Albert Fathi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Viscosity solutions of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation on a noncompact manifold 2024 Albert Fathi
+ Convergence of the solutions of the nonlinear discounted Hamilton–Jacobi equation: The central role of Mather measures 2023 Qinbo Chen
Albert Fathi
Maxime Zavidovique
Jianlu Zhang
+ Aubry Set on Infinite Cyclic Coverings 2023 Albert Fathi
Pierre Pageault
+ Convergence of the solutions of the nonlinear discounted Hamilton-Jacobi equation: The central role of Mather measures 2023 Qinbo Chen
Albert Fathi
Maxime Zavidovique
Jianlu Zhang
+ On the Existence of Smooth Lyapunov Functions for Arbitrary Closed Sets 2022 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Urysohn-type theorem under a dynamical constraint: Non-compact case 2022 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Some Dynamics of Pseudo-Anosov Diffeomorphisms 2021 Albert Fathi
Michael Shub
+ Uniqueness Theorems for Pseudo-Anosov Diffeomorphisms 2021 Albert Fathi
Valentin Poènaru
+ The Space of Simple Closed Curves in a Surface 2021 Valentin Poènaru
Albert Fathi
+ The Thurston Compactification of Teichmüller Space 2021 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
+ Thurston's Work on Surfaces (MN-48) 2021 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
Valentin Poènaru
+ PDF Chat Singularities of solutions of time dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Applications to Riemannian geometry 2021 Piermarco Cannarsa
Wei Cheng
Albert Fathi
+ Recurrence on infinite cyclic coverings 2020 Albert Fathi
+ Singularities of solutions of time dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Applications to Riemannian geometry. 2019 Piermarco Cannarsa
Wei Cheng
Albert Fathi
+ Singularities of solutions of time dependent Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Applications to Riemannian geometry 2019 Piermarco Cannarsa
W. S. Cheng
Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat On maps which are the identity on the boundary 2017 Albert Fathi
+ Smoothing Lyapunov functions 2017 Albert Fathi
Pierre Pageault
+ On the topology of the set of singularities of a solution to the Hamilton–Jacobi equation 2016 Piermarco Cannarsa
Wei Cheng
Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat An Urysohn-type theorem under a dynamical constraint 2016 Albert Fathi
+ Convergence of the solutions of the discounted equation: the discrete case 2016 Andrea Davini
Albert Fathi
Renato Iturriaga
Maxime Zavidovique
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the solutions of the discounted Hamilton–Jacobi equation 2016 Andrea Davini
Albert Fathi
Renato Iturriaga
Maxime Zavidovique
+ Time functions revisited 2015 Albert Fathi
+ Aubry–Mather theory for homeomorphisms 2014 Albert Fathi
Pierre Pageault
+ 12 Uniqueness Theorems for Pseudo-Anosov Diffeomorphisms 2012 Albert Fathi
Valentin Poènaru
+ PDF Chat 10 Some Dynamics of Pseudo-Anosov Diffeomorphisms 2012 Albert Fathi
Michael Shub
+ Thurston's Work on Surfaces (MN-48) 2012 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
Valentin Poènaru
+ 7 Teichmuller Space 2012 Adrien Douady
Albert Fathi
+ 8 The Thurston Compactification of Teichmuller Space 2012 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
+ Weak KAM from a PDE point of view: viscosity solutions of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation and Aubry set 2012 Albert Fathi
+ Thurston's Work on Surfaces 2012 Albert Fathi
François Laudenbach
Valentin Poènaru
+ PDF Chat On smooth time functions 2011 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ Ilmanen's Lemma on Insertion of C$^{1,1}$ Functions 2010 Albert Fathi
Maxime Zavidovique
+ PDF Chat Optimal transportation on non-compact manifolds 2010 Albert Fathi
Alessio Figalli
+ Symplectic Topology and Measure Preserving Dynamical Systems 2010 Albert Fathi
Yong‐Geun Oh
Claude Viterbo
+ Symplectic topology and measure preserving dynamical systems : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 1-5, 2007, Snowbird, Utah 2010 Albert Fathi
Yong‐Geun Oh
Claude Viterbo
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Invariant Lagrangian Graphs in a Homology or a Cohomology Class 2009 Albert Fathi
Alessandro Giuliani
Sorrentino Alfonso
+ PDF Chat On the Hausdorff dimension of the mather quotient 2008 Albert Fathi
Ludovic Rifford
Alessio Figalli
+ Uniqueness of Invariant Lagrangian Graphs in a Homology or a Cohomology Class 2008 Albert Fathi
Alessandro Giuliani
Alfonso Sorrentino
+ Uniqueness of Invariant Lagrangian Graphs in a Homology or a Cohomology Class 2008 Albert Fathi
Alessandro Giuliani
Alfonso Sorrentino
+ PDF Chat Weak kam theorem on non compact manifolds 2007 Albert Fathi
Ezequiel Maderna
+ Optimal transportation on non-compact manifolds 2007 Albert Fathi
Alessio Figalli
+ On the Hausdorff Dimension of the Mather Quotient 2007 Albert Fathi
Alessio Figalli
Ludovic Rifford
+ Dynamical systems : Michael Herman Memorial volume 2006 Michael R. Herman
Albert Fathi
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ PDE aspects of Aubry-Mather theory for quasiconvex Hamiltonians 2004 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ PDF Chat Existence of C 1 critical subsolutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2004 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ PDF Chat Regularity of C$^1$ solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2003 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Failure of convergence of the Lax-Oleinik semi-group in the time periodic case 2000 Albert Fathi
John N. Mather
+ Sur la convergence du semi-groupe de Lax-Oleinik 1998 Albert Fathi
+ Orbites hétéroclines et ensemble de Peierls 1998 Albert Fathi
+ Partitions of Unity for Countable Covers 1997 Albert Fathi
+ Solutions KAM faibles conjuguées et barrières de Peierls 1997 Albert Fathi
+ Théorème KAM faible et théorie de Mather sur les systèmes lagrangiens 1997 Albert Fathi
+ Infinitesimal conjugacies and Weil-Petersson metric 1993 Albert Fathi
Livio Flaminio
+ The marked length-spectrum of a surface of nonpositive curvature 1992 Christopher B. Croke
Albert Fathi
Jacob J. Feldman
+ PDF Chat Démonstration d'un théorème de Penner sur la composition des twists de Dehn 1992 Albert Fathi
+ An Inequality between Energy and Intersection 1990 Christopher B. Croke
Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Homotopical stability of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms 1990 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Expansiveness, hyperbolicity and Hausdorff dimension 1989 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Some compact invariant sets for hyperbolic linear automorphisms of torii 1988 Albert Fathi
+ The Poisson bracket on the space of measured foliations on a surface 1987 Albert Fathi
+ Dehn twists and pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms 1987 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Skew products and minimal dynamical systems on separable Hilbert manifolds 1984 Albert Fathi
+ Existence de systémes dynamiques minimaux sur l'espace de hilbert séparable 1983 Albert Fathi
+ A proof of Pesin's stable manifold theorem 1983 Albert Fathi
Michael R. Herman
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ PDF Chat Structure of the group of homeomorphisms preserving a good measure on a compact manifold 1980 Albert Fathi
+ Le Groupe des Transformations de [0, 1] Qui Preservent la Mesure de Lebesgue Est un Groupe Simple 1978 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat New proofs of Chapman’s 𝐶𝐸 mapping theorem and West’s mapping cylinder theorem 1977 Albert Fathi
Albert Marín
Yves-Marie Visetti
+ PDF Chat Deformation of open embeddings of $Q$-manifolds 1976 Albert Fathi
Yves-Marie Visetti
+ PDF Chat A reduction of the fundamental conjecture about locally compact 𝐴𝑁𝑅’s 1975 Albert Fathi
Yves-Marie Visetti
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Action minimizing invariant measures for positive definite Lagrangian systems 1991 John N. Mather
+ Weak KAM from a PDE point of view: viscosity solutions of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation and Aubry set 2012 Albert Fathi
+ Solutions de viscosité des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi 1994 Guy Barles
+ PDF Chat Existence of C 1 critical subsolutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2004 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ PDF Chat Existence of C1,1C1,1 critical sub-solutions of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation on compact manifolds 2007 Patrick Bernard
+ One-dimensional Variational Problems 1999 Giuseppe Buttazzo
Mariano Giaquinta
Stefan Hildebrandt
+ Théorème KAM faible et théorie de Mather sur les systèmes lagrangiens 1997 Albert Fathi
+ PDE aspects of Aubry-Mather theory for quasiconvex Hamiltonians 2004 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ PDF Chat Weak kam theorem on non compact manifolds 2007 Albert Fathi
Ezequiel Maderna
+ Solutions KAM faibles conjuguées et barrières de Peierls 1997 Albert Fathi
+ Semiconcave Functions, Hamilton—Jacobi Equations, and Optimal Control 2004 Piermarco Cannarsa
Carlo Sinestrari
+ Generic properties and problems of minimizing measures of Lagrangian systems 1996 Ricardo Mañé
+ Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis 1990 Frank H. Clarke
+ On the Homogenization of the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation 2019 Alfonso Sorrentino
+ A metric approach to the converse Lyapunov theorem for continuous multivalued dynamics 2007 Antonio Siconolfi
Gabriele Terrone
+ PDF Chat Optimal transportation on non-compact manifolds 2010 Albert Fathi
Alessio Figalli
+ Action potential and weak KAM solutions 2001 Gonzalo Contreras
+ PDF Chat On the Hausdorff dimension of the mather quotient 2008 Albert Fathi
Ludovic Rifford
Alessio Figalli
+ Partitions of Unity for Countable Covers 1997 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the solutions of the discounted Hamilton–Jacobi equation 2016 Andrea Davini
Albert Fathi
Renato Iturriaga
Maxime Zavidovique
+ Existence of quasi-periodic orbits for twist homeomorphisms of the annulus 1982 John N. Mather
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Regularity of C$^1$ solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2003 Albert Fathi
+ A Short Introduction to Viscosity Solutions and the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations 2013 Hitoshi Ishii
+ Aubry–Mather theory for homeomorphisms 2014 Albert Fathi
Pierre Pageault
+ PDF Chat Strict sub-solutions and Mañé potential in discrete weak KAM theory 2012 Maxime Zavidovique
+ On the minimizing measures of Lagrangian dynamical systems 1992 Ricardo Mañé
+ PDF Chat On smooth time functions 2011 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ Topological Entropy and the First Homology Group 1975 Anthony Manning
+ Entropy and the fundamental group 1978 Rufus Bowen
+ Lagrangian Graphs, Minimizing Measures and Ma��'s Critical Values 1998 Mauricio Contreras
Renato Iturriaga
Gabriel P. Paternain
Miguel Paternain
+ Selected topics in infinite-dimensional topology 1975 C. Bessaga
A. Pełczyński
+ PDF Chat A fundamental class of geodesics on any closed surface of genus greater than one 1924 Harold Marston Morse
+ PDF Chat Geometric intersection functions and Hamiltonian flows on the space of measured foliations on a surface 1986 Athanase Papadopoulos
+ PDF Chat Characterization of optimal transport plans for the Monge-Kantorovich problem 2008 Walter Schachermayer
Josef Teichmann
+ Sur la convergence du semi-groupe de Lax-Oleinik 1998 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Some properties of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations 1984 Michael G. Crandall
L. C. Evans
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ On a Problem of Monge 2006 L. V. Kantorovich
+ Inégalités « a priori » pour des tores lagrangiens invariants par des difféomorphismes symplectiques 1989 Michael R. Herman
+ Generalized Mather problem and selection principles for viscosity solutions and mather measures 2008 Diogo A. Gomes
+ PDF Chat Structure of the group of homeomorphisms preserving a good measure on a compact manifold 1980 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Polar factorization of maps on Riemannian manifolds 2001 Robert J. McCann
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic Low-Dimensional Invariant Tori¶and Summations of Divergent Series 2002 Giovanni Gallavotti
Guido Gentile
+ Geometric Problems in the Theory of Infinite-dimensional Probability Distributions 1979 V. N. Sudakov
H. H. McFaden
+ PDF Chat Homeomorphisms of Hilbert cube manifolds 1973 T. A. Chapman
+ Cycles for the dynamical study of foliated manifolds and complex manifolds 1976 Dennis Sullivan
+ On the optimal mapping of distributions 1984 M. Knott
Cyril Stanley Smith
+ Minimal Measures and Minimizing Closed Normal One-currents 1999 Victor Bangert
+ Geometry and Topology of Manifolds 2007 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Degenerate Elliptic Resonances 2005 Guido Gentile
Giovanni Gallavotti