Omri N. Solan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Orbits in Teichm\"uller dynamics admits a critical exponent gap 2024 Omri N. Solan
+ Automatic continuity of polynomial maps and cocycles 2024 Tom Meyerovitch
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat Critical exponent gap and leafwise dimension 2024 Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat On topologically big divergent trajectories 2023 Omri N. Solan
Nattalie Tamam
+ PDF Chat Tori Approximation of Families of Diagonally Invariant Measures 2023 Omri N. Solan
Yuval Yifrach
+ PDF Chat Browder’s Theorem through Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem 2023 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Tori Approximation of Families of Diagonally Invariant Measures 2023 Omri N. Solan
Yuval Yifrach
+ Birkhoff generic points on curves in horospheres 2023 Omri N. Solan
Andreas Wieser
+ On Topologically Big Divergent Trajectories 2022 Omri N. Solan
Nattalie Tamam
+ Geometric interpretation of quantitative instability 2022 Omri N. Solan
Nattalie Tamam
+ Browder's Theorem: from One-Dimensional Parameter Space to General Parameter Space 2022 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat Browder’s theorem with general parameter space 2021 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Browder's Theorem with General Parameter Space 2021 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Parametric Geometry of Numbers with General Flow 2021 Omri N. Solan
+ Browder's Theorem with General Parameter Space 2021 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Browder's Theorem through Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem 2021 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat Logit equilibrium as an approximation of Nash equilibrium 2020 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat Quitting Games and Linear Complementarity Problems 2020 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Logit Equilibrium as an Approximation of Nash Equilibrium. 2019 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Hausdorff dimension of weighted singular vectors in $\mathbb R^2$ 2019 Lingmin Liao
Ronggang Shi
Omri N. Solan
Nattalie Tamam
+ Stable and well-rounded lattices in diagonal orbits 2019 Omri N. Solan
+ Logit Equilibrium as an Approximation of Nash Equilibrium 2019 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat Jointly controlled lotteries with biased coins 2018 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
Ron Solan
+ Jointly Controlled Lotteries with Biased Coins 2018 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
Ron Solan
+ Sunspot Equilibrium in General Quitting Games 2018 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Monovex sets 2018 Lev Buhovsky
Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Sunspot Equilibrium in General Quitting Games 2018 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Jointly Controlled Lotteries with Biased Coins 2018 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
Ron Solan
+ Quitting Games and Linear Complementarity Problems 2017 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Quitting Games and Linear Complementarity Problems 2017 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat On Problems of Danzer and Gowers and Dynamics on the Space of Closed Subsets of ${\mathbb{R}}^d$ 2016 Omri N. Solan
Yaar Solomon
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat The value functions of Markov decision processes 2016 Ehud Lehrer
Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Hausdorff dimension of weighted singular vectors 2016 Lingmin Liao
Ronggang Shi
Omri N. Solan
Nattalie Tamam
+ Intersections of diagonal orbits 2016 Omri N. Solan
+ Monovex Sets 2016 Lev Buhovsky
Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ The Value Functions of Markov Decision Processes 2015 Ehud Lehrer
Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ On problems of Danzer and Gowers and dynamics on the space of closed subsets of $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2015 Omri N. Solan
Yaar Solomon
Barak Weiss
+ The Value Functions of Markov Decision Processes 2015 Ehud Lehrer
Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ On problems of Danzer and Gowers and dynamics on the space of closed subsets of $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2015 Omri N. Solan
Yaar Solomon
Barak Weiss
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Reduction theory using semistability 1984 Daniel R. Grayson
+ On the basic theorem of complementarity 1971 B. Curtis Eaves
+ Sunspot Equilibrium in General Quitting Games 2018 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ Minkowski’s conjecture, well-rounded lattices and topological dimension 2005 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Closed orbits for actions of maximal tori on homogeneous spaces 2003 George Tomanov
Barak Weiss
+ On the connectivity properties of the solution set of parametrized families of compact vector fields 1984 Ivar Massabò
Jacobo Pejsachowicz
+ A nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem at resonance 1977 Howard Shaw
+ PDF Chat Singular systems of linear forms and non-escape of mass in the space of lattices 2017 Shirali Kadyrov
Dmitry Kleinbock
Elon Lindenstrauss
G. A. Margulis
+ Existence and multiplicity results for a class of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems at resonance 1981 David G. Costa
J.V. Gonçalves
+ On the cohomology groups of moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves 1975 G. Harder
M. S. Narasimhan
+ Spaces of closed subgroups of locally compact groups 2008 Pierre de la Harpe
+ Advanced Fixed Point Theory for Economics 2018 Andrew McLennan
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples to a conjecture of Woods 2017 Oded Regev
Uri Shapira
Barak Weiss
+ An Introduction to the Geometry of Numbers 1959 J. W. S. Cassels
+ Corners and arithmetic groups 1973 Armand Borel
J-P. Serre
+ An Elementary Introduction to Modern Convex Geometry 1997 Keith Ball
+ PDF Chat Free Path Lengths in Quasicrystals 2014 Jens Marklof
Andreas Strömbergsson
+ On conjectures of Minkowski and Woods for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>7</mml:mn></mml:math> 2009 R. J. Hans-Gill
Madhu Raka
Ranjeet Sehmi
+ Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology 1982 Raoul Bott
Loring W. Tu
+ Covering six space with spheres 1972 Alan C. Woods
+ Piercing quasi-rectangles—On a problem of Danzer and Rogers 2012 János Pach
Gábor Tardos
+ Divergent trajectories of flows on homogeneous spaces and Diophantine approximation. 1985 S. G. Dani
+ PDF Chat Two-player nonZero–sum stopping games in discrete time 2004 Eran Shmaya
Eilon Solan
+ Quitting Games and Linear Complementarity Problems 2017 Eilon Solan
Omri N. Solan
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Danzer 1971 R. P. Bambah
Alan C. Woods
+ On conjectures of Minkowski and Woods for n=8 2011 R. J. Hans-Gill
Madhu Raka
Ranjeet Sehmi
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension of the set of singular pairs 2011 Yitwah Cheung
+ PDF Chat Stable lattices and the diagonal group 2016 Uri Shapira
Barak Weiss
+ Neuer beweis fĂĽr die invarianz der dimensionszahl und des gebietes 1928 Emanuel Sperner
+ The Product of <i>n</i> Inhomogeneous Linear Forms in <i>n</i> Variables 1952 J. W. S. Cassels
+ Values of decomposable forms at S-integral points and orbits of tori on homogeneous spaces 2007 George Tomanov
+ PDF Chat On conjectures of Minkowski and Woods for n = 9 2016 Leetika Kathuria
Madhu Raka
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theoretic proof of equidistribution of Hecke points 2005 Alex Eskin
Hee Oh
+ Convergence of Probability Measures (Patrick Billingsley) 1969 Mark Pinsky
+ Delone dynamical systems and associated random operators 2002 Daniel Lenz
Peter Stollmann
+ PDF Chat A nonhomogeneous orbit closure of a diagonal subgroup 2010 François Maucourant
+ A generalization of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem 1941 Shizuo Kakutani
+ Divergent trajectories and â„š-rank 2006 Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Kinetic limits of dynamical systems 2015 Jens Marklof
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the geometry of numbers 1990 K. Chandrasekharan
+ Cartan Subgroups and Lattices in Semi-Simple Groups 1972 Gopal Prasad
M. S. Raghunathan
+ PDF Chat A fixed point theorem 1956 Eldon Dyer
+ Hyperbolic distribution problems and half-integral weight Maass forms 1988 William Duke
+ PDF Chat Badziahin-Pollington-Velani's theorem and Schmidt's game 2013 Jinpeng An
+ PDF Chat Flows on Homogeneous Spaces and Diophantine Approximation on Manifolds 1998 Dmitry Kleinbock
G. A. Margulis
+ Divergent trajectories on noncompact parameter spaces 2004 Barak Weiss
+ Sur une courbe, qui remplit toute une aire plane 1990 G. Peano
+ A note on quotients of real algebraic groups by arithmetic subgroups 1968 M. S. Raghunathan
+ Badly Approximable Systems of Affine Forms 1999 Dmitry Kleinbock
+ PDF Chat Badly approximable points on manifolds 2015 Victor Beresnevich