Davide Fabbri


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An Ultra-wideband Battery-less Positioning System for Space Applications 2019 Davide Dardari
Thomas Feuillen
Christopher Raucy
Luc Vandendorpe
Christophe Craeye
NicolĂČ Decarli
Davide Fabbri
Anna Guerra
Marco Fantuzzi
Diego Masotti
+ The Osp(8|4) singleton action from the super membrane 2008 Gianguido Dall’Agata
Davide Fabbri
Christophe Fraser
Pietro Fré
Piet Termonia
Mario Trigiante
+ PDF Chat Shadow Multiplets and SuperHiggs Mechanism 2001 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
+ PDF Chat Shadow Multiplets and SuperHiggs Mechanism 2001 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
+ PDF Chat Rings of short đ’© = 3 superfields in three dimensions and M-theory on <i>AdS</i> <sub>4</sub> × <i>N</i> <sup>0,1,0</sup> 2001 M. BillĂł
Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Paolo Merlatti
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Shadow multiplets in AdS/CFT and the super-Higgs mechanism 2000 M. BillĂł
Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Paolo Merlatti
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat 3D superconformal theories from Sasakian seven-manifolds: new non-trivial evidences for 2000 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Leonardo Gualtieri
C. Reina
Alessandro Tomasiello
Alberto Zaffaroni
Alessandro Zampa
+ PDF Chat Shadow multiplets in AdS_4/CFT_3 and the super-Higgs mechanism: hints of new shadow supergravities 2000 M. BillĂł
Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Paolo Merlatti
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ Three dimensional Conformal Field Theories from Sasakian seven-manifolds 2000 Davide Fabbri
+ Three dimensional Conformal Field Theories from Sasakian seven-manifolds 2000 Davide Fabbri
+ PDF Chat <i>Osp</i> (calN|4) supermultiplets as conformal superfields on partial <i>AdS</i> <sub>4</sub> and the generic form of calN = 2, <i>d</i> = 3 gauge theories 1999 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Leonardo Gualtieri
Piet Termonia
+ PDF Chat M-theory on AdS4 × M111: the complete Osp(2|4) × SU(3) × SU(2) spectrum from harmonic analysis 1999 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Leonardo Gualtieri
Piet Termonia
+ PDF Chat The Osp(8∄4) singleton action from the supermembrane 1999 Gianguido Dall’Agata
Davide Fabbri
Christophe Fraser
Pietro Fré
Piet Termonia
Mario Trigiante
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A classification of compactifying solutions for d =11 supergravity 1984 Leonardo Castellani
L.J. Romans
Nicholas P. Warner
+ PDF Chat Multiplet structure and spectra of N=2 supersymmetric compactifications 1985 Anna Ceresole
Pietro Fré
Hermann Nicolai
+ PDF Chat Superconformal field theory on threebranes at a Calabi-Yau singularity 1998 Igor R. Klebanov
Edward Witten
+ The bosonic mass formula for Freund-Rubin solutions of d=11 supergravity on general coset manifolds 1984 Leonardo Castellani
Riccardo D’Auria
Pietro Fré
Krzysztof Pilch
P. van Nieuwenhuizen
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous compactification of eleven-dimensional supergravity 1982 F. Englert
+ PDF Chat The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat <i>Osp</i> (calN|4) supermultiplets as conformal superfields on partial <i>AdS</i> <sub>4</sub> and the generic form of calN = 2, <i>d</i> = 3 gauge theories 1999 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Leonardo Gualtieri
Piet Termonia
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ All linear unitary irreducible representations of De Sitter supersymmetry with positive energy 1982 W. Heidenreich
+ PDF Chat 3D superconformal theories from Sasakian seven-manifolds: new non-trivial evidences for 2000 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Leonardo Gualtieri
C. Reina
Alessandro Tomasiello
Alberto Zaffaroni
Alessandro Zampa
+ PDF Chat M-theory on AdS4 × M111: the complete Osp(2|4) × SU(3) × SU(2) spectrum from harmonic analysis 1999 Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Leonardo Gualtieri
Piet Termonia
+ PDF Chat N = 2 supergravity and N = 2 super Yang-Mills theory on general scalar manifolds: Symplectic covariance gaugings and the momentum map 1997 Laura Andrianopoli
Matteo Bertolini
Anna Ceresole
Riccardo D’Auria
S. Ferrara
Pietro Fré
T. Magri
+ PDF Chat Einstein manifolds and conformal field theories 1998 Steven S. Gubser
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of type IIB supergravity on<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">AdS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>11</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo>:</mml:mo></mml:math>Predictions on<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998
 2000 Anna Ceresole
Gianguido Dall’Agata
Riccardo D’Auria
S. Ferrara
+ PDF Chat Non-spherical horizons, I 1999 David R. Morrison
M. Ronen Plesser
+ PDF Chat M-theory on the Stiefel manifold and 3d conformal field theories 2000 Anna Ceresole
Gianguido Dall’Agata
Riccardo D’Auria
S. Ferrara
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional SCFT from M2 branes at conifold singularities 1999 Kyungho Oh
Radu Tǎtar
+ PDF Chat M-branes and AdSp+2 geometries 1998 Leonardo Castellani
Anna Ceresole
Riccardo D’Auria
S. Ferrara
Pietro Fré
Mario Trigiante
+ PDF Chat M 5-brane and superconformal (0,2) tensor multiplet in six dimensions 1998 Piet Claus
Antoine Van Proeyen
+ PDF Chat Shadow multiplets in AdS_4/CFT_3 and the super-Higgs mechanism: hints of new shadow supergravities 2000 M. BillĂł
Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Paolo Merlatti
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Baryons and domain walls in an N=1 superconformal gauge theory 1998 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
+ PDF Chat On the supersymmetries of anti-de Sitter vacua 1999 JosĂ© Figueroa-O’Farrill
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory 1998 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Gauge fields as composite boundary excitations 1998 S. Ferrara
C. FrĂžnsdal
+ PDF Chat Black holes and critical points in moduli space 1997 S. Ferrara
G. W. Gibbons
+ PDF Chat Branes at conical singularities and holography 1998 B. S. Acharya
JosĂ© Figueroa-O’Farrill
C.M. Hull
Bill Spence
+ Spontaneously broken N = 2 supergravity without light mirror fermions 1997 L. Girardello
Massimo Porrati
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ Conformal Symmetry on World Volumes of Branes 1998 Piet Claus
Antoine Van Proeyen
+ ``Non chiral'' primary superfields in the AdS_{d+1}/CFT_d correspondence 1998 Laura Andrianopoli
S. Ferrara
+ PDF Chat All unitary ray representations of the conformal group SU(2,2) with positive energy 1977 G. Mack
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous N = 2 → N = 1 local supersymmetry breaking with surviving compact gauge groups 1997 Pietro FrĂ©
L. Girardello
Igor Pesando
Mario Trigiante
+ Dualities in Supergravity and Solvable Lie Algebras 1998 Mario Trigiante
+ PDF Chat R-R scalars, U-duality and solvable Lie algebras 1997 Laura Andrianopoli
Riccardo D’Auria
S. Ferrara
Pietro Fré
Mario Trigiante
+ PDF Chat conformal field theories from M2-branes at conifold singularities 1999 Gianguido Dall’Agata
+ PDF Chat N = 8 supersingleton quantum field theory 1988 Eric Bergshoeff
Abdus Salam
Ergin Sezgin
Yoshiaki Tanii
+ PDF Chat Conformal primaries of OSp(8/4,Bbb R) and BPS states in <i>AdS</i><sub>4</sub> 2000 S. Ferrara
E. Sokatchev
+ PDF Chat Novel local CFT and exact results on perturbations of <i>N</i> = 4 super Yang Mills from AdS dynamics 1998 L. Girardello
Michela Petrini
Massimo Porrati
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat The Osp(8∄4) singleton action from the supermembrane 1999 Gianguido Dall’Agata
Davide Fabbri
Christophe Fraser
Pietro Fré
Piet Termonia
Mario Trigiante
+ A Remarkable Representation of the 3 + 2 de Sitter Group 1963 P. A. M. Dirac
+ PDF Chat Conformal Maxwell theory as a singleton field theory on <i>AdS</i> , IIB 3-branes and duality 1998 S. Ferrara
C. FrĂžnsdal
+ N = 3 and N = 1 supersymmetry in a new class of solutions for d = 11 supergravity 1984 Leonardo Castellani
L.J. Romans
+ PDF Chat Large N field theories, string theory and gravity 2000 Ofer Aharony
Steven S. Gubser
Juan Maldacena
Hirosi Ooguri
Yaron Oz
+ PDF Chat Consistent SO(6) reduction of type IIB supergravity on S 2000 Mirjam Cvetič
C.N. Pope
A. Sadrzadeh
T.A. Tran
+ PDF Chat Consistent Kaluza-Klein sphere reductions 2000 Mirjam Cvetič
C.N. Pope
+ Near-horizon geometries of supersymmetric branes 1998 JosĂ© Figueroa-O’Farrill
+ PDF Chat 4D doubleton conformal theories, CPT and IIB strings on AdS5 × S5 1998 Murat GĂŒnaydin
Djordje Minić
Marco Zagermann
+ PDF Chat Vacuum interpolation in supergravity via super<i>p</i>-branes 1993 G. W. Gibbons
Paul Townsend
+ PDF Chat Shadow multiplets in AdS/CFT and the super-Higgs mechanism 2000 M. BillĂł
Davide Fabbri
Pietro Fré
Paolo Merlatti
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat The structure of multiplets in AdS4 and the complete Osp(3|4)×SU(3) spectrum of M-theory on AdS4×N0,1,0 1999 Pietro FrĂ©
Leonardo Gualtieri
Piet Termonia