn L. Turner
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Experiments with Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Homotopy Curve Tracking 1991 Kashmira M. Irani
Manohar P. Kamat
Calvin J. Ribbens
Homer F. Walker
Layne T. Watson
+ Numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic equations in stiff ODE solving (1986--89)---Quasi-Newton updating for large scale nonlinear systems (1989--90). Final report, 1986--1990 1990 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Least-Change Secant Updates of Nonsquare Matrices 1990 Samih K. Bourji
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Least-Change Secant Update Methods for Underdetermined Systems 1990 Homer F. Walker
Layne T. Watson
+ Numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic equations in stiff ODE solving (1986--89)---Quasi-Newton updating for large scale nonlinear systems (1989--90) 1990 Homer F. Walker
+ Fast Algorithms for Estimating Mixture Parameters 1989 Homer F. Walker
Michael P. Windham
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Solute Dispersion in Periodic Porous Media 1989 Ritwik Bhattacharya
Vijay K. Gupta
Homer F. Walker
+ Note on a Householder implementation of the GMRES method 1986 A.C. Hindmarsh
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Experiments with Quasi-Newton Methods in Solving Stiff ODE Systems 1985 Peter N. Brown
A.C. Hindmarsh
Homer F. Walker
+ Mixture Densities, Maximum Likelihood and the EM Algorithm 1984 Richard A. Redner
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Inaccuracy in quasi-Newton methods: Local improvement theorems 1984 J. E. Dennis
Homer F. Walker
+ Erratum: Convergence Theorems for Least-Change Secant Update Methods 1982 J. E. Dennis
Homer F. Walker
+ Mixture densities, maximum likelihood, and the EM algorithm 1982 Richard A. Redner
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Convergence Theorems for Least-Change Secant Update Methods 1981 J. E. Dennis
Homer F. Walker
+ Estimating the proportions of two populations in a mixture using linear maps 1980 Homer F. Walker
+ LLL-UHMLE: maximum likelihood estimates for the general normal mixture, preliminary user's guide. [In FORTRAN for CDC 7600] 1979 F.N. Fritsch
Homer F. Walker
+ Local Convergence Theorems for Quasi-Newton Methods 1979 J. E. Dennis
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat The Numerical Evaluation of the Maximum-Likelihood Estimate of a Subset of Mixture Proportions 1978 B. C. Peters
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat An Iterative Procedure for Obtaining Maximum-Likelihood Estimates of the Parameters for a Mixture of Normal Distributions 1978 B. C. Peters
Homer F. Walker
+ Sample-moment estimates for the mean vector and the covariance matrix for a sample of incomplete data vectors 1978 Homer F. Walker
+ Quasi-Newton Methods 1978 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Strong ellipticity and Van Hove’s lemma in inhomogeneous media 1977 Homer F. Walker
+ Some remarks on the local energy decay of solutions of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave equation in unbounded domains 1977 Homer F. Walker
+ On the null-spaces of partially elliptic operators of a certain type 1976 James A. LaVita
Homer F. Walker
+ The numerical evaluation of maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters for a mixture of normal distributions from partially identified samples 1976 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat On Minimizing the Probability of Misclassification for Linear Feature Selection 1975 L. F. Guseman
B. C. Peters
Homer F. Walker
+ Some qualitative remarks on the variation of the probability of error 1974 Homer F. Walker
+ The null spaces of elliptic partial differential operators in Rn 1973 Louis Nirenberg
Homer F. Walker
+ On the Estimation of the L 2 -Norm of a Function Over a Bounded Subset of R n 1973 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat On the estimation of the 𝐿₂-norm of a function over a bounded subset of 𝑅ⁿ 1973 Homer F. Walker
+ A Fredholm theory for elliptic partial differential operators in 𝑅ⁿ 1973 Homer F. Walker
+ On the Null-Spaces of Elliptic Partial Differential Operators in R n 1972 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat A Fredholm Theory for a Class of First-Order Elliptic Partial Differential Operators in R n 1972 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat On the null-spaces of elliptic partial differential operators in 𝑅ⁿ 1972 Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat A Fredholm theory for a class of first-order elliptic partial differential operators in ${\bf R}\sp{n}$ 1972 Homer F. Walker
+ On the Null-Spaces of First-Order Elliptic Partial Differential Operators in R n 1971 Homer F. Walker
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat GMRES: A Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1986 Yousef Saad
Martin H. Schultz
+ Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations 1996 J. E. Dennis
Robert B. Schnabel
+ Inexact Newton Methods 1982 Ron S. Dembo
Stanley C. Eisenstat
Trond Steihaug
+ Hybrid Krylov Methods for Nonlinear Systems of Equations 1990 Peter N. Brown
Yousef Saad
+ PDF Chat Krylov subspace methods for solving large unsymmetric linear systems 1981 Yousef Saad
+ Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 1971 E. I.
J. M. Ortega
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ Choosing the Forcing Terms in an Inexact Newton Method 1996 Stanley C. Eisenstat
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Iterative Procedures for Nonlinear Integral Equations 1965 Donald G. Anderson
+ Iterative solution of linear systems 1992 Roland W. Freund
Gene H. Golub
NoĂŤl M. Nachtigal
+ Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables 2000 J. M. Ortega
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ PDF Chat Globally Convergent Inexact Newton Methods 1994 Stanley C. Eisenstat
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat A class of methods for solving nonlinear simultaneous equations 1965 C. G. Broyden
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 652 1987 Layne T. Watson
Stephen C. Billups
Alexander P. Morgan
+ On the Null-Spaces of First-Order Elliptic Partial Differential Operators in R n 1971 Homer F. Walker
+ Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov methods: a survey of approaches and applications 2003 D. A. Knoll
David E. Keyes
+ PDF Chat Two classes of multisecant methods for nonlinear acceleration 2008 Haw‐ren Fang
Yousef Saad
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 541: Efficient Fortran Subprograms for the Solution of Separable Elliptic Partial Differential Equations [D3] 1979 Paul N. Swarztrauber
Roland A. Sweet
+ Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations. 1985 Robert E. Kass
J. E. Dennis
Robert B. Schnabel
+ Bi-CGSTAB: A Fast and Smoothly Converging Variant of Bi-CG for the Solution of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1992 H.A. van der Vorst
+ PDF Chat Convergence Theorems for Least-Change Secant Update Methods 1981 J. E. Dennis
Homer F. Walker
+ Anderson Acceleration for Fixed-Point Iterations 2011 Homer F. Walker
Peng Ni
+ PDF Chat The numerical evaluation of the maximum-likelihood estimate of mixture proportions 1976 Charles M. Peters
W. A. Coberly
+ NITSOL: A Newton Iterative Solver for Nonlinear Systems 1998 Michael Pernice
Homer F. Walker
+ A globally convergent algorithm for computing fixed points of C2 maps 1979 Layne T. Watson
+ An Algorithm That is Globally Convergent with Probability One for a Class of Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems 1979 Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Homotopy Curve Tracking 1992 Colin Desa
Kashmira M. Irani
Calvin J. Ribbens
Layne T. Watson
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Least Change Secant Updates for Quasi-Newton Methods 1979 J. E. Dennis
R. B. Schnabel
+ PDF Chat Numerical Linear Algebra Aspects of Globally Convergent Homotopy Methods 1986 Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 555: Chow-Yorke Algorithm for Fixed Points or Zeros of <i>C</i> <sup>2</sup> Maps [C5] 1980 Layne T. Watson
Dan Fenner
+ PDF Chat Continuation-Conjugate Gradient Methods for the Least Squares Solution of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 1985 Roland Glowinski
Herbert B. Keller
Laure Reinhart
+ Iterative methods for linear and nonlinear equations 1996 C. T. Kelley
+ PDF Chat Solving Finite Difference Approximations to Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems by a Homotopy Method 1980 Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat A Rapidly Convergent Descent Method for Minimization 1963 R. Fletcher
M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat Least-Change Secant Updates of Nonsquare Matrices 1990 Samih K. Bourji
Homer F. Walker
+ Computer methods for mathematical computations 1977 George E. Forsythe
Michael A. Malcolm
C Moler
+ PDF Chat Experiments with Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for Homotopy Curve Tracking 1991 Kashmira M. Irani
Manohar P. Kamat
Calvin J. Ribbens
Homer F. Walker
Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat Solving spline-collocation approximations to nonlinear two-point boundary-value problems by a homotopy method 1987 Layne M. Watson
Melvin R. Scott
+ PDF Chat Modification of a quasi-Newton method for nonlinear equations with a sparse Jacobian 1970 Ludwig Schubert
+ Efficient High Accuracy Solutions with ${\text{GMRES}}(m)$ 1992 Kathryn L. Turner
Homer F. Walker
+ PDF Chat Globally convergent homotopy algorithms for nonlinear systems of equations 1990 Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat On sparse and symmetric matrix updating subject to a linear equation 1977 Philippe L. Toint
+ HOMPACK: A Suite of Codes for Globally Convergent Homotopy Algorithms 1990 Layne T. Watson
Stephen C. Billups
Alexander P. Morgan
+ Variational Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations 1983 Stanley C. Eisenstat
Howard C. Elman
Martin H. Schultz
+ PDF Chat Solving Galerkin Approximations to Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems by a Globally Convergent Homotopy Method 1987 Layne T. Watson
L. Ridgway Scott
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Newton Methods, Motivation and Theory 1977 J. E. Dennis
Jorge J. Morè
+ Truncated-Newton algorithms for large-scale unconstrained optimization 1983 Ron S. Dembo
Trond Steihaug
+ Iterative Methods for Solving Bordered Systems with Applications to Continuation Methods 1985 Tony F. Chan
Yousef Saad
+ Solving Polynominal Systems Using Continuation for Engineering and Scientific Problems 2009 Alexander P. Morgan
+ PDF Chat The convergence of an algorithm for solving sparse nonlinear systems 1971 C. G. Broyden
+ Numerical analysis of parametrized nonlinear equations 1986 Werner C. Rheinboldt