Laura De Carli


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Egyptian fractions meet the Sierpinski triangle 2024 Laura De Carli
Andrew Echezabal
Ismael Morell
+ PDF Chat Frequency-dependent stability for Gabor frames 2024 Laura De Carli
Luis Alfredo Rodríguez
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ PDF Chat Piecewise scalable frames 2024 Peter G. Casazza
Laura De Carli
Tin T. Tran
+ PDF Chat Concerning the stability of exponential systems and Fourier matrices 2024 Oleg Asipchuk
Laura De Carli
Weilin Li
+ PDF Chat Approximating the divisor functions 2024 Laura De Carli
Andrew Echezabal
Maurizio Laporta
+ $$L^p$$ simulation for measures 2023 Laura De Carli
Elijah Liflyand
+ PDF Chat Applications of Lax-Milgram theorem to problems in frame theory 2023 Laura De Carli
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ Lp simulation for measures 2023 Laura De Carli
Eli Liflyand
+ Approximating the divisor functions 2023 Andrew Echezabal
Laura De Carli
Maurizio Laporta
+ PDF Chat Remarks on scalable frames 2023 Peter G. Casazza
Laura De Carli
Tin T. Tran
+ Riesz bases by replacement 2022 Laura De Carli
Julian Edward
+ Piecewise scalable frames 2022 Peter G. Casazza
Laura De Carli
Tin T. Tran
+ Remarks on scalable frames 2022 Peter G. Casazza
Laura De Carli
Tin T. Tran
+ Applications of Lax-Milgram theorem to problems in frame theory 2022 Laura De Carli
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ PDF Chat Weighted gradient inequalities and unique continuation problems 2020 Laura De Carli
Д. В. Горбачев
Sergey Tikhonov
+ Concerning Exponential Bases on Multi-Rectangles of ℝ d $$\boldsymbol {\mathbb {R}^d}$$ 2019 Laura De Carli
+ PDF Chat Three Problems on Exponential Bases 2018 Laura De Carli
Alberto Mizrahi
Alexander Tepper
+ Weighted gradient inequalities and unique continuation problems 2018 Laura De Carli
Д. В. Горбачев
Sergey Tikhonov
+ Riesz bases from orthonormal bases by replacement 2018 Laura De Carli
Julian Edward
+ PDF Chat 𝑝-Riesz bases in quasi shift invariant spaces 2018 Laura De Carli
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ Weighted gradient inequalities and unique continuation problems 2018 Laura De Carli
Д. В. Горбачев
Sergey Tikhonov
+ p-Riesz bases in quasi shift invariant spaces 2017 Laura De Carli
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ PDF Chat Pitt inequalities and restriction theorems for the Fourier transform 2017 Laura De Carli
Д. В. Горбачев
Sergey Tikhonov
+ Stability results for Gabor frames and the p-order hold models 2017 Laura De Carli
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ p-Riesz bases in quasi shift invariant spaces 2017 Laura De Carli
Pierluigi Vellucci
+ PDF Chat One-parameter Groups of Operators and Discrete Hilbert Transforms 2016 Laura De Carli
Gohin Shaikh Samad
+ Parseval Frames with n + 1 Vectors in $$\mathbb{R}^{n}$$ 2016 Laura De Carli
Zhongyuan Hu
+ Exponential bases on triangular domains 2016 Laura De Carli
Alberto Mizrahi
+ Exponential bases on rectangles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2015 Laura De Carli
+ Exponential bases on multi-rectangles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2015 Laura De Carli
+ Pitt inequalities and restriction theorems for the Fourier transform 2015 Laura De Carli
Dmitriy Gorbachev
Sergey Tikhonov
+ PDF Chat Minimal potential results for the Schrödinger equation in a slab 2015 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
Xiaosheng Li
+ PDF Chat Exponential bases on two dimensional trapezoids 2015 Laura De Carli
Anudeep Kumar
+ Exponential bases on multi-rectangles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2015 Laura De Carli
+ Pitt inequalities and restriction theorems for the Fourier transform 2015 Laura De Carli
Dmitriy Gorbachev
Sergey Tikhonov
+ PDF Chat Split functions, Fourier transforms and multipliers 2014 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ Stability of exponential bases on d- dimensional domains 2014 Laura De Carli
Santosh Pathak
+ Split functions, Fourier transforms and multipliers 2013 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ Pitt and Boas inequalities for Fourier and Hankel transforms 2013 Laura De Carli
Д. В. Горбачев
Sergey Tikhonov
+ Minimal support results for Schr\"odinger equations 2013 Laura De Carli
Julian Edward
Steve Hudson
Mark Leckband
+ Parseval frames with n+1 vectors in R^n 2013 Laura De Carli
Zhongyuan Hu
+ Minimal potential results for the Schrodinger equation in a slab 2013 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
Xiaosheng Li
+ Minimal support results for Schrödinger equations 2013 Laura De Carli
Julian Edward
Steve Hudson
Mark Leckband
+ Split functions, Fourier transforms and multipliers 2013 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ PDF Chat Minimal support results for Schrödinger equations 2012 Laura De Carli
Julian Edward
Steve Hudson
Mark Leckband
+ Exponential bases on two dimensional trapezoids 2012 Laura De Carli
Anudeep Kumar
+ A Faber–Krahn inequality for solutions of Schrödinger’s equation 2012 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ On Fourier Multipliers Over Tube Domains 2012 Laura De Carli
+ On the Scientific Work of Konstantin Ilyich Oskolkov 2012 Dmitriy Bilyk
Laura De Carli
Alexander Petukhov
Alexander M. Stokolos
Brett D. Wick
+ Exponential bases on two dimensional trapezoids 2012 Laura De Carli
Anudeep Kumar
+ A generalization of Bernoulli's inequality 2010 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ Geometric remarks on the level curves of harmonic functions 2009 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ Growth of 𝐿^{𝑝} Lebesgue constants for convex polyhedra and other regions 2009 J. Marshall Ash
Laura De Carli
+ Topics in Classical Analysis and Applications in Honor of Daniel Waterman 2008 Laura De Carli
К. С. Казарян
Mario Milman
+ On the <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>L</mml:mi><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math> norm of the Hankel transform and related operators 2008 Laura De Carli
+ Local L inequalities for Gegenbauer polynomials 2007 Laura De Carli
+ Interpolation theory and applications : a conference in honor of Michael Cwikel, March 29-31, 2006, and AMS Special Session on Interpolation Theory and Applications, AMS Sectional Meeting, Florida International University, April 1-2, 2006, Miami, Florida 2007 Laura De Carli
Mario Milman
Michael Ćwikel
+ PDF Chat Uniform Estimates of Ultraspherical Polynomials of Large Order 2005 Laura De Carli
+ Unique continuation for nonnegative solutions of Schrödinger type inequalities 2005 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ PDF Chat On the restriction conjecture 2004 Loukas Grafakos
Laura De Carli
+ Unique continuation for elliptic operators with non-multiple characteristics 2000 Laura De Carli
+ On the (p,p) norm of monotonic Fourier multipliers 2000 Laura De Carli
Enrico Laeng
+ Sharp L^p estimates for the segment multiplier 2000 Laura De Carli
Enrico Laeng
+ PDF Chat Strong Unique Continuation Property for the Dirac Equation 1999 Laura De Carli
Takashi Ōkaji
+ PDF Chat Some sharp restriction theorems for homogeneous manifolds 1998 Laura De Carli
Alex Iosevich
+ Unique continuation in abstract pseudoconcave $CR$ manifolds 1998 Laura De Carli
Mauro Nacinovich
+ PDF Chat Unique continuation for a class of higher order elliptic operators 1997 Laura De Carli
+ PDF Chat A restriction theorem for flat manifolds of codimension two 1995 Laura De Carli
Alex Iosevich
+ $L^p$ estimates for the Cauchy transforms of distributions with respect to convex cones 1992 Laura De Carli
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fourier Transforms in the Complex Domain 1934 N. Wiener
R. E. A. C. Paley
+ A Basis Theory Primer 2010 Christopher Heil
+ An introduction to nonharmonic Fourier series 1980 Robert M. Young
+ On the Stability of Multivariate Trigonometric Systems 1999 Wenchang Sun
Xingwei Zhou
+ On the Connection between Exponential Bases and Certain Related Sequences in L2(− π,π) 1995 Kristian Seip
+ Unique Continuation and Absence of Positive Eigenvalues for Schrodinger Operators 1985 David Jerison
Carlos E. Kenig
+ Recent work on sharp estimates in second-order elliptic unique continuation problems 1993 Thomas Wolff
+ Multi-tiling and Riesz bases 2013 Sigrid Grepstad
Nir Lev
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ PDF Chat Combining Riesz bases 2014 Gady Kozma
Shahaf Nitzan
+ Some trigonometrical inequalities with applications to the theory of series 1936 A. E. Ingham
+ Geometric remarks on the level curves of harmonic functions 2009 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations 2010 Haı̈m Brezis
+ PDF Chat Multiple lattice tiles and Riesz bases of exponentials 2014 Mihail N. Kolountzakis
+ PDF Chat A superharmonic proof of the M. Riesz conjugate function theorem 1984 Matts Essén
+ PDF Chat Riesz bases of exponentials on multiband spectra 2012 Nir Lev
+ Regions in the Complex Plane Containing the Eigenvalues of a Matrix 1994 Richard A. Brualdi
Stephen Mellendorf
+ PDF Chat Complete interpolating sequences for Fourier transforms supported by convex symmetric polygons 2000 Yurii Lyubarskii
Alexander Rashkovskii
+ The Multiplier Problem for the Ball 1971 Charles Fefferman
+ Fourier Integrals in Classical Analysis 2017 Christopher D. Sogge
+ Uniform Sobolev inequalities and unique continuation for second order constant coefficient differential operators 1987 Carlos E. Kenig
Alberto Ruiz
Christopher D. Sogge
+ PDF Chat Exponential bases on two dimensional trapezoids 2015 Laura De Carli
Anudeep Kumar
+ Best Constants for the Riesz Projection 2000 Brian Hollenbeck
Igor E. Verbitsky
+ PDF Chat A simple construction of exponential bases in <i>L</i><sup>2</sup> of the union of several intervals 1995 Kristian Seip
+ On Non-Harmonic Fourier Series 1936 Norman Levinson
+ PDF Chat On the best values of the constants in the theorem of M. Riesz, Zygmund and Kolmogorov 1972 S. K. Pichorides
+ Carleman inequalities for the Dirac and Laplace operators and unique continuation 1986 David Jerison
+ The Study of Translational Tiling with Fourier Analysis 2004 Mihail N. Kolountzakis
+ Gerschgorin—Rayleigh inequality for the eigenvalues of hermitian matrices 1978 Ned Anderson
Gilbert G. Best
+ PDF Chat Minimal support results for Schrödinger equations 2012 Laura De Carli
Julian Edward
Steve Hudson
Mark Leckband
+ Exponential frames for unbounded sets 2014 Shahaf Nitzan
Alexander Olevskiı̆
Alexander Ulanovskii
+ PDF Chat Frame scalings: A condition number approach 2017 Peter G. Casazza
Xuemei Chen
+ Multi-tiling sets, Riesz bases, and sampling near the critical density in LCA groups 2015 Elona Agora
Jorge Antezana
Carlos Cabrelli
+ Strong Uniqueness Theorems for Second Order Elliptic Differential Equations 1990 Christopher D. Sogge
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Nonharmonic Fourier series and spectral theory 1987 Harold E. Benzinger
+ PDF Chat THE ART OF FRAME THEORY 2000 Peter G. Casazza
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for strongly singular convolution operators 1970 Charles Fefferman
+ Riesz basis of exponentials for a union of cubes in R^{d} 2006 Jordi Marzo
+ Classical and modern Fourier analysis 2003 Loukas Grafakos
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of operators with change of measures 1958 E. M. Stein
George H. Weiss
+ A class of nonharmonic Fourier series 1952 R. J. Duffin
A. C. Schaeffer
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for the Fourier transform 1983 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ PDF Chat Tables of Integral Transforms 2005 Bateman Manuscript
H. Bateman
Arthur Erdélyi
+ A Faber–Krahn inequality for solutions of Schrödinger’s equation 2012 Laura De Carli
Steve Hudson
+ PDF Chat Fuglede’s conjecture for a union of two intervals 2001 Izabella Łaba
+ PDF Chat Scalable frames and convex geometry 2014 Gitta Kutyniok
Kasso A. Okoudjou
Friedrich Philipp
+ Weighted Fourier Inequalities: New Proofs and Generalizations 2003 John J. Benedetto
Hans P. Heinig
+ The uncertainty principle: A mathematical survey 1997 Gerald B. Folland
Alladi Sitaram
+ On Kadec's 1/4-Theorem and the Stability of Gabor Frames 1999 Wenchang Sun
Xingwei Zhou