Yu. Ilyashenko


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Singular points in generic two-parameter families of vector fields on 2-manifold 2024 D. A. Filimonov
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Dulac maps of real saddle-nodes 2024 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Set theoretical pathologies in the problem of Lyapunov stability of singular points of vector fields 2024 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Persistence, Uniformizanion and Holonomy 2024 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Germs of bifurcation diagrams and SN–SN families 2021 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Numeric invariants in semilocal bifurcations 2020 Andrei Valerevich Dukov
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Various Equivalence Relations in Global Bifurcation Theory 2020 Nataliya Goncharuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Global Bifurcations in Generic One-Parameter Families with a Parabolic Cycle on S 2 2019 Nataliya Goncharuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
Nikita Solodovnikov
+ First steps of the global bifurcation theory in the plane 2019 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Vladimir Antonovich Zorich 2018 А. И. Аптекарев
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
M. Gromov
Yu. Ilyashenko
Борис Сергеевич Кашин
Владимир Михайлович Кесельман
В. В. Козлов
Maxim Kontsevich
I. M. Krichever
+ Large bifurcation supports 2018 Nataliya Goncharuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Global bifurcations in the two-sphere: a new perspective 2018 Yu. Ilyashenko
Yury Kudryashov
Ilya Schurov
+ Global Bifurcations in Generic One-Parameter Families with a Separatrix Loop on S2 2018 Yu. Ilyashenko
Nikita Solodovnikov
+ Large bifurcation supports 2018 Nataliya Goncharuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Global bifurcations in generic one-parameter families with a parabolic cycle on $S^2$ 2017 Nataliya Goncharuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
Nikita Solodovnikov
+ Global bifurcations in generic one-parameter families with a parabolic cycle on $S^2$ 2017 Nataliya Goncharuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
Nikita Solodovnikov
+ PDF Chat Sternberg Linearization Theorem for Skew Products 2016 Yu. Ilyashenko
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
+ Finiteness theorems for limit cycles: a digest of the revised proof 2016 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Towards the General Theory of Global Planar Bifurcations 2016 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Finiteness theorems for limit cycles: a digest of the revised proof 2016 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Sternberg linearization theorem for skew products 2015 Yu. Ilyashenko
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
+ Math in Moscow: Conveying Traditions of Russian Mathematical School 2015 Yu. Ilyashenko
Irina Paramonova
+ Sternberg linearization theorem for skew products 2015 Yu. Ilyashenko
Olga Paris‐Romaskevich
+ PDF Chat Complex length and persistence of limit cycles in a neighborhood of a hyperbolic polycycle 2014 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Multidimensional bony attractors 2012 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Hölder properties of perturbed skew products and Fubini regained 2012 Yu. Ilyashenko
Andrei Neguţ
+ Relatively unstable attractors 2012 Yu. Ilyashenko
Ivan Shilin
+ PDF Chat Многомерные костистые аттракторы 2012 Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Thick attractors of boundary preserving diffeomorphisms 2011 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Weak Total Rigidity for Polynomial Vector Fields of Arbitrary Degree 2011 Yu. Ilyashenko
Vadims Moldavskis
+ Total rigidity of generic quadratic vector fields 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Vadims Moldavskis
+ Holder properties of perturbed skew products and Fubini regained 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Andrei Neguţ
+ Thick attractors of step skew products 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Invisible parts of attractors 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Andrei Neguţ
+ Cascades of ε-invisibility 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Denis Volk
+ A Restricted Version of Hilbert's 16th Problem for Quadratic Vector Fields 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Jaume Llibre
+ Total rigidity of generic quadratic vector fields 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Vadims Moldavskis
+ Holder properties of perturbed skew products and Fubini regained 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Andrei Neguţ
+ Cascades and e-invisibility 2009 Yu. Ilyashenko
Denis Volk
+ A restricted version of the Hilbert's 16th problem for quadratic vector fields 2009 Yu. Ilyashenko
Jaume Llibre
+ Cascades of e-invisibility 2009 Yu. Ilyashenko
Denis Volk
+ Diffeomorphisms with intermingled attracting basins 2008 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Openness of the set of boundary preserving maps of an annulus with intermingled attracting basins 2008 Yu. Ilyashenko
Victor Kleptsyn
P. S. Saltykov
+ Some open problems in real and complex dynamical systems 2008 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Диффеоморфизмы с перемежающимися бассейнами притяжения 2008 Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Global properties of complex polynomial foliations 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Functional moduli of analytic classification of resonant germs and their applications 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Singular points of planar analytic vector fields 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Total rigidity of polynomial foliations on the complex projective plane 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The monodromy group 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Restricted Version of the Infinitesimal Hilbert 16th Problem 2007 Alexey Glutsyuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Variation of argument and Bernstein index for holomorphic functions on Riemann surfaces 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Realization of irreducible monodromy by Fuchsian systems and reduction to the Birkhoff standard form (by Andrey Bolibrukh) 2006 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Persistence theorems and simultaneous uniformization 2006 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Restricted infinitesimal Hilbert’s sixteenth problem 2006 Alexey Glutsyuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ The Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations in the Plane 2006 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Variation of argument and Bernstein index for holomorphic functions on Riemann surfaces 2006 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Surveys in Modern Mathematics 2005 Victor V. Prasolov
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Nonremovable zero Lyapunov exponent 2005 Anton Gorodetski
Yu. Ilyashenko
Victor Kleptsyn
Maxim Borisovich Nalsky
+ PDF Chat Неустранимость нулевых показателей Ляпунова 2005 Антон Семенович Городецкий
Anton Gorodetski
Антон Семенович Городецкий
Anton Gorodetski
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Three gems in the theory of linear differential equations (in the work of A.A. Bolibrukh) 2004 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Kupka-Smale theorem for polynomial automorphisms of ℂ2 and persistence of heteroclinic intersections 2004 Gregery T. Buzzard
Suzanne Lynch Hruska
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Selected topics in differential equations with real and complex time 2004 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Remarks on the paper "Covering manifolds for analytic families of leaves of foliations by analytic curves" 2004 Yu. Ilyashenko
А. А. Щербаков
+ Normal Forms, Bifurcations and Finiteness Problems in Differential Equations 2004 Yu. Ilyashenko
Christiane Rousseau
Gert Sabidussi
+ A proof of Kolmogorov's theorem 2003 John H. Hubbard
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Андрей Андреевич Болибрух (некролог) 2003 Дмитрий Викторович Аносов
D. V. Anosov
Владимир Игоревич Арнольд
Владимир Игоревич Арнольд
Виктор Матвеевич Бухштабер
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
В. А. Голубева
В. А. Голубева
A A Gonchar
A A Gonchar
+ Morse—Smale Circle Diffeomorphisms and Moduli of Elliptic Curves 2003 Yu. Ilyashenko
Vadims Moldavskis
+ Normal forms near a saddle-node and applications to finite cyclicity of graphics 2002 Freddy Dumortier
Yu. Ilyashenko
Christiane Rousseau
+ PDF Chat Centennial History of Hilbert's 16th Problem 2002 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ An estimate of the number of zeros of abelian integrals for special hamiltonians of arbitrary degree 2001 Alexey Glutsyuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ An estimate of the number of zeros of abelian integrals for a wide class of hamiltonians of arbitrary degree 2001 Alexey Glutsyuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Some Upper Estimates of the Number of Limit Cycles of Planar Vector Fields with Applications to Liénard Equations 2001 Yu. Ilyashenko
A. A. Panov
+ Restricted version of the infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem 2001 Alexey Glutsyuk
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Hilbert-type numbers for Abel equations, growth and zeros of holomorphic functions 2000 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Bifurcation of planar and spatial polycycles: Arnold’s program and its development 1999 Yu. Ilyashenko
V. Kaloshin
+ Certain new robust properties of invariant sets and attractors of dynamical systems 1999 Anton Gorodetski
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Некоторые новые грубые свойства инвариантных множеств и аттракторов динамических систем 1999 Антон Семенович Городецкий
Anton Gorodetski
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Estimate for the entropy dimension of the maximalattractor for $k$-contracting systems in an infinite--dimensional space(статья) 1999 М.А. Блинчевская
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Elements of hyperbolic theory 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Bifurcations in the plane 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Homoclinic tori and Klein bottles of nonhyperbolic periodic orbits: Noncritical case 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Homoclinic orbits of nonhyperbolic singular points 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Bifurcations of homoclinic trajectories of hyperbolic saddles 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Normal forms for local families: Hyperbolic case 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Nonlocal Bifurcations 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ PDF Chat Covering manifolds for analytic families of leaves of foliations by analytic curves 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Евгений Михайлович Ландис (некролог) 1998 Марко Иосифович Вишик
Марко Иосифович Вишик
M. L. Gerver
M. L. Gerver
Akif Ibragimov
Akif Ibragimov
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
A. S. Kalashnikov
A. S. Kalashnikov
+ Embedding theorems for local maps, slow-fast systems and bifurcation from Morse-Smale to Smale-Williams 1997 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Ordinary differential equations and smooth dynamical systems 1997 D. V. Anosov
S Kh Aranson
Vladimir I. Arnold
I. U. Bronshtein
Yu. Ilyashenko
В. З. Гринес
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Concerning the Hilbert sixteenth problem 1995 Yu. Ilyashenko
S. Yakovenko
+ Concerning the Hilbert 16th Problem 1995 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ I 1995 Леонид Викторович Кузьмин
T. S. Fofanova
M. Sh. Tsalenko
Alexander B. Ivanov
Vladimir L. Popov
L. N. Shevrin
V. N. Grishin
М. М. Лаврентьев
P. S. Soltan
N. M. Nagornyĭ
+ R 1995 L. A. Skornyakov
I.P. Mysovskikh
A. A. Talalyan
E. D. Solomentsev
A. G. Sveshnikov
V. A. Chuyanov
A. L. Shmel’kin
V. A. Andrunakievich
R. A. Minlos
K. Yu. Bulota
+ F 1995 P. K. Suetin
Б. И. Голубов
A. F. Leont’ev
M. I. Voĭtsekhovskiĭ
S. A. Aĭvazyan
A. I. Shtern
Леонид Викторович Кузьмин
A. A. Sapozhenko
Konstantin Borovkov
M. S. Nikulin
+ P 1995 S. P. Strunkov
A. N. Parshin
V. G. Sprindzhuk
Igor V. Dolgachev
Yu. M. Gorchakov
A. V. Malyshev
Evguenii Andreevich Rakhmanov
A. F. Lavrik
Н. Х. Розов
E. D. Solomentsev
+ Finitely generated groups of germs of one-dimensional conformal mappings, and invariants for complex singular points of analytic foliations of the complex plane 1993 P M Elizarov
Yu. Ilyashenko
А. А. Щербаков
Сергей Воронин
+ Local Dynamics and Nonlocal Bifurcations 1993 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Finiteness Theorems for Limit Cycles 1991 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Finitely-smooth normal forms of local families of diffeomorphisms and vector fields 1991 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Finiteness theorems for limit cycles 1990 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Algebraically and analytically solvable local problems in the theory of ordinary differential equations 1989 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Some unsolved problems in the theory of differential equations and mathematical physics 1989 Vladimir I. Arnold
M. I. Vishik
Yu. Ilyashenko
A. S. Kalashnikov
В А Кондратьев
S. N. Kruzhkov
E. M. Landis
V. M. Millionshchikov
O A Oleĭnik
Alexander Filippov
+ Materialization of resonances and divergence of normalizing series for polynomial differential equations 1986 Yu. Ilyashenko
A. S. Pyartli
+ Dulac's memoir “On limit cycles” and related problems of the local theory of differential equations 1985 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Materialization of Poincaré resonances and divergence of normalizing series 1985 Yu. Ilyashenko
A. S. Pyartli
+ Limit cycles of polynomial vector fields with nondegenerate singular points on the real plane 1985 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Neighborhoods of Zero Type in Embedded Complex Tori 1985 Yu. Ilyashenko
A. S. Pyartli
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ A polynomial vector field with singular points only of Poincar� type 1984 Yu. Ilyashenko
A. S. Pyartli
+ Divergence of series reducing an analytic differential equation to linear normal form at a singular point 1979 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Zeros of special Abelian integrals in a real domain 1978 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Remarks on the topology of singular points of analytic differential equations in the complex domain and Ladis' theorem 1977 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Algebraic nonsolvability and almost algebraic solvability of the centerfocus problem 1973 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Density of an individual solution and ergodicity of a family of solutions to the equation d?/d?=P(?, ?)/Q(?, ?) 1968 Yu. Ilyashenko
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Finiteness theorems for limit cycles 1990 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ On the concept of attractor 1985 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Sur les courbes définies par des équations différentielles 1901 Ivar Bendixson
+ Nonlocal Bifurcations 1998 Yu. Ilyashenko
Weigu Li
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ PDF Chat Schwarzian derivatives and cylinder maps 2008 Araceli Bonifant
John Milnor
+ Analytic classification of germs of conformal mappings (C, 0) ? (C, 0) with identity linear part 1981 Сергей Воронин
+ Reduction of Singularities of the Differential Equation Ady = Bdx 1968 A. Seidenberg
+ Hilbert-type numbers for Abel equations, growth and zeros of holomorphic functions 2000 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Pathological foliations and removable zero exponents 2000 Michael Shub
Amie Wilkinson
+ Introduction aux fonctions analysables et preuve constructive de la conjecture de Dulac 1992 Jean Écalle
+ PDF Chat Centennial History of Hilbert's 16th Problem 2002 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Open sets of diffeomorphisms having two attractors, each with an everywhere dense basin 1994 Ittai Kan
+ PDF Chat Invariant Manifolds 1977 Morris W. Hirsch
Charles Pugh
Michael Shub
+ Finitely-smooth normal forms of local families of diffeomorphisms and vector fields 1991 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Counting Real Zeros of Analytic Functions Satisfying Linear Ordinary Differential Equations 1996 Yulii Il'yashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat Problèmes De Modules Pour Des Équations Différentielles Non Linéaires Du Premier Ordre 1982 Jean Martinet
Jean-Pierre Ramis
+ Singularities of vector fields on the plane 1977 Freddy Dumortier
+ Openness of the set of boundary preserving maps of an annulus with intermingled attracting basins 2008 Yu. Ilyashenko
Victor Kleptsyn
P. S. Saltykov
+ Diffeomorphisms with intermingled attracting basins 2008 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Limit cycles of polynomial vector fields with nondegenerate singular points on the real plane 1985 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Certain new robust properties of invariant sets and attractors of dynamical systems 1999 Anton Gorodetski
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1961 Viktor Vladimirovich Nemytskii
+ On the number of limit cycles which appear by perturbation of separatrix loop of planar vector fields 1986 Robert Roussarie
+ On the Structure of Local Homeomorphisms of Euclidean n-Space, II 1958 Shlomo Sternberg
+ Lectures on partial hyperbolicity and stable ergodicity 2004 Yakov Pesin
+ PDF Chat On topological rigidity of projective foliations 1998 Alcides Lins Neto
Paulo Sad
Bruno Scárdua
+ PDF Chat Invisible parts of attractors 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Andrei Neguţ
+ Finiteness Theorems for Limit Cycles 1991 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ PDF Chat Некоторые новые грубые свойства инвариантных множеств и аттракторов динамических систем 1999 Антон Семенович Городецкий
Anton Gorodetski
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
Юлий Сергеевич Ильяшенко
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Mathematical problems for the next century 1998 Steve Smale
+ Theory of Lie Groups (PMS-8) 1946 Claude Chevalley
+ Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables 1986 R. Michael Range
+ Redundant Picard–Fuchs System for Abelian Integrals 2001 D. Novikov
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ Estimate of the number of zeros of an abelian integral depending on a parameter and limit cycles 1984 Alexander Varchenko
+ PDF Chat Nonuniformizable skew cylinders. A counterexample to the simultaneous uniformization problem 2001 Alexey Glutsyuk
+ PDF Chat Classification analytique des équations différentielles non linéaires résonnantes du premier ordre 1983 Jean Martinet
Jean-Pierre Ramis
+ Homological Algebra (PMS-19) 1956 Henry Cartan
Samuel Eilenberg
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Remarks on singularities of finite codimension in complex dynamical systems 1969 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ The Existential Hilbert 16-th problem and an estimate for cyclicity of elementary polycycles 2003 V. A. Kaloshin
+ Equivalence and Decomposition of Vector Fields About an Elementary Critical Point 1963 Kuo-Tsai Chen
+ PDF Chat Normal forms for certain singularities of vectorfields 1973 Floris Takens
+ Kupka-Smale theorem for polynomial automorphisms of ℂ2 and persistence of heteroclinic intersections 2004 Gregery T. Buzzard
Suzanne Lynch Hruska
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Dulac's memoir “On limit cycles” and related problems of the local theory of differential equations 1985 Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Thick attractors of step skew products 2010 Yu. Ilyashenko
Yu. Ilyashenko
+ Nonremovable zero Lyapunov exponent 2005 Anton Gorodetski
Yu. Ilyashenko
Victor Kleptsyn
Maxim Borisovich Nalsky
+ Cohomology of dynamical systems and rigidity of partially hyperbolic actions of higher-rank lattices 1995 Viorel Niţică
Andrei Török