K. G. Dvoyan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Electronic States and Light Absorption in a Cylindrical Quantum Dot Having Thin Falciform Cross Section 2015 K. G. Dvoyan
David B. Hayrapetyan
É. M. Kazaryan
A. A. Tshantshapanyan
+ Theory of Confined States of Positronium in Spherical and Circular Quantum Dots with Kane's Dispersion Law 2015 K. G. Dvoyan
Sergey G Matinyan
Branislav Vlahović
+ Direct Interband Light Absorption in Strongly Prolated Ellipsoidal Quantum Dots' Ensemble 2015 K. G. Dvoyan
David B. Hayrapetyan
É. M. Kazaryan
+ Electronic States and Light Absorption in a Cylindrical Quantum Dot Having Thin Falciform Cross Section 2015 K. G. Dvoyan
David B. Hayrapetyan
É. M. Kazaryan
A. A. Tshantshapanyan
+ PDF Chat Analytical and numerical calculations of spectral and optical characteristics of spheroidal quantum dots 2013 А. А. Гусев
Lương Lê Hải
S. I. Vinitsky
О. Чулуунбаатар
Vladimir L. Derbov
A. S. Klombotskaya
K. G. Dvoyan
H.A. Sarkisyan
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic description of nonspherical quantum dot models 2012 А. А. Гусев
О. Чулуунбаатар
S. I. Vinitsky
K. G. Dvoyan
É. M. Kazaryan
H.A. Sarkisyan
Vladimir L. Derbov
A. S. Klombotskaya
Vladislav V. Serov
+ PDF Chat Confined states of a positronium in a spherical quantum dot 2011 K. G. Dvoyan
+ Confined States of a Positronium in a Spherical Quantum Dot 2010 K. G. Dvoyan
+ Confined States of a Positronium in a Spherical Quantum Dot 2010 K. G. Dvoyan
+ PDF Chat Electronic States and Light Absorption in a Cylindrical Quantum Dot Having Thin Falciform Cross Section 2008 K. G. Dvoyan
David B. Hayrapetyan
É. M. Kazaryan
A. A. Tshantshapanyan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ ODPEVP: A program for computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and their first derivatives with respect to the parameter of the parametric self-adjoined Sturm–Liouville problem 2009 О. Чулуунбаатар
А. А. Гусев
S. I. Vinitsky
A.G. Abrashkevich
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Computer Analysis of Spheroidal Quantum Dot Models 2010 А. А. Гусев
О. Чулуунбаатар
Vladimir P. Gerdt
V. A. Rostovt︠s︡ev
S. I. Vinitsky
Vladimir L. Derbov
Vladislav V. Serov
+ Algorithm for reduction of boundary-value problems in multistep adiabatic approximation 2010 А. А. Гусев
О. Чулуунбаатар
Vladimir P. Gerdt
Blagoja Markovski
Vladislav V. Serov
S. I. Vinitsky
+ PDF Chat A program for coupled-channel calculations with all order couplings for heavy-ion fusion reactions 1999 K. Hagino
N. Rowley
A. T. Kruppa
+ Quantum Poincaré sections for two-dimensional billiards 1993 Bruno Crespi
Gabriel Pérez
Shau-Jin Chang
+ Constants of motion for separable one-particle problems with cylinder symmetry 1972 Klaus Helfrich
+ PDF Chat Confined states of a positronium in a spherical quantum dot 2011 K. G. Dvoyan
+ PDF Chat Spectroscopy of Nanoscopic Semiconductor Rings 2000 A. Lorke
R.J. Luyken
Alexander O. Govorov
J. P. Kotthaus
J. M. Garcı́a
P. M. Petroff
+ PDF Chat Coupled nonidentical microdisks: Avoided crossing of energy levels and unidirectional far-field emission 2009 Jung-Wan Ryu
Soo-Young Lee
Sang Wook Kim
+ PDF Chat Electronic States and Light Absorption in a Cylindrical Quantum Dot Having Thin Falciform Cross Section 2008 K. G. Dvoyan
David B. Hayrapetyan
É. M. Kazaryan
A. A. Tshantshapanyan
+ <i>Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis</i> 1960 L. V. Kantorovich
V. I. Krylov
Curtis D. Benster
George H. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Symbolic-Numerical Algorithms for Solving Parabolic Quantum Well Problem with Hydrogen-Like Impurity 2009 S. I. Vinitsky
О. Чулуунбаатар
Vladimir P. Gerdt
А. А. Гусев
V. A. Rostovt︠s︡ev
+ Eigenvalues of Spheroidal Wave Functions and Their Branch Points for Complex Values of Propagation Constants 1970 T. Oguchi
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic description of nonspherical quantum dot models 2012 А. А. Гусев
О. Чулуунбаатар
S. I. Vinitsky
K. G. Dvoyan
É. M. Kazaryan
H.A. Sarkisyan
Vladimir L. Derbov
A. S. Klombotskaya
Vladislav V. Serov
+ PDF Chat The Positronium state in quartz 2009 B. Barbiellini
P. M. Platzman
+ A symbolic-numerical algorithm for the computation of matrix elements in the parametric eigenvalue problem 2007 S. I. Vinitsky
Vladimir P. Gerdt
А. А. Гусев
M. S. Kaschiev
V. A. Rostovt︠s︡ev
В. Н. Самойлов
Tatiana Tyupikova
О. Чулуунбаатар
+ Adiabatic approach to the problem of a quantum well with a hydrogen-like impurity 2010 А. А. Гусев
О. Чулуунбаатар
S. I. Vinitsky
Vladimir L. Derbov
É. M. Kazaryan
A. A. Kostanyan
H.A. Sarkisyan
+ PDF Chat Hemispheroidal quantum harmonic oscillator 2008 D. N. Poenaru
R. A. Gherghescu
Andrey V. Solov’yov
Walter Greiner
+ Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis 1960 A. S. Householder
L. V. Kantorovich
V. I. Krylov
+ Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis. 1960 Hans Sagan
L. V. Kantorovich
V. I. Krylov
Curtis D. Benster
+ PDF Chat Interacting electrons in quantum dots 2001 Yeong E. Kim
Alexander L. Zubarev
+ PDF Chat Confined states in two-dimensional flat elliptic quantum dots and elliptic quantum wires 2001 Maries van den Broek
F. M. Peeters
+ PDF Chat Relativistic Quantum Theory 2020 James E. Dodd
Ben Gripaios
+ A Symbolic-Numerical Algorithm for Solving the Eigenvalue Problem for a Hydrogen Atom in Magnetic Field 2006 А. А. Гусев
Vladimir P. Gerdt
M. S. Kaschiev
V. A. Rostovt︠s︡ev
V. N. Samoylov
T. V. Tupikova
S. I. Vinitsky