Michele Gaio


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity and spectral control of network lasers 2022 Dhruv Saxena
Alexis Arnaudon
Oscar Cipolato
Michele Gaio
Alain Quentel
Sophia N. Yaliraki
Dario Pisignano
Andrea Camposeo
Mauricio Barahona
Riccardo Sapienza
+ Sensitivity and spectral control of network lasers 2022 Dhruv Saxena
Alexis Arnaudon
Oscar Cipolato
Michele Gaio
Alain Quentel
Sophia N. Yaliraki
Dario Pisignano
Andrea Camposeo
Mauricio Barahona
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Dye Stabilization and Wavelength Tunability in Lasing Fibers Based on DNA 2020 Luana Persano
Adam Szukalski
Michele Gaio
Maria Moffa
Giacomo Salvadori
Lech Sznitko
Andrea Camposeo
Jarosław Myśliwiec
Riccardo Sapienza
Benedetta Mennucci
+ Metal–Dielectric Parabolic Antenna for Directing Single Photons 2018 Sergii Morozov
Michele Gaio
Stefan A. Maier
Riccardo Sapienza
+ A nanophotonic laser on a graph 2017 Michele Gaio
Dhruv Saxena
Jacopo Bertolotti
Dario Pisignano
Andrea Camposeo
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Gain-Based Mechanism for <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mtext>H</mml:mtext></mml:mrow></mml:math> Sensing Based on Random Lasing 2017 Michele Gaio
Soraya Caixeiro
Benedetto Marelli
Fiorenzo G. Omenetto
Riccardo Sapienza
+ Reciprocal space engineering with hyperuniform gold metasurfaces 2017 Marta Castro-López
Michele Gaio
Steven Sellers
George Gkantzounis
Marian Florescu
Riccardo Sapienza
+ A nanophotonic laser on a graph 2017 Michele Gaio
Dhruv Saxena
Jacopo Bertolotti
Dario Pisignano
Andrea Camposeo
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Explaining the mechanism of random lasing based sensing 2016 Michele Gaio
Soraya Caixeiro
Benedetto Marelli
Fiorenzo G. Omenetto
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Modal Coupling of Single Photon Emitters Within Nanofiber Waveguides 2016 Michele Gaio
Maria Moffa
Marta Castro-López
Dario Pisignano
Andrea Camposeo
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Tuning random lasing in photonic glasses 2015 Michele Gaio
Matilda Peruzzo
Riccardo Sapienza
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Adaptive pumping for spectral control of random lasers 2014 Nicolas Bachelard
Sylvain Gigan
Xavier Noblin
Patrick Sebbah
+ PDF Chat Pump-Controlled Directional Light Emission from Random Lasers 2013 Thomas Hisch
Matthias Liertzer
D. Pogány
Florian Mintert
Stefan Rotter
+ PDF Chat Complex Active Optical Networks as a New Laser Concept 2017 Stefano Lepri
Cosimo Trono
Giovanni Giacomelli
+ PDF Chat Deep learning with coherent nanophotonic circuits 2017 Yichen Shen
Nicholas C. Harris
Scott A. Skirlo
Mihika Prabhu
Tom Baehr‐Jones
Michael Hochberg
Xin Sun
Shijie Zhao
Hugo Larochelle
Dirk Englund
+ PDF Chat Active control of emission directionality of semiconductor microdisk lasers 2014 Seng Fatt Liew
Brandon Redding
Li Ge
Glenn S. Solomon
Hui Cao
+ PDF Chat Experimental evidence of replica symmetry breaking in random lasers 2015 Neda Ghofraniha
Ilenia Viola
Francesca Di Maria
Giovanna Barbarella
Giuseppe Gigli
Luca Leuzzi
Claudio Conti
+ Quantum graphs: I. Some basic structures 2004 Peter Kuchment
+ PDF Chat Dynamic light diffusion, three-dimensional Anderson localization and lasing in inverted opals 2008 Claudio Conti
Andrea Fratalocchi
+ PDF Chat Modal Coupling of Single Photon Emitters Within Nanofiber Waveguides 2016 Michele Gaio
Maria Moffa
Marta Castro-López
Dario Pisignano
Andrea Camposeo
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Light diffusion and localization in three-dimensional nonlinear disordered media 2007 Claudio Conti
L. Angelani
G. Ruocco
+ PDF Chat Self-Organization of Atoms along a Nanophotonic Waveguide 2013 Darrick E. Chang
J. I. Cirac
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Optical gain in DNA-DCM for lasing in photonic materials 2009 Marco Leonetti
Riccardo Sapienza
Marta Ibisate
Claudio Conti
Cefe López
+ PDF Chat Single quantum emitters in monolayer semiconductors 2015 Yuming He
Genevieve Clark
John Schaibley
Yu He
Ming-Cheng Chen
Yu-Jia Wei
Xing Ding
Qiang Zhang
Wang Yao
Xiaodong Xu
+ PDF Chat Steady-state<i>ab initio</i>laser theory: Generalizations and analytic results 2010 Li Ge
Y. D. Chong
A. Douglas Stone
+ PDF Chat Non-Hermitian Euclidean random matrix theory 2011 Arthur Goetschy
S. E. Skipetrov
+ PDF Chat Controlled Light-Matter Coupling for a Single Quantum Dot Embedded in a Pillar Microcavity Using Far-Field Optical Lithography 2008 Adrien Dousse
L. Lanco
J. Suffczyński
Elizaveta Semenova
A. Miard
A. Lemaı̂tre
I. Sagnes
Christophe Roblin
J. Bloch
P. Senellart
+ PDF Chat A planar dielectric antenna for directional single-photon emission and near-unity collection efficiency 2011 K. G. Lee
Xuewen Chen
Hadi Eghlidi
Philipp Kukura
R. Lettow
Alois Renn
Vahid Sandoghdar
Stephan Götzinger
+ PDF Chat A diamond nanowire single-photon source 2010 Thomas M. Babinec
Birgit J. M. Hausmann
Mughees Khan
Yinan Zhang
J. R. Maze
Philip Hemmer
Marko Lončar
+ PDF Chat High-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>optical cavities in hyperuniform disordered materials 2015 Timothy Amoah
Marian Florescu
+ PDF Chat Coherent Interaction of Light and Single Molecules in a Dielectric Nanoguide 2014 Sanli Faez
Pierre Türschmann
Harald R. Haakh
Stephan Götzinger
Vahid Sandoghdar
+ PDF Chat Pump-controlled modal interactions in microdisk lasers 2015 Seng Fatt Liew
Li Ge
Brandon Redding
Glenn S. Solomon
Hui Cao
+ PDF Chat Quantum random networks 2010 Sébastien Perseguers
Maciej Lewenstein
Antonio Acín
J. I. Cirac
+ Isotropic band gaps and freeform waveguides observed in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids 2013 Weining Man
Marian Florescu
Eric Paul Williamson
Yingquan He
Seyed Hashemizad
Brian Leung
Devin Liner
Salvatore Torquato
P. M. Chaikin
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ Quantitative verification of ab initio self-consistent laser theory 2008 Li Ge
Robert J. Tandy
A. Douglas Stone
Hakan E. Türeci
+ PDF Chat Transport through modes in random media 2011 Jing Wang
Azriel Z. Genack
+ PDF Chat Strong Interactions in Multimode Random Lasers 2008 Hakan E. Türeci
Li Ge
Stefan Rotter
A. Douglas Stone
+ PDF Chat Efficient Channeling of Fluorescence Photons from Single Quantum Dots into Guided Modes of Optical Nanofiber 2012 Ramachandrarao Yalla
Fam Le Kien
Makoto Morinaga
K. Hakuta
+ PDF Chat Near-Unity Coupling Efficiency of a Quantum Emitter to a Photonic Crystal Waveguide 2014 M. Arcari
Immo Söllner
Alisa Javadi
Sofie Lindskov Hansen
Sahand Mahmoodian
J. Liu
Henri Thyrrestrup
Eun Hye Lee
J. D. Song
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Spatial Coherence in Complex Photonic and Plasmonic Systems 2013 A. Cazé
Romain Pierrat
Rémi Carminati
+ PDF Chat Time Dependent Theory for Random Lasers 2000 Xunya Jiang
C. M. Soukoulis
+ PDF Chat Quantum interference in plasmonic circuits 2013 Reinier Heeres
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
Valéry Zwiller
+ PDF Chat General Phase Diagram of Multimodal Ordered and Disordered Lasers in Closed and Open Cavities 2015 F Antenucci
Claudio Conti
A. Crisanti
Luca Leuzzi
+ PDF Chat Optical cavities and waveguides in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids 2013 Marian Florescu
Paul J. Steinhardt
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theory of quantum transport 1997 C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Controllability of structural brain networks 2015 Shi Gu
Fabio Pasqualetti
Matthew Cieslak
Qawi K. Telesford
Alfred B. Yu
Ari E. Kahn
John D. Medaglia
Jean M. Vettel
Michael B. Miller
Scott T. Grafton
+ PDF Chat Spatial Extent of Random Laser Modes 2007 K.L. van der Molen
R.W. Tjerkstra
Allard P. Mosk
Ad Lagendijk
+ PDF Chat From closed to open one-dimensional Anderson model: Transport versus spectral statistics 2012 S. Sorathia
F. M. Izrailev
V. G. Zelevinsky
G. L. Celardo
+ PDF Chat Controlling Spontaneous Emission with Plasmonic Optical Patch Antennas 2013 Chérif Belacel
B. Habert
Florian Bigourdan
François Marquier
J.-P. Hugonin
Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos
X. Lafosse
Laurent Coolen
Catherine Schwob
C. Javaux
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 Réka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons 2007 Darrick E. Chang
Anders S. Sørensen
Eugene Demler
Mikhail D. Lukin
+ PDF Chat Speckle-free laser imaging using random laser illumination 2012 Brandon Redding
Michael A. Choma
Hui Cao
+ Designer disordered materials with large, complete photonic band gaps 2009 Marian Florescu
Salvatore Torquato
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Localization of ultrasound in a three-dimensional elastic network 2008 Hefei Hu
Anatoliy Strybulevych
J. H. Page
S. E. Skipetrov
B. A. van Tiggelen
+ PDF Chat The mode-locking transition of random lasers 2011 Marco Leonetti
Claudio Conti
Cefe López
+ PDF Chat Bright single-photon sources in bottom-up tailored nanowires 2012 Michael E. Reimer
Gabriele Bulgarini
N. Akopian
Moïra Hocevar
Maaike Bouwes Bavinck
Marcel A. Verheijen
Erik P. A. M. Bakkers
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
Val Zwiller
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 Michael Newman
+ PDF Chat Physically Transient Photonics: Random <i>versus</i> Distributed Feedback Lasing Based on Nanoimprinted DNA 2014 Andrea Camposeo
Pompilio Del Carro
Luana Persano
Konrad Cyprych
Adam Szukalski
Lech Sznitko
Jarosław Myśliwiec
Dario Pisignano
+ PDF Chat Tuning random lasing in photonic glasses 2015 Michele Gaio
Matilda Peruzzo
Riccardo Sapienza
+ PDF Chat Quantum graphs: Applications to quantum chaos and universal spectral statistics 2006 Sven Gnutzmann∥
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Chat A random laser as a dynamical network 2014 Michael Höfner
H-J. Wünsche
F. Henneberger