Jorge Galindo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat $\ell^1$-bases, algebraic structure and strong Arens irregularity of Banach algebras in harmonic analysis$^1$ 2024 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Positive definite functions as uniformly ergodic multipliers of the Fourier algebra 2024 Jorge Galindo
Enrique Jordá
Alberto Rodríguez-Arenas
+ PDF Chat A note on a question of Garth Dales: Arens regularity as a three space property 2024 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Uniformly ergodic probability measures 2024 Jorge Galindo
Enrique Jordá
Alberto Rodríguez-Arenas
+ PDF Chat Arens regularity and irregularity of ideals in Fourier and group algebras 2024 Reza Esmailvandi
Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Arens regularity of ideals of the group algebra of a compact Abelian group 2023 Reza Esmailvandi
Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Uniformly ergodic probability measures 2023 Jorge Galindo
Enrique Jordá
Alberto Rodríguez-Arenas
+ Orthogonal ℓ1-sets and extreme non-Arens regularity of preduals of von Neumann algebras 2022 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of convolution operators 2021 Jorge Galindo
Enrique Jordá
+ PDF Chat On the extreme non‐Arens regularity of Banach algebras 2021 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ ℓ<sup>1</sup>-bases in Banach algebras and Arens irregularities in harmonic analysis 2020 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Orthogonal $\ell_1$-sets and extreme non-Arens regularity of preduals of von Neumann algebras 2020 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Orthogonal $\ell_1$-sets and extreme non-Arens regularity of preduals of von Neumann algebras 2020 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Ergodic properties of convolution operators 2020 Jorge Galindo
Enrique Jordá
+ On the extreme non-Arens regularity of Banach algebras 2019 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Sampling Almost Periodic and Related Functions 2019 Stefano Ferri
Jorge Galindo
Camilo Gómez
+ PDF Chat Extreme non-Arens regularity of the group algebra 2018 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Sampling Almost Periodic and related Functions 2018 Stefano Ferri
Jorge Galindo
Camilo Gómez
+ Sampling Almost Periodic and related Functions 2018 Stefano Ferri
Jorge Galindo
Camilo R. Gomez
+ PDF Chat Mazur-Ulam type theorems for fuzzy normed spaces 2017 Juan J. Font
Jorge Galindo
Sergio Macario
Manuel Sanchis
+ Algebraic structure of semigroup compactifications: Pym's and Veech's Theorems and strongly prime points 2017 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Interpolation sets and the size of quotients of function spaces on a locally compact group 2015 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Mazur-Ulam Theorem for Fuzzy Normed Spaces 2014 Juan J. Font
Jorge Galindo
Sergio Macario
Manuel Sanchis
+ Reflexivity in precompact groups and extensions 2013 Jorge Galindo
Mikhail Tkachenko
M. Montserrat Bruguera
Constancio Hernández
+ Algebraic and Topological Invariants of Curves and Surfaces with Quotient Singularities (Invariantes topológicos y algebraicos de curvas y superficies con singularidades cociente) 2013 Jorge Galindo
José Agustín
Jean Vallés
Vincent Florens
+ Interpolation sets and the size of quotients of function spaces on a locally compact group 2013 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Extreme non-Arens regularity of the group algebra 2013 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Invariants algébriques et topologiques des courbes et surfaces à singularités quotient 2013 Jorge Galindo
+ Extreme non-Arens regularity of the group algebra 2013 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Interpolation sets and the size of quotients of function spaces on a locally compact group 2013 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Approximable <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">WAP</mml:mi></mml:math>- and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">LUC</mml:mi></mml:math>-interpolation sets 2012 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ Approximable WAP- and LUC-interpolation sets 2011 Jorge Galindo
Mahmoud Filali
+ Reflexivity of prodiscrete topological groups 2011 Jorge Galindo
Luis Recoder-Núñez
Mikhail Tkachenko
+ Approximable WAP- and LUC-interpolation sets 2011 Jorge Galindo
Mahmoud Filali
+ PDF Chat Nondiscrete P-groups can be reflexive 2010 Jorge Galindo
Luis Recoder-Núñez
Mikhail Tkachenko
+ PDF Chat Approximation theorems for group valued functions 2010 Jorge Galindo
Manuel Sanchis
+ PDF Chat Pseudocompact group topologies with no infinite compact subsets 2010 Jorge Galindo
Sergio Macario
+ PDF Chat Characterizing group C*-algebras through their unitary groups: the Abelian case 2010 Jorge Galindo
Ana María Ródenas
S. Garcı́a-Ferreira
Artur Hideyuki Tomita
+ PDF Chat Embedding a topological group into its WAP-compactification 2009 Stefano Ferri
Jorge Galindo
+ Pseudocompact group topologies with no infinite compact subsets 2008 Jorge Galindo
Sergio Macario
+ PDF Chat On unitary representability of topological groups 2008 Jorge Galindo
+ Pseudocompact group topologies with no infinite compact subsets 2008 Jorge Galindo
Sergio Macario
+ Recent results and open questions relating Chu duality and Bohr compactifications of locally compact groups 2007 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
Ta-Sun Wu
+ Characterizing group $C^\ast$-algebras through their unitary groups: the Abelian case 2007 Jorge Galindo
Ana-Mar'ia R'odenas
+ Compact groups containing dense pseudocompact subgroups without non-trivial convergent sequences 2006 Jorge Galindo
S. Garcı́a-Ferreira
+ On unitary representability of topological groups 2006 Jorge Galindo
+ Stone-weierstrass theorems for group-valued functions 2004 Jorge Galindo
Manuel Sanchis
+ Extremal pseudocompact topological groups 2004 W. W. Comfort
Jorge Galindo
+ Interpolation sets and the Bohr topology of locally compact groups 2003 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
+ PDF Chat Pseudocompact topological group refinements of maximal weight 2002 W. W. Comfort
Jorge Galindo
+ Two Observations on Irreducible Representations of Groups 2002 Jorge Galindo
Pierre de la Harpe
Thierry Vust
+ Relations between Locally Compact Abelian Groups with Isomorphic Group Algebras 2000 Jorge Galindo
+ A characterization of the Schur property by means of the Bohr topology 1999 Salvador Hernández
Jorge Galindo
Sergio Macario
+ PDF Chat The concept of boundedness and the Bohr compactification of a MAP Abelian group 1999 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
+ Pontryagin-van Kampen reflexivity for free Abelian topological groups 1999 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
+ Transmission of continuity to the Bohr topology 1997 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
+ On the Completion of a MAP Group 1996 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Pseudocompactness and uniform continuity in topological groups 1966 W. W. Comfort
Kenneth A. Ross
+ PDF Chat Topologies induced by groups of characters 1964 W. W. Comfort
Keith W. Ross
+ The second duals of Beurling algebras 2005 H. G. Dales
Anthony Lau
+ PDF Chat Weakly almost periodic functions and thin sets in discrete groups 1990 Ching Chou
+ PDF Chat Weakly almost periodic functions and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras of locally compact groups 1982 Ching Chou
+ Infinite Abelian groups 1970 L. Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Extreme non-Arens regularity of quotients of the Fourier algebra A(G) 1997 Zhiguo Hu
+ The maximal totally bounded group topology on G and the biggest minimal G-space, for Abelian groups G 1990 Eric K. van Douwen
+ The Convolution of Functionals on Spaces of Bounded Functions 1965 St. John
+ PDF Chat The adjoint of a bilinear operation 1951 Richard Arens
+ PDF Chat Day points for quotients of the Fourier algebra $A(G)$, extreme nonergodicity of their duals and extreme non Arens regularity 1996 Edmond E. Granirer
+ PDF Chat Additive Subgroups of Topological Vector Spaces 1991 Wojciech Banaszczyk
+ Approximable <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">WAP</mml:mi></mml:math>- and <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si2.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">LUC</mml:mi></mml:math>-interpolation sets 2012 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Free Abelian topological groups and the Pontryagin-Van Kampen duality 1995 Vladimir Pestov
+ On weakly almost periodic sets 1985 Wolfgang Ruppert
+ PDF Chat Arens regularity and discrete groups 1991 Brian Forrest
+ Algebraic structure of pseudocompact groups 1998 Dikran Dikranjan
Dmitri Shakhmatov
+ PDF Chat The second conjugate space of a Banach algebra as an algebra 1961 Paul Civin
Bertram Yood
+ PDF Chat On the size of quotients of function spaces on a topological group 2011 Ahmed Bouziad
Mahmoud Filali
+ PDF Chat A unified approach to the topological centre problem for certain Banach algebras arising in abstract harmonic analysis 2004 Matthias Neufang
+ Weakly almost periodic functions on semigroups 1970 Robert B. Burckel
+ PDF Chat The concept of boundedness and the Bohr compactification of a MAP Abelian group 1999 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
+ PDF Chat L'algèbre de Fourier d'un groupe localement compact 1964 Pierre Eymard
+ PDF Chat Almost periodic extensions of functions, III 1967 S. Hartman
C. Ryll–Nardzewski
+ Interpolation and Sidon Sets for Compact Groups 2013 Colin C. Graham
Kathryn E. Hare
+ PDF Chat Cardinality constraints for pseudocompact and for totally dense subgroups of compact topological groups 1985 W. W. Comfort
Lewis C. Robertson
+ PDF Chat Extreme non-Arens regularity of the group algebra 2018 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ On the Arens Regularity of Weighted Convolution Algebras 1989 Jack W. Baker
Ali Rejali
+ PDF Chat Precompact noncompact reflexive Abelian groups 2010 Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano
M.J. Chasco
Xabier Domínguez
Mikhail Tkachenko
+ Imposing psendocompact group topologies on Abeliau groups 1993 W. W. Comfort
I. Remus
+ Complete Normed Algebras 1973 F. F. Bonsall
John F. R. Duncan
+ On the Second Conjugate Algebra of <i>L</i> <sub>1</sub> (<i>G</i> ) of a Locally Compact Group 1988 Anthony To‐Ming Lau
Viktor Losert
+ Weak almost periodic functions and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms 1959 Walter Rudin
+ Minimal determinants of topological centres for some algebras associated with locally compact groups 2011 Talin Budak
Nilgün Işık
John Pym
+ PDF Chat The centre of the bidual of Fourier algebras (discrete groups) 2016 Viktor Losert
+ Classical Harmonic Analysis and Locally Compact Groups 2000 Hans Reiter
Jan D Stegeman
+ Dual properties in totally bounded Abelian groups 2003 Salvador Hernández
Sergio Macario
+ PDF Chat Uniform closures of Fourier-Stieltjes algebras 1979 Ching Chou
+ PDF Chat Interpolation sets and the size of quotients of function spaces on a locally compact group 2015 Mahmoud Filali
Jorge Galindo
+ PDF Chat Weakly almost periodic functions and almost convergent functions on a group 1975 Ching Chou
+ Minimally Almost Periodic Groups 1993 John von Neumann
E. P. Wigner
+ On the actions of a locally compact group on some of its semigroup compactifications 2007 Mahmoud Filali
+ PDF Chat Weakly almost periodic functions and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms 1968 Donald E. Ramirez
+ PDF Chat The weight of a pseudocompact (homogeneous) space whose cardinality has countable cofinality 1980 Eric K. van Douwen
+ Open subgroups and Pontryagin duality 1994 Wojciech Banaszczyk
M.J. Chasco
Elena Martín-Peinador
+ Interpolation sets and the Bohr topology of locally compact groups 2003 Jorge Galindo
Salvador Hernández
+ Continuity, boundedness, connectedness and the Lindelöf property for topological groups 1991 F. Javier Trigos-Arrieta
+ PDF Chat $k$-groups and duality 1970 N. Noble
+ Forcing hereditarily separable compact-like group topologies on Abelian groups 2005 Dikran Dikranjan
Dmitri Shakhmatov