Matanya B. Horowitz


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Linearly Solvable Stochastic Control Lyapunov Functions 2016 Yoke Peng Leong
Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Suboptimal stabilizing controllers for linearly solvable system 2015 Yoke Peng Leong
Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Linear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations in high dimensions 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Anil Damle
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Domain decomposition for stochastic optimal control 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Ivan Papusha
Joel W. Burdick
+ A Convex Approach to Consensus on SO(n) 2014 Nikolai Matni
Matanya B. Horowitz
+ Optimal Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 2014 Yoke Peng Leong
Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ Domain Decomposition for Stochastic Optimal Control 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Ivan Papusha
Joel W. Burdick
+ Optimal Navigation Functions for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat A convex approach to consensus on SO(n) 2014 Nikolai Matni
Matanya B. Horowitz
+ PDF Chat Optimal navigation functions for nonlinear stochastic systems 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite relaxations for stochastic optimal control policies 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Convex relaxations of SE(2) and SE(3) for visual pose estimation 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Nikolai Matni
Joel W. Burdick
+ Linear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations in High Dimensions 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Anil Damle
Joel W. Burdick
+ Semidefinite Relaxations for Stochastic Optimal Control Policies 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ Convex Relaxations of SE(2) and SE(3) for Visual Pose Estimation 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Nikolai Matni
Joel W. Burdick
+ Domain Decomposition for Stochastic Optimal Control 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Ivan Papusha
Joel W. Burdick
+ Optimal Navigation Functions for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ Linear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations in High Dimensions 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Anil Damle
Joel W. Burdick
+ Convex Relaxations of SE(2) and SE(3) for Visual Pose Estimation 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Nikolai Matni
Joel W. Burdick
+ A Convex Approach to Consensus on SO(n) 2014 Nikolai Matni
Matanya B. Horowitz
+ Semidefinite Relaxations for Stochastic Optimal Control Policies 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ Convex Model Predictive Control for Vehicular Systems 2014 Tiffany Huang
Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Linear Theory for Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems 2005 Hilbert J. Kappen
+ Nonlinear Optimal Control via Occupation Measures and LMI-Relaxations 2008 Jean B. Lasserre
Didier Henrion
Christophe Prieur
Emmanuel Trélat
+ PDF Chat Path integrals and symmetry breaking for optimal control theory 2005 Hilbert J. Kappen
+ A nullstellensatz and a positivstellensatz in semialgebraic geometry 1974 Gilbert Stengle
+ Semidefinite programming relaxations for semialgebraic problems 2003 Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Global Optimization with Polynomials and the Problem of Moments 2001 Jean B. Lasserre
+ Moments, Positive Polynomials and Their Applications 2009 Jean B. Lasserre
+ User’s guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations 1992 Michael G. Crandall
Hitoshi Ishii
Pierre-Louis Lions
+ SDPT3 — A Matlab software package for semidefinite programming, Version 1.3 1999 Kim-Chuan Toh
Michael J. Todd
+ PDF Chat Linear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations in high dimensions 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Anil Damle
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite Programming Relaxations and Algebraic Optimization in Control 2003 Pablo A. Parrilo
Sanjay Lall
+ PDF Chat Semidefinite relaxations for stochastic optimal control policies 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat The Convex Geometry of Linear Inverse Problems 2012 Venkat Chandrasekaran
Benjamin Recht
Pablo A. Parrilo
Alan S. Willsky
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ Domain Decomposition for Stochastic Optimal Control 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Ivan Papusha
Joel W. Burdick
+ Linear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations in High Dimensions 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Anil Damle
Joel W. Burdick
+ YALMIP : a toolbox for modeling and optimization in MATLAB 2005 Johan Löfberg
+ PDF Chat Convex Hulls of Orbits and Orientations of a Moving Protein Domain 2008 Marco Longinetti
Luca Sgheri
Frank Sottile
+ On Rank Reduction of Separated Representations. 2013 David J. Biagioni
Daniel Beylkin
Gregory Beylkin
+ Domain decomposition: Parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial differential equations 1997 Barry Smith
Petter E. Bjørstad
William Gropp
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations 2011 R. Z. Khas’minskiĭ
+ The Mosek Interior Point Optimizer for Linear Programming: An Implementation of the Homogeneous Algorithm 2000 Erling D. Andersen
Knud D. Andersen
+ Logarithmic transformations and stochastic control 2005 Wendell H. Fleming
+ Motion Planning via Optimal Control for Stochastic Processes 2012 Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani
Debasish Chatterjee
John Lygeros
+ A tensor decomposition approach to high dimensional stationary Fokker-Planck equations 2014 Yifei Sun
Mrinal Kumar
+ PDF Chat Tensors-structured numerical methods in scientific computing: Survey on recent advances 2011 Boris N. Khoromskij
+ Analysis of individual differences in multidimensional scaling via an n-way generalization of “Eckart-Young” decomposition 1970 J. Douglas Carroll
Jih-Jie Chang
+ A Curse-of-Dimensionality-Free Numerical Method for Solution of Certain HJB PDEs 2007 William M. McEneaney
+ A stochastic control approach to reciprocal diffusion processes 1991 Paolo Dai Pra
+ PDF Chat On the relationship between convex bodies related to correlation experiments with dichotomic observables 2006 David Avis
Hiroshi Imai
Tsuyoshi Ito
+ Geometry, complexity, and combinatorics of permutation polytopes 1993 Shmuel Onn
+ PDF Chat Measures and LMI for impulsive optimal control with applications to space rendezvous problems 2012 Magda Claeys
Denis Arzelier
Didier Henrion
Jean B. Lasserre
+ A scalable optimization approach for fitting canonical tensor decompositions 2011 Evrim Acar
Daniel Dunlavy
Tamara G. Kolda
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for Numerical Analysis in High Dimensions 2005 Gregory Beylkin
Martin J. Mohlenkamp
+ PDF Chat GloptiPoly 3: moments, optimization and semidefinite programming 2009 Didier Henrion
Jean B. Lasserre
Johan Löfberg
+ Principles of mathematical analysis 1964 Walter Rudin
+ Tensor rank is NP-complete 1990 Johan HĂĄstad
+ Foundations of the PARAFAC procedure: Models and conditions for an "explanatory" multi-model factor analysis 1970 Richard A. Harshman
+ A new energy characterization of the smallest eigenvalue of the schrödinger equation 1977 Charles J. Holland
+ PDF Chat ECOS: An SOCP solver for embedded systems 2013 Alexander Domahidi
Eric Chu
Stephen Boyd
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Graphical Model Inference in Optimal Control of Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems 2008 Bart van den Broek
Wim Wiegerinck
Bert Kappen
+ PDF Chat Pre- and Post-Processing Sum-of-Squares Programs in Practice 2009 Johan Löfberg
+ PDF Chat Control design along trajectories with sums of squares programming 2013 Anirudha Majumdar
Amir Ali Ahmadi
Russ Tedrake
+ PDF Chat Stable signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measurements 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Analysis of Non-polynomial Systems Using the Sum of Squares Decomposition 2005 Antonis Papachristodoulou
S. Prajna
+ Proximal Algorithms 2013 Neal Parikh
Stephen Boyd
+ PDF Chat Domain decomposition for stochastic optimal control 2014 Matanya B. Horowitz
Ivan Papusha
Joel W. Burdick
+ PDF Chat Efficient Solution Algorithms for Factored MDPs 2003 Carlos Guestrin
Daphne Koller
R. Parr
Satchi Venkataraman
+ PDF Chat Theta Bodies for Polynomial Ideals 2010 JoĂŁo Gouveia
Pablo A. Parrilo
Rekha R. Thomas