Pere Mujal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quantum reservoir computing in atomic lattices 2024 Guillem Llodrà
Pere Mujal
Roberta Zambrini
Gian Luca Giorgi
+ PDF Chat Harnessing quantum back-action for time-series processing 2024 Giacomo Franceschetto
Marcin Płodzień
Maciej Lewenstein
Antonio Acín
Pere Mujal
+ PDF Chat Certifying steady-state properties of open quantum systems 2024 Luke Mortimer
Donato Farina
G. Di Bello
David N. Jansen
Andreas Leitherer
Pere Mujal
Antonio Acín
+ PDF Chat Time-series quantum reservoir computing with weak and projective measurements 2023 Pere Mujal
Rodrigo Martínez‐Peña
Gian Luca Giorgi
Miguel C. Soriano
Roberta Zambrini
+ PDF Chat Quantum Reservoir Computing for Speckle Disorder Potentials 2022 Pere Mujal
+ Quantum Reservoir Computing for Speckle-Disorder Potentials 2022 Pere Mujal
+ Time Series Quantum Reservoir Computing with Weak and Projective Measurements 2022 Pere Mujal
Rodrigo Martínez‐Peña
Gian Luca Giorgi
Miguel C. Soriano
Roberta Zambrini
+ PDF Chat Opportunities in Quantum Reservoir Computing and Extreme Learning Machines 2021 Pere Mujal
Rodrigo Martínez‐Peña
Johannes Nokkala
Jorge García‐Beni
Gian Luca Giorgi
Miguel C. Soriano
Roberta Zambrini
+ PDF Chat Supervised learning of few dirty bosons with variable particle number 2021 Pere Mujal
Àlex Martínez Miguel
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Sebastiano Pilati
+ PDF Chat Report on 2010.03875v2 2021 Pere Mujal
A. Miguel
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Sebastiano Pilati
+ PDF Chat Report on 2010.03875v2 2021 Pere Mujal
A. Miguel
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Sebastiano Pilati
+ PDF Chat Report on 2010.03875v1 2020 Pere Mujal
A. Miguel
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Sebastiano Pilati
+ PDF Chat Report on 2010.03875v1 2020 Pere Mujal
A. Miguel
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Sebastiano Pilati
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit-coupled bosons interacting in a two-dimensional harmonic trap 2020 Pere Mujal
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ PDF Chat Few-boson localization in a continuum with speckle disorder 2019 Pere Mujal
A. Polls
Sebastiano Pilati
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ Anderson localization of few interacting bosons in a continuum with speckle disorder 2019 Pere Mujal
A. Polls
Sebastiano Pilati
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ PDF Chat Fermionic Properties of Two Interacting Bosons in a Two-Dimensional Harmonic Trap 2018 Pere Mujal
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ PDF Chat Quantum correlations and degeneracy of identical bosons in a two-dimensional harmonic trap 2017 Pere Mujal
Enric Sarlé
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ PDF Chat Quantum properties of a binary bosonic mixture in a double well 2016 Pere Mujal
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
A. Polls
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Machine learning and the physical sciences 2019 Giuseppe Carleo
J. I. Cirac
K. Cranmer
Laurent Daudet
Maria Schuld
Naftali Tishby
Leslie Vogt-Maranto
Lenka Zdeborová
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter waves in a controlled disorder 2008 Juliette Billy
Vincent Josse
Zhanchun Zuo
Alain Bernard
Ben Hambrecht
Pierre Lugan
David Clément
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization of a non-interacting Bose–Einstein condensate 2008 G. Roati
Chiara D’Errico
L. Fallani
M. Fattori
C. Fort
Matteo Zaccanti
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
M. Modugno
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Collective dynamics and expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a random potential 2006 M. Modugno
+ Numerically exact approach to few-body problems far from a perturbative regime 2018 Marcin Płodzień
Dariusz Wiater
Andrzej Chrostowski
Tomasz Sowiński
+ PDF Chat Few-boson localization in a continuum with speckle disorder 2019 Pere Mujal
A. Polls
Sebastiano Pilati
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ PDF Chat Quantum machine learning 2017 Jacob Biamonte
Péter Wittek
Nicola Pancotti
Patrick Rebentrost
Nathan Wiebe
Seth Lloyd
+ PDF Chat Machine learning for quantum matter 2020 Juan Carrasquilla
+ PDF Chat Bypassing the Kohn-Sham equations with machine learning 2017 Felix Brockherde
Leslie Vogt-Maranto
Li Li
Mark E. Tuckerman
Kieron Burke
Klaus‐Robert Müller
+ PDF Chat Quantum Machine Learning in Feature Hilbert Spaces 2019 Maria Schuld
Nathan Killoran
+ PDF Chat Deep learning and density-functional theory 2019 Kevin Ryczko
David A. Strubbe
Isaac Tamblyn
+ PDF Chat Extensive deep neural networks for transferring small scale learning to large scale systems 2019 Kyle Mills
Kevin Ryczko
Iryna Luchak
Adam Domurad
Chris Beeler
Isaac Tamblyn
+ PDF Chat Deep Learning the Hohenberg-Kohn Maps of Density Functional Theory 2020 Javier Robledo Moreno
Giuseppe Carleo
Antoine Georges
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Finding Density Functionals with Machine Learning 2012 John Snyder
Matthias Rupp
Katja Hansen
Klaus‐Robert Müller
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Machine learning unifies the modeling of materials and molecules 2017 Albert P. Bartók
Sandip De
Carl Poelking
Noam Bernstein
James R. Kermode
Gábor Cśanyi
Michele Ceriotti
+ PDF Chat Prediction Errors of Molecular Machine Learning Models Lower than Hybrid DFT Error 2017 Felix A. Faber
Luke A. D. Hutchison
Bing Huang
Justin Gilmer
Samuel S. Schoenholz
George E. Dahl
Oriol Vinyals
Steven Kearnes
Patrick Riley
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld
+ PDF Chat Understanding machine‐learned density functionals 2015 Li Li
John Snyder
Isabelle M. Pelaschier
Jessica Huang
Uma‐Naresh Niranjan
Paul Duncan
Matthias Rupp
Klaus‐Robert Müller
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain: a review of recent progress 2018 Vedran Dunjko
Hans J. Briegel
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ PDF Chat Scalable neural networks for the efficient learning of disordered quantum systems 2020 N. Saraceni
Simone Cantori
Sebastiano Pilati
+ PDF Chat Communication: Understanding molecular representations in machine learning: The role of uniqueness and target similarity 2016 Bing Huang
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld
+ PDF Chat How to represent crystal structures for machine learning: Towards fast prediction of electronic properties 2014 Kristof T. Schütt
Henning Glawe
Felix Brockherde
Antonio Sanna
K. Müller
E. K. U. Gross
+ Interacting ultracold few-boson systems 2019 Pere Mujal Torreblanca
+ PDF Chat Ultracold Bose Gases in 1D Disorder: From Lifshits Glass to Bose-Einstein Condensate 2007 Pierre Lugan
David Clément
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
Maciej Lewenstein
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
+ PDF Chat Weakly interacting Bose gas in a random environment 2009 G. M. Falco
T. Nattermann
V. L. Pokrovsky
+ PDF Chat From Few to Many: Observing the Formation of a Fermi Sea One Atom at a Time 2013 A. N. Wenz
G. Zürn
Simon Murmann
Ioannis Brouzos
Thomas Lompe
Selim Jochim
+ PDF Chat Two trapped particles interacting by a finite-range two-body potential in two spatial dimensions 2013 Rostislav A. Doganov
Shachar Klaiman
Ofir E. Alon
Alexej I. Streltsov
Lorenz S. Cederbaum
+ Quantum machine learning and quantum biomimetics: A perspective 2020 Lucas Lamata
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Phase Transitions in Quantum Reservoir Computing 2021 Rodrigo Martínez‐Peña
Gian Luca Giorgi
Johannes Nokkala
Miguel C. Soriano
Roberta Zambrini
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Preparation of a Tunable Few-Fermion System 2011 Friedhelm Serwane
G. Zürn
Thomas Lompe
T. B. Ottenstein
A. N. Wenz
Selim Jochim
+ PDF Chat Harnessing Disordered-Ensemble Quantum Dynamics for Machine Learning 2017 Keisuke Fujii
Kohei Nakajima
+ PDF Chat Reconstructing Quantum States With Quantum Reservoir Networks 2020 Sanjib Ghosh
Andrzej Opala
Michał Matuszewski
Tomasz Paterek
T. C. H. Liew
+ PDF Chat Echo state networks are universal 2018 Lyudmila Grigoryeva
Juan‐Pablo Ortega
+ PDF Chat Optimizing a quantum reservoir computer for time series prediction 2020 Aki Kutvonen
Keisuke Fujii
Takahiro Sagawa
+ Recent advances in physical reservoir computing: A review 2019 Gouhei Tanaka
Toshiyuki Yamane
J. B. Héroux
Ryosho Nakane
Naoki Kanazawa
Seiji Takeda
Hidetoshi Numata
Daiju Nakano
Akira Hirose
+ PDF Chat Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces 2019 Vojtěch Havlíček
Antonio Córcoles
Kristan Temme
Aram W. Harrow
Abhinav Kandala
Jerry M. Chow
Jay Gambetta
+ PDF Chat Quantum correlations and degeneracy of identical bosons in a two-dimensional harmonic trap 2017 Pere Mujal
Enric Sarlé
A. Polls
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
+ PDF Chat Quantum machine learning: a classical perspective 2018 Carlo Ciliberto
Mark Herbster
Alessandro Davide Ialongo
Massimiliano Pontil
Andrea Rocchetto
Simone Severini
Leonard Wossnig
+ PDF Chat Probing the Superfluid–to–Mott Insulator Transition at the Single-Atom Level 2010 Waseem Bakr
Amy Peng
M. Eric Tai
Ruichao Ma
Jonathan Simon
Jonathon Gillen
Simon Fölling
Lode Pollet
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Single-atom-resolved fluorescence imaging of an atomic Mott insulator 2010 Jacob Sherson
Christof Weitenberg
Manuel Endres
Marc Cheneau
Immanuel Bloch
Stefan Kuhr
+ PDF Chat Effective-interaction approach to the many-boson problem 2009 J. Christensson
C. Forssén
Sven Åberg
S. M. Reimann
+ PDF Chat Exact few-body results for strongly correlated quantum gases in two dimensions 2010 Xia-Ji Liu
Hui Hu
P. D. Drummond
+ PDF Chat Quantum correlations and spatial localization in one-dimensional ultracold bosonic mixtures 2014 Miguel Ángel García-March
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
G. E. Astrakharchik
Thomas Busch
J. Boronat
A. Polls
+ PDF Chat Extended fermionization of 1D bosons in optical lattices 2006 Guido Pupillo
Ana María Rey
Carl J. Williams
Charles W. Clark
+ PDF Chat Ground-state properties of few dipolar bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional harmonic trap 2010 F. Deuretzbacher
J. C. Cremon
S. M. Reimann
+ A geometric wave function for a few interacting bosons in a harmonic trap 2014 B. Wilson
Angela Foerster
C. C. N. Kuhn
I. Roditi
D. Rubeni
+ PDF Chat Crystalline Boson Phases in Harmonic Traps: Beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii Mean Field 2004 Igor Romanovsky
Constantine Yannouleas
Uzi Landman
+ PDF Chat Sharp crossover from composite fermionization to phase separation in microscopic mixtures of ultracold bosons 2013 Miguel Ángel García-March
Bruno Juliá-Díaz
G. E. Astrakharchik
Thomas Busch
J. Boronat
A. Polls
+ PDF Chat Few-body physics with ultracold atomic and molecular systems in traps 2012 D. Blume