Joachim Weidmann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Spectral Theory of Sturm-Liouville Operators Approximation by Regular Problems 2005 Joachim Weidmann
+ Periodische Sturm-Liouville-Operatoren und Dirac-Systeme 2003 Joachim Weidmann
+ Spektraltheorie von N-Teilchen-Schrödingeroperatoren 2003 Joachim Weidmann
+ Ein eindimensionales Streuproblem 2003 Joachim Weidmann
+ Spektrale Teilräume eines selbstadjungierten Operators 2003 Joachim Weidmann
+ Dirac-Systeme 2003 Joachim Weidmann
+ Sturm-Liouville-Operatoren; Selbstadjungiertheit 2003 Joachim Weidmann
+ Störungstheorie selbstadjungierter Operatoren 2000 Joachim Weidmann
+ Lineare Operatoren in Hilberträumen 2000 Joachim Weidmann
+ Spektraltheorie selbstadjungierter Operatoren 2000 Joachim Weidmann
+ Selbstadjungierte Fortsetzungen symmetrischer Operatoren 2000 Joachim Weidmann
+ Uniform Nonsubordinacy and the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum 1996 Joachim Weidmann
+ Approximation of isolated eigenvalues of general singular ordinary differential operators 1995 Günter Stolz
Joachim Weidmann
+ One-dimensional Schrödinger operators with local point interactions. 1995 Joachim Weidmann
Günter Stolz
D. Buschmann
+ On the point spectrum of self-adjoint extensions 1993 Johannes F. Brasche
Hagen Neidhardt
Joachim Weidmann
+ Regular approximations of singular Sturm-Liouville problems 1993 Paul B. Bailey
W. N. Everitt
Joachim Weidmann
Anton Zettl
+ On the Spectra of Selfadjoint Extensions 1993 Johannes F. Brasche
Hagen Neidhardt
Joachim Weidmann
+ Gottfried Köthe, 1905-1989 1990 Joachim Weidmann
+ Expansions in generalized eigenfunctions of selfadjoint operators 1989 Thomas Poerschke
Günter Stolz
Joachim Weidmann
+ Note to the paper by R. Hempel, A. M. Hinz, and H. Kalf: On the essential spectrum of Schr�dinger operators with spherically symmetric potentials 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Deficiency indices and self-adjoint extensions of T0 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Appendix to section 6: Semi-boundedness of Sturm-Liouville type operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Appendix to section 12: Operators with periodic coefficients on the half-line 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Oscillation theory for singular Sturm-Liouville operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Special properties of the spectral representation, spectral multiplicities 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ The resolvents of self-adjoint extensions of T0 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ The minimal operator and the maximal operator 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ The solutions of the inhomogeneous differential equation (τ-λ)u=f; Weyl's alternative 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Formally self-adjoint differential expressions 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ The spectral representation of self-adjoint extensions of T0 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ L2-solutions and essential spectrum 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Oscillation theory for Dirac systems, essential spectrum and absolutely continuous spectrum 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Some explicitly solvable problems 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Appendix to section 1: The separation of the Dirac operator 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Differential operators with periodic coefficients 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Appendix to section 2: Proof of the Lagrange identity for n>2 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Essential spectrum and absolutely continuous spectrum of Sturm-Liouville operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Oscillation theory for regular Sturm-Liouville operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat Stetige Abhängigkeit der Eigenwerte und Eigenfunktionen elliptischer Differentialoperatoren vom Gebiet. 1984 Joachim Weidmann
+ Absolut stetiges Spektrum bei Sturm-Liouville-Operatoren und Dirac-Systemen 1982 Joachim Weidmann
+ Continuity of the eigenvalues of self-adjoint operators with respect to the strong operator topology 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Differential operators on L 2(ℝm) 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Linear operators and their adjoints 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Monotone continuity of the spectral resolution and the eigenvalues 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Hilbert spaces 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Special classes of linear operators 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Closed linear operators 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ The spectral theory of self-adjoint and normal operators 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Perturbation theory for self-adjoint operators 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Vector spaces with a scalar product, pre-Hilbert spaces 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ Potential scattering in a homogeneous electrostatic field 1977 Krešimir Veselić
Joachim Weidmann
+ Lineare Operatoren in Hilbertschen Räumen 1976 Konrad Jörgens
Franz Rellich
Joachim Weidmann
+ Spektralzerlegung symmetrischer Operatoren 1976 Konrad Jörgens
Franz Rellich
Joachim Weidmann
+ Spectral theory of partial differential operators 1975 Joachim Weidmann
+ Asymptotic estimates of wave functions and the existence of wave operators 1974 Krešimir Veselić
Joachim Weidmann
+ Perturbations of self-adjoint operators in L2 (G) with applications to differential operators 1974 Joachim Weidmann
+ Scattering Theory for a General Class of Differential Operators 1974 Krešimir Veselić
Joachim Weidmann
+ Some remarks on a separation and limit-point criterion of second-order, ordinary differential expressions 1973 W. N. Everitt
M. Giertz
Joachim Weidmann
+ Spectra and essential spectra of selfadjoint and essentially selfadjoint operators 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ Operators acting only on part of the variables 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ Proof of theorem 11.16 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ Perturbations small at infinity 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ Schrödinger operators 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ Oszillationsmethoden f�r Systeme gew�hnlicher Differentialgleichungen 1971 Joachim Weidmann
+ Carlemanoperatoren 1970 Joachim Weidmann
+ On the essential spectrum 1969 Karl Gustafson
Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat Strong Carleman operators are of Hilbert-Schmidt type 1968 Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat The virial theorem and its application to the spectral theory of Schrödinger operators 1967 Joachim Weidmann
+ Zur Spektraltheorie von Sturm-Liouville-Operatoren 1967 Joachim Weidmann
+ On the continuous spectrum of schrödinger operators 1966 Joachim Weidmann
+ Ein Satz �ber nukleare Operatoren im Hilbertraum 1965 Joachim Weidmann
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Zur Spektraltheorie von Sturm-Liouville-Operatoren 1967 Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators 1987 Joachim Weidmann
+ Uniqueness of the self-adjoint extension of singular elliptic differential operators 1962 Teruo Ikebe
Tosio Kato
+ Lineare Operatoren in Hilberträumen 2000 Joachim Weidmann
+ Asymptotic estimates of wave functions and the existence of wave operators 1974 Krešimir Veselić
Joachim Weidmann
+ Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ On the existence of wave operators for Dirac operators 1974 Klaus -J�rgen Eckardt
+ Eigenfunction expansions associated with second-order differential equations 1946 E. C. Titchmarsh
+ On the existence and the unitary property of the scattering operator 1959 S. T. Kuroda
+ On the essential spectrum of an arbitrary operator. I 1966 Martin Schechter
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ On the essential spectrum 1969 Karl Gustafson
Joachim Weidmann
+ Perturbations of the dirac operator 1972 Konrad Jörgens
+ Linear operators. Part II. Spectral theory 2003 Nelson Dunford
Jacob T. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Scattering theory for differential operators, I, operator theory 1973 S. T. Kuroda
+ Regular approximations of singular Sturm-Liouville problems 1993 Paul B. Bailey
W. N. Everitt
Joachim Weidmann
Anton Zettl
+ Generalized resolvents and the boundary value problems for Hermitian operators with gaps 1991 Volodymyr Derkach
M. M. Malamud
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators 1973 Konrad Jörgens
Joachim Weidmann
+ N. I. Achieser und I. M. Glasmann, Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert‐Raum. (Mathematische Lehrbücher und Monographien, Band IV) XIII + 369 S. Berlin 1965. Akademie‐Verlag. Preis geb. MDN 28,– 1966 K. P. Hadeler
+ A Characterization of the Spectra of One-Dimensional Wave Equations 1949 Philip Hartman
+ Eigenfunction expansions associated with the Schroedinger operators and their applications to scattering theory 1960 Teruo Ikebe
+ The Least Cluster Point of the Spectrum of Boundary Value Problems 1948 Philip Hartman
C. R. Putnam
+ Invarianz des wesentlichen Spektrums bei Schrödingeroperatoren 1974 U Böcker
+ On a Problem of Weyl in the Theory of Singular Sturm-Liouville Equations 1957 N. Aronszajn
+ Scattering problems for differential operators with constant coefficients 1969 M. Sh. Birman
+ Differential equations with non-oscillatory eigenfunctions 1948 Philip Hartman
+ Linear Transformations in Hilbert Space and Their Applications to Analysis 1932 Margaret E. Stone
+ PDF Chat Wave and scattering operators for second-order elliptic operators in {$R\sp{3}$} 1968 Teruo Ikebe
Takao Tayoshi
+ Computing Eigenvalues of Singular Sturm-Liouville Problems 1991 Paul B. Bailey
W. N. Everitt
Anton Zettl
+ PDF Chat Wesentliche Selbstadjungiertheit singulärer elliptischer Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ordnung in $C_0^\infty(G)$. 1964 Konrad Jörgens
+ PDF Chat Fourier integral operators. I 1971 Lars Hörmander
+ Growth properties of solutions of the reduced wave equation with a variable coefficient 1959 Tosio Kato
+ Monotone continuity of the spectral resolution and the eigenvalues 1980 Joachim Weidmann
+ On the spectral theory of elliptic differential operators. I 1961 Felix E. Browder
+ Perturbation theory for nullity, deficiency and other quantities of linear operators 1958 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Invariance of the essential spectrum 1965 Martin Schechter
+ Unitary equivalence of stark Hamiltonians 1977 Ira Herbst
+ PDF Chat Trapping and cascading of eigenvalues in the large coupling limit 1988 Fritz Gesztesy
David Gurarie
Helge Holden
Martin Klaus
Lorenzo Sadun
Barry Simon
P. Vogl
+ Operators in Hilbert spaces 1995 Tosio Kato
+ Halbbeschr�nkte partielle Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ordnung vom elliptischen Typus 1958 Ernst Wienholtz
+ PDF Chat Møller operators for scattering on singular potentials 1966 Joachim Kupsch
W. Sandhas
+ PDF Chat Strong Carleman operators are of Hilbert-Schmidt type 1968 Joachim Weidmann
+ Expansions Associated with a Pair of Singular First-Order Differential Equations 1963 B. W. Roos
W. C. Sangren
+ Stability Theory of Differential Equations. 1954 J. J. L. Hinrichsen
Richard Bellman
+ On convergence to the møller wave operators 1958 M. N. Hack
+ On the invariance principle of scattering theory 1973 J. A. Donaldson
A. G. Gibson
R. Hersh
+ On the continuous spectrum of schrödinger operators 1966 Joachim Weidmann
+ PDF Chat On operators whose Fredholm set is the complex plane 1967 M. A. Kaashoek
David C. Lay
+ PDF Chat Scattering theory for second order elliptic operators 1975 Martin Schechter