Lada A. Adamic


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Community gifting groups on Facebook 2023 Amaç Herdağdelen
Lada A. Adamic
Bogdan State
+ PDF Chat The Geography of Facebook Groups in the United States 2023 Amaç Herdağdelen
Lada A. Adamic
Bogdan State
+ The Geography of Facebook Groups in the United States 2022 Amaç Herdağdelen
Lada A. Adamic
Bogdan State
+ Community gifting groups on Facebook 2022 Amaç Herdağdelen
Lada A. Adamic
Bogdan State
+ PDF Chat Social Catalysts: Characterizing People Who Spark Conversations Among Others 2021 Martin Saveski
Farshad Kooti
Sylvia Morelli Vitousek
Carlos Diuk
Bryce Bartlett
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat The Structure of U.S. College Networks on Facebook 2020 Jan Overgoor
Bogdan State
Lada A. Adamic
+ The dynamics of U.S. college network formation on Facebook 2020 Jan Overgoor
Bogdan State
Lada A. Adamic
+ The Structure of U.S. College Networks on Facebook 2020 Jan Overgoor
Bogdan State
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat Do Diffusion Protocols Govern Cascade Growth? 2018 Justin Cheng
Jon Kleinberg
Jure Leskovec
David Liben‐Nowell
Bogdan State
Karthik Subbian
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat Mitigating Overexposure in Viral Marketing 2018 Rediet Abebe
Lada A. Adamic
Jon Kleinberg
+ Do Diffusion Protocols Govern Cascade Growth? 2018 Justin Cheng
Jon Kleinberg
Jure Leskovec
David Liben‐Nowell
Bogdan State
Karthik Subbian
Lada A. Adamic
+ Mitigating Overexposure in Viral Marketing 2017 Rediet Abebe
Lada A. Adamic
Jon Kleinberg
+ Mitigating Overexposure in Viral Marketing 2017 Rediet Abebe
Lada A. Adamic
Jon Kleinberg
+ PDF Chat Information Evolution in Social Networks 2016 Lada A. Adamic
Thomas Lento
Eytan Adar
Pauline C. Ng
+ Do Cascades Recur 2016 Justin Cheng
Lada A. Adamic
Jon Kleinberg
Jure Leskovec
+ Do Cascades Recur? 2016 Justin Cheng
Lada A. Adamic
Jon Kleinberg
Jure Leskovec
+ PDF Chat The Lifecycles of Apps in a Social Ecosystem 2015 Isabel M. Kloumann
Lada A. Adamic
Jon Kleinberg
Shaomei Wu
+ PDF Chat Can cascades be predicted? 2014 Justin Cheng
Lada A. Adamic
P. Alex Dow
Jon Kleinberg
Jure Leskovec
+ Fractional Immunization in Networks 2013 B. Aditya Prakash
Lada A. Adamic
Theodore J. Iwashyna
Hanghang Tong
Christos Faloutsos
+ PDF Chat Coevolution of network structure and content 2012 Chun-Yuen Teng
Liuling Gong
Avishay Livne Eecs
Celso Brunetti
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat Recipe recommendation using ingredient networks 2012 Chun-Yuen Teng
Yu‐Ru Lin
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat The role of social networks in information diffusion 2012 Eytan Bakshy
Itamar Rosenn
Cameron Marlow
Lada A. Adamic
+ The Role of Social Networks in Information Diffusion 2012 Eytan Bakshy
Itamar Rosenn
Cameron Marlow
Lada A. Adamic
+ The Role of Social Networks in Information Diffusion 2012 Eytan Bakshy
Itamar Rosenn
Cameron Marlow
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat Limiting the spread of highly resistant hospital-acquired microorganisms via critical care transfers: a simulation study 2011 Umanka H. Karkada
Lada A. Adamic
Jeremy M. Kahn
Theodore J. Iwashyna
+ Recipe recommendation using ingredient networks 2011 Chun-Yuen Teng
Yu‐Ru Lin
Lada A. Adamic
+ Coevolution of Network Structure and Content 2011 Chun-Yuen Teng
Liuling Gong
Avishay Livne
Celso Brunetti
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat Individual focus and knowledge contribution 2010 Lada A. Adamic
Wei Xiao
Jiang Yang
Sean Gerrish
Kevin Nam
Gavin Clarkson
+ Individual focus and knowledge contribution 2010 Lada A. Adamic
Wei Xiao
Jiang Yang
Sean Gerrish
Kevin Nam
Gavin Clarkson
+ Individual focus and knowledge contribution 2010 Lada A. Adamic
Wei Xiao
Yang Jiang
S.P. Gerrish
Kevin Nam
Gavin Clarkson
+ Information Diffusion in Computer Science Citation Networks 2009 Xiaolin Shi
Belle L. Tseng
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of viral marketing 2007 Jure Leskovec
Lada A. Adamic
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ PDF Chat Networks of strong ties 2006 Xiaolin Shi
Lada A. Adamic
Martin J. Strauss
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of viral marketing 2006 Jure Leskovec
Lada A. Adamic
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ Scatter Networks: A New Approach for Analyzing Information Scatter on the Web 2006 Lada A. Adamic
Suresh K. Bhavnani
Xiaolin Shi
+ PDF Chat How to search a social network 2005 Lada A. Adamic
Eytan Adar
+ PDF Chat Information Dynamics in the Networked World 2004 Bernardo A. Huberman
Lada A. Adamic
+ PDF Chat Information flow in social groups 2004 Fang Wu
Bernardo A. Huberman
Lada A. Adamic
Joshua R. Tyler
+ How to search a social network 2003 Lada A. Adamic
Eytan Adar
+ PDF Chat Information Dynamics in the Networked World 2003 Bernardo A. Huberman
Lada A. Adamic
+ Random Networks Growing Under a Diameter Constraint 2003 Rajan M. Lukose
Lada A. Adamic
+ Random Networks Growing Under a Diameter Constraint 2003 Rajan M. Lukose
Lada A. Adamic
+ How to search a social network 2003 Lada A. Adamic
Eytan Adar
+ PDF Chat Local search in unstructured networks 2002 Lada A. Adamic
Rajan M. Lukose
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ Local Search in Unstructured Networks 2002 Lada A. Adamic
Rajan M. Lukose
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ PDF Chat Search in power-law networks 2001 Lada A. Adamic
Rajan M. Lukose
Amit Puniyani
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ Comment to "Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks" (cond-mat/9910332) 2000 Lada A. Adamic
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ Zipf, Power-laws, and Pareto-a ranking tutorial 2000 Lada A. Adamic
+ Evolutionary Dynamics of the World Wide Web 1999 Bernardo A. Huberman
Lada A. Adamic
+ Novelty and Social Search in the World Wide Web 1998 Bernardo A. Huberman
Lada A. Adamic
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and their applications 2001 M. E. J. Newman
Steven H. Strogatz
Duncan J. Watts
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of viral marketing 2006 Jure Leskovec
Lada A. Adamic
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ PDF Chat Spread of epidemic disease on networks 2002 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ Finding community structure in very large networks 2004 Aaron Clauset
M. E. J. Newman
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of viral marketing 2007 Jure Leskovec
Lada A. Adamic
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ PDF Chat Identity and Search in Social Networks 2002 Duncan J. Watts
Peter Sheridan Dodds
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Search in power-law networks 2001 Lada A. Adamic
Rajan M. Lukose
Amit Puniyani
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ PDF Chat Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks 2007 Jukka‐Pekka Onnela
Jari Saramäki
Jörkki Hyvönen
Gábor Szabó
David Lazer
Kimmo Kaski
János Kertész
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat Network-Based Marketing: Identifying Likely Adopters via Consumer Networks 2006 Shawndra Hill
Foster Provost
Chris Volinsky
+ The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases and its applications 1978 N. R. Ling
+ PDF Chat Can cascades be predicted? 2014 Justin Cheng
Lada A. Adamic
P. Alex Dow
Jon Kleinberg
Jure Leskovec
+ PDF Chat Information Evolution in Social Networks 2016 Lada A. Adamic
Thomas Lento
Eytan Adar
Pauline C. Ng
+ PDF Chat Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure 2008 Martin Rosvall
Carl T. Bergstrom
+ PDF Chat Scale-free topology of e-mail networks 2002 Holger Ebel
Lutz-Ingo Mielsch
Stefan Bornholdt
+ PDF Chat Topology and correlations in structured scale-free networks 2003 Alexei Vázquez
Marián Boguñá
Yamir Moreno
Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ A Set of Measures of Centrality Based on Betweenness 1977 Linton C. Freeman
+ PDF Chat Halting viruses in scale-free networks 2002 Zoltán Dezső
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Threshold in Structured Scale-Free Networks 2002 Vı́ctor M. Eguı́luz
Konstantin Klemm
+ PDF Chat Large-scale structure of time evolving citation networks 2007 E. A. Leicht
Graham Clarkson
Kerby Shedden
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Algebraic connectivity of graphs 1973 Miroslav Fiedler
+ PDF Chat Assortative Mixing in Networks 2002 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat The role of social networks in information diffusion 2012 Eytan Bakshy
Itamar Rosenn
Cameron Marlow
Lada A. Adamic
+ Email as Spectroscopy: Automated Discovery of Community Structure within Organizations 2003 Joshua R. Tyler
Dennis M. Wilkinson
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ Persistence and periodicity in a dynamic proximity network 2012 Aaron Clauset
Nathan Eagle
+ PDF Chat Information Contagion: An Empirical Study of the Spread of News on Digg and Twitter Social Networks 2010 Kristina Lerman
Rumi Ghosh
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 Michael Newman
+ PDF Chat Self-similar community structure in a network of human interactions 2003 Roger Guimerà
León Danon
Albert Dı́az-Guilera
Francesc Giralt
Àlex Arenas
+ Cascading Behavior in Large Blog Graphs 2007 Jure Leskovec
Mary McGlohon
Christos Faloutsos
Natalie Glance
Matthew Hurst
+ Information Contagion: an Empirical Study of the Spread of News on Digg and Twitter Social Networks 2010 Kristina Lerman
Rumi Ghosh
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous emergence of social influence in online systems 2010 Jukka‐Pekka Onnela
Felix Reed‐Tsochas
+ PDF Chat Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies 2011 Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
Andrew C. Thomas
+ PDF Chat Choosing to Grow a Graph: Modeling Network Formation as Discrete Choice 2019 Jan Overgoor
Austin R. Benson
Johan Ugander
+ PDF Chat Finding and evaluating community structure in networks 2004 Michelle G. Newman
Michelle Girvan
+ PDF Chat Email as Spectroscopy: Automated Discovery of Community Structure within Organizations 2003 Joshua R. Tyler
Dennis M. Wilkinson
Bernardo A. Huberman
+ PDF Chat A random graph model for massive graphs 2000 William Aiello
Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
+ Public Health Measures to Control the Spread of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome during the Outbreak in Toronto 2004 Tomislav Svoboda
Bonnie Henry
L.P. Shulman
Erin Kennedy
Elizabeth Rea
Wil Ng
Tamara Wallington
Barbara Yaffe
Effie Gournis
Elisa Vicencio
+ Robust dynamic classes revealed by measuring the response function of a social system 2008 Riley Crane
Didier Sornette
+ Strategic interactions in multi-institutional epidemics of antibiotic resistance 2005 David L. Smith
Simon A. Levin
Ramanan Laxminarayan
+ Stochastic gradient boosting 2002 Jerome H. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Mixing patterns in networks 2003 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
Réka Albert
+ Community structure in social and biological networks 2002 Michelle Girvan
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Simple model of epidemics with pathogen mutation 2002 Michelle Girvan
Duncan S. Callaway
M. E. J. Newman
Steven H. Strogatz
+ PDF Chat Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices 2006 M. E. J. Newman
+ On Estimating Regression 1964 É. A. Nadaraya
+ PDF Chat How Bad is Forming Your Own Opinion? 2011 David Bindel
Jon Kleinberg
Sigal Oren
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium phase transition in the coevolution of networks and opinions 2006 Petter Holme
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Information flow in social groups 2004 Fang Wu
Bernardo A. Huberman
Lada A. Adamic
Joshua R. Tyler
+ PDF Chat Additive logistic regression: a statistical view of boosting (With discussion and a rejoinder by the authors) 2000 Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani