Olivier Catoni


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Constant payoff in zero-sum stochastic games 2021 Olivier Catoni
Miquel Oliu-Barton
Bruno Ziliotto
+ PDF Chat Dimension-free PAC-Bayesian bounds for matrices, vectors, and linear least squares regression 2021 Olivier Catoni
Ilaria Giulini
+ New bounds for $k$-means and information $k$-means 2021 Gautier Appert
Olivier Catoni
+ Dimension-free PAC-Bayesian bounds for the estimation of the mean of a random vector 2018 Olivier Catoni
Ilaria Giulini
+ Dimension-free PAC-Bayesian bounds for matrices, vectors, and linear least squares regression 2017 Olivier Catoni
Ilaria Giulini
+ PAC-Bayesian bounds for the Gram matrix and least squares regression with a random design 2016 Olivier Catoni
+ Markov substitute processes : a new model for linguistics and beyond 2016 Olivier Catoni
Thomas Mainguy
+ PAC-Bayesian bounds for the Gram matrix and least squares regression with a random design 2016 Olivier Catoni
+ Comment: Transductive PAC-Bayes Bounds Seen as a Generalization of Vapnik–Chervonenkis Bounds 2015 Olivier Catoni
+ Toric grammars: a new statistical approach to natural language modeling 2013 Olivier Catoni
Thomas Mainguy
+ Challenging the empirical mean and empirical variance: A deviation study 2012 Olivier Catoni
+ Robust linear least squares regression 2011 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ Robust linear regression through PAC-Bayesian truncation 2010 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ Linear regression through PAC-Bayesian truncation 2010 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ Risk bounds in linear regression through PAC-Bayesian truncation 2009 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ High confidence estimates of the mean of heavy-tailed real random variables 2009 Olivier Catoni
+ Chapter 2: Comparing posterior distributions to Gibbs priors 2007 Olivier Catoni
Olivier Catoni
+ PAC-Bayesian inductive and transductive learning 2006 Olivier Catoni
+ Statistical Learning Theory and Stochastic Optimization 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ Improved Vapnik Cervonenkis bounds 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ 5. Randomized estimators and empirical complexity 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ 7. Markov chains with exponential transitions 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat Statistical learning theory and stochastic optimization. Ecole d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXI-2001 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat Improved Vapnik Cervonenkis bounds 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ Statistical learning theory and stochastic optimization : École d'eté de probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXI - 2001 2004 École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour
Olivier Catoni
Jean Picard
+ Estimées de la transformée de Laplace et inégalités de déviation 2003 Olivier Catoni
+ Laplace transform estimates and deviation inequalities 2003 Olivier Catoni
+ The loop erased exit path and the metastability of a biased vote process 2000 Olivier Catoni
Dayue Chen
Jun Xie
+ PDF Chat Simulated annealing algorithms and Markov chains with rare transitions 1999 Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat Piecewise constant triangular cooling schedules for generalized simulated annealing algorithms 1998 Olivier Catoni
Cécile Cot
+ PDF Chat The energy transformation method for the Metropolis algorithm compared with Simulated Annealing 1998 Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat The exit path of a Markov chain with rare transitions 1997 Olivier Catoni
Raphaël Cerf
+ PDF Chat Rough Large Deviation Estimates for Simulated Annealing: Application to Exponential Schedules 1992 Olivier Catoni
+ Etude asymptotique des algorithmes de recuit simule 1990 Olivier Catoni
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Rough large deviation estimates for the optimal convergence speed exponent of generalized simulated annealing algorithms 1996 Alain Trouvé
+ PDF Chat Random Perturbations of Dynamical Systems 1984 Mark Freidlin
Alexander D. Wentzell
+ Challenging the empirical mean and empirical variance: A deviation study 2012 Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat PAC-Bayesian bounds for randomized empirical risk minimizers 2008 Pierre Alquier
+ PDF Chat Rough Large Deviation Estimates for Simulated Annealing: Application to Exponential Schedules 1992 Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat Geometric Bounds for Eigenvalues of Markov Chains 1991 Persi Diaconis
Daniel W. Stroock
+ Optimal Rates of Aggregation 2003 Alexandre B. Tsybakov
+ Aggregating Regression Procedures for a Better Performance 1999 Yuhong Yang
+ PDF Chat Random perturbations of dynamical systems 1997 Michael Blank
+ A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression 2002 László Györfi
Michael Köhler
Adam Krzyżak
Harro Walk
+ Robust linear least squares regression 2011 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat $L^2$ Convergence of Time Nonhomogeneous Markov Processes: I. Spectral Estimates 1994 Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Christian Mazza
+ PDF Chat Sur les problèmes de sortie discrets inhomogènes 1996 Laurent Miclo
+ PDF Chat The exit path of a Markov chain with rare transitions 1997 Olivier Catoni
Raphaël Cerf
+ PDF Chat Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization 2006 Vladimir Koltchinskii
+ PDF Chat Model selection for regression on a fixed design 2000 Yannick Baraud
+ PDF Chat Optimal Rates for the Regularized Least-Squares Algorithm 2006 Andrea Caponnetto
Ernesto De Vito
+ PDF Chat Solving systems of linear equations with a positive definite, symmetric, but possibly ill-conditioned matrix 1955 James D. Riley
+ A method for the solution of certain non-linear problems in least squares 1944 Kenneth Levenberg
+ PDF Chat Local Rademacher complexities 2005 Peter L. Bartlett
Olivier Bousquet
Shahar Mendelson
+ PDF Chat The energy transformation method for the Metropolis algorithm compared with Simulated Annealing 1998 Olivier Catoni
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ Geometric median and robust estimation in Banach spaces 2015 Stanislav Minsker
+ Statistical learning theory and stochastic optimization : École d'eté de probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXI - 2001 2004 École d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour
Olivier Catoni
Jean Picard
+ PDF Chat Robust Estimation of a Location Parameter 1964 Peter J. Huber
+ Asymptotically Minimax Adaptive Estimation. I: Upper Bounds. Optimally Adaptive Estimates 1992 O. V. Lepskii
+ Evolution de l'énergie libre, applications à l'étude de la convergence des algorithmes du recuit simulé 1991 Laurent Miclo
+ PDF Chat Simulated annealing algorithms and Markov chains with rare transitions 1999 Olivier Catoni
+ Dimension-free PAC-Bayesian bounds for the estimation of the mean of a random vector 2018 Olivier Catoni
Ilaria Giulini
+ Application of ridge analysis to regression problems 1962 Arthur E. Hoerl
Arthur E. Hoerl
C. Hoerl
+ On the estimation of the mean of a random vector 2017 Émilien Joly
Gábor Lugosi
Roberto I. Oliveira
+ PDF Chat A Limit Theorem for a Class of Inhomogeneous Markov Processes 1989 Tzuu-Shuh Chiang
Y. K. Chow
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ PDF Chat Model selection in nonparametric regression 2003 Marten Wegkamp
+ PDF Chat Sub-Gaussian estimators of the mean of a random matrix with heavy-tailed entries 2018 Stanislav Minsker
+ PDF Chat Aggregated estimators and empirical complexity for least square regression 2004 Jean-Yves Audibert
+ Statistical Learning Theory and Stochastic Optimization 2004 Olivier Catoni
+ Sur les temps d'occupations des processus de markov finis inhomogènes à basse température 1998 Laurent Miclo
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Top-Down Parsing and Language Modeling 2001 Brian Roark
+ PDF Chat Piecewise constant triangular cooling schedules for generalized simulated annealing algorithms 1998 Olivier Catoni
Cécile Cot
+ Robust linear regression through PAC-Bayesian truncation 2010 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ Singular perturbed Markov chains and exact behaviors of simulated annealing processes 1992 Chii-Ruey Hwang
Shuenn‐Jyi Sheu
+ Metastability of exponentially perturbed Markov chains 1996 Dayue Chen
Jianfeng Feng
Minping Qian
+ PDF Chat The three dimensional polyominoes of minimal area 1996 Laurent Alonso
Raphaël Cerf
+ Metastability of the Three Dimensional Ising Model on a Torus at Very Low Temperatures 1996 Gérard Ben Arous
Raphaël Cerf
+ PDF Chat Risk bounds for model selection via penalization 1999 Andrew R. Barron
Lucien Birgé
Pascal Massart
+ Renormalization group for Markov chains and application to metastability 1993 Elisabetta Scoppola
+ Linear regression through PAC-Bayesian truncation 2010 Jean-Yves Audibert
Olivier Catoni
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure and isoperimetric inequalities in product spaces 1995 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Optimal aggregation of classifiers in statistical learning 2004 A. B. Tsybakov