Antoine Grigis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Automatic rating of incomplete hippocampal inversions evaluated across multiple cohorts 2024 Lisa Hemforth
Baptiste Couvy‐Duchesne
Kevin de Matos
Camille Brianceau
Matthieu Joulot
Tobias Banaschewski
Arun L.W. Bokde
Sylvane DesriviĂšres
Herta Florg
Antoine Grigis
+ Separating common from salient patterns with Contrastive Representation Learning 2024 Robin Louiset
Édouard Duchesnay
Antoine Grigis
Pietro Gori
+ SepVAE: a contrastive VAE to separate pathological patterns from healthy ones 2023 Robin Louiset
Édouard Duchesnay
Antoine Grigis
BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
+ Can we Agree? On the Rashƍmon Effect and the Reliability of Post-Hoc Explainable AI 2023 ClĂ©ment Poiret
Antoine Grigis
Justin Thomas
Marion Noulhiane
+ PDF Chat Conditional Alignment and Uniformity for Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Labels 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
Édouard Duchesnay
+ Bayesian Causal Network Modeling Suggests Adolescent Cannabis Use Promotes Accelerated Prefrontal Cortical Thinning 2021 Max M. Owens
Matthew D. Albaugh
Nicholas Allgaier
Dekang Yuan
Guillaume Robert
Renata B. Cupertino
Philip A. Spechler
Anthony Juliano
Sage Hahn
Tobias Banaschewski
+ Benchmarking CNN on 3D Anatomical Brain MRI: Architectures, Data Augmentation and Deep Ensemble Learning. 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Ilaria Battaglia
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
Édouard Duchesnay
+ PDF Chat UCSL : A Machine Learning Expectation-Maximization Framework for Unsupervised Clustering Driven by Supervised Learning 2021 Robin Louiset
Pietro Gori
BenoĂźt Dufumier
Josselin Houenou
Antoine Grigis
Édouard Duchesnay
+ PDF Chat Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Meta-data for 3D MRI Classification 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
MichĂšle Wessa
Paolo Brambilla
Pauline Favre
Mircea Polosan
Colm McDonald
Camille Piguet
+ Conditional Alignment and Uniformity for Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Labels 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
Édouard Duchesnay
+ Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Meta-Data for 3D MRI Classification 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
Michel Wessa
Paolo Brambilla
Pauline Favre
Mircea Polosan
Colm McDonald
Camille Piguet
+ UCSL : A Machine Learning Expectation-Maximization framework for Unsupervised Clustering driven by Supervised Learning 2021 Robin Louiset
Pietro Gori
BenoĂźt Dufumier
Josselin Houenou
Antoine Grigis
Édouard Duchesnay
+ Benchmarking CNN on 3D Anatomical Brain MRI: Architectures, Data Augmentation and Deep Ensemble Learning 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Ilaria Battaglia
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
Édouard Duchesnay
+ PDF Chat PySAP: Python Sparse Data Analysis Package for multidisciplinary image processing 2020 S. Farrens
Antoine Grigis
Loubna El Gueddari
Zaccharie Ramzi
Chaithya G.R.
Sophie Starck
B. Sarthou
H. Cherkaoui
Philippe Ciuciu
Jean‐Luc Starck
+ PDF Chat Cognitive and brain development is independently influenced by socioeconomic status and polygenic scores for educational attainment 2020 Nicholas Judd
Bruno Sauce
John Wiedenhoeft
Jeshua Tromp
Bader Chaarani
Alexander Schliep
Betteke Maria van Noort
Jani PenttilÀ
Yvonne Grimmer
Corinna Insensee
+ A new high order tensor decomposition: Application to reorientation. 2011 Antoine Grigis
FĂ©lix Renard
Vincent Noblet
Christian Heinrich
Fabrice Heitz
Jean‐Paul Armspach
+ PDF Chat Change Detection in Diffusion MRI Using Multivariate Statistical Testing on Tensors 2010 Antoine Grigis
Vincent Noblet
FĂ©lix Renard
Fabrice Heitz
Jean‐Paul Armspach
L. Rumbach
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments 2020 Mathilde Caron
Ishan Misra
Julien Mairal
Priya Goyal
Piotr Bojanowski
Armand Joulin
+ Convolutional neural networks for classification of Alzheimer's disease: Overview and reproducible evaluation 2020 Junhao Wen
Elina Thibeau–Sutre
Mauricio Diaz-Melo
Jorge Samper‐Gonzàlez
Alexandre Routier
Simona Bottani
Didier Dormont
Stanley Durrleman
Ninon Burgos
Olivier Colliot
+ PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library 2019 Adam Paszke
Sam Gross
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Adam Lerer
James Bradbury
Gregory Chanan
Trevor Killeen
Zeming Lin
Natalia Gimelshein
Luca Antiga
+ PDF Chat Densely Connected Convolutional Networks 2017 Gao Huang
Zhuang Liu
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+ Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2012 FabiĂĄn Pedregosa
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Alexandre Gramfort
Vincent Michel
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Olivier Grisel
Mathieu Blondel
Peter Prettenhofer
Ron J. Weiss
Vincent Dubourg
+ PDF Chat Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles 2016 Mehdi Noroozi
Paolo Favaro
+ UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction 2018 Leland McInnes
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+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
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+ PDF Chat Inferring disease subtypes from clusters in explanation space 2020 Marc‐Andre Schulz
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+ Smile-GANs: Semi-supervised clustering via GANs for dissecting brain disease heterogeneity from medical images 2020 Zhijian Yang
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+ Debiased Contrastive Learning 2020 Ching-Yao Chuang
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+ A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions 2017 Scott Lundberg
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+ Unsupervised machine learning for the discovery of latent disease clusters and patient subgroups using electronic health records 2019 Yanshan Wang
Yiqing Zhao
Terry M. Therneau
Elizabeth J. Atkinson
Ahmad P. Tafti
Nan Zhang
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Andrew H. Limper
Sundeep Khosla
Hongfang Liu
+ PDF Chat Contrastive Learning with Continuous Proxy Meta-data for 3D MRI Classification 2021 BenoĂźt Dufumier
Pietro Gori
Julie Victor
Antoine Grigis
MichĂšle Wessa
Paolo Brambilla
Pauline Favre
Mircea Polosan
Colm McDonald
Camille Piguet
+ Towards K-means-friendly Spaces: Simultaneous Deep Learning and Clustering 2016 Bo Yang
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+ PDF Chat MAGIC: Multi-scale Heterogeneity Analysis and Clustering for Brain Diseases 2020 Junhao Wen
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+ PDF Chat GLIMPSE: accurate 3D weak lensing reconstructions using sparsity 2014 Adrienne Leonard
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+ A Primal–Dual Splitting Method for Convex Optimization Involving Lipschitzian, Proximable and Linear Composite Terms 2012 Laurent Condat
+ Are numbers special? 2005 Roi Cohen Kadosh
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+ PDF Chat Joint<i>Planck</i>and WMAP CMB map reconstruction 2014 J. Bobin
F. Sureau
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A. Rassat
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+ A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems 2009 Amir Beck
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+ PDF Chat Second-generation PLINK: rising to the challenge of larger and richer datasets 2015 Christopher Chang
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+ Geometric Means in a Novel Vector Space Structure on Symmetric Positive‐Definite Matrices 2007 Vincent Arsigny
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+ PDF Chat Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, and Executive Functioning in Preschoolers: Longitudinal Predictors of Mathematical Achievement at Age 7 Years 2008 Rebecca Bull
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+ PDF Chat Enhancing Sparsity by Reweighted ℓ 1 Minimization 2008 Emmanuel J. Candùs
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+ Semi-supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models 2014 Diederik P. Kingma
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+ PDF Chat The Undecimated Wavelet Decomposition and its Reconstruction 2007 Jean‐Luc Starck
Jalal Fadili
Fionn Murtagh
+ PDF Chat Brain Activity during a Visuospatial Working Memory Task Predicts Arithmetical Performance 2 Years Later 2011 Iroise Dumontheil
Torkel Klingberg
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Change Detection in Diffusion MRI Using Multivariate Statistical Testing on Tensors 2010 Antoine Grigis
Vincent Noblet
FĂ©lix Renard
Fabrice Heitz
Jean‐Paul Armspach
L. Rumbach
+ PDF Chat The COSMOS Survey: <i>Hubble Space Telescope</i> Advanced Camera for Surveys Observations and Data Processing 2007 Anton M. Koekemoer
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+ PDF Chat The Relative Performance of Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Missing Data in Structural Equation Models 2001 Craig K. Enders
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+ Network Flow Algorithms for Structured Sparsity 2010 Julien Mairal
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+ Preliminary Detection of Relations Among Dynamic Processes With Two-Occasion Data 2015 Corinne M. Henk
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+ PDF Chat High resolution weak lensing mass mapping combining shear and flexion 2016 François Lanusse
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