Patricia Alonso Ruiz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Fractional Sobolev embeddings and algebra property: A dyadic view 2024 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Valentia Fragkiadaki
+ PDF Chat Korevaar-Schoen $p$-energies and their $\Gamma$-limits on Cheeger spaces 2024 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet forms on metric measure spaces as Mosco limits of Korevaar-Schoen energies 2023 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ PDF Chat Yet another heat semigroup characterization of BV functions on Riemannian manifolds 2023 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ From Strichartz Estimates to Differential Equations on Fractals 2023 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Michael Hinz
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Luke G. Rogers
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat BV functions and fractional Laplacians on Dirichlet spaces 2023 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Oscillations of BV measures on nested fractals 2022 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ Minimal Gap in the Spectrum of the Sierpiński Gasket 2021 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces III: BV functions and sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2021 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Minimal gap in the spectrum of the Sierpinski gasket 2021 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Trudinger-Moser and Morrey inequalities on Dirichlet spaces 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ PDF Chat Heat kernel analysis on diamond fractals 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Trudinger-Moser and Morrey inequalities on Dirichlet spaces 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces I: Sobolev type inequalities 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Trudinger-Moser and Morrey inequalities on Dirichlet spaces 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ Yet another heat semigroup characterization of BV functions on Riemannian manifolds 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
+ PDF Chat Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Physics on Fractals 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Joe P. Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Analysis on hybrid fractals 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Y. Chen
Hua Gu
Robert S. Strichartz
Zhengzheng Zhou
+ Heat kernel analysis on diamond fractals 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ BV functions and fractional Laplacians on Dirichlet spaces 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces III: BV functions and sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces I: Sobolev type inequalities 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Explicit Formulas for Heat Kernels on Diamond Fractals 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Completely symmetric resistance forms on the stretched Sierpiński gasket 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Uta Freiberg
Jun Kigami
+ Canonical diffusions on the pattern spaces of aperiodic Delone sets 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Michael Hinz
Alexander Teplyaev
Rodrigo Treviño
+ Analysis on hybrid fractals 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Yuming Chen
Haotian Gu
Robert S. Strichartz
Zirui Zhou
+ BV functions and Besov spaces associated with Dirichlet spaces 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces I: Sobolev type inequalities 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Entropy-based Inhomogeneity Detection in Fiber Materials 2017 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Evgeny Spodarev
+ PDF Chat Power dissipation in fractal Feynman-Sierpinski AC circuits 2017 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Estimation of entropy for Poisson marked point processes 2017 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Evgeny Spodarev
+ PDF Chat Weyl asymptotics for Hanoi attractors 2016 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Uta Freiberg
+ PDF Chat The limit theorem for maximum of partial sums of exchangeable random variables 2016 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Alexander Rakitko
+ PDF Chat Energy and Laplacian on Hanoi-type fractal quantum graphs 2016 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Daniel J. Kelleher
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Completely Symmetric Resistance Forms on the Stretched Sierpinski Gasket 2016 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Uta Freiberg
Jun Kigami
+ Entropy-based inhomogeneity detection in porous media 2016 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Evgeny Spodarev
+ The limit theorem for maximum of partial sums of exchangeable random variables 2015 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Alexander Rakitko
+ The limit theorem for maximum of partial sums of exchangeable random variables 2015 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Alexander Rakitko
+ Dirichlet forms on non-self-similar fractals: Hanoi attractors 2014 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Uta Freiberg
+ Dirichlet forms on non self-similar sets : Hanoi attractors and the Sierpiński gasket 2013 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
+ Weyl asymptotics for Hanoi attractors 2013 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Uta Freiberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on the Sierpinski gasket 1988 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ Spectral asymptotics for Laplacians on self-similar sets 2009 Naotaka Kajino
+ Heat kernel characterisation of Besov-Lipschitz spaces on metric measure spaces 2009 Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet Forms on Fractals and Products of Random Matrices 1989 Shigeo Kusuoka
+ Resistance forms, quasisymmetric maps and heat kernel estimates 2011 Jun Kigami
+ Analysis and Geometry of Markov Diffusion Operators 2013 Dominique Bakry
Ivan Gentil
Michel Ledoux
+ What Is Not in the Domain of the Laplacian on Sierpinski Gasket Type Fractals 1999 Oren Ben-Bassat
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Potential spaces on fractals 2005 Jiaxin Hu
Martina Zähle
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 2010 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yōichi Ōshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2018 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Lectures on Analysis on Metric Spaces 2001 Juha Heinonen
+ Diffusions on fractals 1998 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Stability of parabolic Harnack inequalities 2003 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces II: BV functions and Gaussian heat kernel estimates 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on nested fractals 1990 Tom Lindstrøm
+ PDF Chat Weyl's problem for the spectral distribution of Laplacians on P.C.F. self-similar fractals 1993 Jun Kigami
Michel L. Lapidus
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Coordinates on Fractals with Finitely Ramified Cell Structure 2008 Alexander Teplyaev
+ Symmetric Markov Processes, Time Change, and Boundary Theory 2011 Zhen-Qing Chen
正俊 福島
+ PDF Chat Energy and Laplacian on Hanoi-type fractal quantum graphs 2016 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Daniel J. Kelleher
Alexander Teplyaev
+ ANALYSIS ON FRACTALS (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 143) <i>By</i> J<scp>UN</scp> K<scp>IGAMI</scp>: 226 pp., £35.00, <scp>ISBN</scp> 0-521-79321-1 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). LECTURES ON ANALYSIS ON METRIC SPACES (Universitext) <i>By</i> J<scp>UHA</scp> H<scp>EINONEN</scp>: 140 pp., £27.00, <scp>ISBN</scp> 0-387-95104-0 (Springer, New York, 2001). 2002 K. J. Falconer
+ Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions on Metric Measure Spaces 1999 Jeff Cheeger
+ Differential one-forms on Dirichlet spaces and Bakry-Émery estimates on metric graphs 2017 Fabrice Baudoin
Daniel J. Kelleher
+ A fractal quantum mechanical model with Coulomb potential 2008 Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat Fractafolds based on the Sierpinski gasket and their spectra 2003 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Heat kernel and Lipschitz–Besov spaces 2014 Alexander Grigor’yan
Liguang Liu
+ PDF Chat Sobolev spaces and harmonic maps for metric space targets 1993 Nicholas J. Korevaar
Richard Schoen
+ Besov class via heat semigroup on Dirichlet spaces I: Sobolev type inequalities 2020 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Heat kernels on metric measure spaces and an application to semilinear elliptic equations 2003 Alexander Grigor’yan
Jiaxin Hu
Ka‐Sing Lau
+ Vector analysis for Dirichlet forms and quasilinear PDE and SPDE on metric measure spaces 2013 Michael Hinz
Michael Röckner
Alexander Teplyaev
+ PDF Chat Sobolev inequalities in disguise 1995 Dominique Bakry
Thierry Coulhon
Michel Ledoux
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Chat Harmonic calculus on p.c.f.\ self-similar sets 1993 Jun Kigami
+ Isoperimetry and Gaussian analysis 1996 Michel Ledoux
+ Functions of bounded variation on “good” metric spaces 2003 Michele Miranda
+ Analysis on products of fractals 2004 Robert S. Strichartz
+ Analysis on Fractals 2009 Jun Kigami
+ BV functions and fractional Laplacians on Dirichlet spaces 2019 Patricia Alonso Ruiz
Fabrice Baudoin
Li Chen
Luke G. Rogers
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Alexander Teplyaev
Benjamin Steinhurst
C.‐M. Michael Wong
+ Aspects of Sobolev-Type Inequalities 2001 Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Chat Self-improvement of the Bakry-Émery condition and Wasserstein contraction of the heat flow in $RCD (K, \infty)$ metric measure spaces 2013 Giuseppe Savaré
+ PDF Chat Metric and spectral triples for Dirichlet and resistance forms 2015 Michael Hinz
Daniel J. Kelleher
Alexander Teplyaev
+ Partial differential equations on products of Sierpinski gaskets 2007 Brian Bockelman
Robert S. Strichartz
+ Transition density estimates for Brownian motion on affine nested fractals 1994 Pat Fitzsimmons
Ben Hambly
Takashi Kumagai
+ Interpolation properties of Besov spaces defined on metric spaces 2010 Амиран Гогатишвили
Pekka Koskela
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
+ PDF Chat Brownian Motion and Harmonic Analysis on Sierpinski Carpets 1999 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Some Properties of Laplacians on Fractals 1999 Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Chat A sub-Riemannian curvature-dimension inequality, volume doubling property and the Poincaré inequality 2013 Fabrice Baudoin
Michel Bonnefont
Nicola Garofalo
+ PDF Chat Su una teoria generale della misura (r − 1)-dimensionale in uno spazio adr dimensioni 1954 Ennio De Giorgi
+ Dirichlet Forms, Poincaré Inequalities, and the Sobolev Spaces of Korevaar and Schoen 2004 Pekka Koskela
Nageswari Shanmugalingam
Jeremy T. Tyson
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet forms on the Sierpiński gasket 2004 Robert A. Meyers
Robert S. Strichartz
Alexander Teplyaev