P. Pasti


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Wilson loops on Riemann surfaces, Liouville theory and covariantization of the conformal group 2015 Marco Matone
P. Pasti
+ PDF Chat Covariant actions for models with nonlinear twisted self-duality 2012 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson-motivated Lagrangian formulation for the chiral two-form gauge field in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>6</mml:mn></mml:math>and M5-branes 2009 P. Pasti
И. Б. Самсонов
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ Harmonics, notophs and chiral bosons 2008 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ Superbrane actions and geometrical approach 2007 Igor Bandos
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Compactified Strings as Quantum Statistical Partition Function on the Jacobian Torus 2006 Marco Matone
P. Pasti
Sergey Shadchin
Roberto Volpato
+ PDF Chat Superfield Theories in Tensorial Superspaces and the Dynamics of Higher Spin Fields 2004 Igor Bandos
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat The space filling dirichlet 3-brane in N = 2, D = 4 superspace 2001 Igor Bandos
P. Pasti
Andriy Pokotilov
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Geometrical Aspects of Superbrane Dynamics 2001 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Geometrical Aspects of Superbrane Dynamics 2001 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Superembeddings, partial supersymmetry breaking and superbranes 2000 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat The concept of a noncommutative Riemann surface 2000 Gaetano Bertoldi
J. M. Isidro
Marco Matone
P. Pasti
+ PDF Chat On gauge-fixed superbrane actions in AdS superbackgrounds 1999 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ Branes in Super-AdS Backgrounds and Superconformal Theories 1999 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence of different formulations of the M theory five-brane 1997 Igor Bandos
Kurt Lechner
A. J. Nurmagambetov
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Covariant duality symmetric actions” 1997 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Covariant Action for the Super-Five-Brane of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">M</mml:mi></mml:math>Theory 1997 Igor Bandos
Kurt Lechner
A. J. Nurmagambetov
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Lorentz-invariant actions for chiral<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-forms 1997 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Covariant action for a D = 11 five-brane with the chiral field 1997 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Duality symmetric actions with manifest space-time symmetries 1995 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Superstrings and supermembranes in the doubly supersymmetric geometrical approach 1995 Igor Bandos
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
Dmitrij V. Volkov
+ PDF Chat Note on manifest Lorentz and general coordinate invariance in duality symmetric models 1995 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ Space-Time Symmetries in Duality Symmetric Models 1995 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Twistor-like formulation of the supermembrane in D = 1 1994 P. Pasti
M. Tonin
+ Twistor--like Formulation of D=10, type IIA, Superstrings $^*$ 1994 P. Pasti
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Supermanifolds and BRS transformations 1982 L. Bonora
P. Pasti
M. Tonin
+ Some applications of Postnikov systems in gauge theories 1981 L. Bonora
A. de Pantz
P. Pasti
+ Phase factor operators and soliton fields 1980 L. Bonora
P. Pasti
+ Extended higgs models and ’t hooft algebra 1979 L. Bonora
P. Pasti
M. Tonin
Paola Zizzi
+ Spectral properties of completely monotonic operators 1977 L. Bonora
P. Pasti
+ Spectral properties of positive operators andj-plane singularities of multiperipheral dynamics 1977 L. Bonora
P. Pasti
+ An operator approach to multiperipheral dynamics 1975 A. Bassetto
L. Bonora
P. Pasti
+ Multiperipheral operator factorization and the bootstrap idea 1974 A. Bassetto
L. Bonora
P. Pasti
+ Nonfactorized mueller singularities and inclusive distributions 1974 A. Bassetto
P. Pasti
+ Non factorized Mueller singularities and phenomenological consequences in inclusive distributions 1973 A. Bassetto
P. Pasti
F. Duimio
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Duality symmetric actions 1994 John H. Schwarz
Ashoke Sen
+ PDF Chat Superstrings and supermembranes in the doubly supersymmetric geometrical approach 1995 Igor Bandos
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
Dmitrij V. Volkov
+ PDF Chat Duality symmetric actions with manifest space-time symmetries 1995 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
V. I. Tkach
D. V. Volkov
+ PDF Chat Superbranes 1997 Paul Howe
Ergin Sezgin
+ PDF Chat D = 11, p = 5 1997 Paul Howe
Ergin Sezgin
+ World sheet supersymmetric formulations of Green-Schwarz superstrings 1991 M. Tonin
+ From the superparticle Siegel symmetry to the spinning particle proper-time supersymmetry 1989 Dmitri Sorokin
V. I. Tkach
D. V. Volkov
A. A. Zheltukhin
+ PDF Chat Covariant Action for the Super-Five-Brane of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">M</mml:mi></mml:math>Theory 1997 Igor Bandos
Kurt Lechner
A. J. Nurmagambetov
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet super-p-branes in ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity 1997 Martin Cederwall
Alexander von Gussich
B.E.W. Nilsson
Per Sundell
Anders Westerberg
+ PDF Chat Interacting chiral gauge fields in six dimensions and Born-Infeld theory 1997 Malcolm J. Perry
John H. Schwarz
+ PDF Chat The Dirichlet super-three-brane in ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity 1997 Martin Cederwall
Alexander von Gussich
B.E.W. Nilsson
Anders Westerberg
+ PDF Chat Covariant field equations of the M-theory five-brane 1997 Paul Howe
Ergin Sezgin
Peter West
+ PDF Chat Note on manifest Lorentz and general coordinate invariance in duality symmetric models 1995 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat On Chiral p-Forms 1997 Ingemar Bengtsson
A. Kleppe
+ PDF Chat Manifest electromagnetic duality in closed superstring field theory 1996 Nathan Berkovits
+ PDF Chat Lorentz-invariant actions for chiral<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-forms 1997 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat On the generalized action principle for superstrings and supermembranes 1995 Igor Bandos
Dmitri Sorokin
D. V. Volkov
+ PDF Chat Generalized action principle and superfield equations of motion for D = 10 Dp-branes 1997 Igor Bandos
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Super D-branes 1997 Eric Bergshoeff
Paul Townsend
+ PDF Chat D-brane actions with local kappa symmetry 1997 Mina Aganagic
Costin Popescu
John H. Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Superbranes and superembeddings 2000 Dmitri Sorokin
+ PDF Chat World-volume action of the M-theory five-brane 1997 Mina Aganagic
Jaemo Park
Costin Popescu
John H. Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Twistor-like formulation of the supermembrane in D = 1 1994 P. Pasti
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Twistor-like superstrings with D = 3, 4, 6 target superspace and N = (1, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0) world-sheet supersymmetry 1992 F. Delduc
Evgeny Ivanov
E. Sokatchev
+ PDF Chat Covariant path integral for chiral<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-forms 1996 Fernando P. Devecchi
Marc Henneaux
+ High-energy behavior of the average multiplicity 1972 A. Bassetto
M. Toller
L. Sertorio
+ PDF Chat Covariant action for a D = 11 five-brane with the chiral field 1997 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat Multiperipheral dynamics beyond models 1972 A. Bassetto
L. Sertorio
M. Toller
+ PDF Chat Coupling a self-dual tensor to gravity in six dimensions 1997 John H. Schwarz
+ PDF Chat The eleven-dimensional five-brane 1996 Eric Bergshoeff
M. de Roo
Tomás Ortı́n
+ PDF Chat Twistorlike<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>10</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>superparticle action with manifest<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>world-line supersymmetry 1992 A. Galperin
E. Sokatchev
+ PDF Chat Local actions with electric and magnetic sources 1997 Nathan Berkovits
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence of different formulations of the M theory five-brane 1997 Igor Bandos
Kurt Lechner
A. J. Nurmagambetov
P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat String theory dualities from M-theory 1996 Ofer Aharony
+ PDF Chat String theory and noncommutative geometry 1999 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Superembeddings, partial supersymmetry breaking and superbranes 2000 P. Pasti
Dmitri Sorokin
M. Tonin
+ PDF Chat On dual 3-brane actions with partially broken N = 2 supersymmetry 1999 F. Gonzalez-Rey
In-Yong Park
M. Roček
+ PDF Chat Vacuum interpolation in supergravity via super<i>p</i>-branes 1993 G. W. Gibbons
Paul Townsend
+ PDF Chat Born-Infeld-Goldstone superfield actions for gauge-fixed D5- and D3-branes in 6d 1999 Sergei V. Ketov
+ PDF Chat Self-consistent rising cross-sections 1971 J. Finkelstein
F. Zachriasen
+ PDF Chat Super-Maxwell actions with manifest duality 1997 Nathan Berkovits
+ PDF Chat Duality of self-dual actions 1999 Alexey Maznytsia
Christian R. Preitschopf
Dmitri Sorokin
+ PDF Chat Twistor formulation of the nonheterotic superstring with manifest world sheet supersymmetry 1993 A. Galperin
E. Sokatchev
+ PDF Chat Boundaries in M-theory 1996 Katrin Becker
Melanie Becker
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet Branes and Ramond-Ramond Charges 1995 Joseph Polchinski
+ PDF Chat Twistor-like formulation of super p-branes 1994 Eric Bergshoeff
Ergin Sezgin
+ Multiperipheral operator factorization and the bootstrap idea 1974 A. Bassetto
L. Bonora
P. Pasti
+ PDF Chat The six-dimensional self-dual tensor 1997 Paul Howe
Ergin Sezgin
Peter West