Raphaël Tinarrage


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Empirical analysis of Biding Precedent efficiency in the Brazilian Supreme Court via Similar Case Retrieval 2024 Raphaël Tinarrage
Henrique Ennes
Lucas E. Resck
Lucas T. Gomes
Jean R. Ponciano
Jorge Poco
+ Train-Free Segmentation in MRI with Cubical Persistent Homology 2024 Anton François
Raphaël Tinarrage
+ PDF Chat Recovering the Homology of Immersed Manifolds 2023 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ TDANetVis: Suggesting temporal resolutions for graph visualization using zigzag persistent homology 2023 Raphaël Tinarrage
Jean R. Ponciano
Cláudio D. G. Linhares
Agma J. M. Traina
Jorge Poco
+ LieDetect: Detection of representation orbits of compact Lie groups from point clouds 2023 Henrique Ennes
Raphaël Tinarrage
+ PDF Chat Computing persistent Stiefel–Whitney classes of line bundles 2021 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ Simplicial approximation to CW complexes in practice 2021 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ PDF Chat Recovering the homology of immersed manifolds 2020 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ Computing persistent Stiefel-Whitney classes of line bundles. 2020 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ DTM-Based Filtrations 2020 Hirokazu Anai
Frédéric Chazal
Marc Glisse
Yuichi Ike
Hiroya Inakoshi
Raphaël Tinarrage
Yuhei Umeda
+ Recovering the homology of immersed manifolds 2019 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ PDF Chat DTM-based Filtrations 2019 Hirokazu Anai
Frédéric Chazal
Marc Glisse
Yuichi Ike
Hiroya Inakoshi
Raphaël Tinarrage
Yuhei Umeda
+ DTM-based Filtrations 2018 Hirokazu Anai
Frédéric Chazal
Marc Glisse
Yuichi Ike
Hiroya Inakoshi
Raphaël Tinarrage
Yuhei Umeda
+ DTM-based Filtrations 2018 Hirokazu Anai
Frédéric Chazal
Marc Glisse
Yuichi Ike
Hiroya Inakoshi
Raphaël Tinarrage
Yuhei Umeda
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Structure and Stability of Persistence Modules 2016 Frédéric Chazal
Vin de Silva
Marc Glisse
Steve Oudot
+ Towards persistence-based reconstruction in euclidean spaces 2008 Frédéric Chazal
Steve Oudot
+ PDF Chat Weighted persistent homology 2019 G. Bell
Austin Lawson
Joshua M. Martin
James Rudzinski
Clifford Smyth
+ The union of balls and its dual shape 1993 Herbert Edelsbrunner
+ Estimating the reach of a manifold 2019 Eddie Aamari
Jisu Kim
Frédéric Chazal
Bertrand Michel
Alessandro Rinaldo
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Witnessed k-Distance 2012 Leonidas Guibas
Dmitriy Morozov
Quentin Mérigot
+ PDF Chat Efficient and robust persistent homology for measures 2016 Mickaël Buchet
Frédéric Chazal
Steve Oudot
Donald R. Sheehy
+ Decomposition of persistence modules 2019 Magnus Bakke Botnan
William Crawley-Boevey
+ Geometric and Topological Inference 2018 Jean‐Daniel Boissonnat
Frédéric Chazal
Mariette Yvinec
+ Minimal triangulations of Kummer varieties 1987 Wolfgang Kühnel
+ Persistent Cohomology Operations 2011 Aubrey Rae Hb
+ On Time-Series Topological Data Analysis: New Data and Opportunities 2016 Lee M. Seversky
Shelby R. Davis
Matthew Berger
+ PDF Chat Multiscale Projective Coordinates via Persistent Cohomology of Sparse Filtrations 2017 José A. Perea
+ PDF Chat Linear-Size Approximations to the Vietoris–Rips Filtration 2013 Donald R. Sheehy
+ Elements of Algebraic Topology 2018 James R. Munkres
+ Algebraic topology 2001 Allen Hatcher
+ The Morse theory of Čech and Delaunay complexes 2016 Ulrich Bauer
Herbert Edelsbrunner
+ PDF Chat Persistence stability for geometric complexes 2013 Frédéric Chazal
Vin de Silva
Steve Oudot
+ Geometric Measure Theory 2016 Frank Morgan
+ Riemannian geometry 1992 Manfredo do Carmo
+ PDF Chat The Varifold Representation of Nonoriented Shapes for Diffeomorphic Registration 2013 Nicolas Charon
Alain Trouvé
+ PDF Chat How many simplices are needed to triangulate a Grassmannian? 2020 Dejan Govc
Wacław Marzantowicz
Petar Pavešić
+ PDF Chat Computing persistent Stiefel–Whitney classes of line bundles 2021 Raphaël Tinarrage
+ Multiple points of immersed manifolds 1981 Ralph J. Herbert
+ PDF Chat On the Reconstruction of Geodesic Subspaces of ℝN 2022 Brittany Terese Fasy
Rafał Komendarczyk
Sushovan Majhi
Carola Wenk
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ Estimation of intrinsic dimensionality of samples from noisy low-dimensional manifolds in high dimensions with multiscale SVD 2009 Anna Little
Jason D. Lee
Yoon-Mo Jung
Mauro Maggioni
+ Almost Convex Subsets 2005 Alexander Lytchak
+ PDF Chat Gauss Equation And Injectivity Radii For Subspaces in Spaces of Curvature Bounded Above 2006 Stephanie Alexander
Richard L. Bishop
+ Empirical geometry of multivariate data: a deconvolution approach 2000 Vladimir Koltchinskii
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional alpha shapes 1994 Herbert Edelsbrunner
Ernst P. Mücke
+ PDF Chat Stability and Computation of Topological Invariants of Solids in ${\Bbb R}^n$ 2007 Frédéric Chazal
André Lieutier
+ Vitesses de convergence en inférence géométrique 2017 Eddie Aamari
+ PDF Chat The reach, metric distortion, geodesic convexity and the variation of tangent spaces 2019 Jean‐Daniel Boissonnat
André Lieutier
Mathijs Wintraecken
+ Geometric and Topological Inference 2018 Jean‐Daniel Boissonnat
Frédéric Chazal
Mariette Yvinec
+ DTM-Based Filtrations 2020 Hirokazu Anai
Frédéric Chazal
Marc Glisse
Yuichi Ike
Hiroya Inakoshi
Raphaël Tinarrage
Yuhei Umeda
+ PDF Chat Weak and approximate curvatures of a measure: A varifold perspective 2022 Blanche Buet
Gian Paolo Leonardi
Simon Masnou
+ PDF Chat Vector diffusion maps and the connection Laplacian 2012 Amit Singer
Hau‐Tieng Wu
+ PDF Chat The shape of data and probability measures 2018 Diego Hernán Díaz Martínez
Facundo Mémoli
Washington Mio
+ PDF Chat Statistical topology via Morse theory persistence and nonparametric estimation 2010 Peter Bubenik
Gunnar Carlsson
Peter T. Kim
Zhi‐Ming Luo
+ PDF Chat Nonasymptotic rates for manifold, tangent space and curvature estimation 2018 Eddie Aamari
Clément Levrard
+ PDF Chat Recovering the Homology of Immersed Manifolds 2023 Raphaël Tinarrage