Philipp Habegger


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Galois orbits of torsion points near atoral sets 2024 Vesselin Dimitrov
Philipp Habegger
+ Degeneracy loci in the universal family of Abelian varieties 2024 Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Lower Bounds for the Canonical Height of a Unicritical Polynomial and Capacity 2024 Philipp Habegger
Harry Schmidt
+ The number of rational points on a curve of genus at least two 2023 Philipp Habegger
+ Diophantische Approximationen 2023 Yann Bugeaud
Pietro Corvaja
Laura DeMarco
Philipp Habegger
+ Degeneracy loci in the universal family of abelian varieties 2023 Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ The Relative Manin-Mumford Conjecture 2023 Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Uniformity in Mordell–Lang for curves 2021 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat A consequence of the relative Bogomolov conjecture 2021 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ Lower Bounds for the Canonical Height of a Unicritical Polynomial and Capacity 2021 Philipp Habegger
Harry Schmidt
+ PDF Chat The geometric Bogomolov conjecture 2020 Serge Cantat
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
Junyi Xie
+ A consequence of the relative Bogomolov conjecture 2020 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ Uniformity in Mordell-Lang for curves. 2020 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ A consequence of the relative Bogomolov conjecture 2020 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ Exponential periods and o-minimality 2020 Johan Commelin
Philipp Habegger
Annette Huber
+ Uniformity in Mordell-Lang for curves 2020 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat The geometric Bogomolov conjecture 2019 Serge Cantat
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
Junyi Xie
+ PDF Chat Uniform Bound for the Number of Rational Points on a Pencil of Curves 2019 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ Uniform bound for the number of rational points on a pencil of curves 2019 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Heights in families of abelian varieties and the Geometric Bogomolov Conjecture 2019 Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ Galois orbits of torsion points near atoral sets 2019 Vesselin Dimitrov
Philipp Habegger
+ Uniform bound for the number of rational points on a pencil of curves 2019 Vesselin Dimitrov
Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat No Singular Modulus Is a Unit 2018 Yuri Bilu
Philipp Habegger
Lars KĂĽhne
+ Effective bounds for singular units 2018 Yu. Bilu
Philipp Habegger
Lars KĂĽhne
+ Heights in families of abelian varieties and the Geometric Bogomolov Conjecture 2018 Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ No singular modulus is a unit 2018 Yu. Bilu
Philipp Habegger
Lars KĂĽhne
+ PDF Chat Diophantine approximations on definable sets 2017 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Bad reduction of genus curves with CM jacobian varieties 2017 Philipp Habegger
Fabien Pazuki
+ The Norm of Gaussian Periods 2017 Philipp Habegger
+ Distribution of integral division points on the algebraic torus 2017 Philipp Habegger
Su-Ion Ih
+ Quasi-Equivalence of Heights and Runge’s Theorem 2017 Philipp Habegger
+ The Norm of Gaussian Periods 2016 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Six unlikely intersection problems in search of effectivity 2016 Philipp Habegger
G. Jones
David Masser
+ PDF Chat TeichmĂĽller curves in genus three and just likely intersections in G m n Ă— G a n $\mathbf{G}_{m}^{n}\times\mathbf{G}_{a}^{n}$ 2016 Matt Bainbridge
Philipp Habegger
Martin Möller
+ Diophantine Approximations on Definable Sets 2016 Philipp Habegger
+ The norm of a Gaussian periods 2016 Philipp Habegger
+ TeichmĂĽller curves in genus three and just likely intersections in ${\bf G}_m^n\times{\bf G_a}^n$ 2016 Matt Bainbridge
Philipp Habegger
Martin Möller
+ PDF Chat O-minimality and certain atypical intersections 2016 Philipp Habegger
Jonathan Pila
+ Quasi-equivalence of Heights and Runge's Theorem 2016 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Singular moduli that are algebraic units 2015 Philipp Habegger
+ The Manin-Mumford Conjecture, an elliptic Curve, its Torsion Points & their Galois Orbits 2015 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Small Points and Free Abelian Groups 2015 Robert Grizzard
Philipp Habegger
Lukas Pottmeyer
+ Algebra & Number Theory 2015 Philipp Habegger
+ A note on divisible points of curves 2014 Martin Bays
Philipp Habegger
+ O-minimality and certain atypical intersections 2014 Philipp Habegger
Jonathan Pila
+ Teichmueller curves in genus three and just likely intersections in $G_m^n x G_a^n$ 2014 Matt Bainbridge
Philipp Habegger
Martin Moeller
+ O-minimality and certain atypical intersections 2014 Philipp Habegger
Jonathan Pila
+ PDF Chat Torsion points on elliptic curves in Weierstrass form 2013 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Small height and infinite nonabelian extensions 2013 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat The Tate–Voloch Conjecture in a Power of a Modular Curve 2013 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Special points on fibered powers of elliptic surfaces 2013 Philipp Habegger
+ The Tate-Voloch Conjecture in a Power of a Modular Curve 2012 Philipp Habegger
+ Effective Height Upper Bounds on Algebraic Tori 2012 Philipp Habegger
+ The Tate-Voloch Conjecture in a Power of a Modular Curve 2012 Philipp Habegger
+ Special Points on Fibered Powers of Elliptic Surfaces 2011 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Some unlikely intersections beyond André–Oort 2011 Philipp Habegger
Jonathan Pila
+ Torsion Points on Elliptic Curves in Weierstrass Form 2011 Philipp Habegger
+ Special Points on Fibered Powers of Elliptic Surfaces 2011 Philipp Habegger
+ Torsion Points on Elliptic Curves in Weierstrass Form 2011 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat A Note on Maurin’s Theorem 2010 Enrico Bombieri
Philipp Habegger
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Weakly bounded height on modular curves 2010 Philipp Habegger
+ Multiplicative dependence and isolation II 2009 Philipp Habegger
+ A Bogomolov property modulo algebraic subgroups 2009 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat A Bogomolov property for curves modulo algebraic subgroups 2009 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat On the Bounded Height Conjecture 2008 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Intersecting subvarieties of abelian varieties with algebraic subgroups of complementary dimension 2008 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Intersecting subvarieties of $${G_m^n}$$ with algebraic subgroups 2008 Philipp Habegger
+ Heights and multiplicative relations on algebraic varieties 2007 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat The equation x+y=α in multiplicatively dependent unknowns 2005 Philipp Habegger
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Heights in Diophantine geometry 2006 Enrico Bombieri
Walter Gubler
+ Tame Topology and O-minimal Structures 1998 L. P. D. van den Dries
+ None 1999 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Anomalous Subvarieties—Structure Theorems and Applications 2007 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ On Schanuel's Conjectures 1971 James Ax
+ PDF Chat On unlikely intersections of complex varieties with tori 2008 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Chat Intersecting a plane with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups 2009 Enrico Bombieri
David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Some Topics in Differential Algebraic Geometry I: Analytic Subgroups of Algebraic Groups 1972 James Ax
+ PDF Chat On the Bounded Height Conjecture 2008 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Spans of Hecke points on modular curves 2001 Bjorn Poonen
+ Polynomials with Special Regard to Reducibility 2000 Andrzej Schinzel
+ Equidistribution of Small Points on Abelian Varieties 1998 Shou-Wu Zhang
+ An Introduction to Diophantine Approximation. 1958 John C. Brixey
J. W. S. Cassels
+ Heights and the specialization map for families of abelian varieties. 1983 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Torsion points on families of squares of elliptic curves 2011 David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Chat Positive line bundles on arithmetic varieties 1995 Shou-Wu Zhang
+ A generalization of the Chowla-Selberg formula. 1991 Yuichiro Taguchi
Yukiyoshi Nakkajima
+ PDF Chat The rational points of a definable set 2006 Jonathan Pila
A. J. Wilkie
+ PDF Chat On a question of Lehmer and the number of irreducible factors of a polynomial 1979 Edward Dobrowolski
+ Algebraic Number Theory 1999 JĂĽrgen Neukirch
+ PDF Chat Heights in families of abelian varieties and the Geometric Bogomolov Conjecture 2019 Ziyang Gao
Philipp Habegger
+ Courbes algébriques et équations multiplicatives 2008 Guillaume Maurin
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Pierre Colmez
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Weakly bounded height on modular curves 2010 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Rational points in periodic analytic sets and the Manin–Mumford conjecture 2008 Jonathan Pila
Umberto Zannier
+ PDF Chat The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Special points on fibered powers of elliptic surfaces 2013 Philipp Habegger
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic on curves 1986 Barry Mazur
+ Elliptic Functions 1987 Serge Lang
+ Diophantine Geometry: An Introduction 2000 Marc Hindry
Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers 1962 J. Barkley Rosser
Lowell Schoenfeld
+ PDF Chat O-minimality and the André-Oort conjecture for C^n 2011 Jonathan Pila
+ PDF Chat Uniform Manin-Mumford for a family of genus 2 curves 2020 Laura DeMarco
Holly Krieger
Hexi Ye
+ Décompte dans une conjecture de Lang 2000 Gaël Rémond
+ PDF Chat Generic rank of Betti map and unlikely intersections 2020 Ziyang Gao
+ PDF Chat The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus 1969 Pierre Deligne
D. Mumford
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright. 2nd edition. Pp. xvi, 407 25s. 1945. (Oxford) 1946 T. A. A. B.
+ The average number of rational points on genus two curves is bounded 2018 Levent Alpöge
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds for the number of rational points on hyperelliptic curves of small Mordell–Weil rank 2018 Michael Stoll
+ Le problème de Lehmer en dimension supérieure 1999 Francesco Amoroso
S. David
+ PDF Chat Lemmes de zéros dans les groupes algébriques commutatifs 1986 Patrice Philippon
+ PDF Chat Heights of projective varieties and positive Green forms 1994 Jean-Benoît Bost
Henri Gillet
Christophe Soulé
+ PDF Chat Torsion anomalous points and families of elliptic curves 2010 David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Inégalité de Vojta en dimension supérieure 2000 Gaël Rémond
+ PDF Chat On measures of polynomials in several variables 1981 Chris Smyth
+ Hyperbolic distribution problems and half-integral weight Maass forms 1988 William Duke
+ PDF Chat Torsion anomalous points and families of elliptic curves 2008 David Masser
Umberto Zannier
+ Points rationnels sur les familles de courbes de genre au moins 2 1997 Teresa De Diego