Jesús Gil de Lamadrid


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Almost periodic measures 1990 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
L. N. Argabright
+ Extending Positive Definite Linear Forms 1984 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Extending positive definite linear forms 1984 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Fourier analysis of unbounded measures on locally compact abelian groups 1974 L. N. Argabright
Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ Analyse harmonique des mesures non bornees sur les groupes abeliens localement compacts 1972 L. N. Argabright
Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ Determinacy theory for the Livšic moments problem 1971 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Topological modules. Banach algebras, tensor products, algebras of kernels 1967 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Measures and Tensors II 1966 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Uniform cross norms and tensor products of Banach algebras 1965 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Some simple applications of the closed graph theorem 1964 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Uniform cross norms and tensor products of Banach algebras 1963 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ On Finite Dimensional Approximations of Mappings in Banach Spaces 1962 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat On finite dimensional approximations of mappings in Banach spaces 1962 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat Bases of tensor products of Banach spaces 1961 Bernard R. Gelbaum
Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ Completion of Seminormed Spaces and the Daniell Process of Extending an Integral 1960 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ The Set of all Covering Spaces 1959 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
J. P. Jans
+ PDF Chat Topology of mappings and differentiation processes 1959 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat The set of all covering spaces 1959 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
J. P. Jans
+ Note on Connectedness in Topological Rings 1957 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
J. P. Jans
+ PDF Chat Note on connectedness in topological rings 1957 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
J. P. Jans
+ Topology Of Mappings In Locally Convex Topological Vector Spaces, Their Differentiation And Integration, And Application To Gradient Mappings. 1956 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
L. N. Argabright 3
J. P. Jans 2
J. P. Jans 2
Bernard R. Gelbaum 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Produits Tensoriels Topologiques Et Espaces Nucleaires 1966 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ PDF Chat Bases of tensor products of Banach spaces 1961 Bernard R. Gelbaum
Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ A theory of cross-spaces 1950 Robert Schatten
+ PDF Chat Tensor Products of Banach Algebras 1959 Bernard R. Gelbaum
+ Theory of Lie Groups (PMS-8) 1946 Claude Chevalley
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups 1949 Richard G. Cooke
+ Gradient mappings and extrema in Banach spaces 1948 E. H. Rothe
+ PDF Chat Tensor products and related questions 1962 Bernard R. Gelbaum
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Tensor products of commutative Banach algebras 1960 Jun Tomiyama
+ Theory of Lie Groups 1946 Claude Chevalley
+ PDF Chat Mean cross-section measures of harmonic means of convex bodies 1961 William J. Firey
+ PDF Chat Quotient rings of rings with zero singular ideal 1961 R. E. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Relative self-adjoint operators in Hilbert space 1961 Magnus R. Hestenes
+ PDF Chat On the field of rational functions of algebraic groups 1961 Andrzej Białynicki-Birula
+ PDF Chat Extremal spectral functions of a symmetric operator 1964 Richard J. Gilbert
+ PDF Chat Simple paths on convex polyhedra 1961 Tom Brown
+ PDF Chat The wave equation for differential forms 1961 Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat Sequences in groups with distinct partial products 1961 Basil Gordon
+ PDF Chat An imbedding space for Schwartz distributions 1961 Donald E. Myers
+ PDF Chat Applications of the topological method of Ważewski to certain problems of asymptotic behavior in ordinary differential equations 1961 Nelson Onuchic
+ PDF Chat The semicontinuity of the most general integral of the calculus of variations in non-parametric form 1961 Lionello Lombardi
+ Éléments de mathématique 2006 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic estimates for limit circle problems 1961 Charles A. Swanson
+ PDF Chat Primitive algebras with involution 1961 Wallace S. Martindale
+ PDF Chat A note on generalizations of Shannon-McMillan theorem 1961 Shu-Teh Chen Moy
+ PDF Chat High subgroups of Abelian torsion groups 1961 J. Irwin
+ PDF Chat Recent developments in the theory of locally convex vector spaces 1953 Jean Dieudonné
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ PDF Chat A survey of the theory of spectral operators 1958 Nelson Dunford
+ PDF Chat Some congruences for the Bell polynomials 1961 L. Carlitz
+ PDF Chat Game theoretic proof that Chebyshev inequalities are sharp 1961 Albert W. Marshall
Ingram Olkin
+ PDF Chat Completeness and compactness in linear topological spaces 1955 H. S. Collins
+ PDF Chat Extensions of homomorphisms 1961 Paul Civin
+ PDF Chat Groups which have a faithful representation of degree less than (<i>p</i>− 1<i>∕</i>2) 1961 Walter Feit
John F. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Uniform cross norms and tensor products of Banach algebras 1963 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat On extremal properties for annular radial and circular slit mappings of bordered Riemann surfaces 1961 P. Nickel
+ PDF Chat On integration in vector spaces 1938 B. J. Pettis
+ PDF Chat On gradient mappings in Banach spaces 1961 Tsuyoshi Andô
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Fejér 1961 Fu Cheng Hsiang
+ Weak Topologies of Normed Linear Spaces 1940 Leon Alaoglu
+ PDF Chat Uniform cross norms and tensor products of Banach algebras 1965 Jesús Gil de Lamadrid
+ PDF Chat On the representation theory for cylindric algebras 1961 James Donald Monk
+ The Problem of Moments 1943 J. Shohat
J. Tamarkin
+ PDF Chat Distributions sur un groupe localement compact et applications à l'étude des représentations des groupes $p$-adiques 1961 François Bruhat
+ Concrete Representation of Abstract (M)-Spaces (A characterization of the Space of Continuous Functions) 1941 Shizuo Kakutani
+ PDF Chat Sur La Representation Integrale Des Certaines Operations Lineaires. IV Operations Lineaires Sur L'espace <i>L</i><sub>a</sub><sup>p</sup> 1961 Nicolae Dinculeanu
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Sur Les Applications Lineaires Faiblement Compactes D'Espaces Du Type <i>C</i>(<i>K</i>) 1953 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ PDF Chat Weak Compactness and Vector Measures 1955 Robert G. Bartle
Nelson Dunford
J. Schwartz
+ Locally Compact Rings 1948 Irving Kaplansky