Eli Glasner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Rigid topologies on groups 2024 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat On the class of systems which are disjoint from every ergodic system 2024 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ PDF Chat The Unique stationary boundary property 2024 Eli Glasner
+ Non-Abelian factors for actions of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi></mml:math> and other non-C⁎-simple groups 2024 Tattwamasi Amrutam
Eli Glasner
Yair Glasner
+ PDF Chat Crossed products of dynamical systems; rigidity Vs. strong proximality 2024 Tattwamasi Amrutam
Eli Glasner
Yair Glasner
+ The work of Hillel Furstenberg and its impact on modern mathematics 2024 Vitaly Bergelson
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Topological characteristic factors and nilsystems 2023 Eli Glasner
Wen Huang
Song Shao
Benjamin Weiss
Xiangdong Ye
+ PDF Chat A family of distal functions and multipliers for strict ergodicity 2023 Eli Glasner
+ More on tame dynamical systems 2023 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Intermediate algebras of crossed product $C^*$-algebras 2023 Tattwamasi Amrutam
Eli Glasner
Yair Glasner
+ On intermediate factors of a product of disjoint systems 2023 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ PDF Chat On a question of Kazhdan and Yom Din 2022 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat An ergodic system is dominant exactly when it has positive entropy 2022 Tim Austin
Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Distal strongly ergodic actions 2022 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ On some generic classes of ergodic measure preserving transformations 2022 Eli Glasner
J.-P. Thouvenot
B. P. Weiss
+ Rigid topologies on groups 2022 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ PDF Chat An ergodic system is dominant exactly when it has positive entropy 2021 Tim Austin
Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
B. P. Weiss
+ Todorc̆ević’ trichotomy and a hierarchy in the class of tame dynamical systems 2021 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Bernoulli disjointness 2021 Eli Glasner
Todor Tsankov
Benjamin Weiss
Andy Zucker
+ Irregular model sets and tame dynamics 2021 Gabriel Fuhrmann
Eli Glasner
Tobias JĂ€ger
C.-H. Oertel
+ PDF Chat Circular orders, ultra-homogeneous order structures, and their automorphism groups 2021 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat A generic distal tower of arbitrary countable height over an arbitrary infinite ergodic system 2021 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ An ergodic system is dominant exactly when it has positive entropy 2021 Tim Austin
Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
Benjamin Weiss
+ On a question of Kazhdan and Yom Din 2021 Eli Glasner
+ A family of distal functions and multipliers for strict ergodicity 2021 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Regionally proximal relation of order d along arithmetic progressions and nilsystems 2020 Eli Glasner
Wen Huang
Song Shao
Xiangdong Ye
+ A generic distal tower of arbitrary countable height over an arbitrary infinite ergodic system 2020 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat On the virtual automorphism group of a minimal flow 2020 Joseph Auslander
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat On weak rigidity and weakly mixing enveloping semigroups 2020 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Topological characteristic factors and nilsystems 2020 Eli Glasner
Wen Huang
Song Shao
Benjamin Weiss
Xiangdong Ye
+ Todorcević' trichotomy and a hierarchy in the class of tame dynamical systems 2020 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ On some generic classes of ergodic measure preserving transformations 2020 Eli Glasner
Jean‐Paul Thouvenot
B. P. Weiss
+ A generic distal tower of arbitrary countable height over an arbitrary infinite ergodic system 2020 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ Wap Systems and Labeled Subshifts 2019 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat WAP Systems and Labeled Subshifts 2019 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Group actions on treelike compact spaces 2019 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Regionally proximal relation of order $d$ along arithmetic progressions and nilsystems 2019 Eli Glasner
Wen Huang
Song Shao
Xiangdong Ye
+ Irregular model sets and tame dynamics 2018 Gabriel Fuhrmann
Eli Glasner
Tobias JĂ€ger
C.-H. Oertel
+ PDF Chat Relative weak mixing is generic 2018 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ A metric minimal PI cascade with minimal ideals 2018 Eli Glasner
Yair Glasner
+ PDF Chat On universal minimal proximal flows of topological groups 2018 Xiongping Dai
Eli Glasner
+ Higher order regionally proximal equivalence relations for general minimal group actions 2018 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
XiangDong Ye
+ Circular orders, ultrahomogeneity and topological groups 2018 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Circular orders, ultra-homogeneous order structures and their automorphism groups 2018 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ On minimal actions of countable groups 2018 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ A minimal PI cascade with $2^{\mathfrak{c}}$ minimal ideals 2018 Eli Glasner
Yair Glasner
+ PDF Chat More on Tame Dynamical Systems 2018 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ On the disjointness property of groups and a conjecture of Furstenberg 2018 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Irregular model sets and tame dynamics 2018 Gabriel Fuhrmann
Eli Glasner
Tobias JĂ€ger
C.-H. Oertel
+ Distal strongly ergodic actions 2018 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ Circular orders, ultra-homogeneous order structures and their automorphism groups 2018 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Circularly ordered dynamical systems 2017 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ On weak rigidity and weakly mixing enveloping semigroups 2017 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Relative weak mixing is generic 2017 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat The structure of tame minimal dynamical systems for general groups 2017 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Affinely prime dynamical systems 2017 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Short proofs of theorems of Malyutin and Margulis 2017 Eli Glasner
+ Higher order regionally proximal equivalence relations for general minimal group actions 2017 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
XiangDong Ye
+ On universal minimal proximal flows of topological groups 2017 Xiongping Dai
Eli Glasner
+ On weak rigidity and weakly mixing enveloping semigroups 2017 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ Relative weak mixing is generic 2017 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Three zutot 2016 B. P. Weiss
Eli Glasner
+ Circularly ordered dynamical systems 2016 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Isomorphic extensions and applications 2016 Tomasz Downarowicz
Eli Glasner
+ Short proofs of theorems of Malyutin and Margulis 2016 Eli Glasner
+ Is there a symmetric version of Hindman's Theorem? 2016 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ Short proofs of theorems of Malyutin and Margulis 2016 Eli Glasner
+ Circularly ordered dynamical systems 2016 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Affinely prime dynamical systems 2015 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Hypercyclic operators, Gauss measures and Polish dynamical systems 2015 Yiftach Dayan
Eli Glasner
+ On doubly minimal systems and a question regarding product recurrence 2015 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Weak mixing properties for non-singular actions 2015 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ A universal hypercyclic representation 2015 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Isomorphic extensions and applications 2015 Tomasz Downarowicz
Eli Glasner
+ Is there a Ramsey-Hindman theorem ? 2015 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Uniformly recurrent subgroups 2015 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Affinely prime dynamical systems 2015 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ On doubly minimal systems and a question regarding product recurrence 2015 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ Isomorphic extensions and applications 2015 Tomasz Downarowicz
Eli Glasner
+ A universal hypercyclic representation 2014 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ $RP^{[d]}$ is an equivalence relation: An enveloping semigroup proof 2014 Eli Glasner
+ Eventual nonsensitivity and tame dynamical systems 2014 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ WAP Systems and Labeled Subshifts 2014 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ Uniformly recurrent subgroups 2014 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ A universal hypercyclic representation 2014 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ Representations of Dynamical Systems on Banach Spaces 2013 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Weak mixing properties for nonsingular actions 2013 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Minimal hyperspace actions of homeomorphism groups of h-homogeneous spaces 2013 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
+ PDF Chat Banach Representations and Affine Compactifications of Dynamical Systems 2013 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Weak mixing properties for nonsingular actions 2013 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ Some remarks concerning hypercyclic linear systems 2012 Iftah Dayan
Eli Glasner
+ Hypercyclic operators, Gauss measures and Polish dynamical systems 2012 Yiftach Dayan
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Recurrence for Stationary Group Actions 2012 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Representations of dynamical systems on Banach spaces not containing $l_{1}$ 2012 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ The universal minimal space of the homeomorphism group of a h-homogeneous space 2012 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
+ Hypercyclic operators, Gauss measures and Polish dynamical systems 2012 Yiftach Dayan
Eli Glasner
+ Banach representations and affine compactifications of dynamical systems 2012 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat On fixed point theorems and nonsensitivity 2011 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Minimal hyperspace actions of homeomorphism groups of h-homogeneous spaces 2011 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
+ PDF Chat On Hilbert dynamical systems 2011 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ The universal minimal space for groups of homeomorphisms of h-homogeneous spaces 2011 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
+ PDF Chat The Group Aut (<i>Ό</i>) is Roelcke Precompact 2011 Eli Glasner
+ Three Zutot 2011 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Translation-finite sets 2011 Eli Glasner
+ The universal minimal space for groups of homeomorphisms of h-homogeneous spaces 2011 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
+ Recurrence for stationary group actions 2011 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
+ Minimal hyperspace actions of homeomorphism groups of h-homogeneous spaces 2011 Eli Glasner
Yonatan Gutman
+ Three Zutot 2011 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ On fixed point theorems and nonsensitivity 2010 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ On Hilbert dynamical systems 2010 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Topological entropy of extensions 2010 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ For Bernoulli transformations the smallest natural family of factors consists of all factors 2010 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat A topological lens for a measure-preserving system 2010 Eli Glasner
Mariusz LemaƄczyk
Bernard Weiss
+ PDF Chat Stationary dynamical systems 2010 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
+ On Hilbert dynamical systems 2010 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ On fixed point theorems and nonsensitivity 2010 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Sufficient conditions under which a transitive system is chaotic 2009 Erhan Akın
Eli Glasner
Wenqi Huang
Song Shao
XiangDong Ye
+ PDF Chat Effective minimal subflows of Bernoulli flows 2009 Eli Glasner
Vladimir Uspenskij
+ The group $\Aut(\mu)$ is Roelcke precompact 2009 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat On two recurrence problems 2009 Michael Boshernitzan
Eli Glasner
+ Sufficient conditions under which a transitive system is chaotic 2009 Erhan Akın
Eli Glasner
Wen Huang
Song Shao
X. Ye
+ On two recurrence problems 2009 Michael Boshernitzan
Eli Glasner
+ A topological lens for a measure-preserving system 2009 Eli Glasner
Mariusz LemaƄczyk
Benjamin Weiss
+ Stationary dynamical systems 2009 Hillel FĂŒrstenberg
Eli Glasner
+ The group $\Aut(Ό)$ is Roelcke precompact 2009 Eli Glasner
+ Local entropy theory 2008 Eli Glasner
Xiangdong Ye
+ PDF Chat On metrizable enveloping semigroups 2008 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
Vladimir Uspenskij
+ PDF Chat Generically there is but one self homeomorphism of the Cantor set 2008 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ The topological dynamics of Ellis actions 2008 Ethan Akin
Joseph Auslander
Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat New algebras of functions on topological groups arising from G-spaces 2008 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Representations of dynamical systems on Banach spaces not containing $l_1$ 2008 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Topological groups with Rokhlin properties 2008 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat The structure of tame minimal dynamical systems 2007 Eli Glasner
+ Enveloping semigroups in topological dynamics 2007 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat On recurrence in zero dimensional flows 2007 J. Auslander
Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ On two problems concerning topological centers 2007 Eli Glasner
+ On metrizable enveloping semigroups 2006 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
Vladimir Uspenskij
+ PDF Chat Hereditarily non-sensitive dynamical systems and linear representations 2006 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ The structure of tame minimal dynamical systems 2006 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat On tame dynamical systems 2006 Eli Glasner
+ Some new algebras of functions on topological groups arising from $G$-spaces 2006 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ Generically there is but one self homeomorphism of the Cantor set 2006 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ On the Interplay between Measurable and Topological Dynamics 2006 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ On metrizable enveloping semigroups 2006 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
Vladimir Uspenskij
+ PDF Chat The automorphism group of the Gaussian measure cannot act pointwise 2005 Eli Glasner
Boris Tsirelson
Bernard Weiss
+ PDF Chat Topological weak mixing and quasi-Bohr systems 2005 Eli Glasner
+ Spatial and non-spatial actions of Polish groups 2005 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ PDF Chat Classifying dynamical systems by their recurrence properties 2004 Eli Glasner
+ Linear representations of hereditarily non-sensitive dynamical systems 2004 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ On the interplay between measurable and topological dynamics 2004 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ On tame enveloping semigroups 2004 Eli Glasner
+ G-continuous functions and whirly actions 2004 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ Hereditarily non-sensitive dynamical systems and linear representations 2004 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Quasifactors of ergodic systems with positive entropy 2003 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Kazhdan’s property and the geometry of 𝑀_{Γ}(𝑋) 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Dynamical systems on Lebesgue spaces 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Krieger’s and Ornstein’s theorems 2003 Eli Glasner
+ The Pinsker algebra, CPE and zero entropy systems 2003 Eli Glasner
+ The Furstenberg-Zimmer structure theorem 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Invariant measures on topological systems 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Spectral theory 2003 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat The universal minimal system for the group of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set 2003 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ The automorphism group of the Gaussian measure cannot act pointwise 2003 Eli Glasner
Boris Tsirelson
Bernard Weiss
+ The distal order of a minimal flow 2002 Joseph Auslander
Eli Glasner
+ Minimal actions of the group $ {\Bbb S(Z)} $ of permutations of the integers 2002 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ On Li-Yorke pairs 2002 F. Blanchard
Eli Glasner
S. F. Kolyada
Alejandro Maass
+ The Cantor set of linear orders on N is the universal minimal S_\infty-system 2002 Eli Glasner
+ Topics in Topological Dynamics, 1991 to 2001 2002 Eli Glasner
+ Residual properties and almost equicontinuity 2001 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ The topological Rohlin property and topological entropy 2001 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat Quasifactors of minimal systems 2000 Eli Glasner
+ Entropy theory without a past 2000 Eli Glasner
J Thouvenot
Bernard Weiss
+ PDF Chat Locally equicontinuous dynamical systems 2000 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ On minimal actions of Polish groups 1998 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat A zero-one law for dynamical properties 1998 Eli Glasner
Jonathan King
+ Topological ergodic decomposition and homogeneous flows 1998 E. Akin
Eli Glasner
+ A simple characterization of the set ofΌ-entropy pairs and applications 1997 Eli Glasner
+ Kazhdan's Property T and the Geometry of the Collection of Invariant Measures 1997 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ A variation on the variational principle and applications to entropy pairs 1997 F. Blanchard
Eli Glasner
Bernard Host
+ A zero-one law for dynamical properties 1996 Eli Glasner
Jonathan King
+ Minimal self-joinings and positive topological entropy 1995 F. Blanchard
Eli Glasner
Jan Kwiatkowski
Benjamin Weiss
+ Quasi-Factors of Zero Entropy Systems 1995 Eli Glasner
B. P. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Quasi-factors of zero-entropy systems 1995 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Topological ergodic decompositions and applications to products of powers of a minimal transformation 1994 Eli Glasner
+ A Simple Weakly Mixing Transformation with Nonunique Prime Factors 1994 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ On the class of multipliers for <i>W</i><sup>⊄</sup> 1994 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Strictly ergodic, uniform positive entropy models 1994 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 1993 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ Minimal nil-transformations of class two 1993 Eli Glasner
+ Simple systems and their higher order self-joinings 1992 Eli Glasner
Bernard Host
Daniel J. Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Regular PI metric flows are equicontinuous 1992 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Regular Pi Metric Flows are Equicontinuous 1992 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat A topological version of a theorem of Veech and almost simple flows 1990 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Minimal flows and their extensions 1989 Eli Glasner
+ Rigid sets in the plane 1989 Jon Aaronson
Eli Glasner
MichaƂ Misiurewicz
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory 1981 Harry Furstenberg
+ Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 1993 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ Disjointness in ergodic theory, minimal sets, and a problem in diophantine approximation 1967 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Hereditarily non-sensitive dynamical systems and linear representations 2006 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat On metrizable enveloping semigroups 2008 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
Vladimir Uspenskij
+ PDF Chat Rigidity in topological dynamics 1989 Shmuel Glasner
D. Maon
+ PDF Chat On tame dynamical systems 2006 Eli Glasner
+ Tame systems and scrambled pairs under an Abelian group action 2006 Wen Huang
+ PDF Chat Independence in topological and C*-dynamics 2007 David Kerr
Hanfeng Li
+ Elements of Topological Dynamics 1993 de Jan Vries
+ Pointwise Compact Sets of Baire-Measurable Functions 1978 Jean Bourgain
D. H. Fremlin
Michel Talagrand
+ Residual properties and almost equicontinuity 2001 Ethan Akin
Eli Glasner
+ On minimal actions of Polish groups 1998 Eli Glasner
+ Linear representations of hereditarily non-sensitive dynamical systems 2004 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Locally equicontinuous dynamical systems 2000 Eli Glasner
Benjamin Weiss
+ PDF Chat The structure of tame minimal dynamical systems 2007 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat Extensions of ergodic group actions 1976 Robert J. Zimmer
+ Proximal-isometric (P J) flows 1975 Robert Ellis
Shmuel Glasner
Leonard Shapiro
+ Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemerédi on arithmetic progressions 1977 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat A Characterization of Banach Spaces Containing <i>l</i> <sup>1</sup> 1974 Haskell P. Rosenthal
+ Topics in Topology 1974 Stevo Todorčević
+ When is a Transitive Map Chaotic 2011 Ethan Akin
Joseph Auslander
Kenneth R. Berg
+ PDF Chat Weakly almost periodic flows 1989 Robert Ellis
Mahesh Nerurkar
+ Minimal actions of the group $ {\Bbb S(Z)} $ of permutations of the integers 2002 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ On the construction of minimal skew products 1979 Shmuel Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ Fragmentability and Continuity of Semigroup Actions 1998 Michael Megrelishvili
+ Factoring weakly compact operators 1974 William J. Davis
T. Figiel
William B. Johnson
A. PeƂczyƄski
+ PDF Chat On free actions, minimal flows, and a problem by Ellis 1998 Vladimir Pestov
+ Recurrence in Topological Dynamics: Furstenberg Families and Ellis Actions 2013 Ethan Akin
+ Fragmentability and representations of flows 2004 Michael Megrelishvili
+ The Equicontinuous Structure Relation for Minimal Abelian Transformation Groups 1968 William A. Veech
+ Banach spaces which are Asplund spaces 1975 I. Namioka
R. R. Phelps
+ PDF Chat Topological dynamics 1977 William A. Veech
+ PDF Chat Representations of dynamical systems on Banach spaces not containing $l_{1}$ 2012 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Ergodic actions with generalized discrete spectrum 1976 Robert J. Zimmer
+ When is a Transitive Map Chaotic? 1996 Ethan Akin
Joseph Auslander
Kenneth R. Berg
+ PDF Chat New algebras of functions on topological groups arising from G-spaces 2008 Eli Glasner
Michael Megrelishvili
+ PDF Chat Weak mixing and a note on a structure theorem for minimal transformation groups 1976 Douglas McMahon
+ A Topological Application of the Isoperimetric Inequality 1983 M. Gromov
Vitali Milman
+ On Li-Yorke pairs 2002 F. Blanchard
Eli Glasner
S. F. Kolyada
Alejandro Maass
+ PDF Chat The universal minimal system for the group of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set 2003 Eli Glasner
Bernard Weiss
+ PDF Chat Interval maps, factors of maps, and chaos 1980 Joseph Auslander
James A. Yorke
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic pairs in positive-entropy systems 2002 F. Blanchard
Bernard Host
Sylvie Ruette
+ Dynamics of Infinite-Dimensional Groups: The Ramsey-Dvoretzky-Milman Phenomenon 2006 Vladimir Pestov
+ PDF Chat A topological version of a theorem of Veech and almost simple flows 1990 Eli Glasner
+ The enveloping semigroup of projective flows 1993 Robert Ellis
+ Enveloping semigroups in topological dynamics 2007 Eli Glasner
+ PDF Chat On ergodic actions whose self-joinings are graphs 1987 Andrés del Junco
Daniel J. Rudolph
+ Point-Distal Flows 1970 William A. Veech