S. Fubini


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quantum constraint algebra for an interacting superstring 1989 S. Fubini
Jnanadeva Maharana
Marco Roncadelli
G. Veneziano
+ FROM SUPERPARTICLES TO SUPERSTRINGS (ordering of operators in quantum theory) 1989 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
Giuseppe Furlan
M. Roncadelli
+ PDF Chat Constraint algebra for interacting quantum systems 1988 S. Fubini
M. Roncadelli
+ PDF Chat Operator ordering and supersymmetry 1988 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
M. Roncadelli
+ Nicolai mapping and stochastic identities in supersymmetric fields theories 1986 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
G. Veneziano
+ PDF Chat Why We Like Octonions 1986 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
Giuseppe Furlan
+ Gauge and Generally Invariant Theories and Classical Solutions 1980 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
+ PDF Chat Classical solutions of generally invariant gauge theories 1978 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
+ Conformal invariance in field theory 1978 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
+ Couplings of three excited particles in the dual-resonance model 1974 M. Ademollo
Elisabetta Giudice
P. Di Vecchia
S. Fubini
+ Duality in operator formalism 1970 S. Fubini
G. Veneziano
+ Equal-time commutators and low-energy pion physics 1969 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
C. Rossetti
+ New Developments in Current Algebra 1968 S. Fubini
+ A general treatment of current algebra 1967 S. Fubini
+ Dispersion sum rules and the structure of elementary particles 1967 S. Fubini
+ Sum rules for strong interactions 1966 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Rossetti
G. Furlan
+ PDF Chat An integral equation for high-energy cross-sections 1962 Chiara Ceolin
P. Duimio
E. Stroffolini
S. Fubini
+ Exact Sum Rules in the Fixed-Source Meson Theory 1956 Michele Cini
S. Fubini
+ Non linear integral equation in field theory 1955 S. Fubini
+ Non perturbation treatment of scattering in quantum field theory 1954 Michele Cini
S. Fubini
+ On the algorithm of Dirac spurs 1952 E. R. Caianiello
S. Fubini
+ Sull’operatoreU(t) di Dyson-Feynman 1952 S. Fubini
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Hamiltonian form of the path integral for theories with a gauge freedom 1985 Marc Henneaux
+ PDF Chat Operator ordering and supersymmetry 1988 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
M. Roncadelli
+ Point Transformations in Quantum Mechanics 1952 Bryce S. DeWitt
+ Point canonical transformations in the path integral 1976 J.-L. Gervais
Antal Jevicki
+ PDF Chat Constraint algebra for interacting quantum systems 1988 S. Fubini
M. Roncadelli
+ PDF Chat Classical solutions of generally invariant gauge theories 1978 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Furlan
+ Nonlinear models in 2 + Δ dimensions 1985 Daniel Friedan
+ Multiple meron solutions of the classical Yang-Mills equation 1978 James Glimm
Arthur Jaffe
+ Pseudoparticle solutions of the Yang-Mills equations 1975 A. A. Belavin
A. M. Polyakov
Arthur S. Schwartz
Yu. S. Tyupkin
+ PDF Chat A mechanism for quark confinement 1977 Curtis G. Allan
Roger Dashen
David J. Gross
+ Four-loop divergences for the N=1 supersymmetric non-linear sigma-model in two dimensions 1986 M.T. Grisaru
Anton E. M. van de Ven
D. Zanon
+ Torsion and geometrostasis in nonlinear sigma models 1985 Eric Braaten
Thomas Curtright
Cosmas Zachos
+ Ward-like identities and twisting operator in dual resonance models 1969 F. Gliozzi
+ On the quantization of systems with anticommuting variables 1976 R. Casalbuoni
+ PDF Chat Lorentz covariance and the physical states in dual-resonance models 1972 Peter Goddard
C. Rebbi
Charles B. Thorn
+ Supersymmetries and the pseudoclassical relativistic electron 1976 A. Barducci
R. Casalbuoni
Luca Lusanna
+ PDF Chat Feynman path integrals in a phase space 1980 F.A. Berezin
+ A Lagrangian formulation of the classical and quantum dynamics of spinning particles 1977 Lars Brink
P. Di Vecchia
Paul Howe
+ Ricci-flat kahler manifolds and supersymmetry 1980 Luis Álvarez-Gaumé
Daniel Z. Freedman
+ Two-dimensional supersymmetric sigma-models on Ricci-flat KĂ€hler manifolds are not finite 1986 M.T. Grisaru
Anton E. M. van de Ven
D. Zanon
+ Sum rules for strong interactions 1966 V. de Alfaro
S. Fubini
G. Rossetti
G. Furlan