Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ PDF Chat | Hecke operators in cohomology of groups | 1970 |
Y. H. RHIE G. Whaples |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
G. Whaples | 1 |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |
+ PDF Chat | Sur les int\'egrales attach\'ees aux formes automorphes. | 1959 |
Par Goro SHIMURA |
1 |
+ | On the structure of a Hecke ring of a Chevalley group over a finite field | 1964 |
Nagayoshi Iwahori |
1 |
+ | Sur les théorèmes de de Rham | 1952 |
André Well |
1 |