Isabella Verdinelli


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Feature Importance: A Closer Look at Shapley Values and LOCO 2024 Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Feature Importance: A Closer Look at Shapley Values and LOCO 2023 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Bayesian Adaptive Randomization with Compound Utility Functions 2022 Alessandra Giovagnoli
Isabella Verdinelli
+ Decorrelated Variable Importance 2021 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Decorrelated Variable Importance 2021 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Forest Guided Smoothing 2021 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Decorrelated Variable Importance 2021 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Hybrid Wasserstein distance and fast distribution clustering 2019 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Hybrid Wasserstein Distance and Fast Distribution Clustering 2018 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Analysis of a Mode Clustering Diagram. 2018 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Analysis of a mode clustering diagram 2018 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Hybrid Wasserstein Distance and Fast Distribution Clustering 2018 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Analysis of a Mode Clustering Diagram 2018 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Finding Singular Features 2016 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Finding Singular Features 2016 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Finding Singular Features 2016 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Non-Parametric Inference for Density Modes 2015 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Savage‐Dickey Density Ratio 2014 Isabella Verdinelli
+ Nonparametric ridge estimation 2014 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Nonparametric Inference For Density Modes 2013 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Nonparametric Inference For Density Modes 2013 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Nonparametric Filament Estimation 2012 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Manifold estimation and singular deconvolution under Hausdorff loss 2012 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Minimax manifold estimation 2012 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Nonparametric Filament Estimation 2010 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ The Geometry of Nonparametric Filament Estimation 2010 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Minimax Manifold Estimation 2010 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ The Geometry of Nonparametric Filament Estimation 2010 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ On the path density of a gradient field 2009 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ False Discovery Control for Scan Clustering 2009 Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
+ Scan clustering: A false discovery approach 2007 Marco Perone Pacifico
Christopher R. Genovese
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Savage–Dickey Density Ratio 2005 Isabella Verdinelli
+ PDF Chat Bayes factors for goodness of fit testing 2005 Fulvio Spezzaferri
Isabella Verdinelli
M. Zeppieri
+ False Discovery Control for Random Fields 2004 Marco Perone Pacifico
Christopher R. Genovese
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ False Discovery Rates for Random Fields 2003 Marco Perone Pacifico
Christopher R. Genovese
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat Bayesian goodness-of-fit testing using infinite-dimensional exponential families 1998 Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Computing Bayes Factors Using a Generalization of the Savage-Dickey Density Ratio 1995 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Computing Bayes Factors Using a Generalization of the Savage-Dickey Density Ratio 1995 Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Biased coin designs with a Bayesian bias 1993 Frank Ball
A. F. M. Smith
Isabella Verdinelli
+ Shannon Information and Bayesian Design for Prediction in Accelerated Life-testing 1993 Isabella Verdinelli
Nick Polson
Nozer D. Singpurwalla
+ Bayesian analysis of outlier problems using the Gibbs sampler 1991 Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ PDF Chat [Optimal Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with Controls]: Comment 1988 Alessandra Giovagnoli
Isabella Verdinelli
+ Bayes <i>D</i>-optimal and <i>E</i>-optimal block designs 1983 Alessandra Giovagnoli
Isabella Verdinelli
+ A note on Bayes designs for inference using a hierarchical linear model 1980 A. F. M. Smith
Isabella Verdinelli
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Rates of strong uniform consistency for multivariate kernel density estimators 2002 Evarist Giné
+ PDF Chat Mean shift, mode seeking, and clustering 1995 Yizong Cheng
+ The estimation of the gradient of a density function, with applications in pattern recognition 1975 Keinosuke Fukunaga
L.D. Hostetler
+ Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities 1990 Alan E. Gelfand
A. F. M. Smith
+ Clusters and water flows: a novel approach to modal clustering through Morse theory 2012 José E. Chacón
+ A note on Bayes designs for inference using a hierarchical linear model 1980 A. F. M. Smith
Isabella Verdinelli
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ On the path density of a gradient field 2009 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ On the Estimation of the Gradient Lines of a Density and the Consistency of the Mean-Shift Algorithm 2016 Ery Arias-Castro
David M. Mason
Bruno Pelletier
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Number of Peaks in a Random Field Using the Hadwiger Characteristic of Excursion Sets, with Applications to Medical Images 1995 Keith J. Worsley
+ PDF Chat Measuring Mass Concentrations and Estimating Density Contour Clusters-An Excess Mass Approach 1995 Wolfgang Polonik
+ Bayes Estimates for the Linear Model 1972 D. V. Lindley
A. F. M. Smith
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for general multivariate kernel density derivative estimators 2011 José E. Chacón
Tarn Duong
M. P. Wand
+ Approximate Bayesian Inference with the Weighted Likelihood Bootstrap 1994 Michael A. Newton
Adrian E. Raftery
+ Principal curves with bounded turn 2002 S. Sandilya
Sanjeev R. Kulkarni
+ PDF Chat The Weighted Likelihood Ratio, Linear Hypotheses on Normal Location Parameters 1971 James Dickey
+ Local Maxima and the Expected Euler Characteristic of Excursion Sets of χ 2, F and t Fields 1994 Keith J. Worsley
+ PDF Chat Data-driven density derivative estimation, with applications to nonparametric clustering and bump hunting 2013 José E. Chacón
Tarn Duong
+ Statistics of the Galaxy Distribution 2001 Vicent J. Martı́nez
E. Saar
+ A Population Background for Nonparametric Density-Based Clustering 2015 José E. Chacón
+ On boundary estimation 2004 Antonio Cuevas
Alberto Rodríguez‐Casal
+ Nonparametric ridge estimation 2014 Christopher R. Genovese
Marco Perone-Pacifico
Isabella Verdinelli
L. H. Wasserman
+ Smoothing of Multivariate Data 2009 Jussi KlemelÀ
+ PDF Chat A stochastic process approach to false discovery control 2004 Christopher R. Genovese
Larry Wasserman
+ Kernel estimation of density level sets 2005 Benoı̂t Cadre
+ Detection of Abnormal Behavior Via Nonparametric Estimation of the Support 1980 Luc Devroye
G.L. Wise
+ Global curvature, thickness, and the ideal shapes of knots 1999 O. A. GonzĂĄlez
John H. Maddocks
+ Multivariate plug-in bandwidth selection with unconstrained pilot bandwidth matrices 2009 José E. Chacón
Tarn Duong
+ PDF Chat Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions 1994 Luke Tierney
+ Bayesian Model Choice: Asymptotics and Exact Calculations 1994 Alan E. Gelfand
Dipak K. Dey
+ PDF Chat Multiscale inference about a density 2008 Lutz DĂŒmbgen
GĂŒnther Walther
+ Theory of probability 1939 Harold Jeffreys
R. Bruce Lindsay
+ The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation 1987 Martin A. Tanner
Wing Hung Wong
+ PDF Chat Testing for Non‐Gaussianity in the<i>Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe</i>Data: Minkowski Functionals and the Length of the Skeleton 2004 H. K. Eriksen
D. Novikov
P. B. Lilje
A. J. Banday
K. M. GĂłrski
+ Adaptive estimation of the mode of a multivariate density 2005 Jussi KlemelÀ
+ Importance-Weighted Marginal Bayesian Posterior Density Estimation 1994 Ming‐Hui Chen
Wing Hung Wong
+ The Intrinsic Bayes Factor for Model Selection and Prediction 1996 James O. Berger
Luis R. Pericchi
+ PDF Chat Some Results on False Discovery Rate in Stepwise multiple testing procedures 2002 Sanat K. Sarkar
+ Laws of large numbers for classes of functions 1985 J. E. Yukich
+ Locally Defined Principal Curves and Surfaces 2011 Umut Özertem
Deniz ErdoğmuƟ
+ PDF Chat A Direct Approach to False Discovery Rates 2002 John D. Storey
+ PDF Chat The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency 2001 Yoav Benjamini
Daniel Yekutieli
+ False Discovery Control for Random Fields 2004 Marco Perone Pacifico
Christopher R. Genovese
Isabella Verdinelli
Larry Wasserman
+ Bayes <i>D</i>-optimal and <i>E</i>-optimal block designs 1983 Alessandra Giovagnoli
Isabella Verdinelli
+ PDF Chat Multiple hypotheses testing and expected number of type I. errors 2002 Helmut Finner
Markus Roters
+ PDF Chat Some asymptotics for multimodality tests based on kernel density estimates 1992 Enno Mammen
J. S. Marron
N. I. Fisher
+ Randomization in a bayesian perspective 1990 Joseph B. Kadane
Teddy Seidenfeld
+ PDF Chat Topics in Optimal Transportation 2003 CĂ©dric Villani
+ PDF Chat Geometrizing Rates of Convergence, II 1991 David L. Donoho
Richard C. Liu