Norbert Polat


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On antipodal and diametrical partial cubes 2020 Norbert Polat
+ Peano partial cubes 2019 Norbert Polat
+ Partial cubes with pre-hull number at most 1 2019 Norbert Polat
+ Peano partial cubes 2019 Norbert Polat
+ On some properties of antipodal partial cubes 2018 Norbert Polat
+ On some characterizations of antipodal partial cubes 2018 Norbert Polat
+ On bipartite graphs whose interval space is a closed join space 2017 Norbert Polat
+ Weak geodesic topology and fixed finite subgraph theorems in infinite partial cubes I. Topologies and the geodesic convexity 2011 Norbert Polat
+ Weak geodesic topology and fixed finite subgraph theorems in infinite partial cubes II. Fixed subgraph properties and infinite treelike partial cubes 2011 Norbert Polat
+ Netlike partial cubes, V: Completion and netlike classes 2009 Norbert Polat
+ On the geodesic pre-hull number of a graph 2008 Norbert Polat
Gert Sabidussi
+ Netlike partial cubes, IV: Fixed finite subgraph theorems 2008 Norbert Polat
+ Netlike partial cubes III. The median cycle property 2008 Norbert Polat
+ Netlike partial cubes II. Retracts and netlike subgraphs 2008 Norbert Polat
+ Netlike partial cubes I. General properties 2007 Norbert Polat
+ On geodesic structures of weakly median graphs I. Decomposition and octahedral graphs 2006 Marc Chastand
Norbert Polat
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:math>-Extendable paths in infinite graphs 2005 Norbert Polat
+ Reconstruction of infinite locally finite connected graphs 2003 Marc Chastand
Norbert Polat
+ On dually compact closed classes of graphs and BFS-constructible graphs 2003 Norbert Polat
+ Reconstruction of in"nite locally "nite connected graphs 2003 Marc Chastand
Norbert Polat
+ On isometric subgraphs of infinite bridged graphs and geodesic convexity 2002 Norbert Polat
+ PDF Chat Multi-Faithful Spanning Trees of Infinite Graphs 2001 Norbert Polat
+ PDF Chat End-Faithful Spanning Trees of Countable Graphs with Prescribed Sets of Rays 2001 Norbert Polat
+ Convexity and fixed-point properties in Helly graphs 2001 Norbert Polat
+ On constructible graphs, infinite bridged graphs and weakly cop-win graphs 2000 Marc Chastand
François Laviolette
Norbert Polat
+ On infinite bridged graphs and strongly dismantlable graphs 2000 Norbert Polat
+ Translations and semi-translations in infinite graphs 1999 Norbert Polat
+ Invariant subgraph properties in pseudo-modular graphs 1999 Norbert Polat
+ PDF Chat Minimal Separators 1999 Norbert Polat
+ Graphs without isometric rays and invariant subgraph properties, I 1998 Norbert Polat
+ None 1997 Norbert Polat
+ Finite invariant sets in infinite graphs 1996 Norbert Polat
+ Ends and Multi-endings, II 1996 Norbert Polat
+ Colorings of infinite graphs without one-colored rays 1996 Norbert Polat
+ A Helly theorem for geodesic convexity in strongly dismantlable graphs 1995 Norbert Polat
+ On translations of double rays in graphs 1995 Norbert Polat
Mark E. Watkins
+ Fixed elements of infinite trees 1994 Norbert Polat
Gert Sabidussi
+ Minimax theorems for infinite graphs with the ends as ideal points 1994 Norbert Polat
+ Finite invariant simplices in infinite graphs 1993 Norbert Polat
+ Similarity and asymmetrization of trees 1992 Norbert Polat
+ Asymmetrising sets in trees 1991 Norbert Polat
Gert Sabidussi
+ Asymmetrization of infinite trees 1991 Norbert Polat
+ A mengerian theorem for infinite graphs with ideal points 1991 Norbert Polat
+ Topological Aspects of Infinite Graphs 1990 Norbert Polat
+ A compactness theorem for perfect matchings in matroids 1988 Péter Komjáth
E. C. Milner
Norbert Polat
+ A compactness theorem for perfect matchings in matroids 1987 Péter Komjáth
E. C. Milner
Norbert Polat
+ A compactness result for perfect matchings 1987 Norbert Polat
+ Sur une Extension du Théorème de Menger aux Graphes Infinis 1983 Norbert Polat
+ Couplages et transversaux généralisés d'un hypergraphe infini 1982 Norbert Polat
+ Sous-graphes traçables des graphes infinis 1982 Norbert Polat
+ Aspects topologiques de la s�paration dans les graphes infinis. II 1979 Norbert Polat
+ Aspects topologiques de la s�paration dans les graphes infinis. I 1979 Norbert Polat
+ PDF Chat Treillis de Séparation des Graphes 1976 Norbert Polat
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Theory of Convex Structures 1993 Van de Vel
+ On compact median graphs 1996 Claude Tardif
+ Aspects topologiques de la s�paration dans les graphes infinis. I 1979 Norbert Polat
+ Ends and Multi-endings, II 1996 Norbert Polat
+ Développements terminaux des graphes infinis I. Arbres maximaux coterminaux 1982 Par Norbert Polat
+ Netlike partial cubes I. General properties 2007 Norbert Polat
+ On the geodesic pre-hull number of a graph 2008 Norbert Polat
Gert Sabidussi
+ Die Maximalzahl fremder zweiseitig unendlicher Wege in Graphen 1970 R. Halin
+ Netlike partial cubes II. Retracts and netlike subgraphs 2008 Norbert Polat
+ Fixed elements of infinite trees 1994 Norbert Polat
Gert Sabidussi
+ A note on Menger's theorem for infinite locally finite graphs 1974 R. Halin
+ Isometric subgraphs of Hamming graphs and d-convexity 1988 Victor Chepoi
+ Invariant subgraph properties in pseudo-modular graphs 1999 Norbert Polat
+ Graphs without isometric rays and invariant subgraph properties, I 1998 Norbert Polat
+ PDF Chat Centrally symmetric graphs 1968 Anton Kotzig
+ Decomposition of Graphs Into Closed and Endless Chains 1960 C. St. J. A. Nash‐Williams
+ Handbook of Product Graphs 2011 Richard H. Hammack
Wilfried Imrich
Sandi Klavžar
+ On bridged graphs and cop-win graphs 1988 R.P. Anstee
Michael Färber
+ Superextensions and the depth of median graphs 1991 H.-J. Bandelt
M. van de Vel
+ Separation of two convex sets in convexity structures 1994 Victor Chepoi
+ Gated sets in metric spaces 1987 Andreas Dress
Rudolf Scharlau
+ Automorphisms and endomorphisms of infinite locally finite graphs 1973 R. Halin
+ Développments terminaux des graphes infinis III. Arbres maximaux sans rayon, cardinalité maximum des ensembles disjoints de rayons 1984 Par Norbert Polat
+ Topological Aspects of Infinite Graphs 1990 Norbert Polat
+ Netlike partial cubes, IV: Fixed finite subgraph theorems 2008 Norbert Polat
+ Remark on the graphs with a central symmetry 1970 Ferdinand Glivjak
Anton Kotzig
J�n Plesnik
+ On partial cubes and graphs with convex intervals 2002 Boštjan Brešar
Sandi Klavžar
+ PDF Chat The lattice dimension of a graph 2004 David Eppstein
+ PDF Chat Partial Cubes and Crossing Graphs 2002 Sandi Klavžar
Henry Martyn Mulder
+ PDF Chat Tree-like isometric subgraphs of hypercubes 2003 Boštjan Brešar
Wilfried Imrich
Sandi Klavžar
+ On local convexity in graphs 1987 Martin Farber
Robert E. Jamison
+ Isometric embedding of a graph in a Boolean cube 1965 V. V. Firsov
+ Translations and semi-translations in infinite graphs 1999 Norbert Polat
+ PDF Chat Even graphs 1986 F. Göbel
H.J. Veldman
+ On Even and Harmonic-Even Partial Cubes. 2009 Sandi Klavžar
Matjaž Kovše
+ There are no finite partial cubes of girth more than 6 and minimum degree at least 3 2016 Tilen Marc
+ Partial cubes: structures, characterizations, and constructions 2007 Sergeĭ Ovchinnikov
+ Conditions for invariance of set diameters under d-convexification in a graph 1984 Valeriu Soltan
Victor Chepoi
+ On constructible graphs, infinite bridged graphs and weakly cop-win graphs 2000 Marc Chastand
François Laviolette
Norbert Polat
+ Fixed-edge theorem for graphs with loops 1979 Richard J. Nowakowski
Ivan Rival
+ Graphs Without Dead Ends 1996 Gert Sabidussi
+ On infinite bridged graphs and strongly dismantlable graphs 2000 Norbert Polat
+ Partial cubes as subdivision graphs and as generalized Petersen graphs 2003 Sandi Klavžar
Alenka Lipovec
+ A canonical decomposition theory for metrics on a finite set 1992 Hans‐Jürgen Bandelt
Andreas Dress
+ None 1997 Norbert Polat
+ Some results on ends and automorphisms of graphs 1991 H. A. Jung
+ PDF Chat Reconstructing infinite graphs 1974 J. A. Bondy
Robert L. Hemminger
+ Reconstructing 1-coherent locally finite trees 1978 Carsten Thomassen
+ On cop-win graphs 2002 Geňa Hahn
François Laviolette
Norbert Sauer
Robert Woodrow
+ A compactness result for perfect matchings 1987 Norbert Polat