Thomas Oliver


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Murmurations of Dirichlet Characters 2025 Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
Alexey Pozdnyakov
+ Murmurations of Elliptic Curves 2024 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
Alexey Pozdnyakov
+ PDF Chat Machine learning class numbers of real quadratic fields 2023 Malik Amir
Yang‐Hui He
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
Eldar Sultanow
+ Murmurations of Dirichlet characters 2023 Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
Alexey Pozdnyakov
+ Machine learning invariants of arithmetic curves 2022 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ Convergence of Kac--Moody Eisenstein Series over a function field 2022 Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Dongwen Liu
Thomas Oliver
+ Murmurations of elliptic curves 2022 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
Alexey Pozdnyakov
+ Machine Learning Class Numbers of Real Quadratic Fields 2022 Malik Amir
Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
Eldar Sultanow
+ Machine-learning number fields 2022 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat Machine-learning the Sato–Tate conjecture 2021 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat Character expansion of Kac–Moody correction factors 2021 Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Dongwen Liu
Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat Ratios of Artin L-functions 2021 Leonhard Hochfilzer
Thomas Oliver
+ Machine-Learning Arithmetic Curves 2020 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ Twisting moduli for GL(2) 2020 Benjamin Bedert
G. L. Cooper
Thomas Oliver
Pengcheng Zhang
+ Twisting moduli for GL(2) 2020 Benjamin Bedert
G. L. Cooper
Thomas Oliver
Pengcheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Weil’s converse theorem for Maass forms and cancellation of zeros 2020 Michael Neururer
Thomas Oliver
+ Machine-Learning the Sato--Tate Conjecture 2020 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ Machine-Learning Number Fields 2020 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ Ratios of Artin L-functions 2019 Leonhard Hochfilzer
Thomas Oliver
+ Two converse theorems for Maass forms 2018 Michael Neururer
Thomas Oliver
+ Weil's converse theorem for Maass forms and cancellation of zeros 2018 Michael Neururer
Thomas Oliver
+ Cancellation of zeros between automorphic L-functions and converse theorems for Maass forms 2018 Michael Neururer
Thomas Oliver
+ Weil's converse theorem for Maass forms and cancellation of zeros 2018 Michael Neururer
Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat A conjectural extension of Hecke’s converse theorem 2017 Sandro Bettin
Jonathan Bober
Andrew R. Booker
Brian Conrey
Min Lee
Giuseppe Molteni
Thomas Oliver
David J. Platt
Raphael S. Steiner
+ Automorphicity and mean-periodicity 2017 Thomas Oliver
+ Analytic Number Theory and Related Areas 2017 Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat Zeta integrals on arithmetic surfaces 2016 Thomas Oliver
+ Notes on Low Degree L-Data 2016 Thomas Oliver
+ Degree 2 Quotients of L-Functions 2016 Thomas Oliver
Michalis Neururer
+ Notes on Low Degree L-Data 2016 Thomas Oliver
+ Higher dimensional adeles, mean-periodicity and zeta functions of arithmetic surfaces 2014 Thomas Oliver
+ Hecke Characters and the Mean-Periodicity Correspondence for CM Elliptic Curves 2013 Thomas Oliver
+ Automorphicity and Mean-Periodicity 2013 Thomas Oliver
+ Zeta Functions on Arithmetic Surfaces 2013 Thomas Oliver
+ Automorphicity and Mean-Periodicity 2013 Thomas Oliver
+ XXV.—The Influence of Twist on the Strength of a Thread 1907 Thomas Oliver
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Automorphic forms and representations 1997 Daniel Bump
+ PDF Chat Weil's Converse Theorem with Poles 2013 Andrew R. Booker
M. Krishnamurthy
+ PDF Chat Machine-learning the Sato–Tate conjecture 2021 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1994 Joseph H. Silverman
+ De Rham cohomology and conductors of curves 1987 Spencer Bloch
+ Analysis on arithmetic schemes. II 2010 Ivan Fesenko
+ Adelic Approach to the Zeta Function of Arithmetic Schemes in Dimension Two 2008 Ivan Fesenko
+ PDF Chat On a representation of the idele class group related to primes and zeros of L-functions 2005 Ralf Meyer
+ Machine Learning meets Number Theory: The Data Science of Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer 2019 Laura Alessandretti
Andrea Baronchelli
Yang‐Hui He
+ PDF Chat Simple zeros of automorphic -functions 2019 Andrew R. Booker
Peter J. Cho
Myoungil Kim
+ PDF Chat A Comparison of Zeros of $L$–functions 1999 Ravi Raghunathan
+ �ber die Bestimmung Dirichletscher Reihen durch Funktionalgleichungen 1967 Andr� Weil
+ Machine-learning number fields 2022 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat Mean-periodicity and zeta functions 2012 Ivan Fesenko
Guillaume Ricotta
Masatoshi Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ PDF Chat Distinct zeros of L-functions 1998 Enrico Bombieri
Alberto Perelli
+ Conductor, discriminant, and the Noether formula of arithmetic surfaces 1988 Takeshi Saito
+ PDF Chat Linear independence of L-functions 2006 Jerzy Kaczorowski
Giuseppe Molteni
Alberto Perelli
+ PDF Chat Riemann’s zeta function and beyond 2003 Stephen Gelbart
Stephen D. Miller
+ PDF Chat $$L$$ L -functions as distributions 2015 Andrew R. Booker
+ PDF Chat Quiver mutations, Seiberg duality, and machine learning 2020 Jiakang Bao
SebastiĂĄn Franco
Yang‐Hui He
Edward Hirst
Gregg Musiker
Yan Xiao
+ PDF Chat Machine learning of Calabi-Yau volumes 2017 Daniel Krefl
Rak-Kyeong Seong
+ On Converse Theorems for GL(2) and GL(1) 1981 Wen-Ch'ing Winnie Li
+ The Calabi-Yau Landscape: from Geometry, to Physics, to Machine-Learning 2018 Yang‐Hui He
+ An introduction to higher dimensional local fields and adeles 2012 Matthew Morrow
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 4
+ PDF Chat Evolving neural networks with genetic algorithms to study the string landscape 2017 Fabian Ruehle
+ PDF Chat Weil’s converse theorem for Maass forms and cancellation of zeros 2020 Michael Neururer
Thomas Oliver
+ PDF Chat Distinct zeros of functions in the Selberg class 2002 Srinivas Kotyada
+ An extension of Hecke's converse theorem 1995 J. Brian Conrey
David W. Farmer
+ Algebraic Number Theory 1999 JĂźrgen Neukirch
+ Machine learning invariants of arithmetic curves 2022 Yang‐Hui He
Kyu‐Hwan Lee
Thomas Oliver
+ On the Parshin-Beilinson Adeles for schemes 1991 Annette Huber
+ Positivity of certain functions associated with analysis on elliptic surfaces 2011 Masatoshi Suzuki
+ Algebraic geometry and arithmetic curves 2003 Qing Liu
+ Basic Number Theory 1967 AndrĂŠ Weil
+ PDF Chat The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus 1969 Pierre Deligne
D. Mumford
+ �ber eine neue Art von nichtanalytischen automorphen Funktionen und die Bestimmung Dirichlet scher Reihen durch Funktionalgleichungen 1949 Hans Maaß
+ PDF Chat Machine Learning Calabi–Yau Metrics 2020 Anthony Ashmore
Yang‐Hui He
Burt A. Ovrut
+ Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy 1998 Nicholas M. Katz
Peter Sarnak
+ A Polya-Hilbert operator for automorphic L-functions 2001 Anton Deitmar
+ Über die Bestimmung Dirichletscher Reihen durch ihre Funktionalgleichung 1936 E. Hecke
+ A spectral interpretation for the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 2004 Ralf Meyer
+ Two-Dimensional Adelic Analysis and Cuspidal Automorphic Representations of GL(2) 2012 Masatoshi Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Spectral synthesis in some topological vector spaces of functions 2011 Сергей Сергеевич Платонов
+ PDF Chat The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Integration in valued fields 2007 Ehud Hrushovski
David Kazhdan
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Fourier analysis in number fields and Hecke's zeta-functions 1967 John Tate
+ A Survey of the Selberg Class of L-Functions, Part I 2005 Alberto Perelli