Frances Kirwan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Implosion, contraction and Moore–Tachikawa 2024 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Johan Martens
+ Implosion, Contraction and Moore-Tachikawa 2024 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Johan Martens
+ PDF Moment maps and cohomology of non-reductive quotients 2023 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Non-reductive geometric invariant theory and hyperbolicity 2023 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ From Michael Atiyah to the 21st century 2022 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Orthosymplectic implosions 2021 Antoine Bourget
Andrew Dancer
Julius F. Grimminger
Amihay Hanany
Frances Kirwan
Zhenghao Zhong
+ PDF Symplectic duality and implosions 2021 Andrew Dancer
Amihay Hanany
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Morse Theory without Non-Degeneracy 2020 Frances Kirwan
Geoffrey Penington
+ Cohomology of Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry. (MN-31), Volume 31 2020 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Symplectic quotients of unstable Morse strata for normsquares of moment maps 2020 Frances Kirwan
+ Symplectic duality and implosions 2020 Andrew Dancer
Amihay Hanany
Frances Kirwan
+ Morse theory without nondegeneracy 2019 Frances Kirwan
Geoffrey Penington
+ Moment maps and cohomology of non-reductive quotients 2019 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ Morse theory without nondegeneracy 2019 Frances Kirwan
Geoffrey Penington
+ Non-reductive geometric invariant theory and hyperbolicity 2019 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ Graded linearisations 2018 Gergely Bèrczi
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ Graded linearisations 2018 Gergely Bèrczi
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Geometric invariant theory for graded unipotent groups and applications 2018 Gergely Bérczi
Brent Doran
Thomas Hawes
Frances Kirwan
+ Symplectic quotients of unstable Morse strata for normsquares of moment maps. 2018 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Stratifying Quotient Stacks and Moduli Stacks 2018 Gergely Bérczi
Victoria Hoskins
Frances Kirwan
+ Symplectic quotients of unstable Morse strata for normsquares of moment maps 2018 Frances Kirwan
+ Variation of Non-reductive Geometric Invariant Theory 2017 Gergely Bérczi
Joshua James Jackson
Frances Kirwan
+ Stratifying quotient stacks and moduli stacks 2017 Gergely Bérczi
Victoria Hoskins
Frances Kirwan
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Variation of non-reductive geometric invariant theory 2017 Gergely Bérczi
Joshua James Jackson
Frances Kirwan
+ Graded linearisations 2017 Gergely Bérczi
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ Stratifying quotient stacks and moduli stacks 2017 Gergely Bérczi
Victoria Hoskins
Frances Kirwan
+ Variation of Non-reductive Geometric Invariant Theory 2017 Gergely Bérczi
Joshua J. Jackson
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Symplectic and Hyperkähler Implosion 2016 Andrew Dancer
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Projective completions of graded unipotent quotients 2016 Gergely Bérczi
Brent Doran
Thomas Hawes
Frances Kirwan
+ Constructing quotients of algebraic varieties by linear algebraic group actions 2015 Gergely Bérczi
Brent Doran
Thomas Hawes
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Hyperkähler Implosion and Nahm’s Equations 2015 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Markus Röser
+ Graded unipotent groups and Grosshans theory 2015 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF A multiplicative analogue of complex symplectic implosion 2015 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
+ A multiplicative analogue of complex symplectic implosion 2015 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
+ A multiplicative analogue of complex symplectic implosion 2015 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
+ Graded unipotent groups and Grosshans theory 2015 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ Constructing quotients of algebraic varieties by linear algebraic group actions 2015 Gergely Bérczi
Brent Doran
Thomas Hawes
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Twistor spaces for hyperkähler implosions 2014 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Surjectivity of the hyperkähler Kirwan map 2014 Jonathan Fisher
Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ Symplectic and hyperkahler implosion 2014 Andrew Dancer
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Twistor spaces for hyperkaehler implosions 2013 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ PDF Implosion for hyperkähler manifolds 2013 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Invariants for non-reductive group actions 2013 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ Implosions and hypertoric geometry 2013 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Invariants for non-reductive group actions 2013 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ Twistor spaces for hyperkaehler implosions 2013 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Implosion for hyperkahler manifolds 2012 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ PDF Chat Quotients of unstable subvarieties and moduli spaces of sheaves of fixed Harder-Narasimhan type 2012 Victoria Hoskins
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF A geometric construction for invariant jet differentials 2012 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ Implosion for hyperkahler manifolds 2012 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ Symplectic implosion and nonreductive quotients 2011 Frances Kirwan
+ Universal moduli of parabolic sheaves on stable marked curves 2011 Frances Kirwan
+ A geometric construction for invariant jet differentials 2010 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ A geometric construction for invariant jet differentials 2010 Gergely Bérczi
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat On the cohomology of hyperkähler quotients 2009 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Quotients by Non-Reductive Algebraic Group Actions 2009 Frances Kirwan
Peter Sarnak
Barry Simon
Burt Totaro
+ PDF Chat Yang-Mills theory and Tamagawa numbers: the fascination of unexpected links in mathematics 2008 Aravind Asok
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Yang-Mills theory and Tamagawa numbers 2008 Aravind Asok
Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ On the cohomology of hyperkahler quotients 2008 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
+ Quotients by non-reductive algebraic group actions 2008 Frances Kirwan
+ Symplectic implosion and non-reductive quotients 2008 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Refinements of the Morse stratification of the normsquare of the moment map 2007 Frances Kirwan
+ Towards non-reductive geometric invariant theory 2007 Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Towards Non-Reductive Geometric Invariant Theory 2007 Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ Intersection pairings on singular moduli spaces of bundles over a Riemann surface and their partial desingularisations 2006 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory 2006 Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory, Second Edition 2006 Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ Moduli Spaces: An Introduction 2006 Frances Kirwan
+ Moduli Spaces: An Introduction 2006 Frances Kirwan
+ Intersection pairings on singular moduli spaces of bundles over a Riemann surface and their partial desingularisations 2005 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ PDF Chat Complete sets of relations in the cohomology rings of moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles and parabolic bundles over a Riemann surface 2004 Richard Earl
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Cohomology pairings on singular quotients in geometric invariant theory 2003 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ Moduli spaces of bundles over Riemann surfaces and the Yang-Mills stratification revisited 2003 Frances Kirwan
+ Cohomology of moduli spaces 2003 Frances Kirwan
+ Complete sets of relations in the cohomology rings of moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles and parabolic bundles over a Riemann surface 2003 Richard Earl
Frances Kirwan
+ Refinements of the Morse stratification of the normsquare of the moment map 2003 Frances Kirwan
+ Cohomology pairings on singular quotients in geometric invariant theory 2001 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ The Hodge Numbers of the Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles over a Riemann surface 2000 Richard Earl
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat The Pontryagin Rings of Moduli Spaces of Arbitrary Rank Holomorphic Bundles Over a Riemann Surface 1999 Richard Earl
Frances Kirwan
+ Momentum maps and reduction in algebraic geometry 1998 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces of Holomorphic Bundles of Arbitrary Rank on a Riemann Surface 1998 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ Localization and the quantization conjecture 1997 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ Square Roots and Seventeengons 1997 Frances Kirwan
+ The Pontryagin rings of moduli spaces of arbitrary rank holomorphic bundles over a Riemann surface 1997 Richard Earl
Frances Kirwan
+ Intersection pairings in moduli spaces of vector bundles of arbitrary rank over a Riemann surface 1996 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ A Note on Localization and the Riemann-Roch Formula 1996 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
Frances Kirwan
+ Intersection theory on moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles of arbitrary rank on a Riemann surface 1996 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ Localization for nonabelian group actions 1995 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF None 1995 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ Intersection Pairings on Quotients and Moduli Spaces, and Witten’s Nonabelian Localization 1995 Frances Kirwan
+ On localization and Riemann-Roch numbers for symplectic quotients 1995 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ The method of covariants — 2nd construction 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ The problem of moduli — 1st construction 1994 David Mumford
John Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ Fundamental theorems for the actions of reductive groups 1994 David Mumford
John Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ Abelian schemes 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ Localization for nonabelian group actions 1993 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF On the Homology of Compactifications of Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles Over a Riemann Surface 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF The Cohomology Rings of Moduli Spaces of Bundles over Riemann Surfaces 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ Differentials on Riemann surfaces 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ Complex Algebraic Curves 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ Algebra 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ Riemann surfaces 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF The cohomology rings of moduli spaces of bundles over Riemann surfaces 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ The Cohomology of Moduli Spaces of K3 Surfaces of Degree 2 (II) 1989 Frances Kirwan
Ronnie Lee
+ Moduli spaces of degree d hypersurfaces in ℙn 1989 Frances Kirwan
+ The cohomology of moduli spaces of K3 surfaces of degree 2 (I) 1989 Frances Kirwan
Ronnie Lee
+ PDF Book Review: Differential geometry and topology 1988 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Intersection Homology and Torus Actions 1988 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Intersection homology and torus actions 1988 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Quotients of the complex ball by discrete groups 1987 Frances Kirwan
Ronnie Lee
Steven H. Weintraub
+ PDF Some examples of minimally degenerate Morse functions 1987 Frances Kirwan
+ Rational intersection cohomology of quotient varieties. II 1987 Frances Kirwan
+ Morse functions for which the stationary phase approximation is exact 1987 Frances Kirwan
+ Rational intersection cohomology of quotient varieties 1986 Frances Kirwan
+ On the Homology of Compactifications of Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles Over a Riemann Surface 1986 Frances Kirwan
+ Cohomology of Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry. (MN-31), Volume 31 1985 Frances Kirwan
+ On spaces of maps from Riemann surfaces to Grassmannians and applications to the cohomology of moduli of vector bundles 1985 Frances Kirwan
+ Partial Desingularisations of Quotients of Nonsingular Varieties and their Betti Numbers 1985 Frances Kirwan
+ Convexity properties of the moment mapping, III 1984 Frances Kirwan
+ Cohomology of Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry 1984 Frances Kirwan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cohomology of Quotients in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry 1984 Frances Kirwan
+ Partial Desingularisations of Quotients of Nonsingular Varieties and their Betti Numbers 1985 Frances Kirwan
+ The Yang-Mills equations over Riemann surfaces 1983 Michael Atiyah
Raoul Bott
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Towards Non-Reductive Geometric Invariant Theory 2007 Brent Doran
Frances Kirwan
+ Convexity and Commuting Hamiltonians 1982 Michael Atiyah
+ Rational intersection cohomology of quotient varieties 1986 Frances Kirwan
+ Localization for nonabelian group actions 1995 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Chat Two dimensional gauge theories revisited 1992 Edward Witten
+ On the variation in the cohomology of the symplectic form of the reduced phase space 1982 J. J. Duistermaat
Gerrit Heckman
+ The moment map and equivariant cohomology 1984 Michael Atiyah
R. Bott
+ Geometric invariant theory for general algebraic groups 1985 Amassa Fauntleroy
+ Geometric Quotients of Unipotent Group Actions 1993 Gert–Martin Greuel
Gerhard Pfister
+ Categorical quotients of certain algebraic group actions 1983 Amassa Fauntleroy
+ PDF Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces of Holomorphic Bundles of Arbitrary Rank on a Riemann Surface 1998 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Conformal field theory and the cohomology of the moduli space of stable bundles 1992 Michael Thaddeus
+ Lectures on Invariant Theory 2003 Igor Dolgachev
+ Nondegenerate Critical Manifolds 1954 Raoul Bott
+ Symplectic Techniques in Physics 1984 Victor Guillemin
Shlomo Sternberg
+ PDF Chat Quotient Spaces Modulo Algebraic Groups 1997 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Algebraic Homogeneous Spaces and Invariant Theory 1997 Frank D. Grosshans
+ On the cohomology groups of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves 1975 G. Harder
M. S. Narasimhan
+ On spaces of maps from Riemann surfaces to Grassmannians and applications to the cohomology of moduli of vector bundles 1985 Frances Kirwan
+ Poincar� polynomials of the variety of stable bundles 1975 Usha V. Desale
S. Ramanan
+ PDF Variation of geometric invariant theory quotients 1998 Igor V. Dolgachev
Yi Hu
+ On the Homology of Compactifications of Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles Over a Riemann Surface 1986 Frances Kirwan
+ PDF Cohomology pairings on singular quotients in geometric invariant theory 2003 Lisa C. Jeffrey
Young‐Hoon Kiem
Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ PDF The cohomology rings of moduli spaces of bundles over Riemann surfaces 1992 Frances Kirwan
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Quotients by Groupoids 1997 Seán Keel
Шигефуми Мори
+ The invariants of unipotent radicals of parabolic subgroups 1983 Frank D. Grosshans
+ On the Chow Ring of a Geometric Quotient 1989 Geir Ellingsrud
Stein Arild Strømme
+ Convexity properties of the moment mapping. II 1984 Victor Guillemin
S. Sternberg
+ Geometric invariant theory and applications to moduli problems 1983 D. Gieseker
+ Extended moduli spaces of flat connections on Riemann surfaces 1994 Lisa C. Jeffrey
+ Cohomology rings of symplectic quotients. 1995 Jaap Kalkman
+ Representation Theory and Complex Geometry 2009 Neil Chriss
Victor Ginzburg
+ The Jeffrey-Kirwan localization theorem and residue operations in equivariant cohomology. 1996 Victor Guillemin
Jaap Kalkman
+ PDF Geometric invariant theory and flips 1996 Michael Thaddeus
+ Hyperbolicity of the complement of a generic smooth curve of high degree in the complex projective plane 1996 Yum-Tong Siu
Sai-Kee Yeung
+ Symplectic quotients by a nonabelian group and by its maximal torus 2000 Shaun Martin
+ Orbites Coadjointes et Cohomologie Équivariante 1990 Michel Duflo
Michèle Vergne
+ The decomposition and specialization of algebraic families of vector bundles 1977 Stephen S. Shatz
+ Projective completions of graded unipotent quotients 2016 Gergely Bérczi
Brent Doran
Thomas Hawes
Frances Kirwan
+ Intersection homology II 1983 Mark Goresky
Robert Macpherson
+ PDF Implosion for hyperkähler manifolds 2013 Andrew Dancer
Frances Kirwan
Andrew Swann
+ A hyperkahler structure on the cotangent bundle of a complex Lie group 2004 P. B. Kronheimer
+ Uniform instability in reductive groups. 1978 Wim H. Hesselink
+ Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators 1992 Nicole Berline
Ezra Getzler
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat Instability in Invariant Theory 1978 George R. Kempf