С. Р. Насыров


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal reflection with respect to the boundary of an isosceles trapezoid 2024 A. Kushaeva
K. Kushaeva
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat One Parameter Families of Conformal Mappings of Bounded Doubly Connected Polygonal Domains 2024 A. Dyutin
С. Р. Насыров
+ Nuttall decomposition of a three-sheeted torus 2024 С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic metrics in polygonal domains 2023 D. Dautova
Rahim Kargar
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Asymptotics of the Exterior Conformal Modulus of a Quadrilateral under Stretching Map 2023 С. Р. Насыров
G. V. Nguyen
+ PDF Chat One-Parameter Families of Conformal Mappings of the Half-Plane onto Polygonal Domains with Several Slits 2023 A. Posadskii
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Moduli of quadrilaterals and quasiconformal reflection 2023 С. Р. Насыров
Toshiyuki Sugawa
Матти Вуоринен
+ One-parameter families of conformal mappings of the half-plane onto polygonal domains with several slits 2023 A. Posadskii
С. Р. Насыров
+ Экстремальные проблемы в геометрической теории функций 2023 F. G. Avkhadiev
I. R. Kayumov
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Extremal problems in geometric function theory 2023 F. G. Avkhadiev
I. R. Kayumov
С. Р. Насыров
+ One Parameter Families of Conformal Mappings of Bounded Doubly Connected Polygonal Domains 2023 A. Dyutin
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Level sets of potential functions bisecting unbounded quadrilaterals 2022 Mohamed M. S. Nasser
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the Conformal Modulus of a Nonsymmetric Unbounded Doubly-Connected Domain Under Stretching 2022 G. V. Nguyen
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Metrics and Quasimetrics Induced by Point Pair Function 2022 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
Oona Rainio
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat On Bloch seminorm of finite Blaschke products in the unit disk 2022 Anton Baranov
I. R. Kayumov
С. Р. Насыров
+ On Bloch seminorm of finite Blaschke products in the unit disk 2022 Anton Baranov
I. R. Kayumov
С. Р. Насыров
+ Metrics and quasimetrics induced by point pair function 2022 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
Oona Rainio
Матти Вуоринен
+ Level sets of potential functions bisecting unbounded quadrilaterals 2022 Mohamed M. S. Nasser
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Asymptotics of the conformal modulus of a nonsymmetric unbounded doubly-connected domain under stretching 2022 Giang V. Nguyen
С. Р. Насыров
+ Asymptotics of the Conformal Modulus of Unbounded Symmetric Doubly Connected Domain Under Stretching 2021 С. Р. Насыров
Nguyễn Văn Giảng
+ PDF Chat Moduli of quadrilaterals and quasiconformal reflection 2021 С. Р. Насыров
Toshiyuki Sugawa
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Conformal moduli of symmetric circular quadrilaterals with cusps 2021 Harri Hakula
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Moduli of quadrilaterals and quasiconformal reflection 2021 С. Р. Насыров
Toshiyuki Sugawa
Матти Вуоринен
+ Families of Elliptic Functions, Realizing Coverings of the Sphere, with Branch-Points and Poles of Arbitrary Multiplicities 2020 С. Р. Насыров
+ Conformal Moduli of Symmetric Circular Quadrilaterals With Cusps 2020 Harri Hakula
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Conformal Modulus of the Exterior of Two Rectilinear Slits 2020 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Conformal Moduli of Symmetric Circular Quadrilaterals With Cusps 2020 Harri Hakula
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Asymptotics of Conformal Module of Nonsymmetric Doubly Connected Domain under Unbounded Stretching Along the Real Axis 2019 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
+ Conformal module of the exterior of two rectilinear slits 2019 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Conformal module of the exterior of two rectilinear slits 2019 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Families of elliptic functions and uniformization of complex tori with a unique point over infinity 2018 С. Р. Насыров
+ Asymptotics of the Modules of Mirror Symmetric Doubly Connected Domains under Stretching 2018 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
+ Uniformization of Simply-Connected Ramified Coverings of the Sphere by Rational Functions 2018 С. Р. Насыров
+ Farit Gabidinovich Avkhadiev 2018 Л. А. Аксентьев
А. И. Аптекарев
А. М. Бикчентаев
Victor Vladimirovich Goryainov
В. Н. Дубинин
А. М. Елизаров
I. R. Kayumov
Ари Лаптев
С. Р. Насыров
Д. В. Прохоров
+ Uniformization of simply connected ramified coverings of the sphere by rational functions 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ Uniformization of one-parametric families of complex tori 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Conformal mappings of stretched polyominoes onto half-plane 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ Geometric and analytic problems of the theory of ramified coverings of the sphere 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ Uniformization of simply connected ramified coverings of the sphere by rational functions 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ Uniformization of one-parametric families of complex tori 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ Evgenii Sergeevich Polovinkin (on his 70th birthday) 2016 M. V. Balashov
О. В. Бесов
Б. И. Голубов
Victor Vladimirovich Goryainov
В. Н. Диесперов
С. И. Дудов
G. E. Ivanov
S. P. Konovalov
Роман Викторович Константинов
А. Б. Куржанский
+ A Parametric Method of Finding Accessory Parameters for the Generalized Schwarz--Christoffel Integrals 2016 N.N. Nakipov
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Evgenii Sergeevich Polovinkin (on his 70th birthday) 2016 M. V. Balashov
О. В. Бесов
Boris Ivanovich Golubov
Victor Vladimirovich Goryainov
В. Н. Диесперов
С. И. Дудов
Григорий Евгеньевич Иванов
S. P. Konovalov
Роман Викторович Константинов
А. Б. Куржанский
+ PDF Chat Riemann–Schwarz Reflection Principle and Asymptotics of Modules of Rectangular Frames 2014 С. Р. Насыров
+ Conformal mappings of stretched polyominoes onto half-plane 2013 С. Р. Насыров
+ Riemann-Schwarz Reflection Principle and Asymptotics of Modules of Rectangular Frames 2013 С. Р. Насыров
+ Riemann-Schwarz Reflection Principle and Asymptotics of Modules of Rectangular Frames 2013 С. Р. Насыров
+ Conformal mappings of stretched polyominoes onto half-plane 2013 С. Р. Насыров
+ Determination of the polynomial uniformizing a given compact Riemann surface 2012 С. Р. Насыров
+ Finding of Accessory Parameters for Mixed Inverse Boundary Value Problem with Polygonal Known Part of Boundary 2011 С. Р. Насыров
L.Yu. Nizamieva
+ Определение акцессорных параметров в смешанной обратной краевой задаче с полигональной известной частью границы 2011 С. Р. Насыров
Л. Ю. Низамиева
+ Variations of Robin capacity and applications 2008 С. Р. Насыров
+ On the univalence of derivatives of functions which are univalent in angular domains 2007 С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Об однолистности производных функций, однолистных в угловых областях 2007 С. Р. Насыров
С. Р. Насыров
+ Ramified coverings of nonorientable surfaces by orientable surfaces with prescribed boundary projection 1998 Григорий Григорьевич Бильченко
I. R. Kayumov
С. Р. Насыров
M. F. Sadykov
+ Proof of the convergence of an approximate method of conformal mapping of the exterior of an airfoil on to the exterior of a circle 1993 С. Р. Насыров
D. A. Fokin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Elements of the Theory of Elliptic Functions 1990 Н. И. Ахиезер
+ PDF Chat On exterior moduli of quadrilaterals and special functions 2013 Матти Вуоринен
Xiaohui Zhang
+ PDF Chat On Moduli of Rings and Quadrilaterals: Algorithms and Experiments 2011 Harri Hakula
Antti Rasila
Матти Вуоринен
+ The Conformal Module of Quadrilaterals and of Rings 2005 Reiner Kühnau
+ PDF Chat Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping 2002 Tobin A. Driscoll
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings 2006 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ PDF Chat The computation of capacity of planar condensers 2004 Dimitrios Betsakos
Klas Samuelsson
Матти Вуоринен
+ Numerical Conformal Mapping 2010 N. Papamichael
Nikos Stylianopoulos
+ Uniformization of one-parametric families of complex tori 2017 С. Р. Насыров
+ Ramified coverings of the two-dimensional sphere and the intersection theory in spaces of meromorphic functions on algebraic curves 2002 S. K. Lando
+ Ueber das Hurwitzsche Problem der Bestimmung der Anzahl Riemannscher Flächen von gegebener Verzweigungsart 1931 H. Weyl
Walter Saxer
+ Conformal Invariants, Inequalities, and Quasiconformal Maps 1997 G. D. Anderson
M. K. Vamanamurthy
Матти Вуоринен
+ Uniformization of Simply-Connected Ramified Coverings of the Sphere by Rational Functions 2018 С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat On conformal moduli of polygonal quadrilaterals 2009 В. Н. Дубинин
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Ueber die Anzahl der Riemann'schen Fl�chen mit gegebenen Verzweigungspunkten 1901 A. Hurwitz
+ Conformally Invariant Metrics and Quasiconformal Mappings 2020 Parisa Hariri
Riku Klén
Матти Вуоринен
+ Asymptotics of the Modules of Mirror Symmetric Doubly Connected Domains under Stretching 2018 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Ueber Riemann'sche Fl�chen mit gegebenen Verzweigungspunkten 1891 A. Hurwitz
+ PDF Chat A proof of the Bieberbach conjecture 1985 Louis de Branges
+ PDF Chat Riemann–Schwarz Reflection Principle and Asymptotics of Modules of Rectangular Frames 2014 С. Р. Насыров
+ Robin Capacity and Extremal Length 1993 Peter Duren
J. A. Pfaltzgraff
+ Asymptotics of Conformal Module of Nonsymmetric Doubly Connected Domain under Unbounded Stretching Along the Real Axis 2019 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
+ PDF Chat Conformal Modulus of the Exterior of Two Rectilinear Slits 2020 D. Dautova
С. Р. Насыров
Матти Вуоринен
+ Conformal Invariants: Topics in Geometric Function Theory 1973 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Families of elliptic functions and uniformization of complex tori with a unique point over infinity 2018 С. Р. Насыров
+ Nonequivalent coverings of Riemann surfaces with a prescribed ramification type 1985 Alexander Mednykh
+ Determination of the polynomial uniformizing a given compact Riemann surface 2012 С. Р. Насыров
+ Asymptotic estimates and entire functions 1961 M A Evgrafov
+ Asymptotics of the Conformal Modulus of Unbounded Symmetric Doubly Connected Domain Under Stretching 2021 С. Р. Насыров
Nguyễn Văn Giảng
+ PlgCirMap: A MATLAB toolbox for computing conformal mappings from polygonal multiply connected domains onto circular domains 2020 Mohamed M. S. Nasser
+ PDF Chat Conformal modulus and planar domains with strong singularities and cusps 2019 Harri Hakula
Antti Rasila
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Conformal mapping of long quadrilaterals and thick doubly connected domains 1994 Richard S. Laugesen
+ Der konforme Modul schmaler Vierecke 1995 Reiner Kühnau
+ Approximating the Conformal Maps of Elongated Quadrilaterals by Domain Decomposition 2001 M. I. Falcão
N. Papamichael
Nikos Stylianopoulos
+ Introduction to elliptic functions with applications 1961 F. Bowman
+ Semigroups of analytic functions in analysis and applications 2012 Victor Vladimirovich Goryainov
+ Riemann surface transformation groups 1972 E. Keith Lloyd
+ Conformal Invariants 2010 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Finite Blaschke Products and Their Connections 2018 Stephan Ramon Garcia
Javad Mashreghi
William T. Ross
+ PDF Chat Polycircular domains, numerical conformal mappings, and moduli of quadrilaterals 2022 Mohamed M. S. Nasser
Oona Rainio
Antti Rasila
Матти Вуоринен
Terry C. Wallace
Hang Yu
Xiaohui Zhang
+ PDF Chat Generalized Elliptic Integrals 2008 Ville Heikkala
M. K. Vamanamurthy
Матти Вуоринен
+ On the computation of modules of long quadrilaterals 1991 Dieter Gaier
W. K. Hayman
+ Schwarz–Christoffel mappings to unbounded multiply connected polygonal regions 2007 Darren Crowdy
+ Computation of Multiply Connected Schwarz-Christoffel Maps for Exterior Domains 2006 Thomas K. DeLillo
Tobin A. Driscoll
Alan R. Elcrat
J. A. Pfaltzgraff
+ PDF Chat Multiple Schramm–Loewner Evolutions and Statistical Mechanics Martingales 2005 Michel Bauer
Denis Bernard
Kalle Kytölä
+ PDF Chat Robin functions and energy functionals of multiply connected domains 1991 Peter Duren
M. Schiffer
+ A new method for counting coverings over manifold with finitely generated fundamental group 2006 Alexander Mednykh
+ Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps 1992 Christian Pommerenke
+ Schwarz--Christoffel Mapping of the Annulus 2001 Thomas K. DeLillo
Alan R. Elcrat
J. A. Pfaltzgraff