Jordi Guàrdia


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Factorization Over Henselian Fields 2024 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Adrien Poteaux
Joaquím Roé
Martin Weimann
+ PDF Chat Valuations with an infinite limit-depth 2023 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ PDF Chat Valuative trees over valued fields 2022 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ PDF Chat Square-free OM computation of global integral bases 2022 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
+ Square-free OM computation of global integral bases 2022 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
+ Valuations with infinite limit-depth 2022 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ Okutsu frames of irreducible polynomials over henselian fields 2021 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Joaquím Roé
Enric Nart
+ Okutsu frames of irreducible polynomials over henselian fields 2021 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Joaquím Roé
Enric Nart
+ Valuative trees over valued fields 2021 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ PDF Chat Of limit key polynomials 2020 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Alberto F. Boix
J.A. Fernandez
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ Invariants of limit key polynomials 2020 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Alberto F. Boix
J.A. Fernandez
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ Invariants of limit key polynomials 2020 Maria Alberich‐Carramiñana
Alberto F. Boix
Julio M. Fernández
Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Joaquím Roé
+ Trends in Number Theory 2015 Fernando Chamizo
Jordi Guàrdia
Antonio Rojas‐León
José M. Tornero
+ Residual ideals of MacLane valuations 2015 J.A. Fernandez
Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Genetics of polynomials over local fields 2015 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
+ Trends in number theory : Fifth Spanish Meeting on Number Theory, July 8-12, 2013, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain 2015 Jornadas de Teoría de Números
Fernando Chamizo
Jordi Guàrdia
Antonio León
José M. Tornero
+ Local-to-global computation of integral bases without a previous factorization of the discriminant 2015 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Geometric and arithmetic relations concerning origami 2015 Jordi Guàrdia
Eulàlia Tramuns
+ Higher Newton polygons and integral bases 2014 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Geometric and arithmetic relations concerning origami 2014 Jordi Guàrdia
Eulàlia Tramuns
+ Residual ideals of MacLane valuations 2013 J.A. Fernandez
Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Genetics of polynomials over local fields 2013 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
+ Residual ideals of MacLane valuations 2013 Julio M. Fernández
Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat A New Computational Approach to Ideal Theory in Number Fields 2012 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Single-factor lifting and factorization of polynomials over local fields 2012 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Sebastian Pauli
+ Newton polygons of higher order in algebraic number theory 2011 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat On the Torelli problem and Jacobian Nullwerte in genus three 2011 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Single-factor lifting and factorization of polynomials over local fields 2011 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Sebastian Pauli
+ PDF Chat Higher Newton polygons in the computation of discriminants and prime ideal decomposition in number fields 2011 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ A new computational approach to ideal theory in number fields 2010 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Arithmetic in big number fields: the '+Ideals' package 2010 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Okutsu invariants and Newton polygons 2010 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ A new computational approach to ideal theory in number fields 2010 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Okutsu invariants and Newton polygons 2009 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Higher Newton polygons and integral bases 2009 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ On the Torelli problem and Jacobian Nullwerte in genus three 2009 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Okutsu invariants and Newton polygons 2009 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Genus two curves with quaternionic multiplication and modular Jacobian 2008 Josep González
Jordi Guàrdia
+ Higher Newton polygons in the computation of discriminants and prime ideal decomposition in number fields 2008 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Newton polygons of higher order in algebraic number theory 2008 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Thetanullwerte: From periods to good equations 2007 Jordi Guàrdia
+ PDF Chat Jacobian Nullwerte, periods and symmetric equations for hyperelliptic curves 2007 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Hyperbolic uniformization of Fermat curves 2006 Pilar Báyer
Jordi Guàrdia
+ Jacobian Nullwerte, Periods and Symmetric Equations for Hyperelliptic Curves 2006 Jordi Guàrdia
+ PDF Chat On equations defining fake elliptic curves 2005 Pilar Báyer
Jordi Guàrdia
+ PDF Chat Abelian surfaces of GL<sub>2</sub>-type as Jacobians of curves 2005 Josep González
Jordi Guàrdia
Víctor Rotger
+ Stable Models of Elliptic Curves, Ring Class Fields, and Complex Multiplication 2004 Jordi Guàrdia
Eugenia Rita Marimón Torres
Montserrat Vela
+ PDF Chat Jacobi Thetanullwerte, periods of elliptic curves and minimal equations 2004 Jordi Guàrdia
+ PDF Chat A family of arithmetic surfaces of genus 3 2003 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Jacobian nullwerte and algebraic equations 2002 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Computations on Modular Jacobian Surfaces 2002 Enrique González–Jiménez
Josep González
Jordi Guàrdia
+ PDF Chat Arakelov computations in genus $3$ curves 2001 Jordi Guàrdia
+ A fundamental domain for the Fermat curves and their quotients. 2000 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Analytic invariants in Arakelov theory for curves 1999 Jordi Guàrdia
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A construction for absolute values in polynomial rings 1936 Saunders MacLane
+ Newton polygons of higher order in algebraic number theory 2011 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Okutsu invariants and Newton polygons 2010 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Newtonsche Polygone in der Theorie der algebraischen K�rper 1928 �ystein Ore
+ Extension d’une valuation 2007 Michel Vaquié
+ PDF Chat Zur Theorie der Algebraischen Körper 1923 Öystein Ore
+ PDF Chat A New Computational Approach to Ideal Theory in Number Fields 2012 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ A construction for prime ideals as absolute values of an algebraic field 1936 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat Higher Newton polygons in the computation of discriminants and prime ideal decomposition in number fields 2011 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Key polynomials over valued fields 2019 Enric Nart
+ Newton polygons of higher order in algebraic number theory 2008 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ On the Complexity of the Montes Ideal Factorization Algorithm 2010 David Ford
Olga Erzsébet Veres
+ Higher Newton polygons in the computation of discriminants and prime ideal decomposition in number fields 2008 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Jacobian nullwerte and algebraic equations 2002 Jordi Guàrdia
+ PDF Chat MacLane–Vaquié chains of valuations on a polynomial ring 2021 Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Geometry of Algebraic Curves 1985 Enrico Arbarello
Maurizio Cornalba
P. A. Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Genetics of polynomials over local fields 2015 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Construction of integral basis, I 1982 Kōsaku Okutsu
+ The construction of maximal orders over a Dedekind domain 1987 David Ford
+ Single-factor lifting and factorization of polynomials over local fields 2012 Jordi Guàrdia
Enric Nart
Sebastian Pauli
+ A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory 1993 Henri Cohen
+ Valuations in algebraic field extensions 2007 Francisco Javier Herrera Govantes
M. A. Olalla Acosta
Mark Spivakovsky
+ Key polynomials and minimal pairs 2019 Josnei Novacoski
+ PDF Chat Key polynomials and pseudo-convergent sequences 2017 Josnei Novacoski
Mark Spivakovsky
+ On Jacobi's Derivative Formula and its Generalizations 1980 Jun-ichi Igusa
+ A new computational approach to ideal theory in number fields 2010 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat A Construction for Absolute Values in Polynomial Rings 1936 Saunders MacLane
+ Polígonos de Newton de orden superior y aplicaciones aritméticas 1999 Jesús Sanz Montes
+ PDF Chat Jacobian Nullwerte, periods and symmetric equations for hyperelliptic curves 2007 Jordi Guàrdia
+ Higher Newton polygons and integral bases 2014 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ Famille admissible de valuations et défaut d'une extension 2007 Michel Vaquié
+ PDF Chat Value groups, residue fields, and bad places of rational function fields 2004 Franz‐Viktor Kuhlmann
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Rosenhain's normal form for hyperelliptic curves with an application 1996 Koichi Takase
+ PDF Chat On the discriminant of a hyperelliptic curve 1994 Paul Lockhart
+ Calculus on Arithmetic Surfaces 1984 Герд Фалтингс
+ Factoring Polynomials over Local Fields II 2010 Sebastian Pauli
+ Computing Riemann–Roch Spaces in Algebraic Function Fields and Related Topics 2002 Florian Heß
+ Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication and Modular Functions 1998 Goro Shimura
+ Higher Newton polygons and integral bases 2009 Jordi Guàrdia
Jesús Sanz Montes
Enric Nart
+ PDF Chat Modular curves of genus 2 2002 Enrique González–Jiménez
Josep González
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ On the derivatives of theta functions and modular forms 1977 Goro Shimura
+ Local computation of differents and discriminants 2013 Enric Nart
+ Construction and estimation of bases in function fields 1991 Wolfgang M. Schmidt
+ Elliptic curves: function theory, geometry, arithmetic 1998 H. P. McKean
Victor H. Moll
+ PDF Chat Weitere Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Algebraischen Körper 1925 Öystein Ore
+ PDF Chat On the factors of the jacobian variety of a modular function field 1973 Goro Shimura
+ Quaternion Orders, Quadratic Forms, and Shimura Curves 2012 Montserrat Alsina
Pilar Báyer
+ Computing Local Integral Closures 2001 Emmanuel Hallouin
+ Complexity of OM factorizations of polynomials over local fields 2012 Jens-Dietrich Bauch
Enric Nart
Hayden D. Stainsby