N. Z. Shor


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Control of a Conditionally Correct System Described by the Neumann Problem for an Elliptic-Type Equation under Conjugation Conditions 2005 N. Z. Shor
+ Control of a System Described by a Two-Dimensional Quartic Equation under Conjugation Conditions 2005 N. Z. Shor
+ Control of a System Described by a One-Dimensional Quartic Equation under Conjugation Conditions 2005 N. Z. Shor
+ Control of a System Described by a Parabolic Equation under Conjugation Conditions 2005 N. Z. Shor
+ Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with Conjugation Conditions 2005 И. В. Сергиенко
Vasyl S. Deineka
+ Ergodic Theory and Arithmetical Simulation of Random Processes 2004 Nikolaj Glazunov
L. P. Postnikova
N. Z. Shor
+ None 2002 N. Z. Shor
+ None 2002 N. Z. Shor
Petro Stetsyuk
+ Lagrangian Quadratic Bounds in Polynomial Nonconvex and Boolean Models with Superfluous Constraints 2001 N. Z. Shor
+ Role of redundant constraints for improving dual bounds in polynomial optimization problems 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Decomposition Methods Based on Nonsmooth Optimization 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Subgradient and ε-Subgradient Methods 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Global Minimization of Polynomial Functions and 17-th Hilbert Problem 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Nondifferentiable Optimization and Polynomial Problems 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Subgradient-Type Methods with Space Dilation 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Algorithms for Constructing Optimal on Volume Ellipsoids and Semidefinite Programming 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ Modifiedr-algorithm to find the global minimum of polynomial functions 1997 N. Z. Shor
Petro Stetsyuk
+ Using the method of dual quadratic solutions to solve systems of polynomial equations in the complex domain 1994 N. Z. Shor
O. A. Berezovskii
+ Analysis of algorithms for a class of continuous partition problems 1994 Elena M. Kiseleva
N. Z. Shor
+ The solution of the continuous optimal decomposition problem with incomplete initial data 1992 Elena M. Kiseleva
N. Z. Shor
+ Dual estimates in multiextremal problems 1992 N. Z. Shor
+ Disnel: An application package for solving discrete and nonlinear optimization problems 1991 V. S. Mikhalevich
И. В. Сергиенко
N. Z. Shor
V. A. Trubin
V. I. Artemenko
V. A. Roshchin
N. G. Zhurbenko
L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
G. A. Potapchuk
+ Dual quadratic estimates in polynomial and Boolean programming 1990 N. Z. Shor
+ Nonsmooth Optimization and Dual Bounds 1989 N. Z. Shor
+ An approach to obtaining global extremums in polynomial mathematical programming problems 1988 N. Z. Shor
+ Minimization methods for non-differentiable functions 1985 N. Z. Shor
Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
Andrzej Ruszcayǹski
+ Method of obtaining estimates in quadratic extremal problems with Boolean variables 1985 N. Z. Shor
A. S. Davydov
+ Method of ellipsoids, its generalizations and applications 1983 V. I. Gershovich
N. Z. Shor
+ Generalized Gradient Methods of Nondifferentiable Optimization Employing Space Dilatation Operations 1983 N. Z. Shor
+ DISPRO: A discrete programming package 1982 V. S. Mikhalevich
И. В. Сергиенко
T. T. Lebedeva
V. A. Roshchin
A. S. Stukalo
V. A. Trubin
N. Z. Shor
+ Family of algorithms for solving convex programming problems 1980 N. Z. Shor
V. I. Gershovich
+ New development trends in nondifferentiable optimization 1978 N. Z. Shor
+ Cut-off method with space extension in convex programming problems 1977 N. Z. Shor
+ Application of methods of minimization of nonsmooth functions to the interpretation of gravimetric observations 1977 I. G. Ovrutskii
N. Z. Shor
+ Convergence of a gradient method with space dilation in the direction of the difference between two successive gradients 1976 N. Z. Shor
+ Convergence rate of the gradient descent method with dilatation of the space 1973 N. Z. Shor
+ Utilization of the operation of space dilatation in the minimization of convex functions 1972 N. Z. Shor
+ Certain questions of convergence of generalized gradient descent 1971 N. Z. Shor
P. R. Gamburd
+ Complex systems and the solution of extremal problems 1971 V. S. Mikhalevich
Yu. M. Ermol’ev
V. V. Shkurba
N. Z. Shor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Shannon capacity of a graph 1979 László Lovász
+ Über die Darstellung definiter Formen als Summe von Formenquadraten 1933 David Hilbert
+ PDF Chat Ueber die Darstellung definiter Formen als Summe von Formenquadraten 1888 David Hilbert
+ Nondifferentiable Optimization and Polynomial Problems 1998 N. Z. Shor
+ On the cut polytope 1986 Francisco Barahona
Ali Ridha Mahjoub
+ Interior Point Methods in Semidefinite Programming with Applications to Combinatorial Optimization 1995 Farid Alizadeh
+ Minimization methods for non-differentiable functions 1985 N. Z. Shor
Krzysztof C. Kiwiel
Andrzej Ruszcayǹski
+ PDF Chat Constrained Global Optimization: Algorithms and Applications 1987 Pãnos M. Pardalos
J. B. Rosen
+ Polynomial algorithms in linear programming 1980 Leonid Khachiyan
+ Über die Zerlegung definiter Funktionen in Quadrate 1927 Emil Artin
+ A method of conjugate subgradients for minimizing nondifferentiable functions 1975 Philip Wolfe
+ Numerical Methods in Extremal Problems. 1978 B. N. Pshenichnyĭ
I︠U︡riĭ Mikhaĭlovich Danilin
+ PDF Chat Connections between semidefinite relaxations of the max-cut and stable set problems 1997 Monique Laurent
Svatopluk Poljak
Franz Rendl
+ The polynomial solvability of convex quadratic programming 1980 M.K. Kozlov
S. Yu. Tarasov
Leonid Khachiyan
+ The Cutting-Plane Method for Solving Convex Programs 1960 James E. Kelley
+ An extension of davidon methods to non differentiable problems 1975 Claude Lemaréchal
+ Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming 1994 Yurii Nesterov
Arkadi Nemirovski
+ Semidefinite programming in combinatorial optimization 1997 Michel X. Goemans
+ Cut-off method with space extension in convex programming problems 1977 N. Z. Shor
+ An Algorithm for Minimizing Convex Functions. 1974 Claude Lemaréchal
+ Laplacian eigenvalues and the maximum cut problem 1993 Charles Delorme
S. Poljak
+ Orthogonalizing linear operators in convex programming. II 1997 Petro Stetsyuk
+ On Odd Cuts and Plane Multicommodity Flows 1981 Paul Seymour
+ Partitioning procedures for solving mixed-variables programming problems 1962 J. F. Benders
+ Semidefinite relaxation and nonconvex quadratic optimization 1998 Yu. Nesterov
+ Utilization of the operation of space dilatation in the minimization of convex functions 1972 N. Z. Shor
+ The Construction of Decimals Normal in the Scale of Ten 1933 D. G. Champernowne
+ PDF Chat Ergodicity of mapping class group actions on representation varieties, II. Surfaces with boundary 2003 Doug Pickrell
Eugene Z. Xia
+ Linear and Convex Programming 1966 S. I. Zukhovit︠s︡kiĭ
L. I. Avdeeva
Bernard R. Gelbaum
+ Method of obtaining estimates in quadratic extremal problems with Boolean variables 1985 N. Z. Shor
A. S. Davydov
+ PDF Chat On Polynomials with Coefficients of Modulus One 1977 J. S. Byrnes
+ Linear and convex programming 1968 John W. Pearson
+ Use of the regularization method in non-linear problems 1965 А. Н. Тихонов
V. B. Glasko
+ On the minimization of nondifferentiable functions 1969 Yu. M. Ermol’ev
Naun Zuselevich Shor
+ PDF Chat Semismooth and Semiconvex Functions in Constrained Optimization 1977 Robert Mifflin
+ PDF Chat LOQO:an interior point code for quadratic programming 1999 Robert J. Vanderbei
+ Polynomial algorithms for a class of linear programs 1981 Jean François Maurras
Klaus Truemper
Mustafa Akgül
+ A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities with Two Variables Per Inequality 1980 Bengt Aspvall
Yossi Shiloach
+ Numerical experiments in a new class of algorithms in linear programming 1987 S.K. Andrusenko
E. A. Nurminskii
Petro Stetsyuk
+ Approximating the zeros of analytic functions by the exclusion algorithm 1994 Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn
+ Methods of solution of nonlinear extremal problems 1968 Yu. M. Ermol’ev
+ An Additive Algorithm for Solving Linear Programs with Zero-One Variables 1965 Egon Balas
+ Minimization of unsmooth functionals 1969 B. T. Polyak
+ From Fractal Groups to Fractal Sets 2003 Laurent Bartholdi
Rostislav Grigorchuk
Volodymyr Nekrashevych
+ The shape of the ideal column 1992 Steven J. Cox
+ Submodular functions, matroids, and certain polyhedra 1970 Jack Edmonds
+ PDF Chat Démonstration élémentaire du théorème de M. Borel sur les nombres absolument normaux et détermination effective d'une tel nombre 1917 W. Sierpiński
+ Rapid mixing 2002 Peter Winkler
+ PDF Chat Note on Normal Decimals 1952 H. Davenport
Paul Erdös
+ A METHOD OF CONJUGATE SUBGRADIENTS FOR 1975 Minimizing Nondifferentiable Functions
Philip Wolfe