Gianfranco Pradisi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Number of e-Folds in Slow-Roll Inflation 2024 Alessandro Di Marco
Emanuele Orazi
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Minimal leptogenesis in brane-inspired cosmology 2023 Alessandro Di Marco
Amit Dutta Banik
Anish Ghoshal
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Conformal metric-affine gravities 2022 Gonzalo J. Olmo
Emanuele Orazi
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat (In)equivalence of metric-affine and metric effective field theories 2022 Gianfranco Pradisi
Alberto Salvio
+ Conformal Metric-Affine Gravities 2022 Gonzalo J. Olmo
Emanuele Orazi
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Minimal Leptogenesis in Brane-inspired Cosmology 2022 Alessandro Di Marco
Amit Dutta Banik
Anish Ghoshal
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Variable inflaton equation-of-state and reheating 2021 Alessandro Di Marco
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Heterotic − type I dual pairs, rigid branes and broken SUSY 2020 Carlo Angelantonj
Hervé Partouche
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Energy density, temperature, and entropy dynamics in perturbative reheating 2019 Alessandro Di Marco
G. de Gasperis
Gianfranco Pradisi
P. Cabella
+ PDF Chat Inflationary scale, reheating scale, and pre-BBN cosmology with scalar fields 2018 Alessandro Di Marco
Gianfranco Pradisi
P. Cabella
+ Open strings and electric fields in compact spaces 2018 Cezar Condeescu
Emilian Dudaş
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ A Guide to Mathematical Methods for Physicists 2018 Michela Petrini
Gianfranco Pradisi
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Fiber inflation and reheating 2017 P. Cabella
Alessandro Di Marco
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Non-geometric orbifolds and wrapping rules 2014 Gianfranco Pradisi
Fabio Riccioni
+ PDF Chat Heterotic-Type II duality and wrapping rules 2013 Eric Bergshoeff
Cezar Condeescu
Gianfranco Pradisi
Fabio Riccioni
+ PDF Chat Heterotic T-folds with a small number of neutral moduli 2012 Massimo Bianchi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Cristina Timirgaziu
Luca Tripodi
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative transitions among intersecting-brane vacua 2011 Carlo Angelantonj
Cezar Condeescu
Emilian Dudaş
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Non-geometrical Compactifications with Few Moduli 2010 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Non-geometrical Compactifications with Few Moduli 2010 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat (Unoriented) T-folds with few T's 2009 Pascal Anastasopoulos
Massimo Bianchi
José Francisco Morales
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Minimal anomalous<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>′</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math>extension of the MSSM 2008 Pascal Anastasopoulos
Francesco Fucito
Andrea Lionetto
Gianfranco Pradisi
Antonio Racioppi
Yassen S. Stanev
+ String instantons, fluxes and moduli stabilization 2007 Pablo G. Cámara
Emilian Dudaş
T. Maillard
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat On tadpoles and vacuum redefinitions in String Theory 2004 Emilian Dudaş
M. Nicolosi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Magnetized four-dimensional Z2×Z2 orientifolds 2003 Marianna Larosa
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Magnetic Fluxes, NS-NS $B$ Field and Shifts in Four-Dimensional Orientifolds 2003 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Magnetized (Shift-)Orientifolds 2002 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Geometric couplings and brane supersymmetry breaking 2001 Gianfranco Pradisi
Fabio Riccioni
+ PDF Chat Discrete torsion in non-geometric orbifolds and their open-string descendants 2000 Massimo Bianchi
José Francisco Morales
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Type I vacua from diagonal -orbifolds 2000 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Geometrical Construction of Type I Superstring Vacua 1997 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Geometrical Construction of Type I Superstring Vacua 1997 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat Twelve-dimensional aspects of four-dimensional N = 1 type I vacua 1996 Massimo Bianchi
S. Ferrara
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Comments on Gepner models and type I vacua in string theory 1996 Carlo Angelantonj
Massimo Bianchi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Yassen S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Chiral asymmetry in four-dimensional open-string vacua 1996 Carlo Angelantonj
Massimo Bianchi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Completeness conditions for boundary operators in 2D conformal field theory 1996 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ Open Superstrings 1996 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Open Superstrings 1996 Gianfranco Pradisi
+ PDF Chat The open descendants of non-diagonal SU(2) WZW models 1995 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Planar duality in SU(2) WZW models 1995 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Sewing constraints and non-orientable open strings 1994 Davide Fioravanti
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ New developments in open string theories 1992 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Planar duality in the discrete series 1991 Massimo Bianchi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Open string orbifolds 1989 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Orbifolds and open strings 1988 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the systematics of open-string theories 1990 Massimo Bianchi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Twist symmetry and open-string Wilson lines 1991 Massimo Bianchi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Open strings 2002 Carlo Angelantonj
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Open string orbifolds 1989 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Theory and phenomenology of type I strings and M-theory 2000 Emilian Dudaş
+ PDF Chat Completeness conditions for boundary operators in 2D conformal field theory 1996 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Sewing constraints and non-orientable open strings 1994 Davide Fioravanti
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat The open descendants of non-diagonal SU(2) WZW models 1995 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ Background duality of open-string models 1989 Petr Hořava
+ PDF Chat Brane supersymmetry breaking 1999 Ignatios Antoniadis
Emilian Dudaş
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Comments on open-string orbifolds with a non-vanishing Bab 2000 Carlo Angelantonj
+ PDF Chat Open descendants of Z2×Z2 freely acting orbifolds 2000 I. Antoniadis
G. D’Appollonio
Emilian Dudaş
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Planar duality in SU(2) WZW models 1995 Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat A note on the Green-Schwarz mechanism in open-string theories 1992 Augusto Sagnotti
+ A WAY TO BREAK SUPERSYMMETRY 1995 Constantin P. Bachas
+ Strings on world-sheet orbifolds 1989 Petr Hořava
+ PDF Chat Partial breaking of supersymmetry, open strings and M-theory 1999 Ignatios Antoniadis
G. D’Appollonio
Emilian Dudaş
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Four-dimensional string compactifications with D-branes, orientifolds and fluxes 2007 Ralph Blumenhagen
Boris Körs
Dieter Lüst
Stephan Stieberger
+ PDF Chat Type-I strings on magnetised orbifolds and brane transmutation 2000 Carlo Angelantonj
Ignatios Antoniadis
Emilian Dudaş
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Open strings and their symmetry groups 2002 Augusto Sagnotti
+ Asymmetric orbifolds 1987 K.S. Narain
M.H. Sarmadi
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry breaking, open strings and M-theory 1999 I. Antoniadis
Emilian Dudaş
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat String theory dynamics in various dimensions 1995 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat On orbifolds with discrete torsion 1995 Cumrun Vafa
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Branes intersecting at angles 1996 Micha Berkooz
Michael R. Douglas
Robert G. Leigh
+ PDF Chat Flux compactifications in string theory: A comprehensive review 2005 Mariana Graña
+ Boundary conditions, fusion rules and the Verlinde formula 1989 John Cardy
+ PDF Chat Discrete deformations in Type I vacua 2000 Carlo Angelantonj
Ralph Blumenhagen
+ Group theory from “quarks” at the ends of strings 1987 Neil Marcus
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat A note on toroidal compactifications of the type I superstring and other superstring vacuum configurations with 16 superchanges 1998 Massimo Bianchi
+ PDF Chat Perturbative and non-perturbative partial supersymmetry breaking: N = 4 → N = 2 → N = 1 1997 Elias Kiritsis
Costas Kounnas
+ PDF Chat Chiral asymmetry in four-dimensional open-string vacua 1996 Carlo Angelantonj
Massimo Bianchi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
Ya.S. Stanev
+ PDF Chat Three-Family Supersymmetric Standardlike Models from Intersecting Brane Worlds 2001 Mirjam Cvetič
Gary Shiu
Ángel M. Uranga
+ Strings on orbifolds 1985 Lance J. Dixon
Jeffrey A. Harvey
Cumrun Vafa
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Consistency conditions for orientifolds and D-manifolds 1996 Eric G Gimon
Joseph Polchinski
+ PDF Chat Reheating after Inflation 1994 Lev Kofman
Andrei Linde
Alexei A. Starobinsky
+ PDF Chat Towards the theory of reheating after inflation 1997 Lev Kofman
Andrei Linde
Alexei A. Starobinsky
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative compactifications of type I strings on tori with magnetic background flux 2000 Ralph Blumenhagen
Lars Görlich
Boris Körs
Dieter Lüst
+ PDF Chat Magnetized four-dimensional Z2×Z2 orientifolds 2003 Marianna Larosa
Gianfranco Pradisi
+ Planar duality in the discrete series 1991 Massimo Bianchi
Gianfranco Pradisi
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Tachyon-free non-supersymmetric type IIB orientifolds via brane-antibrane systems 1999 G. Aldazábal
Ángel M. Uranga
+ PDF Chat Type I vacua with brane supersymmetry breaking 2000 Carlo Angelantonj
Ignatios Antoniadis
G. D’Appollonio
Emilian Dudaş
Augusto Sagnotti
+ Type-I vacua and brane transmutation 2000 Carlo Angelantonj
Augusto Sagnotti
+ PDF Chat Anomaly Cancellations in the Type I D9-DFormula System and the USp(32) String Theory 1999 Shigeki Sugimoto
+ PDF Chat Intersecting brane worlds 2001 G. Aldazábal
Sebastián Franco
Luis E. Ibáñez
Raúl Rabadán
Ángel M. Uranga
+ PDF Chat Universe reheating after inflation 1995 Yuri Shtanov
Jennie Traschen
Robert Brandenberger
+ PDF Chat Type IIB orientifolds with NS-NS antisymmetric tensor backgrounds 1998 Zura Kakushadze
Gary Shiu
S.-H. Henry Tye
+ PDF Chat Equation-of-state parameter for reheating 2015 Julián B. Muñoz
Marc Kamionkowski
+ PDF Chat CMB and reheating constraints to<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:math>-attractor inflationary models 2016 Mehdi Eshaghi
Moslem Zarei
N. Riazi
Ahmad Kiasatpour
+ String instantons, fluxes and moduli stabilization 2007 Pablo G. Cámara
Emilian Dudaş
T. Maillard
Gianfranco Pradisi